path: root/src/gui/rhi/qrhi.cpp
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diff --git a/src/gui/rhi/qrhi.cpp b/src/gui/rhi/qrhi.cpp
index 52ceb38f3d..4b07f4c346 100644
--- a/src/gui/rhi/qrhi.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/rhi/qrhi.cpp
@@ -453,6 +453,19 @@ Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(QRHI_LOG_INFO, "qt.rhi.general")
possible to decide if an adapter/device is software-based, this flag is
ignored. It may also be ignored with graphics APIs that have no concept and
means of enumerating adapters/devices.
+ \value EnablePipelineCacheDataSave Enables retrieving the pipeline cache
+ contents, where applicable. When not set, pipelineCacheData() will return
+ an empty blob always. Opting in is relevant in particular with backends
+ where additional, potentially time consuming work is needed to maintain the
+ data structures with the serialized, binary versions of shader programs. An
+ example is OpenGL, where the "pipeline cache" is simulated by retrieving
+ and loading shader program binaries. With backends where retrieving and
+ restoring the pipeline cache contents is not supported, the flag has no
+ effect. With some backends (such as, OpenGL) there are additional,
+ disk-based caching mechanisms for shader binaries. Writing to those may get
+ disabled whenever this flag is set since storing program binaries (OpenGL)
+ to multiple caches is not sensible.
@@ -612,6 +625,12 @@ Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(QRHI_LOG_INFO, "qt.rhi.general")
the 1 byte per component formats QRhiTexture::R8 and
QRhiTexture::RED_OR_ALPHA8 are supported as well. Backends other than
OpenGL can be expected to return true for this feature.
+ \value PipelineCacheDataLoadSave Indicates that the pipelineCacheData() and
+ setPipelineCacheData() functions are functional. When not supported, the
+ functions will not perform any action, the retrieved blob is always empty,
+ and thus no benefits can be expected from retrieving and, during a
+ subsequent run of the application, reloading the pipeline cache content.
@@ -6089,6 +6108,70 @@ bool QRhi::isDeviceLost() const
+ \return a binary \a data blob with data collected from the
+ QRhiGraphicsPipeline and QRhiComputePipeline successfully created during
+ the lifetime of this QRhi.
+ By saving and then, in subsequent runs of the same application, reloading
+ the cache data, pipeline and shader creation times can potentially be
+ accelerated.
+ When the PipelineCacheDataLoadSave is reported as unsupported, the returned
+ QByteArray is empty.
+ When the EnablePipelineCacheDataSave flag was not specified when calling
+ create(), the returned QByteArray may be empty, even when the
+ PipelineCacheDataLoadSave feature is supported.
+ When the returned data is non-empty, it is always specific to the QRhi
+ backend, the graphics device, and the driver implementation in use. QRhi
+ takes care of adding the appropriate header and safeguards that ensure that
+ the data can always be passed safely to setPipelineCacheData().
+ \note Calling releaseCachedResources() may, depending on the backend, clear
+ the pipeline data collected. A subsequent call to this function may then
+ not return any data.
+ \sa setPipelineCacheData(), create(), isFeatureSupported()
+ */
+QByteArray QRhi::pipelineCacheData()
+ return d->pipelineCacheData();
+ Loads \a data into the pipeline cache, when applicable.
+ When the PipelineCacheDataLoadSave is reported as unsupported, the function
+ is safe to call, but has no effect.
+ The blob returned by pipelineCacheData() is always specific to a QRhi
+ backend, a graphics device, and a given version of the graphics driver.
+ QRhi takes care of adding the appropriate header and safeguards that ensure
+ that the data can always be passed safely to this function. If there is a
+ mismatch, e.g. because the driver has been upgraded to a newer version, or
+ because the data was generated from a different QRhi backend, a warning is
+ printed and \a data is safely ignored.
+ With Vulkan, this maps directly to VkPipelineCache. Calling this function
+ creates a new Vulkan pipeline cache object, with its initial data sourced
+ from \a data. The pipeline cache object is then used by all subsequently
+ created QRhiGraphicsPipeline and QRhiComputePipeline objects, thus
+ accelerating, potentially, the pipeline creation.
+ \note QRhi cannot give any guarantees that \a data has an effect on the
+ pipeline and shader creation performance. With APIs like Vulkan, it is up
+ to the driver to decide if \a data is used for some purpose, or if it is
+ ignored.
+ \sa pipelineCacheData(), isFeatureSupported()
+ */
+void QRhi::setPipelineCacheData(const QByteArray &data)
+ d->setPipelineCacheData(data);
\return a new graphics pipeline resource.
\sa QRhiResource::destroy()