path: root/src/corelib/tools
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1 files changed, 144 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp b/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp
index 6430e2c8bc..97bcd58c40 100644
--- a/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp
+++ b/src/corelib/tools/qdatetime.cpp
@@ -330,11 +330,16 @@ bool QDate::isValid() const
Returns the year of this date. Negative numbers indicate years
before 1 A.D. = 1 C.E., such that year -44 is 44 B.C.
+ Returns 0 if the date is invalid.
\sa month(), day()
int QDate::year() const
+ if (isNull())
+ return 0;
int y;
getDateFromJulianDay(jd, &y, 0, 0);
return y;
@@ -359,11 +364,16 @@ int QDate::year() const
\i 12 = "December"
+ Returns 0 if the date is invalid.
\sa year(), day()
int QDate::month() const
+ if (isNull())
+ return 0;
int m;
getDateFromJulianDay(jd, 0, &m, 0);
return m;
@@ -372,11 +382,16 @@ int QDate::month() const
Returns the day of the month (1 to 31) of this date.
+ Returns 0 if the date is invalid.
\sa year(), month(), dayOfWeek()
int QDate::day() const
+ if (isNull())
+ return 0;
int d;
getDateFromJulianDay(jd, 0, 0, &d);
return d;
@@ -385,11 +400,16 @@ int QDate::day() const
Returns the weekday (1 to 7) for this date.
+ Returns 0 if the date is invalid.
\sa day(), dayOfYear(), Qt::DayOfWeek
int QDate::dayOfWeek() const
+ if (isNull())
+ return 0;
return (jd % 7) + 1;
@@ -397,26 +417,38 @@ int QDate::dayOfWeek() const
Returns the day of the year (1 to 365 or 366 on leap years) for
this date.
+ Returns 0 if the date is invalid.
\sa day(), dayOfWeek()
int QDate::dayOfYear() const
+ if (isNull())
+ return 0;
return jd - julianDayFromDate(year(), 1, 1) + 1;
Returns the number of days in the month (28 to 31) for this date.
+ Returns 0 if the date is invalid.
\sa day(), daysInYear()
int QDate::daysInMonth() const
- int y, m, d;
- getDateFromJulianDay(jd, &y, &m, &d);
+ if (isNull())
+ return 0;
+ int y, m;
+ getDateFromJulianDay(jd, &y, &m, 0);
if (m == 2 && isLeapYear(y))
return 29;
+ else if (m < 1 || m > 12)
+ return 0;
return monthDays[m];
@@ -424,13 +456,18 @@ int QDate::daysInMonth() const
Returns the number of days in the year (365 or 366) for this date.
+ Returns 0 if the date is invalid.
\sa day(), daysInMonth()
int QDate::daysInYear() const
- int y, m, d;
- getDateFromJulianDay(jd, &y, &m, &d);
+ if (isNull())
+ return 0;
+ int y;
+ getDateFromJulianDay(jd, &y, 0, 0);
return isLeapYear(y) ? 366 : 365;
@@ -542,14 +579,16 @@ int QDate::weekNumber(int *yearNumber) const
The month names will be localized according to the system's locale
+ Returns an empty string if the date is invalid.
\sa toString(), longMonthName(), shortDayName(), longDayName()
QString QDate::shortMonthName(int month, QDate::MonthNameType type)
- if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
- month = 1;
- }
+ if (month < 1 || month > 12)
+ return QString();
switch (type) {
case QDate::DateFormat:
return QLocale::system().monthName(month, QLocale::ShortFormat);
@@ -587,14 +626,16 @@ QString QDate::shortMonthName(int month, QDate::MonthNameType type)
The month names will be localized according to the system's locale
+ Returns an empty string if the date is invalid.
\sa toString(), shortMonthName(), shortDayName(), longDayName()
QString QDate::longMonthName(int month, MonthNameType type)
- if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
- month = 1;
- }
+ if (month < 1 || month > 12)
+ return QString();
switch (type) {
case QDate::DateFormat:
return QLocale::system().monthName(month, QLocale::LongFormat);
@@ -627,14 +668,16 @@ QString QDate::longMonthName(int month, MonthNameType type)
The day names will be localized according to the system's locale
+ Returns an empty string if the date is invalid.
\sa toString(), shortMonthName(), longMonthName(), longDayName()
QString QDate::shortDayName(int weekday, MonthNameType type)
- if (weekday < 1 || weekday > 7) {
- weekday = 1;
- }
+ if (weekday < 1 || weekday > 7)
+ return QString();
switch (type) {
case QDate::DateFormat:
return QLocale::system().dayName(weekday, QLocale::ShortFormat);
@@ -667,14 +710,16 @@ QString QDate::shortDayName(int weekday, MonthNameType type)
The day names will be localized according to the system's locale
+ Returns an empty string if the date is invalid.
