path: root/src/network/ssl/qsslserver.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// Copyright (C) 2016 Kurt Pattyn <>.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+ \class QSslServer
+ \ingroup network
+ \ingroup ssl
+ \inmodule QtNetwork
+ \since 6.4
+ \brief Implements an encrypted, secure TCP server over TLS.
+ Class to use in place of QTcpServer to implement TCP server using
+ Transport Layer Security (TLS).
+ To configure the secure handshake settings, use the applicable setter
+ functions on a QSslConfiguration object, and then use it as an argument
+ to the setSslConfiguration() function. All following incoming
+ connections handled will use these settings.
+ To start listening to incoming connections use the listen() function
+ inherited from QTcpServer. Other settings can be configured by using the
+ setter functions inherited from the QTcpServer class.
+ Connect to the signals of this class to respond to the incoming connection
+ attempts. They are the same as the signals on QSslSocket, but also
+ passes a pointer to the socket in question.
+ When responding to the pendingConnectionAvailable() signal, use the
+ nextPendingConnection() function to fetch the next incoming connection and
+ take it out of the pending connection queue. The QSslSocket is a child of
+ the QSslServer and will be deleted when the QSslServer is deleted. It is
+ still a good idea to destroy the object explicitly when you are done
+ with it, to avoid wasting memory.
+ \sa QTcpServer, QSslConfiguration, QSslSocket
+ \fn void QSslServer::peerVerifyError(QSslSocket *socket, const QSslError &error)
+ QSslServer can emit this signal several times during the SSL handshake,
+ before encryption has been established, to indicate that an error has
+ occurred while establishing the identity of the peer. The \a error is
+ usually an indication that \a socket is unable to securely identify the
+ peer.
+ This signal provides you with an early indication when something's wrong.
+ By connecting to this signal, you can manually choose to tear down the
+ connection from inside the connected slot before the handshake has
+ completed. If no action is taken, QSslServer will proceed to emitting
+ sslErrors().
+ \sa sslErrors()
+ \fn void QSslServer::sslErrors(QSslSocket *socket, const QList<QSslError> &errors);
+ QSslServer emits this signal after the SSL handshake to indicate that one
+ or more errors have occurred while establishing the identity of the
+ peer. The errors are usually an indication that \a socket is unable to
+ securely identify the peer. Unless any action is taken, the connection
+ will be dropped after this signal has been emitted.
+ If you want to continue connecting despite the errors that have occurred,
+ you must call QSslSocket::ignoreSslErrors() from inside a slot connected to
+ this signal. If you need to access the error list at a later point, you
+ can call sslHandshakeErrors().
+ \a errors contains one or more errors that prevent QSslSocket from
+ verifying the identity of the peer.
+ \note You cannot use Qt::QueuedConnection when connecting to this signal,
+ or calling QSslSocket::ignoreSslErrors() will have no effect.
+ \sa peerVerifyError()
+ \fn void QSslServer::errorOccurred(QSslSocket *socket, QAbstractSocket::SocketError socketError)
+ This signal is emitted after an error occurred during handshake. The
+ \a socketError parameter describes the type of error that occurred.
+ The \a socket is automatically deleted after this signal is emitted if the
+ socket handshake has not reached encrypted state. But if the \a socket is
+ successfully encrypted, it is inserted into the QSslServer's pending
+ connections queue. When the user has called
+ QTcpServer::nextPendingConnection() it is the user's responsibility to
+ destroy the \a socket or the \a socket will not be destroyed until the
+ QSslServer object is destroyed. If an error occurs on a \a socket after
+ it has been inserted into the pending connections queue, this signal
+ will not be emitted, and the \a socket will not be removed or destroyed.
+ \note You cannot use Qt::QueuedConnection when connecting to this signal,
+ or the \a socket will have been already destroyed when the signal is
+ handled.
+ \sa QSslSocket::error(), errorString()
+ \fn void QSslServer::preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(QSslSocket *socket,
+ QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator *authenticator)
+ QSslServer emits this signal when \a socket negotiates a PSK ciphersuite,
+ and therefore PSK authentication is then required.
+ When using PSK, the server must supply a valid identity and a valid pre
+ shared key, in order for the SSL handshake to continue.
+ Applications can provide this information in a slot connected to this
+ signal, by filling in the passed \a authenticator object according to their
+ needs.
+ \note Ignoring this signal, or failing to provide the required credentials,
+ will cause the handshake to fail, and therefore the connection to be aborted.
+ \note The \a authenticator object is owned by the \a socket and must not be
+ deleted by the application.
+ \sa QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator
+ \fn void QSslServer::alertSent(QSslSocket *socket, QSsl::AlertLevel level, QSsl::AlertType type,
+ const QString &description)
+ QSslServer emits this signal if an alert message was sent from \a socket
+ to a peer. \a level describes if it was a warning or a fatal error.
