path: root/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/ b/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
index 3f566ccb44..5c30e7f38b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/cocoa/
@@ -58,73 +58,56 @@
- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow
// The default implementation returns NO for title-bar less windows,
// override and return yes here to make sure popup windows such as
// the combobox popup can become the key window.
return YES;
+- (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow
+ BOOL canBecomeMain = YES; // By default, windows can become the main window
+ // Windows with a transient parent (such as combobox popup windows)
+ // cannot become the main window:
+ if (m_cocoaPlatformWindow->window()->transientParent())
+ canBecomeMain = NO;
+ return canBecomeMain;
@implementation QNSPanel
- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow
- return YES;
+ return NO;
QCocoaWindow::QCocoaWindow(QWindow *tlw)
: QPlatformWindow(tlw)
- , m_windowAttributes(0)
- , m_windowClass(0)
, m_glContext(0)
, m_inConstructor(true)
QCocoaAutoReleasePool pool;
- determineWindowClass();
- m_nsWindow = createWindow();
- QNSWindowDelegate *delegate = [[QNSWindowDelegate alloc] initWithQCocoaWindow:this];
- [m_nsWindow setDelegate:delegate];
- [m_nsWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
- // Prevent Cocoa from releasing the window on close. Qt
- // handles the close event asynchronously and we want to
- // make sure that m_nsWindow stays valid until the
- // QCocoaWindow is deleted by Qt.
- [m_nsWindow setReleasedWhenClosed : NO];
m_contentView = [[QNSView alloc] initWithQWindow:tlw platformWindow:this];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:m_contentView
- selector:@selector(windowDidBecomeKey)
- name:NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification
- object:m_nsWindow];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:m_contentView
- selector:@selector(windowDidResignKey)
- name:NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification
- object:m_nsWindow];
- // ### Accept touch events by default.
- // Beware that enabling touch events has a negative impact on the overall performance.
- // We probably need a QWindowSystemInterface API to enable/disable touch events.
- [m_contentView setAcceptsTouchEvents:YES];
- [m_nsWindow setContentView:m_contentView];
+ m_nsWindow = createNSWindow();
+ setNSWindow(m_nsWindow);
m_inConstructor = false;
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:m_contentView];
[m_contentView release];
+ clearNSWindow(m_nsWindow);
[m_nsWindow release];
@@ -146,23 +129,44 @@ void QCocoaWindow::setVisible(bool visible)
QCocoaAutoReleasePool pool;
- qDebug() << "QCocoaWindow::setVisible" << this << visible;
+ qDebug() << "QCocoaWindow::setVisible" << window() << visible;
if (visible) {
- // The parent window might have moved while this window was hidden,
- // update the window geometry if there is a parent.
- if (window()->transientParent())
+ if (window()->transientParent()) {
+ // The parent window might have moved while this window was hidden,
+ // update the window geometry if there is a parent.
+ // Register popup windows so that the parent window can
+ // close them when needed.
+ if (window()->windowType() == Qt::Popup) {
+ // qDebug() << "transientParent and popup" << window()->windowType() << Qt::Popup << (window()->windowType() & Qt::Popup);
+ QCocoaWindow *parentCocoaWindow = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(window()->transientParent()->handle());
+ parentCocoaWindow->m_activePopupWindow = window();
+ }
+ }
// Make sure the QWindow has a frame ready before we show the NSWindow.
QWindowSystemInterface::handleSynchronousExposeEvent(window(), QRect(QPoint(), geometry().size()));
- [m_nsWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
+ if ([m_nsWindow canBecomeKeyWindow])
+ [m_nsWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
+ else
+ [m_nsWindow orderFront: nil];
} else {
- [m_nsWindow orderOut:nil];
+ // qDebug() << "close" << this;
+ [m_nsWindow orderOut:m_nsWindow];
+Qt::WindowFlags QCocoaWindow::setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowFlags flags)
+ m_windowFlags = flags;
+ return m_windowFlags;
void QCocoaWindow::setWindowTitle(const QString &title)
QCocoaAutoReleasePool pool;
@@ -174,13 +178,14 @@ void QCocoaWindow::setWindowTitle(const QString &title)
void QCocoaWindow::raise()
+ //qDebug() << "raise" << this;
// ### handle spaces (see Qt 4 raise_sys in
[m_nsWindow orderFront: m_nsWindow];
void QCocoaWindow::lower()
- [m_nsWindow orderFront: m_nsWindow];
+ [m_nsWindow orderBack: m_nsWindow];
void QCocoaWindow::propagateSizeHints()
@@ -229,11 +234,31 @@ WId QCocoaWindow::winId() const
return WId(m_nsWindow);
+void QCocoaWindow::setParent(const QPlatformWindow *window)
+ // recreate the window for compatibility
+ clearNSWindow(m_nsWindow);
+ [m_nsWindow close];
+ [m_nsWindow release];
+ m_nsWindow = createNSWindow();
+ setNSWindow(m_nsWindow);
NSView *QCocoaWindow::contentView() const
return [m_nsWindow contentView];
+void QCocoaWindow::windowWillMove()
+ // Close any open popups on window move
+ if (m_activePopupWindow) {
+ QWindowSystemInterface::handleSynchronousCloseEvent(m_activePopupWindow);
+ m_activePopupWindow = 0;
+ }
void QCocoaWindow::windowDidMove()
[m_contentView updateGeometry];
@@ -261,156 +286,95 @@ QCocoaGLContext *QCocoaWindow::currentContext() const
return m_glContext;
- Determine the window class based on the window type and
- window flags, and widget attr Sets m_windowAttributes
- and m_windowClass.