\sa toString(), shortDayName(), shortMonthName(), longMonthName()
QString QDate::longDayName(int weekday, MonthNameType type)
- if (weekday < 1 || weekday > 7) {
- weekday = 1;
- }
+ if (weekday < 1 || weekday > 7)
+ return QString();
switch (type) {
case QDate::DateFormat:
return QLocale::system().dayName(weekday, QLocale::LongFormat);
@@ -872,22 +917,39 @@ bool QDate::setDate(int year, int month, int day)
Extracts the date's year, month, and day, and assigns them to
*\a year, *\a month, and *\a day. The pointers may be null.
+ Returns 0 if the date is invalid.
\sa year(), month(), day(), isValid()
void QDate::getDate(int *year, int *month, int *day)
- getDateFromJulianDay(jd, year, month, day);
+ if (isValid()) {
+ getDateFromJulianDay(jd, year, month, day);
+ } else {
+ if (year)
+ *year = 0;
+ if (month)
+ *month = 0;
+ if (day)
+ *day = 0;
+ }
Returns a QDate object containing a date \a ndays later than the
date of this object (or earlier if \a ndays is negative).
+ Returns a null date if the current date is invalid or the new date is
+ out-of-range.
\sa addMonths() addYears() daysTo()
QDate QDate::addDays(int ndays) const
+ if (isNull())
+ return QDate();
QDate d;
// this is basically "d.jd = jd + ndays" with checks for integer overflow
if (ndays >= 0)
@@ -1002,6 +1064,8 @@ QDate QDate::addYears(int nyears) const
Returns the number of days from this date to \a d (which is
negative if \a d is earlier than this date).
+ Returns 0 if either date is invalid.
\snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_corelib_tools_qdatetime.cpp 0
@@ -1010,6 +1074,9 @@ QDate QDate::addYears(int nyears) const
int QDate::daysTo(const QDate &d) const
+ if (isNull() || d.isNull())
+ return 0;
return d.jd - jd;
@@ -1394,44 +1461,64 @@ bool QTime::isValid() const
Returns the hour part (0 to 23) of the time.
+ Returns -1 if the time is invalid.
\sa minute(), second(), msec()
int QTime::hour() const
+ if (!isValid())
+ return -1;
return ds() / MSECS_PER_HOUR;
Returns the minute part (0 to 59) of the time.
+ Returns -1 if the time is invalid.
\sa hour(), second(), msec()
int QTime::minute() const
+ if (!isValid())
+ return -1;
return (ds() % MSECS_PER_HOUR) / MSECS_PER_MIN;
Returns the second part (0 to 59) of the time.
+ Returns -1 if the time is invalid.
\sa hour(), minute(), msec()
int QTime::second() const
+ if (!isValid())
+ return -1;
return (ds() / 1000)%SECS_PER_MIN;
Returns the millisecond part (0 to 999) of the time.
+ Returns -1 if the time is invalid.
\sa hour(), minute(), second()
int QTime::msec() const
+ if (!isValid())
+ return -1;
return ds() % 1000;
@@ -1579,6 +1666,8 @@ bool QTime::setHMS(int h, int m, int s, int ms)
Note that the time will wrap if it passes midnight.
+ Returns a null time if this time is invalid.
\snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_corelib_tools_qdatetime.cpp 5
@@ -1601,11 +1690,16 @@ QTime QTime::addSecs(int s) const
secsTo() does not take into account any milliseconds.
+ Returns 0 if either time is invalid.
\sa addSecs(), QDateTime::secsTo()
int QTime::secsTo(const QTime &t) const
+ if (!isValid() || !t.isValid())
+ return 0;
return (t.ds() - ds()) / 1000;
@@ -1616,18 +1710,22 @@ int QTime::secsTo(const QTime &t) const
Note that the time will wrap if it passes midnight. See addSecs()
for an example.
+ Returns a null time if this time is invalid.
\sa addSecs(), msecsTo(), QDateTime::addMSecs()
QTime QTime::addMSecs(int ms) const
QTime t;
- if (ms < 0) {
- // % not well-defined for -ve, but / is.
- int negdays = (MSECS_PER_DAY - ms) / MSECS_PER_DAY;
- t.mds = (ds() + ms + negdays * MSECS_PER_DAY) % MSECS_PER_DAY;
- } else {
- t.mds = (ds() + ms) % MSECS_PER_DAY;
+ if (isValid()) {
+ if (ms < 0) {
+ // % not well-defined for -ve, but / is.
+ int negdays = (MSECS_PER_DAY - ms) / MSECS_PER_DAY;
+ t.mds = (ds() + ms + negdays * MSECS_PER_DAY) % MSECS_PER_DAY;
+ } else {
+ t.mds = (ds() + ms) % MSECS_PER_DAY;
+ }
#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
if (startTick > NullTime)
@@ -1645,11 +1743,15 @@ QTime QTime::addMSecs(int ms) const
seconds in a day, the result is always between -86400000 and
86400000 ms.
