path: root/src/gui/platform/unix/qtx11extras.cpp
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diff --git a/src/gui/platform/unix/qtx11extras.cpp b/src/gui/platform/unix/qtx11extras.cpp
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+++ b/src/gui/platform/unix/qtx11extras.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// Copyright (C) 2016 Richard Moore <>
+// Copyright (C) 2016 David Faure <>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qtx11extras_p.h"
+#include <qpa/qplatformnativeinterface.h>
+#include <qpa/qplatformwindow.h>
+#include <qpa/qplatformscreen_p.h>
+#include <qpa/qplatformscreen.h>
+#include <qscreen.h>
+#include <qwindow.h>
+#include <qguiapplication.h>
+#include <xcb/xcb.h>
+#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+static QScreen *findScreenForVirtualDesktop(int virtualDesktopNumber)
+ const auto screens = QGuiApplication::screens();
+ for (QScreen *screen : screens) {
+ auto *qxcbScreen = dynamic_cast<QNativeInterface::Private::QXcbScreen *>(screen->handle());
+ if (qxcbScreen && qxcbScreen->virtualDesktopNumber() == virtualDesktopNumber)
+ return screen;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ \class QX11Info
+ \inmodule QtGui
+ \since 6.2
+ \internal
+ \brief Provides information about the X display configuration.
+ The class provides two APIs: a set of non-static functions that
+ provide information about a specific widget or pixmap, and a set
+ of static functions that provide the default information for the
+ application.
+ \warning This class is only available on X11. For querying
+ per-screen information in a portable way, use QScreen.
+ Constructs an empty QX11Info object.
+ Returns true if the application is currently running on X11.
+ \since 6.2
+ */
+bool QX11Info::isPlatformX11()
+ return QGuiApplication::platformName() == "xcb"_L1;
+ Returns the horizontal resolution of the given \a screen in terms of the
+ number of dots per inch.
+ The \a screen argument is an X screen number. Be aware that if
+ the user's system uses Xinerama (as opposed to traditional X11
+ multiscreen), there is only one X screen. Use QScreen to
+ query for information about Xinerama screens.
+ \sa appDpiY()
+int QX11Info::appDpiX(int screen)
+ if (screen == -1) {
+ const QScreen *scr = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
+ if (!scr)
+ return 75;
+ return qRound(scr->logicalDotsPerInchX());
+ }
+ QScreen *scr = findScreenForVirtualDesktop(screen);
+ if (!scr)
+ return 0;
+ return scr->logicalDotsPerInchX();
+ Returns the vertical resolution of the given \a screen in terms of the
+ number of dots per inch.
+ The \a screen argument is an X screen number. Be aware that if
+ the user's system uses Xinerama (as opposed to traditional X11
+ multiscreen), there is only one X screen. Use QScreen to
+ query for information about Xinerama screens.
+ \sa appDpiX()
+int QX11Info::appDpiY(int screen)
+ if (screen == -1) {
+ const QScreen *scr = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
+ if (!scr)
+ return 75;
+ return qRound(scr->logicalDotsPerInchY());
+ }
+ QScreen *scr = findScreenForVirtualDesktop(screen);
+ if (!scr)
+ return 0;
+ return scr->logicalDotsPerInchY();
+ Returns a handle for the applications root window on the given \a screen.
+ The \a screen argument is an X screen number. Be aware that if
+ the user's system uses Xinerama (as opposed to traditional X11
+ multiscreen), there is only one X screen. Use QScreen to
+ query for information about Xinerama screens.
+quint32 QX11Info::appRootWindow(int screen)
+ if (!qApp)
+ return 0;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return 0;
+ QScreen *scr = screen == -1 ? QGuiApplication::primaryScreen() : findScreenForVirtualDesktop(screen);
+ if (!scr)
+ return 0;
+ return static_cast<xcb_window_t>(reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(native->nativeResourceForScreen(QByteArrayLiteral("rootwindow"), scr)));
+ Returns the number of the screen where the application is being
+ displayed.
+ This method refers to screens in the original X11 meaning with a
+ different DISPLAY environment variable per screen.
+ This information is only useful if your application needs to know
+ on which X screen it is running.
+ In a typical multi-head configuration, multiple physical monitors
+ are combined in one X11 screen. This means this method returns the
+ same number for each of the physical monitors. In such a setup you
+ are interested in the monitor information as provided by the X11
+ RandR extension. This is available through QScreen.
+ \sa display()
+int QX11Info::appScreen()
+ if (!qApp)
+ return 0;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return 0;
+ return reinterpret_cast<qintptr>(native->nativeResourceForIntegration(QByteArrayLiteral("x11screen")));
+ Returns the X11 time.
+ \sa setAppTime(), appUserTime()
+quint32 QX11Info::appTime()
+ if (!qApp)
+ return 0;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return 0;
+ QScreen* screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
+ return static_cast<xcb_timestamp_t>(reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(native->nativeResourceForScreen("apptime", screen)));
+ Returns the X11 user time.
