path: root/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase_ft.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase_ft.cpp')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase_ft.cpp b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase_ft.cpp
index 51f79736f2..51961014d9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase_ft.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/platforms/windows/qwindowsfontdatabase_ft.cpp
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ static bool addFontToDatabase(const QString &familyName, uchar charSet,
typedef QPair<QString, QStringList> FontKey;
// the "@family" fonts are just the same as "family". Ignore them.
- if ( == QLatin1Char('@') || familyName.startsWith(QStringLiteral("WST_")))
+ if (familyName.isEmpty() || == QLatin1Char('@') || familyName.startsWith(QStringLiteral("WST_")))
return false;
const int separatorPos = familyName.indexOf(QStringLiteral("::"));
@@ -151,19 +151,20 @@ static bool addFontToDatabase(const QString &familyName, uchar charSet,
const QFont::Stretch stretch = QFont::Unstretched;
- if (QWindowsContext::verboseFonts > 2) {
- QDebug nospace = qDebug().nospace();
- nospace << __FUNCTION__ << familyName << faceName << fullName << charSet
- << "TTF=" << ttf;
+ if (QWindowsContext::verbose > 2) {
+ QString message;
+ QTextStream str(&message);
+ str << __FUNCTION__ << ' ' << familyName << ' ' << charSet << " TTF=" << ttf;
- nospace << " DEVICE";
+ str << " DEVICE";
- nospace << " RASTER";
+ str << " RASTER";
- nospace << " TRUETYPE";
- nospace << " scalable=" << scalable << " Size=" << size
+ str << " TRUETYPE";
+ str << " scalable=" << scalable << " Size=" << size
<< " Style=" << style << " Weight=" << weight
<< " stretch=" << stretch;
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << message;
@@ -335,8 +336,8 @@ static QByteArray getFntTable(HFONT hfont, uint tag)
-static int CALLBACK storeFont(ENUMLOGFONTEX* f, NEWTEXTMETRICEX *textmetric,
- int type, LPARAM namesSetIn)
+static int QT_WIN_CALLBACK storeFont(ENUMLOGFONTEX* f, NEWTEXTMETRICEX *textmetric,
+ int type, LPARAM namesSetIn)
typedef QSet<QString> StringSet;
const QString familyName = QString::fromWCharArray(f->elfLogFont.lfFaceName)
@@ -403,8 +404,7 @@ void QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::populateFontDatabase()
void QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::populate(const QString &family)
- if (QWindowsContext::verboseFonts)
- qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << m_families.size() << family;
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << m_families.size() << family;
HDC dummy = GetDC(0);
@@ -422,111 +422,22 @@ void QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::populate(const QString &family)
ReleaseDC(0, dummy);
-QFontEngine * QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::fontEngine(const QFontDef &fontDef, QChar::Script script, void *handle)
+QFontEngine * QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::fontEngine(const QFontDef &fontDef, void *handle)
- QFontEngine *fe = QBasicFontDatabase::fontEngine(fontDef, script, handle);
- if (QWindowsContext::verboseFonts)
- qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "FONTDEF" << /*fontDef <<*/ script << fe << handle;
+ QFontEngine *fe = QBasicFontDatabase::fontEngine(fontDef, handle);
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << "FONTDEF" << << fe << handle;
return fe;
QFontEngine *QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::fontEngine(const QByteArray &fontData, qreal pixelSize, QFont::HintingPreference hintingPreference)
QFontEngine *fe = QBasicFontDatabase::fontEngine(fontData, pixelSize, hintingPreference);
- if (QWindowsContext::verboseFonts)
- qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "FONTDATA" << fontData << pixelSize << hintingPreference << fe;
