path: root/src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3json.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3json.cpp')
1 files changed, 404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3json.cpp b/src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3json.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb81e563be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/platformthemes/gtk3/qgtk3json.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include "qgtk3json_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/QFile>
+#include <QMetaEnum>
+QLatin1String QGtk3Json::fromPalette(QPlatformTheme::Palette palette)
+ return QLatin1String(QMetaEnum::fromType<QPlatformTheme::Palette>().valueToKey(static_cast<int>(palette)));
+QLatin1String QGtk3Json::fromGtkState(GtkStateFlags state)
+ return QGtk3Interface::fromGtkState(state);
+QLatin1String fromColor(const QColor &color)
+ return QLatin1String(QByteArray(;
+QLatin1String QGtk3Json::fromColorRole(QPalette::ColorRole role)
+ return QLatin1String(QMetaEnum::fromType<QPalette::ColorRole>().valueToKey(static_cast<int>(role)));
+QLatin1String QGtk3Json::fromColorGroup(QPalette::ColorGroup group)
+ return QLatin1String(QMetaEnum::fromType<QPalette::ColorGroup>().valueToKey(static_cast<int>(group)));
+QLatin1String QGtk3Json::fromGdkSource(QGtk3Interface::QGtkColorSource source)
+ return QLatin1String(QMetaEnum::fromType<QGtk3Interface::QGtkColorSource>().valueToKey(static_cast<int>(source)));
+QLatin1String QGtk3Json::fromWidgetType(QGtk3Interface::QGtkWidget widgetType)
+ return QLatin1String(QMetaEnum::fromType<QGtk3Interface::QGtkWidget>().valueToKey(static_cast<int>(widgetType)));
+QLatin1String QGtk3Json::fromColorScheme(Qt::ColorScheme app)
+ return QLatin1String(QMetaEnum::fromType<Qt::ColorScheme>().valueToKey(static_cast<int>(app)));
+#define CONVERT(type, key, def)\
+ bool ok;\
+ const int intVal = QMetaEnum::fromType<type>().keyToValue(key.toLatin1().constData(), &ok);\
+ return ok ? static_cast<type>(intVal) : type::def
+Qt::ColorScheme QGtk3Json::toColorScheme(const QString &colorScheme)
+ CONVERT(Qt::ColorScheme, colorScheme, Unknown);
+QPlatformTheme::Palette QGtk3Json::toPalette(const QString &palette)
+ CONVERT(QPlatformTheme::Palette, palette, NPalettes);
+GtkStateFlags QGtk3Json::toGtkState(const QString &type)
+ int i = QGtk3Interface::toGtkState(type);
+ if (i < 0)
+ return static_cast<GtkStateFlags>(i);
+QColor toColor(const QStringView &color)
+ return QColor::fromString(color);
+QPalette::ColorRole QGtk3Json::toColorRole(const QString &role)
+ CONVERT(QPalette::ColorRole, role, NColorRoles);
+QPalette::ColorGroup QGtk3Json::toColorGroup(const QString &group)
+ CONVERT(QPalette::ColorGroup, group, NColorGroups);
+QGtk3Interface::QGtkColorSource QGtk3Json::toGdkSource(const QString &source)
+ CONVERT(QGtk3Interface::QGtkColorSource, source, Background);
+QLatin1String QGtk3Json::fromSourceType(QGtk3Storage::SourceType sourceType)
+ return QLatin1String(QMetaEnum::fromType<QGtk3Storage::SourceType>().valueToKey(static_cast<int>(sourceType)));
+QGtk3Storage::SourceType QGtk3Json::toSourceType(const QString &sourceType)
+ CONVERT(QGtk3Storage::SourceType, sourceType, Invalid);
+QGtk3Interface::QGtkWidget QGtk3Json::toWidgetType(const QString &widgetType)
+ CONVERT(QGtk3Interface::QGtkWidget, widgetType, gtk_offscreen_window);
+#undef CONVERT
