path: root/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/mac/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/mac/')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/mac/ b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/mac/
index e8ea194897..daa3dc94ea 100644
--- a/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/mac/
+++ b/src/platformsupport/fontdatabases/mac/
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@
#import <UIKit/UIFont.h>
+#include <QtCore/qelapsedtimer.h>
#include "qcoretextfontdatabase_p.h"
#include "qfontengine_coretext_p.h"
#if QT_CONFIG(settings)
@@ -100,20 +102,6 @@ static const char *languageForWritingSystem[] = {
enum { LanguageCount = sizeof(languageForWritingSystem) / sizeof(const char *) };
-#ifdef Q_OS_OSX
-static NSInteger languageMapSort(id obj1, id obj2, void *context)
- NSArray<NSString *> *map1 = reinterpret_cast<NSArray<NSString *> *>(obj1);
- NSArray<NSString *> *map2 = reinterpret_cast<NSArray<NSString *> *>(obj2);
- NSArray<NSString *> *languages = reinterpret_cast<NSArray<NSString *> *>(context);
- NSString *lang1 = [map1 objectAtIndex:0];
- NSString *lang2 = [map2 objectAtIndex:0];
- return [languages indexOfObject:lang1] - [languages indexOfObject:lang2];
: m_hasPopulatedAliases(false)
@@ -127,39 +115,77 @@ QCoreTextFontDatabase::~QCoreTextFontDatabase()
void QCoreTextFontDatabase::populateFontDatabase()
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "Populating font database...";
+ QElapsedTimer elapsed;
+ if (lcQpaFonts().isDebugEnabled())
+ elapsed.start();
QCFType<CFArrayRef> familyNames = CTFontManagerCopyAvailableFontFamilyNames();
for (NSString *familyName in<const NSArray *>())
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "Populating available families took" << elapsed.restart() << "ms";
// Force creating the theme fonts to get the descriptors in m_systemFontDescriptors
if (m_themeFonts.isEmpty())
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "Resolving theme fonts took" << elapsed.restart() << "ms";
Q_FOREACH (CTFontDescriptorRef fontDesc, m_systemFontDescriptors)
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "Populating system descriptors took" << elapsed.restart() << "ms";
-bool QCoreTextFontDatabase::populateFamilyAliases()
+bool QCoreTextFontDatabase::populateFamilyAliases(const QString &missingFamily)
#if defined(Q_OS_MACOS)
if (m_hasPopulatedAliases)
return false;
+ // There's no API to go from a localized family name to its non-localized
+ // name, so we have to resort to enumerating all the available fonts and
+ // doing a reverse lookup.
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "Populating family aliases...";
+ QElapsedTimer elapsed;
+ elapsed.start();
+ QString nonLocalizedMatch;
QCFType<CFArrayRef> familyNames = CTFontManagerCopyAvailableFontFamilyNames();
+ NSFontManager *fontManager = NSFontManager.sharedFontManager;
for (NSString *familyName in<const NSArray *>()) {
- NSFontManager *fontManager = [NSFontManager sharedFontManager];
NSString *localizedFamilyName = [fontManager localizedNameForFamily:familyName face:nil];
if (![localizedFamilyName isEqual:familyName]) {
- QPlatformFontDatabase::registerAliasToFontFamily(
- QString::fromNSString(familyName),
- QString::fromNSString(localizedFamilyName));
+ QString nonLocalizedFamily = QString::fromNSString(familyName);
+ QString localizedFamily = QString::fromNSString(localizedFamilyName);
+ QPlatformFontDatabase::registerAliasToFontFamily(nonLocalizedFamily, localizedFamily);
+ if (localizedFamily == missingFamily)
+ nonLocalizedMatch = nonLocalizedFamily;
m_hasPopulatedAliases = true;
+ if (lcQpaFonts().isWarningEnabled()) {
+ QString warningMessage;
+ QDebug msg(&warningMessage);
+ msg << "Populating font family aliases took" << elapsed.restart() << "ms.";
+ if (!nonLocalizedMatch.isNull())
+ msg << "Replace uses of" << missingFamily << "with its non-localized name" << nonLocalizedMatch;
+ else
+ msg << "Replace uses of missing font family" << missingFamily << "with one that exists";
+ msg << "to avoid this cost.";
+ qCWarning(lcQpaFonts) << qPrintable(warningMessage);
+ }
return true;
+ Q_UNUSED(missingFamily);
return false;
@@ -173,7 +199,7 @@ void QCoreTextFontDatabase::populateFamily(const QString &familyName)
// A single family might match several different fonts with different styles eg.
