path: root/src/network/kernel/qdnslookup_unix.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/network/kernel/qdnslookup_unix.cpp')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/src/network/kernel/qdnslookup_unix.cpp b/src/network/kernel/qdnslookup_unix.cpp
index 296c703423..a7984f936c 100644
--- a/src/network/kernel/qdnslookup_unix.cpp
+++ b/src/network/kernel/qdnslookup_unix.cpp
@@ -219,18 +219,26 @@ void QDnsLookupRunnable::query(QDnsLookupReply *reply)
if (header->rcode)
return reply->makeDnsRcodeError(header->rcode);
- char host[PACKETSZ], answer[PACKETSZ];
qptrdiff offset = sizeof(HEADER);
unsigned char *response =;
int status;
+ auto expandHost = [&](qptrdiff offset) {
+ char host[MAXCDNAME + 1];
+ status = dn_expand(response, response + responseLength, response + offset, host, sizeof(host));
+ if (status >= 0)
+ return decodeLabel(QLatin1StringView(host));
+ // failed
+ reply->makeInvalidReplyError(QDnsLookup::tr("Could not expand domain name"));
+ return QString();
+ };
if (ntohs(header->qdcount) == 1) {
// Skip the query host, type (2 bytes) and class (2 bytes).
- status = dn_expand(response, response + responseLength, response + offset, host, sizeof(host));
- if (status < 0) {
- reply->makeInvalidReplyError(QDnsLookup::tr("Could not expand domain name"));
+ expandHost(offset);
+ if (status < 0)
- }
if (offset + status + 4 >= responseLength)
header->qdcount = 0xffff; // invalid reply below
@@ -243,12 +251,9 @@ void QDnsLookupRunnable::query(QDnsLookupReply *reply)
const int answerCount = ntohs(header->ancount);
int answerIndex = 0;
while ((offset < responseLength) && (answerIndex < answerCount)) {
- status = dn_expand(response, response + responseLength, response + offset, host, sizeof(host));
- if (status < 0) {
- reply->makeInvalidReplyError(QDnsLookup::tr("Could not expand domain name"));
+ const QString name = expandHost(offset);
+ if (status < 0)
- }
- const QString name = QUrl::fromAce(host);
offset += status;
if (offset + RRFIXEDSZ > responseLength) {
@@ -283,57 +288,52 @@ void QDnsLookupRunnable::query(QDnsLookupReply *reply)
record.d->value = QHostAddress(response + offset);
} else if (type == QDnsLookup::CNAME) {
- status = dn_expand(response, response + responseLength, response + offset, answer, sizeof(answer));
- if (status < 0)
- return reply->makeInvalidReplyError(QDnsLookup::tr("Invalid canonical name record"));
QDnsDomainNameRecord record;
record.d->name = name;
record.d->timeToLive = ttl;
- record.d->value = QUrl::fromAce(answer);
+ record.d->value = expandHost(offset);
+ if (status < 0)
+ return reply->makeInvalidReplyError(QDnsLookup::tr("Invalid canonical name record"));
} else if (type == QDnsLookup::NS) {
- status = dn_expand(response, response + responseLength, response + offset, answer, sizeof(answer));
- if (status < 0)
- return reply->makeInvalidReplyError(QDnsLookup::tr("Invalid name server record"));
QDnsDomainNameRecord record;
record.d->name = name;
record.d->timeToLive = ttl;
- record.d->value = QUrl::fromAce(answer);
+ record.d->value = expandHost(offset);
+ if (status < 0)
+ return reply->makeInvalidReplyError(QDnsLookup::tr("Invalid name server record"));
} else if (type == QDnsLookup::PTR) {
- status = dn_expand(response, response + responseLength, response + offset, answer, sizeof(answer));
- if (status < 0)
- return reply->makeInvalidReplyError(QDnsLookup::tr("Invalid pointer record"));
QDnsDomainNameRecord record;
record.d->name = name;
record.d->timeToLive = ttl;
- record.d->value = QUrl::fromAce(answer);
+ record.d->value = expandHost(offset);
+ if (status < 0)
+ return reply->makeInvalidReplyError(QDnsLookup::tr("Invalid pointer record"));
} else if (type == QDnsLookup::MX) {
const quint16 preference = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(response + offset);
- status = dn_expand(response, response + responseLength, response + offset + 2, answer, sizeof(answer));
- if (status < 0)
- return reply->makeInvalidReplyError(QDnsLookup::tr("Invalid mail exchange record"));
QDnsMailExchangeRecord record;
- record.d->exchange = QUrl::fromAce(answer);
+ record.d->exchange = expandHost(offset + 2);
record.d->name = name;
record.d->preference = preference;
record.d->timeToLive = ttl;
+ if (status < 0)
+ return reply->makeInvalidReplyError(QDnsLookup::tr("Invalid mail exchange record"));
} else if (type == QDnsLookup::SRV) {
const quint16 priority = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(response + offset);
const quint16 weight = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(response + offset + 2);
const quint16 port = qFromBigEndian<quint16>(response + offset + 4);
- status = dn_expand(response, response + responseLength, response + offset + 6, answer, sizeof(answer));
- if (status < 0)
- return reply->makeInvalidReplyError(QDnsLookup::tr("Invalid service record"));
QDnsServiceRecord record;
record.d->name = name;
- record.d->target = QUrl::fromAce(answer);
+ record.d->target = expandHost(offset + 6);
record.d->port = port;
record.d->priority = priority;
record.d->timeToLive = ttl;
record.d->weight = weight;
+ if (status < 0)
+ return reply->makeInvalidReplyError(QDnsLookup::tr("Invalid service record"));
} else if (type == QDnsLookup::TXT) {
QDnsTextRecord record;