path: root/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/ b/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
index 1d7ad772dc..1f39d787be 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
@@ -44,33 +44,260 @@
+Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcCocoaBackingStore, "qt.qpa.cocoa.backingstore");
QCocoaBackingStore::QCocoaBackingStore(QWindow *window)
: QRasterBackingStore(window)
+ , m_cgImage(nullptr)
- if (QCocoaWindow *cocoaWindow = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(window()->handle()))
- [qnsview_cast(cocoaWindow->view()) clearBackingStore:this];
+bool QCocoaBackingStore::windowHasUnifiedToolbar() const
+ Q_ASSERT(window()->handle());
+ return static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(window()->handle())->m_drawContentBorderGradient;
QImage::Format QCocoaBackingStore::format() const
- QCocoaWindow *cocoaWindow = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(window()->handle());
- if (cocoaWindow && cocoaWindow->m_drawContentBorderGradient)
+ if (windowHasUnifiedToolbar())
return QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied;
return QRasterBackingStore::format();
+void QCocoaBackingStore::beginPaint(const QRegion &region)
+ m_cgImage = nullptr;
+ QRasterBackingStore::beginPaint(region);
+void QCocoaBackingStore::endPaint()
+ QRasterBackingStore::endPaint();
+ // Prevent potentially costly color conversion by assiging the display
+ // color space to the backingstore image.
+ NSView *view = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(window()->handle())->view();
+ CGColorSpaceRef displayColorSpace = view.window.screen.colorSpace.CGColorSpace;
+ QCFType<CGImageRef> displayColorSpaceImage =
+ CGImageCreateCopyWithColorSpace(m_image.toCGImage(), displayColorSpace);
+ m_cgImage = displayColorSpaceImage;
+static const NSCompositingOperation NSCompositingOperationCopy = NSCompositeCopy;
+static const NSCompositingOperation NSCompositingOperationSourceOver = NSCompositeSourceOver;
+ Flushes the given \a region from the specified \a window onto the
+ screen.
+ The \a window is the top level window represented by this backingstore,
+ or a non-transient child of that window.
+ If the \a window is a child window, the \a region will be in child window
+ coordinates, and the \a offset will be the child window's offset in relation
+ to the backingstore's top level window.
void QCocoaBackingStore::flush(QWindow *window, const QRegion &region, const QPoint &offset)
if (m_image.isNull())
- if (QCocoaWindow *cocoaWindow = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(window->handle()))
- [qnsview_cast(cocoaWindow->view()) flushBackingStore:this region:region offset:offset];
+ const QWindow *topLevelWindow = this->window();
+ Q_ASSERT(topLevelWindow->handle() && window->handle());
+ Q_ASSERT(!topLevelWindow->handle()->isForeignWindow() && !window->handle()->isForeignWindow());
+ QNSView *topLevelView = qnsview_cast(static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(topLevelWindow->handle())->view());
+ QNSView *view = qnsview_cast(static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(window->handle())->view());
+ if (lcCocoaBackingStore().isDebugEnabled()) {
+ QString targetViewDescription;
+ if (view != topLevelView) {
+ QDebug targetDebug(&targetViewDescription);
+ targetDebug << "onto" << topLevelView << "at" << offset;
+ }
+ qCDebug(lcCocoaBackingStore) << "Flushing" << region << "of" << view << qPrintable(targetViewDescription);
+ }
+ if (view.layer) {
+ // In layer-backed mode, locking focus on a view does not give the right
+ // view transformation, and doesn't give us a graphics context to render
+ // via when drawing outside of the display cycle. Instead we tell AppKit
+ // that we want to update the layer's content, via [NSView wantsUpdateLayer],
+ // which result in AppKit not creating a backingstore for each layer, and
+ // we then directly set the layer's backingstore (content) to our backingstore,
+ // masked to the part of the subview that is relevant.
+ // FIXME: Figure out if there's a way to do partial updates
+ view.layer.contents = (__bridge id)static_cast<CGImageRef>(m_cgImage);
+ if (view != topLevelView) {
+ view.layer.contentsRect = CGRectApplyAffineTransform(
+ [view convertRect:view.bounds toView:topLevelView],
+ // The contentsRect is in unit coordinate system
+ CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.0 / m_image.width(), 1.0 / m_image.height()));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Normally a NSView is drawn via drawRect, as part of the display cycle in the
+ // main runloop, via setNeedsDisplay and friends. AppKit will lock focus on each
+ // individual view, starting with the top level and then traversing any subviews,
+ // calling drawRect for each of them. This pull model results in expose events
+ // sent to Qt, which result in drawing to the backingstore and flushing it.
+ // Qt may also decide to paint and flush the backingstore via e.g. timers,
+ // or other events such as mouse events, in which case we're in a push model.
+ // If there is no focused view, it means we're in the latter case, and need
+ // to manually flush the NSWindow after drawing to its graphic context.
+ const bool drawingOutsideOfDisplayCycle = ![NSView focusView];
+ // We also need to ensure the flushed view has focus, so that the graphics
+ // context is set up correctly (coordinate system, clipping, etc). Outside
+ // of the normal display cycle there is no focused view, as explained above,
+ // so we have to handle it manually. There's also a corner case inside the
+ // normal display cycle due to way QWidgetBackingStore composits native child
+ // widgets, where we'll get a flush of a native child during the drawRect of
+ // its parent/ancestor, and the parent/ancestor being the one locked by AppKit.
+ // In this case we also need to lock and unlock focus manually.