+ \a type gives the code of the alert message. When a textual description
+ of the alert message is available, it is supplied in \a description.
+ \note This signal is mostly informational and can be used for debugging
+ purposes, normally it does not require any actions from the application.
+ \note Not all backends support this functionality.
+ \sa alertReceived(), QSsl::AlertLevel, QSsl::AlertType
+ \fn void QSslServer::alertReceived(QSslSocket *socket, QSsl::AlertLevel level, QSsl::AlertType
+ type, const QString &description)
+ QSslServer emits this signal if an alert message was received by the
+ \a socket from a peer. \a level tells if the alert was fatal or it was a
+ warning. \a type is the code explaining why the alert was sent.
+ When a textual description of the alert message is available, it is
+ supplied in \a description.
+ \note The signal is mostly for informational and debugging purposes and does not
+ require any handling in the application. If the alert was fatal, underlying
+ backend will handle it and close the connection.
+ \note Not all backends support this functionality.
+ \sa alertSent(), QSsl::AlertLevel, QSsl::AlertType
+ \fn void QSslServer::handshakeInterruptedOnError(QSslSocket *socket, const QSslError &error)
+ QSslServer emits this signal if a certificate verification error was found
+ by \a socket and if early error reporting was enabled in QSslConfiguration.
+ An application is expected to inspect the \a error and decide if it wants
+ to continue the handshake, or abort it and send an alert message to the
+ peer. The signal-slot connection must be direct.
+ \sa QSslSocket::continueInterruptedHandshake(), sslErrors(),
+ QSslConfiguration::setHandshakeMustInterruptOnError()
+ \fn void QSslServer::startedEncryptionHandshake(QSslSocket *socket)
+ This signal is emitted when the client, connected to \a socket,
+ initiates the TLS handshake.
+#include "qsslserver.h"
+#include "qsslserver_p.h"
+#include <QtNetwork/QSslSocket>
+#include <QtNetwork/QSslCipher>
+ \internal
+QSslServerPrivate::QSslServerPrivate() :
+ sslConfiguration(QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration())
+ Constructs a new QSslServer with the given \a parent.
+QSslServer::QSslServer(QObject *parent) :
+ QTcpServer(QAbstractSocket::TcpSocket, *new QSslServerPrivate, parent)
+ Destroys the QSslServer.
+ All open connections are closed.
+ Sets the \a sslConfiguration to use for all following incoming connections.
+ This must be called before listen() to ensure that the desired
+ configuration was in use during all handshakes.
+ \sa QSslSocket::setSslConfiguration()
+void QSslServer::setSslConfiguration(const QSslConfiguration &sslConfiguration)
+ Q_D(QSslServer);
+ d->sslConfiguration = sslConfiguration;
+ Returns the current ssl configuration.
+QSslConfiguration QSslServer::sslConfiguration() const
+ const Q_D(QSslServer);
+ return d->sslConfiguration;
+ Sets the \a timeout to use for all incoming handshakes, in milliseconds.
+ This is relevant in the scenario where a client, whether malicious or
+ accidental, connects to the server but makes no attempt at communicating or
+ initiating a handshake. QSslServer will then automatically end the
+ connection after \a timeout milliseconds have elapsed.
+ By default the timeout is 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).
+ \note The underlying TLS framework may have their own timeout logic now or
+ in the future, this function does not affect that.
+ \note The \a timeout passed to this function will only apply to \e{new}
+ connections. If a client is already connected it will use the timeout which
+ was set when it connected.
+ \sa handshakeTimeout()
+void QSslServer::setHandshakeTimeout(int timeout)
+ Q_D(QSslServer);
+ d->handshakeTimeout = timeout;
+ Returns the currently configured handshake timeout.
+ \sa setHandshakeTimeout()
+int QSslServer::handshakeTimeout() const
+ const Q_D(QSslServer);
+ return d->handshakeTimeout;
+ Called when a new connection is established.
+ Converts \a socket to a QSslSocket.
