path: root/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/ b/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
index 2415e165dc..9b10c8b053 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
@@ -1355,6 +1355,15 @@ QCocoaNSWindow *QCocoaWindow::createNSWindow(bool shouldBePanel)
QMacAutoReleasePool pool;
+ Qt::WindowType type = window()->type();
+ Qt::WindowFlags flags = window()->flags();
+ // Note: The macOS window manager has a bug, where if a screen is rotated, it will not allow
+ // a window to be created within the area of the screen that has a Y coordinate (I quadrant)
+ // higher than the height of the screen in its non-rotated state, unless the window is
+ // created with the NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless style mask.
+ NSWindowStyleMask styleMask = windowStyleMask(flags);
QRect rect = geometry();
QScreen *targetScreen = nullptr;
@@ -1366,26 +1375,22 @@ QCocoaNSWindow *QCocoaWindow::createNSWindow(bool shouldBePanel)
if (!targetScreen) {
- qCWarning(lcQpaCocoaWindow) << "Window position outside any known screen, using primary screen";
+ qCWarning(lcQpaCocoaWindow) << "Window position" << rect << "outside any known screen, using primary screen";
targetScreen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
+ // AppKit will only reposition a window that's outside the target screen area if
+ // the window has a title bar. If left out, the window ends up with no screen.
+ // The style mask will be corrected to the original style mask in setWindowFlags.
+ styleMask |= NSWindowStyleMaskTitled;
QCocoaScreen *cocoaScreen = static_cast<QCocoaScreen *>(targetScreen->handle());
NSRect frame = QCocoaScreen::mapToNative(rect, cocoaScreen);
- // Note: The macOS window manager has a bug, where if a screen is rotated, it will not allow
- // a window to be created within the area of the screen that has a Y coordinate (I quadrant)
- // higher than the height of the screen in its non-rotated state, unless the window is
- // created with the NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless style mask.
- Qt::WindowType type = window()->type();
- Qt::WindowFlags flags = window()->flags();
// Create NSWindow
Class windowClass = shouldBePanel ? [QNSPanel class] : [QNSWindow class];
QCocoaNSWindow *nsWindow = [[windowClass alloc] initWithContentRect:frame
- styleMask:windowStyleMask(flags)
+ styleMask:styleMask
// Deferring window creation breaks OpenGL (the GL context is
// set up before the window is shown and needs a proper window)
backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO
@@ -1394,6 +1399,9 @@ QCocoaNSWindow *QCocoaWindow::createNSWindow(bool shouldBePanel)
Q_ASSERT_X(nsWindow.screen == cocoaScreen->nativeScreen(), "QCocoaWindow",
"Resulting NSScreen should match the requested NSScreen");
+ if (targetScreen != window()->screen())
+ QWindowSystemInterface::handleWindowScreenChanged(window(), targetScreen);
nsWindow.delegate = [[QNSWindowDelegate alloc] initWithQCocoaWindow:this];
// Prevent Cocoa from releasing the window on close. Qt
@@ -1413,9 +1421,6 @@ QCocoaNSWindow *QCocoaWindow::createNSWindow(bool shouldBePanel)
- if (targetScreen != window()->screen())
- QWindowSystemInterface::handleWindowScreenChanged(window(), targetScreen);
nsWindow.restorable = NO;
nsWindow.level = windowLevel(flags);