path: root/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/platforms/ios/')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
index 7c88cddd54..c394592d76 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/ios/
@@ -174,6 +174,41 @@ static QIOSScreen* qtPlatformScreenFor(UIScreen *uiScreen)
+@interface UIScreen (Compatibility)
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGRect qt_applicationFrame;
+@implementation UIScreen (Compatibility)
+- (CGRect)qt_applicationFrame
+#ifdef Q_OS_IOS
+ return self.applicationFrame;
+ return self.bounds;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@implementation QUIWindow
+- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
+ if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frame]))
+ self->_sendingEvent = NO;
+ return self;
+- (void)sendEvent:(UIEvent *)event
+ QScopedValueRollback<BOOL> sendingEvent(self->_sendingEvent, YES);
+ [super sendEvent:event];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -245,7 +280,7 @@ QIOSScreen::QIOSScreen(UIScreen *screen)
if (!m_uiWindow) {
// Create a window and associated view-controller that we can use
- m_uiWindow = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[m_uiScreen bounds]];
+ m_uiWindow = [[QUIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[m_uiScreen bounds]];
m_uiWindow.rootViewController = [[[QIOSViewController alloc] initWithQIOSScreen:this] autorelease];
@@ -264,17 +299,31 @@ QIOSScreen::~QIOSScreen()
[m_uiWindow release];
+QString QIOSScreen::name() const
+ if (m_uiScreen == [UIScreen mainScreen]) {
+ return QString::fromNSString([UIDevice currentDevice].model)
+ + QLatin1String(" built-in display");
+ } else {
+ return QLatin1String("External display");
+ }
void QIOSScreen::updateProperties()
QRect previousGeometry = m_geometry;
QRect previousAvailableGeometry = m_availableGeometry;
m_geometry = QRectF::fromCGRect(m_uiScreen.bounds).toRect();
-#ifdef Q_OS_TVOS
- m_availableGeometry = m_geometry;
- m_availableGeometry = QRectF::fromCGRect(m_uiScreen.applicationFrame).toRect();
+ // The application frame doesn't take safe area insets into account, and
+ // the safe area insets are not available before the UIWindow is shown,
+ // and do not take split-view constraints into account, so we have to
+ // combine the two to get the correct available geometry.
+ QRect applicationFrame = QRectF::fromCGRect(m_uiScreen.qt_applicationFrame).toRect();
+ UIEdgeInsets safeAreaInsets = m_uiWindow.qt_safeAreaInsets;
+ m_availableGeometry = m_geometry.adjusted(safeAreaInsets.left,,
+ -safeAreaInsets.right, -safeAreaInsets.bottom).intersected(applicationFrame);
#ifndef Q_OS_TVOS
if (m_uiScreen == [UIScreen mainScreen]) {
@@ -396,6 +445,16 @@ qreal QIOSScreen::devicePixelRatio() const
return [m_uiScreen scale];
+qreal QIOSScreen::refreshRate() const
+ if (__builtin_available(iOS 10.3, tvOS 11, *))
+ return m_uiScreen.maximumFramesPerSecond;
+ return 60.0;
Qt::ScreenOrientation QIOSScreen::nativeOrientation() const
CGRect nativeBounds =