+bool QGtk3Json::save(const QGtk3Storage::PaletteMap &map, const QString &fileName,
+ QJsonDocument::JsonFormat format)
+ QJsonDocument doc = save(map);
+ if (doc.isEmpty()) {
+ qWarning() << "Nothing to save to" << fileName;
+ return false;
+ }
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if (! {
+ qWarning() << "Unable to open file" << fileName << "for writing.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!file.write(doc.toJson(format))) {
+ qWarning() << "Unable to serialize Json document.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ file.close();
+ qInfo() << "Saved mapping data to" << fileName;
+ return true;
+const QJsonDocument QGtk3Json::save(const QGtk3Storage::PaletteMap &map)
+ QJsonObject paletteObject;
+ for (auto paletteIterator = map.constBegin(); paletteIterator != map.constEnd();
+ ++paletteIterator) {
+ const QGtk3Storage::BrushMap &bm = paletteIterator.value();
+ QFlatMap<QPalette::ColorRole, QGtk3Storage::BrushMap> brushMaps;
+ for (auto brushIterator = bm.constBegin(); brushIterator != bm.constEnd();
+ ++brushIterator) {
+ const QPalette::ColorRole role = brushIterator.key().colorRole;
+ if (brushMaps.contains(role)) {
+ brushMaps.value(role).insert(brushIterator.key(), brushIterator.value());
+ } else {
+ QGtk3Storage::BrushMap newMap;
+ newMap.insert(brushIterator.key(), brushIterator.value());
+ brushMaps.insert(role, newMap);
+ }
+ }
+ QJsonObject brushArrayObject;
+ for (auto brushMapIterator = brushMaps.constBegin();
+ brushMapIterator != brushMaps.constEnd(); ++brushMapIterator) {
+ QJsonArray brushArray;
+ int brushIndex = 0;
+ const QGtk3Storage::BrushMap &bm = brushMapIterator.value();
+ for (auto brushIterator = bm.constBegin(); brushIterator != bm.constEnd();
+ ++brushIterator) {
+ QJsonObject brushObject;
+ const QGtk3Storage::TargetBrush tb = brushIterator.key();
+ QGtk3Storage::Source s = brushIterator.value();
+ brushObject.insert(ceColorGroup, fromColorGroup(tb.colorGroup));
+ brushObject.insert(ceColorScheme, fromColorScheme(tb.colorScheme));
+ brushObject.insert(ceSourceType, fromSourceType(s.sourceType));
+ QJsonObject sourceObject;
+ switch (s.sourceType) {
+ case QGtk3Storage::SourceType::Gtk: {
+ sourceObject.insert(ceGtkWidget, fromWidgetType(s.gtk3.gtkWidgetType));
+ sourceObject.insert(ceGdkSource, fromGdkSource(s.gtk3.source));
+ sourceObject.insert(ceGtkState, fromGtkState(s.gtk3.state));
+ sourceObject.insert(ceWidth, s.gtk3.width);
+ sourceObject.insert(ceHeight, s.gtk3.height);
+ }
+ break;
+ case QGtk3Storage::SourceType::Fixed: {
+ QJsonObject fixedObject;
+ fixedObject.insert(ceColor, s.fix.fixedBrush.color().name());
+ fixedObject.insert(ceWidth, s.fix.fixedBrush.texture().width());
+ fixedObject.insert(ceHeight, s.fix.fixedBrush.texture().height());
+ sourceObject.insert(ceBrush, fixedObject);
+ }
+ break;
+ case QGtk3Storage::SourceType::Modified:{
+ sourceObject.insert(ceColorGroup, fromColorGroup(s.rec.colorGroup));
+ sourceObject.insert(ceColorRole, fromColorRole(s.rec.colorRole));
+ sourceObject.insert(ceColorScheme, fromColorScheme(s.rec.colorScheme));
+ sourceObject.insert(ceRed, s.rec.deltaRed);
+ sourceObject.insert(ceGreen, s.rec.deltaGreen);
+ sourceObject.insert(ceBlue, s.rec.deltaBlue);
+ sourceObject.insert(ceWidth, s.rec.width);
+ sourceObject.insert(ceHeight, s.rec.height);
+ sourceObject.insert(ceLighter, s.rec.lighter);
+ }
+ break;
+ case QGtk3Storage::SourceType::Invalid:
+ break;
+ }