+ const bool shouldHandleViewLockManually = [NSView focusView] != view;
+ if (shouldHandleViewLockManually && ![view lockFocusIfCanDraw]) {
+ qWarning() << "failed to lock focus of" << view;
+ return;
+ }
+ const qreal devicePixelRatio = m_image.devicePixelRatio();
+ // If the flushed window is a content view, and not in unified toolbar mode,
+ // we can get away with copying the backingstore instead of blending.
+ const NSCompositingOperation compositingOperation = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(
+ window->handle())->isContentView() && !windowHasUnifiedToolbar() ?
+ NSCompositingOperationCopy : NSCompositingOperationSourceOver;
+#ifdef QT_DEBUG
+ static bool debugBackingStoreFlush = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
+ boolForKey:@"QtCocoaDebugBackingStoreFlush"];
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // The current contexts is typically a NSWindowGraphicsContext, but can be
+ // NSBitmapGraphicsContext e.g. when debugging the view hierarchy in Xcode.
+ // If we need to distinguish things here in the future, we can use e.g.
+ // [NSGraphicsContext drawingToScreen], or the attributes of the context.
+ NSGraphicsContext *graphicsContext = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
+ Q_ASSERT_X(graphicsContext, "QCocoaBackingStore",
+ "Focusing the view should give us a current graphics context");
+ // Create temporary image to use for blitting, without copying image data
+ NSImage *backingStoreImage = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithCGImage:m_cgImage size:NSZeroSize] autorelease];
+ QRegion clippedRegion = region;
+ for (QWindow *w = window; w; w = w->parent()) {
+ if (!w->mask().isEmpty()) {
+ clippedRegion &= w == window ? w->mask()
+ : w->mask().translated(window->mapFromGlobal(w->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0))));
+ }
+ }
+ for (const QRect &viewLocalRect : clippedRegion) {
+ QPoint backingStoreOffset = viewLocalRect.topLeft() + offset;
+ QRect backingStoreRect(backingStoreOffset * devicePixelRatio, viewLocalRect.size() * devicePixelRatio);
+ if (graphicsContext.flipped) // Flip backingStoreRect to match graphics context
+ backingStoreRect.moveTop(m_image.height() - (backingStoreRect.y() + backingStoreRect.height()));
+ CGRect viewRect = viewLocalRect.toCGRect();
+ if (windowHasUnifiedToolbar())
+ NSDrawWindowBackground(viewRect);
+ [backingStoreImage drawInRect:viewRect fromRect:backingStoreRect.toCGRect()
+ operation:compositingOperation fraction:1.0 respectFlipped:YES hints:nil];
+#ifdef QT_DEBUG
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(debugBackingStoreFlush)) {
+ [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:drand48() green:drand48() blue:drand48() alpha:0.3] set];
+ [NSBezierPath fillRect:viewRect];
+ if (drawingOutsideOfDisplayCycle) {
+ [[[NSColor magentaColor] colorWithAlphaComponent:0.5] set];
+ [NSBezierPath strokeLineFromPoint:viewLocalRect.topLeft().toCGPoint()
+ toPoint:viewLocalRect.bottomRight().toCGPoint()];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QCocoaWindow *topLevelCocoaWindow = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(topLevelWindow->handle());
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(topLevelCocoaWindow->m_needsInvalidateShadow)) {
+ [topLevelView.window invalidateShadow];
+ topLevelCocoaWindow->m_needsInvalidateShadow = false;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (shouldHandleViewLockManually)
+ [view unlockFocus];
+ if (drawingOutsideOfDisplayCycle) {
+ redrawRoundedBottomCorners([view convertRect:region.boundingRect().toCGRect() toView:nil]);
+ [view.window flushWindow];
+ }
+ When drawing outside of the display cycle, which Qt Widget does a lot,
+ we end up drawing over the NSThemeFrame, losing the rounded corners of
+ windows in the process.
+ To work around this, until we've enabled updates via setNeedsDisplay and/or
+ enabled layer-backed views, we ask the NSWindow to redraw the bottom corners
+ if they intersect with the flushed region.
+ This is the same logic used internally by e.g [NSView displayIfNeeded],
+ [NSRulerView _scrollToMatchContentView], and [NSClipView _immediateScrollToPoint:],
+ as well as the workaround used by WebKit to fix a similar bug:
+void QCocoaBackingStore::redrawRoundedBottomCorners(CGRect windowRect) const
+ Q_ASSERT(this->window()->handle());
+ NSWindow *window = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(this->window()->handle())->nativeWindow();
+ static SEL intersectBottomCornersWithRect = NSSelectorFromString(
+ [NSString stringWithFormat:@"_%s%s:", "intersectBottomCorners", "WithRect"]);
+ if (NSMethodSignature *signature = [window methodSignatureForSelector:intersectBottomCornersWithRect]) {
+ NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];
+ = window;
+ invocation.selector = intersectBottomCornersWithRect;
+ [invocation setArgument:&windowRect atIndex:2];
+ [invocation invoke];
+ NSRect cornerOverlap = NSZeroRect;
+ [invocation getReturnValue:&cornerOverlap];
+ if (!NSIsEmptyRect(cornerOverlap)) {
+ static SEL maskRoundedBottomCorners = NSSelectorFromString(
+ [NSString stringWithFormat:@"_%s%s:", "maskRounded", "BottomCorners"]);
+ if ((signature = [window methodSignatureForSelector:maskRoundedBottomCorners])) {
+ invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];
+ = window;
+ invocation.selector = maskRoundedBottomCorners;
+ [invocation setArgument:&cornerOverlap atIndex:2];
+ [invocation invoke];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Q_UNUSED(windowRect);