-void QCocoaWindow::determineWindowClass()
+NSWindow * QCocoaWindow::createNSWindow()
+ QCocoaAutoReleasePool pool;
+ NSRect frame = qt_mac_flipRect(window()->geometry(), window());
Qt::WindowType type = window()->windowType();
Qt::WindowFlags flags = window()->windowFlags();
- const bool popup = (type == Qt::Popup);
- if (type == Qt::ToolTip || type == Qt::SplashScreen || popup)
- flags |= Qt::FramelessWindowHint;
- m_windowClass = kSheetWindowClass;
- if (popup || type == Qt::SplashScreen)
- m_windowClass = kModalWindowClass;
- else if (type == Qt::ToolTip)
- m_windowClass = kHelpWindowClass;
- else if (type == Qt::Tool)
- m_windowClass = kFloatingWindowClass;
- else
- m_windowClass = kDocumentWindowClass;
- m_windowAttributes = (kWindowCompositingAttribute | kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute);
-// if(qt_mac_is_macsheet(window())) {
-// m_windowClass = kSheetWindowClass;
-// } else
- {
- // Shift things around a bit to get the correct window class based on the presence
- // (or lack) of the border.
- bool customize = flags & Qt::CustomizeWindowHint;
- bool framelessWindow = (flags & Qt::FramelessWindowHint || (customize && !(flags & Qt::WindowTitleHint)));
- if (framelessWindow) {
- if (m_windowClass == kDocumentWindowClass) {
- m_windowAttributes |= kWindowNoTitleBarAttribute;
- } else if (m_windowClass == kFloatingWindowClass) {
- m_windowAttributes |= kWindowNoTitleBarAttribute;
- } else if (m_windowClass == kMovableModalWindowClass) {
- m_windowClass = kModalWindowClass;
- }
- } else {
- m_windowAttributes |= NSTitledWindowMask;
- if (m_windowClass != kModalWindowClass)
- m_windowAttributes |= NSResizableWindowMask;
- }
+ NSUInteger styleMask;
+ NSWindow *createdWindow = 0;
- // Only add extra decorations (well, buttons) for widgets that can have them
- // and have an actual border we can put them on.
- if(m_windowClass != kModalWindowClass && m_windowClass != kMovableModalWindowClass
- && m_windowClass != kSheetWindowClass && m_windowClass != kPlainWindowClass
- && !framelessWindow && m_windowClass != kDrawerWindowClass
- && m_windowClass != kHelpWindowClass) {
- if (flags & Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint)
- m_windowAttributes |= NSMiniaturizableWindowMask;
- if (flags & Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint || flags & Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint)
- m_windowAttributes |= NSClosableWindowMask;
+ // Use NSPanel for popup-type windows. (Popup, Tool, ToolTip, SplashScreen)
+ if ((type & Qt::Popup) == Qt::Popup) {
+ if (type == Qt::Popup || type == Qt::ToolTip || type == Qt::SplashScreen) {
+ styleMask = NSBorderlessWindowMask;
} else {
- // Clear these hints so that we aren't call them on invalid windows
- flags &= ~(Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint
- | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint);
+ styleMask = (NSUtilityWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask |
+ NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSTitledWindowMask);
+ QNSPanel *window;
+ window = [[QNSPanel alloc] initWithContentRect:frame
+ styleMask: styleMask
+ backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered
+ defer:NO]; // Deferring window creation breaks OpenGL (the GL context is set up
+ // before the window is shown and needs a proper window.).