QCFType<CFArrayRef> matchingFonts = (CFArrayRef) CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptors(nameOnlyDescriptor, 0);
if (!matchingFonts) {
- qWarning() << "QCoreTextFontDatabase: Found no matching fonts for family" << familyName;
+ qCWarning(lcQpaFonts) << "QCoreTextFontDatabase: Found no matching fonts for family" << familyName;
@@ -406,163 +432,163 @@ template class QCoreTextFontDatabaseEngineFactory<QCoreTextFontEngine>;
template class QCoreTextFontDatabaseEngineFactory<QFontEngineFT>;
-QFont::StyleHint styleHintFromNSString(NSString *style)
+CTFontDescriptorRef descriptorForFamily(const QString &familyName)
+ return CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes(CFDictionaryRef(@{
+ (id)kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute: familyName.toNSString()
+ }));
+CTFontDescriptorRef descriptorForFamily(const char *familyName)
- if ([style isEqual: @"sans-serif"])
- return QFont::SansSerif;
- else if ([style isEqual: @"monospace"])
- return QFont::Monospace;
- else if ([style isEqual: @"cursive"])
- return QFont::Cursive;
- else if ([style isEqual: @"serif"])
- return QFont::Serif;
- else if ([style isEqual: @"fantasy"])
- return QFont::Fantasy;
- else // if ([style isEqual: @"default"])
- return QFont::AnyStyle;
+ return descriptorForFamily(QString::fromLatin1(familyName));
-#ifdef Q_OS_OSX
-static QString familyNameFromPostScriptName(NSString *psName)
+CFArrayRef fallbacksForDescriptor(CTFontDescriptorRef descriptor)
- QCFType<CTFontDescriptorRef> fontDescriptor = (CTFontDescriptorRef) CTFontDescriptorCreateWithNameAndSize((CFStringRef)psName, 12.0);
- QCFString familyName = (CFStringRef) CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(fontDescriptor, kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute);
- QString name = QString::fromCFString(familyName);
- if (name.isEmpty())
- qWarning() << "QCoreTextFontDatabase: Failed to resolve family name for PostScript name " << QString::fromCFString((CFStringRef)psName);
+ QCFType<CTFontRef> font = CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(descriptor, 0.0, nullptr);
+ if (!font) {
+ qCWarning(lcQpaFonts) << "Failed to create fallback font for" << descriptor;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ CFArrayRef cascadeList = CFArrayRef(CTFontCopyDefaultCascadeListForLanguages(font,
+ (CFArrayRef)[NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults stringArrayForKey:@"AppleLanguages"]));
+ if (!cascadeList) {
+ qCWarning(lcQpaFonts) << "Failed to create fallback cascade list for" << descriptor;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
- return name;
+ return cascadeList;
-static void addExtraFallbacks(QStringList *fallbackList)
+CFArrayRef QCoreTextFontDatabase::fallbacksForFamily(const QString &family)
-#if defined(Q_OS_MACOS)
- // Since we are only returning a list of default fonts for the current language, we do not
- // cover all unicode completely. This was especially an issue for some of the common script
- // symbols such as mathematical symbols, currency or geometric shapes. To minimize the risk
- // of missing glyphs, we add Arial Unicode MS as a final fail safe, since this covers most
- // of Unicode 2.1.
- if (!fallbackList->contains(QStringLiteral("Arial Unicode MS")))
- fallbackList->append(QStringLiteral("Arial Unicode MS"));
- // Since some symbols (specifically Braille) are not in Arial Unicode MS, we
- // add Apple Symbols to cover those too.