+ Returns 0 if either time is invalid.
\sa secsTo(), addMSecs(), QDateTime::msecsTo()
int QTime::msecsTo(const QTime &t) const
+ if (!isValid() || !t.isValid())
+ return 0;
#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
// GetLocalTime() for Windows CE has no milliseconds resolution
if (t.startTick > NullTime && startTick > NullTime)
@@ -2260,7 +2362,7 @@ qint64 QDateTime::toMSecsSinceEpoch() const
QTime utcTime;
d->getUTC(utcDate, utcTime);
- return toMSecsSinceEpoch_helper(utcDate.jd, utcTime.ds());
+ return toMSecsSinceEpoch_helper(utcDate.toJulianDay(), QTime(0, 0, 0).msecsTo(utcTime));
@@ -2322,7 +2424,7 @@ void QDateTime::setMSecsSinceEpoch(qint64 msecs)
d->date = QDate(1970, 1, 1).addDays(ddays);
- d->time = QTime().addMSecs(msecs);
+ d->time = QTime(0, 0, 0).addMSecs(msecs);
d->spec = QDateTimePrivate::UTC;
if (oldSpec != QDateTimePrivate::UTC)
@@ -2347,7 +2449,7 @@ void QDateTime::setTime_t(uint secsSince1Jan1970UTC)
QDateTimePrivate::Spec oldSpec = d->spec;
d->date = QDate(1970, 1, 1).addDays(secsSince1Jan1970UTC / SECS_PER_DAY);
- d->time = QTime().addSecs(secsSince1Jan1970UTC % SECS_PER_DAY);
+ d->time = QTime(0, 0, 0).addSecs(secsSince1Jan1970UTC % SECS_PER_DAY);
d->spec = QDateTimePrivate::UTC;
if (oldSpec != QDateTimePrivate::UTC)
@@ -2605,8 +2707,8 @@ QDateTime QDateTimePrivate::addMSecs(const QDateTime &dt, qint64 msecs)
void QDateTimePrivate::addMSecs(QDate &utcDate, QTime &utcTime, qint64 msecs)
- uint dd = utcDate.jd;
- int tt = utcTime.ds();
+ int dd = utcDate.toJulianDay();
+ int tt = QTime(0, 0, 0).msecsTo(utcTime);
int sign = 1;
if (msecs < 0) {
msecs = -msecs;
@@ -2628,8 +2730,8 @@ void QDateTimePrivate::addMSecs(QDate &utcDate, QTime &utcTime, qint64 msecs)
tt = tt % MSECS_PER_DAY;
- utcDate.jd = dd;
- utcTime.mds = tt;
+ utcDate = QDate::fromJulianDay(dd);
+ utcTime = QTime(0, 0, 0).addMSecs(tt);
@@ -2679,6 +2781,8 @@ int QDateTime::daysTo(const QDateTime &other) const
to Qt::UTC to ensure that the result is correct if one of the two
datetimes has daylight saving time (DST) and the other doesn't.
+ Returns 0 if either time is invalid.
\snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_corelib_tools_qdatetime.cpp 11
@@ -2687,6 +2791,9 @@ int QDateTime::daysTo(const QDateTime &other) const
int QDateTime::secsTo(const QDateTime &other) const
+ if (!isValid() || !other.isValid())
+ return 0;
QDate date1, date2;
QTime time1, time2;
@@ -2705,11 +2812,16 @@ int QDateTime::secsTo(const QDateTime &other) const
to Qt::UTC to ensure that the result is correct if one of the two
datetimes has daylight saving time (DST) and the other doesn't.
+ Returns 0 if either time is null.
\sa addMSecs(), daysTo(), QTime::msecsTo()
qint64 QDateTime::msecsTo(const QDateTime &other) const
+ if (!isValid() || !other.isValid())
+ return 0;
QDate selfDate;
QDate otherDate;
QTime selfTime;
@@ -2873,7 +2985,7 @@ QTime QTime::currentTime()
memset(&st, 0, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME));
- ct.mds = msecsFromDecomposed(st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds);
+ ct.setHMS(st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds);
#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
ct.startTick = GetTickCount() % MSECS_PER_DAY;
@@ -3780,7 +3892,7 @@ static QDateTimePrivate::Spec utcToLocal(QDate &date, QTime &time)
QDate fakeDate = adjustDate(date);
// won't overflow because of fakeDate
- time_t secsSince1Jan1970UTC = toMSecsSinceEpoch_helper(fakeDate.toJulianDay(), QTime().msecsTo(time)) / 1000;
+ time_t secsSince1Jan1970UTC = toMSecsSinceEpoch_helper(fakeDate.toJulianDay(), QTime(0, 0, 0).msecsTo(time)) / 1000;
tm *brokenDown = 0;
#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)