+ brushObject.insert(ceData, sourceObject);
+ brushArray.insert(brushIndex, brushObject);
+ ++brushIndex;
+ }
+ brushArrayObject.insert(fromColorRole(brushMapIterator.key()), brushArray);
+ }
+ paletteObject.insert(fromPalette(paletteIterator.key()), brushArrayObject);
+ }
+ QJsonObject top;
+ top.insert(cePalettes, paletteObject);
+ return paletteObject.keys().isEmpty() ? QJsonDocument() : QJsonDocument(top);
+bool QGtk3Json::load(QGtk3Storage::PaletteMap &map, const QString &fileName)
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if (! {
+ qCWarning(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Unable to open file:" << fileName;
+ return false;
+ }
+ QJsonParseError err;
+ QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(file.readAll(), &err);
+ if (err.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
+ qWarning(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Unable to parse Json document from" << fileName
+ << err.error << err.errorString();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Q_LIKELY(load(map, doc))) {
+ qInfo() << "GTK mapping successfully imported from" << fileName;
+ return true;
+ }
+ qWarning() << "File" << fileName << "could not be loaded.";
+ return false;
+bool QGtk3Json::load(QGtk3Storage::PaletteMap &map, const QJsonDocument &doc)
+#define GETSTR(obj, key)\
+ if (!obj.contains(key)) {\
+ qCInfo(lcQGtk3Interface) << key << "missing for palette" << paletteName\
+ << ", Brush" << colorRoleName;\
+ return false;\
+ }\
+ value = obj[key].toString()
+#define GETINT(obj, key, var) GETSTR(obj, key);\
+ if (!obj[key].isDouble()) {\
+ qCInfo(lcQGtk3Interface) << key << "type mismatch" << value\
+ << "is not an integer!"\
+ << "(Palette" << paletteName << "), Brush" << colorRoleName;\
+ return false;\
+ }\
+ const int var = obj[key].toInt()
+ map.clear();
+ const QJsonObject top(doc.object());
+ if (doc.isEmpty() || top.isEmpty() || !top.contains(cePalettes)) {
+ qCInfo(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Document does not contain Palettes.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QStringList &paletteList = top[cePalettes].toObject().keys();
+ for (const QString &paletteName : paletteList) {
+ bool ok;
+ const int intVal = QMetaEnum::fromType<QPlatformTheme::Palette>().keyToValue(paletteName
+ .toLatin1().constData(), &ok);
+ if (!ok) {
+ qCInfo(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Invalid Palette name:" << paletteName;
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QJsonObject &paletteObject = top[cePalettes][paletteName].toObject();
+ const QStringList &brushList = paletteObject.keys();
+ if (brushList.isEmpty()) {
+ qCInfo(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Palette" << paletteName << "does not contain brushes";
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QPlatformTheme::Palette paletteType = static_cast<QPlatformTheme::Palette>(intVal);
+ QGtk3Storage::BrushMap brushes;
+ const QStringList &colorRoles = paletteObject.keys();
+ for (const QString &colorRoleName : colorRoles) {
+ const int intVal = QMetaEnum::fromType<QPalette::ColorRole>().keyToValue(colorRoleName
+ .toLatin1().constData(), &ok);
+ if (!ok) {
+ qCInfo(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Palette" << paletteName
+ << "contains invalid color role" << colorRoleName;
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QPalette::ColorRole colorRole = static_cast<QPalette::ColorRole>(intVal);