+ [window setHasShadow:YES];
+ createdWindow = window;
+ } else {
+ styleMask = (NSResizableWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSTitledWindowMask);
+ QNSWindow *window;
+ window = [[QNSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:frame
+ styleMask: styleMask
+ backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered
+ defer:NO]; // Deferring window creation breaks OpenGL (the GL context is set up
+ // before the window is shown and needs a proper window.).
+ window->m_cocoaPlatformWindow = this;
+ createdWindow = window;
- if((popup || type == Qt::Tool) && !window()->isModal())
- m_windowAttributes |= kWindowHideOnSuspendAttribute;
- m_windowAttributes |= kWindowLiveResizeAttribute;
+ return createdWindow;
-NSWindow * QCocoaWindow::createWindow()
+void QCocoaWindow::setNSWindow(NSWindow *window)
- // Determine if we need to add in our "custom window" attribute. Cocoa is rather clever
- // in deciding if we need the maximize button or not (i.e., it's resizable, so you
- // must need a maximize button). So, the only buttons we have control over are the
- // close and minimize buttons. If someone wants to customize and NOT have the maximize
- // button, then we have to do our hack. We only do it for these cases because otherwise
- // the window looks different when activated. This "QtMacCustomizeWindow" attribute is
- // intruding on a public space and WILL BREAK in the future.
- // One can hope that there is a more public API available by that time.
- Qt::WindowFlags flags = widget ? widget->windowFlags() : Qt::WindowFlags(0);
- if ((flags & Qt::CustomizeWindowHint)) {
- if ((flags & (Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint
- | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint))
- && !(flags & Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint))
- wattr |= QtMacCustomizeWindow;
- }
- NSRect frame = qt_mac_flipRect(window()->geometry(), window());
- QCocoaAutoReleasePool pool;
- NSWindow *window;
- switch (m_windowClass) {
- case kMovableModalWindowClass:
- case kModalWindowClass:
- case kSheetWindowClass:
- case kFloatingWindowClass:
- case kOverlayWindowClass:
- case kHelpWindowClass: {
- NSPanel *panel;
- BOOL needFloating = NO;
- //BOOL worksWhenModal = (this->window()->windowType() == Qt::Popup);
- // Add in the extra flags if necessary.
- switch (m_windowClass) {
- case kSheetWindowClass:
- m_windowAttributes |= NSDocModalWindowMask;
- break;
- case kFloatingWindowClass:
- case kHelpWindowClass:
- needFloating = YES;
- m_windowAttributes |= NSUtilityWindowMask;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
+ QNSWindowDelegate *delegate = [[QNSWindowDelegate alloc] initWithQCocoaWindow:this];
+ [window setDelegate:delegate];
+ [window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
- panel = [[QNSPanel alloc] initWithContentRect:frame
- styleMask:m_windowAttributes
- backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered
- defer:NO]; // see window case below
-// ### crashes
-// [panel setFloatingPanel:needFloating];
-// [panel setWorksWhenModal:worksWhenModal];
- window = static_cast<NSWindow *>(panel);
- break;
- }
- default:
- window = [[QNSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:frame
- styleMask:(NSResizableWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSTitledWindowMask)
- backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered
- defer:NO]; // Deferring window creation breaks OpenGL (the GL context is set up
- // before the window is shown and needs a proper window.).
- break;
- }
+ // Prevent Cocoa from releasing the window on close. Qt
+ // handles the close event asynchronously and we want to
+ // make sure that m_nsWindow stays valid until the
+ // QCocoaWindow is deleted by Qt.
+ [window setReleasedWhenClosed : NO];
- //qt_syncCocoaTitleBarButtons(window, widget);
- return window;
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:m_contentView
+ selector:@selector(windowDidBecomeKey)
+ name:NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification
+ object:m_nsWindow];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:m_contentView
+ selector:@selector(windowDidResignKey)
+ name:NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification
+ object:m_nsWindow];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:m_contentView
+ selector:@selector(windowDidBecomeMain)
+ name:NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification
+ object:m_nsWindow];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:m_contentView
+ selector:@selector(windowDidResignMain)
+ name:NSWindowDidResignMainNotification
+ object:m_nsWindow];
+ // ### Accept touch events by default.
+ // Beware that enabling touch events has a negative impact on the overall performance.
+ // We probably need a QWindowSystemInterface API to enable/disable touch events.
+ [m_contentView setAcceptsTouchEvents:YES];
+ [window setContentView:m_contentView];
+void QCocoaWindow::clearNSWindow(NSWindow *window)
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:m_contentView];
// Returns the current global screen geometry for the nswindow associated with this window.
QRect QCocoaWindow::windowGeometry() const