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << "FONTDATA" << fontData << pixelSize << hintingPreference << fe;
return fe;
-static const char *other_tryFonts[] = {
- "Arial",
- "MS UI Gothic",
- "Gulim",
- "SimSun",
- "PMingLiU",
- "Arial Unicode MS",
- 0
-static const char *jp_tryFonts [] = {
- "MS UI Gothic",
- "Arial",
- "Gulim",
- "SimSun",
- "PMingLiU",
- "Arial Unicode MS",
- 0
-static const char *ch_CN_tryFonts [] = {
- "SimSun",
- "Arial",
- "PMingLiU",
- "Gulim",
- "MS UI Gothic",
- "Arial Unicode MS",
- 0
-static const char *ch_TW_tryFonts [] = {
- "PMingLiU",
- "Arial",
- "SimSun",
- "Gulim",
- "MS UI Gothic",
- "Arial Unicode MS",
- 0
-static const char *kr_tryFonts[] = {
- "Gulim",
- "Arial",
- "PMingLiU",
- "SimSun",
- "MS UI Gothic",
- "Arial Unicode MS",
- 0
-static const char **tryFonts = 0;
QStringList QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::fallbacksForFamily(const QString &family, QFont::Style style, QFont::StyleHint styleHint, QChar::Script script) const
- if (script == QChar::Script_Common || script == QChar::Script_Han) {
-// && !(request.styleStrategy & QFont::NoFontMerging)) {
- QFontDatabase db;
- if (!db.writingSystems(family).contains(QFontDatabase::Symbol)) {
- if(!tryFonts) {
- LANGID lid = GetUserDefaultLangID();
- switch( lid&0xff ) {
- case LANG_CHINESE: // Chinese (Taiwan)
- if ( lid == 0x0804 ) // Taiwan
- tryFonts = ch_TW_tryFonts;
- else
- tryFonts = ch_CN_tryFonts;
- break;
- tryFonts = jp_tryFonts;
- break;
- tryFonts = kr_tryFonts;
- break;
- default:
- tryFonts = other_tryFonts;
- break;
- }
- }
- QStringList list;
- const char **tf = tryFonts;
- while(tf && *tf) {
- if(m_families.contains(QLatin1String(*tf)))
- list << QLatin1String(*tf);
- ++tf;
- }
- if (!list.isEmpty())
- return list;
- }
- }
QStringList result = QPlatformFontDatabase::fallbacksForFamily(family, style, styleHint, script);
if (!result.isEmpty())
return result;
@@ -566,51 +477,24 @@ QStringList QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::fallbacksForFamily(const QString &family, QF
- if (QWindowsContext::verboseFonts)
- qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << family << style << styleHint
- << script << result << m_families;
+ if (script == QChar::Script_Common || script == QChar::Script_Han)
+ result.append(QWindowsFontDatabase::extraTryFontsForFamily(family));
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << family << style << styleHint
+ << script << result << m_families;
return result;
QString QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::fontDir() const
const QString result = QLatin1String(qgetenv("windir")) + QLatin1String("/Fonts");//QPlatformFontDatabase::fontDir();
- if (QWindowsContext::verboseFonts)
- qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << result;
+ qCDebug(lcQpaFonts) << __FUNCTION__ << result;
return result;
-HFONT QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::systemFont()
- static const HFONT stock_sysfont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT);
- return stock_sysfont;
-// Creation functions
-static inline int verticalDPI()
- return GetDeviceCaps(QWindowsContext::instance()->displayContext(), LOGPIXELSY);
QFont QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::defaultFont() const
return QWindowsFontDatabase::systemDefaultFont();
-QFont QWindowsFontDatabaseFT::LOGFONT_to_QFont(const LOGFONT& logFont, int verticalDPI_In)
- if (verticalDPI_In <= 0)
- verticalDPI_In = verticalDPI();
- QFont qFont(QString::fromWCharArray(logFont.lfFaceName));
- qFont.setItalic(logFont.lfItalic);
- if (logFont.lfWeight != FW_DONTCARE)
- qFont.setWeight(weightFromInteger(logFont.lfWeight));
- const qreal logFontHeight = qAbs(logFont.lfHeight);
- qFont.setPointSizeF(logFontHeight * 72.0 / qreal(verticalDPI_In));
- qFont.setUnderline(logFont.lfUnderline);
- qFont.setOverline(false);
- qFont.setStrikeOut(logFont.lfStrikeOut);
- return qFont;