+ const QJsonArray &brushArray = paletteObject[colorRoleName].toArray();
+ for (int brushIndex = 0; brushIndex < brushArray.size(); ++brushIndex) {
+ const QJsonObject brushObject =;
+ if (brushObject.isEmpty()) {
+ qCInfo(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Brush specification missing at for palette"
+ << paletteName << ", Brush" << colorRoleName;
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString value;
+ GETSTR(brushObject, ceSourceType);
+ const QGtk3Storage::SourceType sourceType = toSourceType(value);
+ GETSTR(brushObject, ceColorGroup);
+ const QPalette::ColorGroup colorGroup = toColorGroup(value);
+ GETSTR(brushObject, ceColorScheme);
+ const Qt::ColorScheme colorScheme = toColorScheme(value);
+ QGtk3Storage::TargetBrush tb(colorGroup, colorRole, colorScheme);
+ QGtk3Storage::Source s;
+ if (!brushObject.contains(ceData) || !brushObject[ceData].isObject()) {
+ qCInfo(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Source specification missing for palette" << paletteName
+ << "Brush" << colorRoleName;
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QJsonObject &sourceObject = brushObject[ceData].toObject();
+ switch (sourceType) {
+ case QGtk3Storage::SourceType::Gtk: {
+ GETSTR(sourceObject, ceGdkSource);
+ const QGtk3Interface::QGtkColorSource gtkSource = toGdkSource(value);
+ GETSTR(sourceObject, ceGtkState);
+ const GtkStateFlags gtkState = toGtkState(value);
+ GETSTR(sourceObject, ceGtkWidget);
+ const QGtk3Interface::QGtkWidget widgetType = toWidgetType(value);
+ GETINT(sourceObject, ceHeight, height);
+ GETINT(sourceObject, ceWidth, width);
+ s = QGtk3Storage::Source(widgetType, gtkSource, gtkState, width, height);
+ }
+ break;
+ case QGtk3Storage::SourceType::Fixed: {
+ if (!sourceObject.contains(ceBrush)) {
+ qCInfo(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Fixed brush specification missing for palette" << paletteName
+ << "Brush" << colorRoleName;
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QJsonObject &fixedSource = sourceObject[ceBrush].toObject();
+ GETINT(fixedSource, ceWidth, width);
+ GETINT(fixedSource, ceHeight, height);
+ GETSTR(fixedSource, ceColor);
+ const QColor color(value);
+ if (!color.isValid()) {
+ qCInfo(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Color" << value << "can't be parsed for:" << paletteName
+ << "Brush" << colorRoleName;
+ return false;
+ }
+ const QBrush fixedBrush = (width < 0 && height < 0)
+ ? QBrush(color, QPixmap(width, height))
+ : QBrush(color);
+ s = QGtk3Storage::Source(fixedBrush);
+ }
+ break;
+ case QGtk3Storage::SourceType::Modified: {
+ GETSTR(sourceObject, ceColorGroup);
+ const QPalette::ColorGroup colorGroup = toColorGroup(value);
+ GETSTR(sourceObject, ceColorRole);
+ const QPalette::ColorRole colorRole = toColorRole(value);
+ GETSTR(sourceObject, ceColorScheme);
+ const Qt::ColorScheme colorScheme = toColorScheme(value);
+ GETINT(sourceObject, ceLighter, lighter);
+ GETINT(sourceObject, ceRed, red);
+ GETINT(sourceObject, ceBlue, blue);
+ GETINT(sourceObject, ceGreen, green);
+ s = QGtk3Storage::Source(colorGroup, colorRole, colorScheme,
+ lighter, red, green, blue);
+ }
+ break;
+ case QGtk3Storage::SourceType::Invalid:
+ qInfo(lcQGtk3Interface) << "Invalid source type for palette" << paletteName
+ << "Brush." << colorRoleName;
+ return false;
+ }
+ brushes.insert(tb, s);
+ }
+ }
+ map.insert(paletteType, brushes);
+ }
+ return true;