+ \sa setAppUserTime(), appTime()
+quint32 QX11Info::appUserTime()
+ if (!qApp)
+ return 0;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return 0;
+ QScreen* screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
+ return static_cast<xcb_timestamp_t>(reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(native->nativeResourceForScreen("appusertime", screen)));
+ Sets the X11 time to the value specified by \a time.
+ \sa appTime(), setAppUserTime()
+void QX11Info::setAppTime(quint32 time)
+ if (!qApp)
+ return;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return;
+ typedef void (*SetAppTimeFunc)(QScreen *, xcb_timestamp_t);
+ QScreen* screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
+ SetAppTimeFunc func = reinterpret_cast<SetAppTimeFunc>(reinterpret_cast<void *>(native->nativeResourceFunctionForScreen("setapptime")));
+ if (func)
+ func(screen, time);
+ else
+ qWarning("Internal error: QPA plugin doesn't implement setAppTime");
+ Sets the X11 user time as specified by \a time.
+ \sa appUserTime(), setAppTime()
+void QX11Info::setAppUserTime(quint32 time)
+ if (!qApp)
+ return;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return;
+ typedef void (*SetAppUserTimeFunc)(QScreen *, xcb_timestamp_t);
+ QScreen* screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
+ SetAppUserTimeFunc func = reinterpret_cast<SetAppUserTimeFunc>(reinterpret_cast<void *>(native->nativeResourceFunctionForScreen("setappusertime")));
+ if (func)
+ func(screen, time);
+ else
+ qWarning("Internal error: QPA plugin doesn't implement setAppUserTime");
+ Fetches the current X11 time stamp from the X Server.
+ This method creates a property notify event and blocks till it is
+ received back from the X Server.
+quint32 QX11Info::getTimestamp()
+ if (!qApp)
+ return 0;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return 0;
+ QScreen* screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
+ return static_cast<xcb_timestamp_t>(reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(native->nativeResourceForScreen("gettimestamp", screen)));
+ Returns the startup ID that will be used for the next window to be shown by this process.
+ After the next window is shown, the next startup ID will be empty.
+ \sa setNextStartupId()
+QByteArray QX11Info::nextStartupId()
+ if (!qApp)
+ return QByteArray();
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return QByteArray();
+ return static_cast<char *>(native->nativeResourceForIntegration("startupid"));
+ Sets the next startup ID to \a id.
+ This is the startup ID that will be used for the next window to be shown by this process.
+ The startup ID of the first window comes from the environment variable DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID.
+ This method is useful for subsequent windows, when the request comes from another process
+ (e.g. via DBus).
+ \sa nextStartupId()
+void QX11Info::setNextStartupId(const QByteArray &id)
+ if (!qApp)
+ return;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return;
+ typedef void (*SetStartupIdFunc)(const char*);
+ SetStartupIdFunc func = reinterpret_cast<SetStartupIdFunc>(reinterpret_cast<void *>(native->nativeResourceFunctionForIntegration("setstartupid")));
+ if (func)
+ func(id.constData());
+ else
+ qWarning("Internal error: QPA plugin doesn't implement setStartupId");
+ Returns the default display for the application.
+ \sa appScreen()
+Display *QX11Info::display()
+ if (!qApp)
+ return nullptr;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return nullptr;
+ void *display = native->nativeResourceForIntegration(QByteArray("display"));
+ return reinterpret_cast<Display *>(display);
+ Returns the default XCB connection for the application.
+ \sa display()
+xcb_connection_t *QX11Info::connection()
+ if (!qApp)
+ return nullptr;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return nullptr;
+ void *connection = native->nativeResourceForIntegration(QByteArray("connection"));
+ return reinterpret_cast<xcb_connection_t *>(connection);
+ Returns true if there is a compositing manager running for the connection
+ attached to \a screen.
+ If \a screen equals -1, the application's primary screen is used.
+bool QX11Info::isCompositingManagerRunning(int screen)
+ if (!qApp)
+ return false;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return false;
+ QScreen *scr = screen == -1 ? QGuiApplication::primaryScreen() : findScreenForVirtualDesktop(screen);
+ if (!scr) {
+ qWarning() << "isCompositingManagerRunning: Could not find screen number" << screen;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return native->nativeResourceForScreen(QByteArray("compositingEnabled"), scr);
+ Returns a new peeker id or -1 if some internal error has occurred.
+ Each peeker id is associated with an index in the buffered native
+ event queue.
+ For more details see QX11Info::PeekOption and peekEventQueue().