- if (!fallbackList->contains(QStringLiteral("Apple Symbols")))
- fallbackList->append(QStringLiteral("Apple Symbols"));
- Q_UNUSED(fallbackList)
+ if (family.isEmpty())
+ return nullptr;
+ QCFType<CTFontDescriptorRef> fontDescriptor = descriptorForFamily(family);
+ if (!fontDescriptor) {
+ qCWarning(lcQpaFonts) << "Failed to create fallback font descriptor for" << family;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // If the font is not available we want to fall back to the style hint.
+ // By creating a matching font descriptor we can verify whether the font
+ // is available or not, and avoid CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor picking
+ // a default font for us based on incomplete information.
+ fontDescriptor = CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptor(fontDescriptor, 0);
+ if (!fontDescriptor)
+ return nullptr;
+ return fallbacksForDescriptor(fontDescriptor);
-// ### Replace this with QPlatformFontDatabase::isFamilyPopulated() in Qt 5.14
-Q_GUI_EXPORT extern bool qt_isFontFamilyPopulated(const QString &familyName);
+CTFontDescriptorRef descriptorForFontType(CTFontUIFontType uiType)
+ static const CGFloat kDefaultSizeForRequestedUIType = 0.0;
+ QCFType<CTFontRef> ctFont = CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage(
+ uiType, kDefaultSizeForRequestedUIType, nullptr);
+ return CTFontCopyFontDescriptor(ctFont);
+CTFontDescriptorRef descriptorForStyle(QFont::StyleHint styleHint)
+ switch (styleHint) {
+ case QFont::SansSerif: return descriptorForFamily("Helvetica");
+ case QFont::Serif: return descriptorForFamily("Times New Roman");
+ case QFont::Monospace: return descriptorForFamily("Menlo");
+#ifdef Q_OS_MACOS
+ case QFont::Cursive: return descriptorForFamily("Apple Chancery");
+ case QFont::Fantasy: return descriptorForFamily("Zapfino");
+ case QFont::TypeWriter: return descriptorForFamily("American Typewriter");
+ case QFont::AnyStyle: Q_FALLTHROUGH();
+ case QFont::System: return descriptorForFontType(kCTFontUIFontSystem);
+ default: return nullptr; // No matching font on this platform
+ }
QStringList QCoreTextFontDatabase::fallbacksForFamily(const QString &family, QFont::Style style, QFont::StyleHint styleHint, QChar::Script script) const
- Q_UNUSED(script);
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts).nospace() << "Resolving fallbacks families for"
+ << (!family.isEmpty() ? qPrintable(QLatin1String(" family '%1' with").arg(family)) : "")
+ << " style hint " << styleHint;
QMacAutoReleasePool pool;
- static QHash<QString, QStringList> fallbackLists;
- if (!family.isEmpty()) {
- QCFType<CFMutableDictionaryRef> attributes = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
- CFDictionaryAddValue(attributes, kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute, QCFString(family));
- if (QCFType<CTFontDescriptorRef> fontDescriptor = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes(attributes)) {
- if (QCFType<CTFontRef> font = CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(fontDescriptor, 12.0, 0)) {
- NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
- NSArray *languages = [defaults stringArrayForKey: @"AppleLanguages"];
- QCFType<CFArrayRef> cascadeList = (CFArrayRef) CTFontCopyDefaultCascadeListForLanguages(font, (CFArrayRef) languages);
- if (cascadeList) {
- QStringList fallbackList;
- const int numCascades = CFArrayGetCount(cascadeList);
- for (int i = 0; i < numCascades; ++i) {
- CTFontDescriptorRef fontFallback = (CTFontDescriptorRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cascadeList, i);
- QCFString fallbackFamilyName = (CFStringRef) CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(fontFallback, kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute);
- fallbackList.append(QString::fromCFString(fallbackFamilyName));
- }
- // .Apple Symbols Fallback will be at the beginning of the list and we will
- // detect that this has glyphs for Arabic and other writing systems.
- // Since it is a symbol font, it should be the last resort, so that
- // the proper fonts for these writing systems are preferred.