+ \reimp
+void QSslServer::incomingConnection(qintptr socket)
+ QSslSocket *pSslSocket = new QSslSocket(this);
+ pSslSocket->setSslConfiguration(sslConfiguration());
+ if (Q_LIKELY(pSslSocket->setSocketDescriptor(socket))) {
+ connect(pSslSocket, &QSslSocket::peerVerifyError, this,
+ [this, pSslSocket](const QSslError &error) {
+ Q_EMIT peerVerifyError(pSslSocket, error);
+ });
+ connect(pSslSocket, &QSslSocket::sslErrors, this,
+ [this, pSslSocket](const QList<QSslError> &errors) {
+ Q_EMIT sslErrors(pSslSocket, errors);
+ });
+ connect(pSslSocket, &QAbstractSocket::errorOccurred, this,
+ [this, pSslSocket](QAbstractSocket::SocketError error) {
+ Q_EMIT errorOccurred(pSslSocket, error);
+ if (!pSslSocket->isEncrypted())
+ pSslSocket->deleteLater();
+ });
+ connect(pSslSocket, &QSslSocket::encrypted, this, [this, pSslSocket]() {
+ Q_D(QSslServer);
+ d->removeSocketData(quintptr(pSslSocket));
+ pSslSocket->disconnect(this);
+ addPendingConnection(pSslSocket);
+ });
+ connect(pSslSocket, &QSslSocket::preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired, this,
+ [this, pSslSocket](QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator *authenticator) {
+ Q_EMIT preSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(pSslSocket, authenticator);
+ });
+ connect(pSslSocket, &QSslSocket::alertSent, this,
+ [this, pSslSocket](QSsl::AlertLevel level, QSsl::AlertType type,
+ const QString &description) {
+ Q_EMIT alertSent(pSslSocket, level, type, description);
+ });
+ connect(pSslSocket, &QSslSocket::alertReceived, this,
+ [this, pSslSocket](QSsl::AlertLevel level, QSsl::AlertType type,
+ const QString &description) {
+ Q_EMIT alertReceived(pSslSocket, level, type, description);
+ });
+ connect(pSslSocket, &QSslSocket::handshakeInterruptedOnError, this,
+ [this, pSslSocket](const QSslError &error) {
+ Q_EMIT handshakeInterruptedOnError(pSslSocket, error);
+ });
+ d_func()->initializeHandshakeProcess(pSslSocket);
+ }
+void QSslServerPrivate::initializeHandshakeProcess(QSslSocket *socket)
+ Q_Q(QSslServer);
+ QMetaObject::Connection readyRead = QObject::connect(
+ socket, &QSslSocket::readyRead, q, [this]() { checkClientHelloAndContinue(); });
+ QMetaObject::Connection destroyed =
+ QObject::connect(socket, &QSslSocket::destroyed, q, [this](QObject *obj) {
+ // This cast is not safe to use since the socket is inside the
+ // QObject dtor, but we only use the pointer value!
+ removeSocketData(quintptr(obj));
+ });
+ auto it = socketData.emplace(quintptr(socket), readyRead, destroyed, std::make_shared<QTimer>());
+ it->timeoutTimer->setSingleShot(true);
+ it->timeoutTimer->callOnTimeout(q, [this, socket]() { handleHandshakeTimedOut(socket); });
+ it->timeoutTimer->setInterval(handshakeTimeout);
+ it->timeoutTimer->start();
+// This function may be called while in the socket's QObject dtor, __never__ use
+// the socket for anything other than a lookup!
+void QSslServerPrivate::removeSocketData(quintptr socket)
+ auto it = socketData.find(socket);
+ if (it != socketData.end()) {
+ it->disconnectSignals();
+ socketData.erase(it);
+ }
+int QSslServerPrivate::totalPendingConnections() const
+ // max pending connections is int, so this cannot exceed that
+ return QTcpServerPrivate::totalPendingConnections() + int(socketData.size());
+void QSslServerPrivate::checkClientHelloAndContinue()
+ Q_Q(QSslServer);
+ QSslSocket *socket = qobject_cast<QSslSocket *>(q->sender());
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!socket) || socket->bytesAvailable() <= 0)
+ return;
+ char byte = '\0';
+ if (socket->peek(&byte, 1) != 1) {
+ socket->deleteLater();
+ return;
+ }
+ auto it = socketData.find(quintptr(socket));
+ const bool foundData = it != socketData.end();
+ if (foundData && it->readyReadConnection)
+ QObject::disconnect(std::exchange(it->readyReadConnection, {}));
+ constexpr char CLIENT_HELLO = 0x16;
+ if (byte != CLIENT_HELLO) {
+ socket->disconnectFromHost();
+ socket->deleteLater();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Be nice and restart the timeout timer since some progress was made
+ if (foundData)
+ it->timeoutTimer->start();
+ socket->startServerEncryption();
+ Q_EMIT q->startedEncryptionHandshake(socket);
+void QSslServerPrivate::handleHandshakeTimedOut(QSslSocket *socket)
+ Q_Q(QSslServer);
+ removeSocketData(quintptr(socket));
+ socket->disconnectFromHost();
+ Q_EMIT q->errorOccurred(socket, QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError);
+ socket->deleteLater();
+ if (!socketEngine->isReadNotificationEnabled() && totalPendingConnections() < maxConnections)
+ q->resumeAccepting();
+#include "moc_qsslserver.cpp"