+ \sa peekEventQueue(), removePeekerId()
+qint32 QX11Info::generatePeekerId()
+ if (!qApp)
+ return -1;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return -1;
+ typedef qint32 (*GeneratePeekerIdFunc)(void);
+ GeneratePeekerIdFunc generatepeekerid = reinterpret_cast<GeneratePeekerIdFunc>(
+ reinterpret_cast<void *>(native->nativeResourceFunctionForIntegration("generatepeekerid")));
+ if (!generatepeekerid) {
+ qWarning("Internal error: QPA plugin doesn't implement generatePeekerId");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return generatepeekerid();
+ Removes \a peekerId, which was earlier obtained via generatePeekerId().
+ Returns \c true on success or \c false if unknown peeker id was
+ provided or some internal error has occurred.
+ \sa generatePeekerId()
+bool QX11Info::removePeekerId(qint32 peekerId)
+ if (!qApp)
+ return false;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return false;
+ typedef bool (*RemovePeekerIdFunc)(qint32);
+ RemovePeekerIdFunc removePeekerId = reinterpret_cast<RemovePeekerIdFunc>(
+ reinterpret_cast<void *>(native->nativeResourceFunctionForIntegration("removepeekerid")));
+ if (!removePeekerId) {
+ qWarning("Internal error: QPA plugin doesn't implement removePeekerId");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return removePeekerId(peekerId);
+ \enum QX11Info::PeekOption
+ \brief An enum to tune the behavior of QX11Info::peekEventQueue().
+ \value PeekDefault
+ Peek from the beginning of the buffered native event queue. A peeker
+ id is optional with PeekDefault. If a peeker id is provided to
+ peekEventQueue() when using PeekDefault, then peeking starts from
+ the beginning of the queue, not from the cached index; thus, this
+ can be used to manually reset a cached index to peek from the start
+ of the queue. When this operation completes, the associated index
+ will be updated to the new position in the queue.
+ \value PeekFromCachedIndex
+ QX11Info::peekEventQueue() can optimize the peeking algorithm by
+ skipping events that it already has seen in earlier calls to
+ peekEventQueue(). When control returns to the main event loop,
+ which causes the buffered native event queue to be flushed to Qt's
+ event queue, the cached indices are marked invalid and will be
+ reset on the next access. The same is true if the program
+ explicitly flushes the buffered native event queue by
+ QCoreApplication::processEvents().
+ \typedef QX11Info::PeekerCallback
+ Typedef for a pointer to a function with the following signature:
+ \code
+ bool (*PeekerCallback)(xcb_generic_event_t *event, void *peekerData);
+ \endcode
+ The \a event is a native XCB event.
+ The \a peekerData is a pointer to data, passed in via peekEventQueue().
+ Return \c true from this function to stop examining the buffered
+ native event queue or \c false to continue.
+ \note A non-capturing lambda can serve as a PeekerCallback.
+ \brief Peek into the buffered XCB event queue.
+ You can call peekEventQueue() periodically, when your program is busy
+ performing a long-running operation, to peek into the buffered native
+ event queue. The more time the long-running operation blocks the
+ program from returning control to the main event loop, the more
+ events will accumulate in the buffered XCB event queue. Once control
+ returns to the main event loop these events will be flushed to Qt's
+ event queue, which is a separate event queue from the queue this
+ function is peeking into.
+ \note It is usually better to run CPU-intensive operations in a
+ non-GUI thread, instead of blocking the main event loop.
+ The buffered XCB event queue is populated from a non-GUI thread and
+ therefore might be ahead of the current GUI state. To handle native
+ events as they are processed by the GUI thread, see
+ QAbstractNativeEventFilter::nativeEventFilter().
+ The \a peeker is a callback function as documented in PeekerCallback.
+ The \a peekerData can be used to pass in arbitrary data to the \a
+ peeker callback.
+ The \a option is an enum that tunes the behavior of peekEventQueue().
+ The \a peekerId is used to track an index in the queue, for more
+ details see QX11Info::PeekOption. There can be several indices,
+ each tracked individually by a peeker id obtained via generatePeekerId().
+ This function returns \c true when the peeker has stopped the event
+ proccesing by returning \c true from the callback. If there were no
+ events in the buffered native event queue to peek at or all the
+ events have been processed by the peeker, this function returns \c
+ false.
+ \sa generatePeekerId(), QAbstractNativeEventFilter::nativeEventFilter()
+bool QX11Info::peekEventQueue(PeekerCallback peeker, void *peekerData, PeekOptions option,
+ qint32 peekerId)
+ if (!peeker || !qApp)
+ return false;
+ QPlatformNativeInterface *native = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
+ if (!native)
+ return false;
+ typedef bool (*PeekEventQueueFunc)(PeekerCallback, void *, PeekOptions, qint32);
+ PeekEventQueueFunc peekeventqueue = reinterpret_cast<PeekEventQueueFunc>(
+ reinterpret_cast<void *>(native->nativeResourceFunctionForIntegration("peekeventqueue")));
+ if (!peekeventqueue) {
+ qWarning("Internal error: QPA plugin doesn't implement peekEventQueue");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return peekeventqueue(peeker, peekerData, option, peekerId);