- int symbolIndex = fallbackList.indexOf(QLatin1String(".Apple Symbols Fallback"));
- if (symbolIndex >= 0)
- fallbackList.move(symbolIndex, fallbackList.size() - 1);
- addExtraFallbacks(&fallbackList);
- // Since iOS 13, the cascade list may contain meta-fonts which have not been
- // populated to the database, such as ".AppleJapaneseFont". It is important that we
- // include this in the fallback list, in order to get fallback support for all
- // languages
- for (const QString &fallback : fallbackList) {
- if (!qt_isFontFamilyPopulated(fallback))
- const_cast<QCoreTextFontDatabase *>(this)->populateFamily(fallback);
- }
- extern QStringList qt_sort_families_by_writing_system(QChar::Script, const QStringList &);
- fallbackList = qt_sort_families_by_writing_system(script, fallbackList);
- return fallbackList;
- }
- }
+ QStringList fallbackList;
+ QCFType<CFArrayRef> fallbackFonts = fallbacksForFamily(family);
+ if (!fallbackFonts || !CFArrayGetCount(fallbackFonts)) {
+ // We were not able to find a fallback for the specific family,
+ // or the family was empty, so we fall back to the style hint.
+ if (!family.isEmpty())
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << "No fallbacks found. Using style hint instead";
+ if (QCFType<CTFontDescriptorRef> styleDescriptor = descriptorForStyle(styleHint)) {
+ CFMutableArrayRef tmp = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ CFArrayAppendValue(tmp, styleDescriptor);
+ QCFType<CFArrayRef> styleFallbacks = fallbacksForDescriptor(styleDescriptor);
+ CFArrayAppendArray(tmp, styleFallbacks, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(styleFallbacks)));
+ fallbackFonts = tmp;
- // We were not able to find a fallback for the specific family,
- // so we fall back to the stylehint.
- static const QString styleLookupKey = QString::fromLatin1(".QFontStyleHint_%1");
- static bool didPopulateStyleFallbacks = false;
- if (!didPopulateStyleFallbacks) {
-#if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
- NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
- NSArray<NSString *> *languages = [defaults stringArrayForKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
- NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *fallbackDict = [NSDictionary<NSString *, id> dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:@"/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Resources/DefaultFontFallbacks.plist"];
- for (NSString *style in [fallbackDict allKeys]) {
- NSArray *list = [fallbackDict valueForKey:style];
- QFont::StyleHint fallbackStyleHint = styleHintFromNSString(style);
- QStringList fallbackList;
- for (id item in list) {
- // sort the array based on system language preferences
- if ([item isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
- NSArray *langs = [reinterpret_cast<NSArray *>(item)
- sortedArrayUsingFunction:languageMapSort context:languages];
- for (NSArray<NSString *> *map in langs)
- fallbackList.append(familyNameFromPostScriptName([map objectAtIndex:1]));
- }
- else if ([item isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
- fallbackList.append(familyNameFromPostScriptName(item));
- }
+ if (!fallbackFonts)
+ return fallbackList;
+ const int numberOfFallbacks = CFArrayGetCount(fallbackFonts);
+ for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFallbacks; ++i) {
+ auto fallbackDescriptor = CTFontDescriptorRef(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(fallbackFonts, i));
+ auto fallbackFamilyName = QCFString(CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(fallbackDescriptor, kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute));
+ if (!isFamilyPopulated(fallbackFamilyName)) {
+ // We need to populate, or at least register the fallback fonts,
+ // otherwise the Qt font database may not know they exist.
+ if (isPrivateFontFamily(fallbackFamilyName))
+ const_cast<QCoreTextFontDatabase *>(this)->populateFromDescriptor(fallbackDescriptor);
+ else
+ registerFontFamily(fallbackFamilyName);
+ }
- fallbackList.append(QLatin1String("Apple Color Emoji"));
+ fallbackList.append(fallbackFamilyName);
+ }
- addExtraFallbacks(&fallbackList);
- fallbackLists[styleLookupKey.arg(fallbackStyleHint)] = fallbackList;
- }
- QStringList staticFallbackList;
- staticFallbackList << QString::fromLatin1("Helvetica,Apple Color Emoji,Geeza Pro,Arial Hebrew,Thonburi,Kailasa"
- "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN,.Heiti J,Apple SD Gothic Neo,.Heiti K,Heiti SC,Heiti TC"
- "Bangla Sangam MN,Devanagari Sangam MN,Gujarati Sangam MN,Gurmukhi MN,Kannada Sangam MN"
- "Malayalam Sangam MN,Oriya Sangam MN,Sinhala Sangam MN,Tamil Sangam MN,Telugu Sangam MN"
- "Euphemia UCAS,.PhoneFallback").split(QLatin1String(","));
- for (int i = QFont::Helvetica; i <= QFont::Fantasy; ++i)
- fallbackLists[styleLookupKey.arg(i)] = staticFallbackList;
+ // Some fallback fonts will have have an order in the list returned
+ // by Core Text that would indicate they should be preferred for e.g.
+ // Arabic, or Emoji, while in reality only supporting a tiny subset
+ // of the required glyphs, or representing them by question marks.
+ // Move these to the end, so that the proper fonts are preferred.
+ for (const char *family : { ".Apple Symbols Fallback", ".Noto Sans Universal" }) {
+ int index = fallbackList.indexOf(QLatin1String(family));
+ if (index >= 0)
+ fallbackList.move(index, fallbackList.size() - 1);
+ }
+#if defined(Q_OS_MACOS)
+ // Since we are only returning a list of default fonts for the current language, we do not
+ // cover all Unicode completely. This was especially an issue for some of the common script
+ // symbols such as mathematical symbols, currency or geometric shapes. To minimize the risk
+ // of missing glyphs, we add Arial Unicode MS as a final fail safe, since this covers most
+ // of Unicode 2.1.
+ if (!fallbackList.contains(QStringLiteral("Arial Unicode MS")))
+ fallbackList.append(QStringLiteral("Arial Unicode MS"));
+ // Since some symbols (specifically Braille) are not in Arial Unicode MS, we
+ // add Apple Symbols to cover those too.
+ if (!fallbackList.contains(QStringLiteral("Apple Symbols")))
+ fallbackList.append(QStringLiteral("Apple Symbols"));
- didPopulateStyleFallbacks = true;
- }
+ extern QStringList qt_sort_families_by_writing_system(QChar::Script, const QStringList &);
+ fallbackList = qt_sort_families_by_writing_system(script, fallbackList);
- Q_ASSERT(!fallbackLists.isEmpty());
- return fallbackLists[styleLookupKey.arg(styleHint)];
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts).nospace() << "Fallback families ordered by script " << script << ": " << fallbackList;
+ return fallbackList;
QStringList QCoreTextFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(const QByteArray &fontData, const QString &fileName)
@@ -721,10 +747,8 @@ static CTFontDescriptorRef fontDescriptorFromTheme(QPlatformTheme::Font f)
- // OSX default case and iOS fallback case
- CTFontUIFontType fontType = fontTypeFromTheme(f);
- QCFType<CTFontRef> ctFont = CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage(fontType, 0.0, NULL);
- return CTFontCopyFontDescriptor(ctFont);
+ // macOS default case and iOS fallback case
+ return descriptorForFontType(fontTypeFromTheme(f));
const QHash<QPlatformTheme::Font, QFont *> &QCoreTextFontDatabase::themeFonts() const
@@ -757,8 +781,8 @@ QFont *QCoreTextFontDatabase::themeFont(QPlatformTheme::Font f) const
QFont QCoreTextFontDatabase::defaultFont() const
if (defaultFontName.isEmpty()) {
- QCFType<CTFontRef> font = CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage(kCTFontUIFontSystem, 12.0, NULL);
- defaultFontName = (QString) QCFString(CTFontCopyFullName(font));
+ QCFType<CTFontDescriptorRef> systemFont = descriptorForFontType(kCTFontUIFontSystem);
+ defaultFontName = QCFString(CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(systemFont, kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute));
return QFont(defaultFontName);