path: root/src/tools/moc/moc.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/moc/moc.cpp')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/moc/moc.cpp b/src/tools/moc/moc.cpp
index 50946443be..b98198d1d5 100644
--- a/src/tools/moc/moc.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/moc/moc.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include <QtCore/qfile.h>
#include <QtCore/qfileinfo.h>
#include <QtCore/qdir.h>
+#include <QtCore/qjsondocument.h>
// for normalizeTypeInternal
#include <private/qmetaobject_moc_p.h>
@@ -327,6 +328,11 @@ void Moc::parseFunctionArguments(FunctionDef *def)
def->isPrivateSignal = true;
+ if (def->arguments.size() == 1
+ && def->arguments.constLast().normalizedType == "QMethodRawArguments") {
+ def->arguments.removeLast();
+ def->isRawSlot = true;
+ }
bool Moc::testFunctionAttribute(FunctionDef *def)
@@ -999,7 +1005,7 @@ static QByteArrayList requiredQtContainers(const QVector<ClassDef> &classes)
return required;
-void Moc::generate(FILE *out)
+void Moc::generate(FILE *out, FILE *jsonOutput)
QByteArray fn = filename;
int i = filename.length()-1;
@@ -1062,6 +1068,23 @@ void Moc::generate(FILE *out)
fprintf(out, "QT_WARNING_POP\n");
fprintf(out, "QT_END_MOC_NAMESPACE\n");
+ if (jsonOutput) {
+ QJsonObject mocData;
+ mocData[QLatin1String("outputRevision")] = mocOutputRevision;
+ mocData[QLatin1String("inputFile")] = QLatin1String(fn.constData());
+ QJsonArray classesJsonFormatted;
+ for (const ClassDef &cdef: qAsConst(classList))
+ classesJsonFormatted.append(cdef.toJson());
+ if (!classesJsonFormatted.isEmpty())
+ mocData[QLatin1String("classes")] = classesJsonFormatted;
+ QJsonDocument jsonDoc(mocData);
+ fputs(jsonDoc.toJson().constData(), jsonOutput);
+ }
void Moc::parseSlots(ClassDef *def, FunctionDef::Access access)
@@ -1784,6 +1807,186 @@ void Moc::checkProperties(ClassDef *cdef)
+QJsonObject ClassDef::toJson() const
+ QJsonObject cls;
+ cls[QLatin1String("className")] = QString::fromUtf8(classname.constData());
+ cls[QLatin1String("qualifiedClassName")] = QString::fromUtf8(qualified.constData());
+ QJsonArray classInfos;
+ for (const auto &info: qAsConst(classInfoList)) {
+ QJsonObject infoJson;
+ infoJson[QLatin1String("name")] = QString::fromUtf8(;
+ infoJson[QLatin1String("value")] = QString::fromUtf8(info.value);
+ classInfos.append(infoJson);
+ }
+ if (classInfos.size())
+ cls[QLatin1String("classInfos")] = classInfos;
+ const auto appendFunctions = [&cls](const QString &type, const QVector<FunctionDef> &funcs) {
+ QJsonArray jsonFuncs;
+ for (const FunctionDef &fdef: funcs)
+ jsonFuncs.append(fdef.toJson());
+ if (!jsonFuncs.isEmpty())
+ cls[type] = jsonFuncs;
+ };
+ appendFunctions(QLatin1String("signals"), signalList);
+ appendFunctions(QLatin1String("slots"), slotList);
+ appendFunctions(QLatin1String("constructors"), constructorList);
+ appendFunctions(QLatin1String("methods"), methodList);
+ QJsonArray props;
+ for (const PropertyDef &propDef: qAsConst(propertyList))
+ props.append(propDef.toJson());
+ if (!props.isEmpty())
+ cls[QLatin1String("properties")] = props;
+ if (hasQGadget)
+ cls[QLatin1String("gadget")] = true;
+ QJsonArray superClasses;
+ for (const auto &super: qAsConst(superclassList)) {
+ const auto name = super.first;
+ const auto access = super.second;
+ QJsonObject superCls;
+ superCls[QLatin1String("name")] = QString::fromUtf8(name);
+ FunctionDef::accessToJson(&superCls, access);
+ superClasses.append(superCls);
+ }
+ if (!superClasses.isEmpty())
+ cls[QLatin1String("superClasses")] = superClasses;
+ QJsonArray enums;
+ for (const EnumDef &enumDef: qAsConst(enumList))
+ enums.append(enumDef.toJson(*this));
+ if (!enums.isEmpty())
+ cls[QLatin1String("enums")] = enums;
+ QJsonArray ifaces;
+ for (const QVector<Interface> &ifaceList: interfaceList) {
+ QJsonArray jsonList;
+ for (const Interface &iface: ifaceList) {
+ QJsonObject ifaceJson;
+ ifaceJson[QLatin1String("id")] = QString::fromUtf8(iface.interfaceId);
+ ifaceJson[QLatin1String("className")] = QString::fromUtf8(iface.className);
+ jsonList.append(ifaceJson);
+ }
+ ifaces.append(jsonList);
+ }
+ if (!ifaces.isEmpty())
+ cls[QLatin1String("interfaces")] = ifaces;
+ return cls;
+QJsonObject FunctionDef::toJson() const
+ QJsonObject fdef;
+ fdef[QLatin1String("name")] = QString::fromUtf8(name);
+ if (!tag.isEmpty())
+ fdef[QLatin1String("tag")] = QString::fromUtf8(tag);
+ fdef[QLatin1String("returnType")] = QString::fromUtf8(normalizedType);
+ QJsonArray args;
+ for (const ArgumentDef &arg: arguments)
+ args.append(arg.toJson());
+ if (!args.isEmpty())
+ fdef[QLatin1String("arguments")] = args;
+ accessToJson(&fdef, access);
+ if (revision > 0)
+ fdef[QLatin1String("revision")] = revision;
+ return fdef;
+void FunctionDef::accessToJson(QJsonObject *obj, FunctionDef::Access acs)
+ switch (acs) {
+ case Private: (*obj)[QLatin1String("access")] = QLatin1String("private"); break;
+ case Public: (*obj)[QLatin1String("access")] = QLatin1String("public"); break;
+ case Protected: (*obj)[QLatin1String("access")] = QLatin1String("protected"); break;
+ }
+QJsonObject ArgumentDef::toJson() const
+ QJsonObject arg;
+ arg[QLatin1String("type")] = QString::fromUtf8(normalizedType);
+ if (!name.isEmpty())
+ arg[QLatin1String("name")] = QString::fromUtf8(name);
+ return arg;
+QJsonObject PropertyDef::toJson() const
+ QJsonObject prop;
+ prop[QLatin1String("name")] = QString::fromUtf8(name);
+ prop[QLatin1String("type")] = QString::fromUtf8(type);
+ const auto jsonify = [&prop](const char *str, const QByteArray &member) {
+ if (!member.isEmpty())
+ prop[QLatin1String(str)] = QString::fromUtf8(member);
+ };
+ jsonify("member", member);
+ jsonify("read", read);
+ jsonify("write", write);
+ jsonify("reset", reset);
+ jsonify("notify", notify);
+ jsonify("privateClass", inPrivateClass);
+ const auto jsonifyBoolOrString = [&prop](const char *str, const QByteArray &boolOrString) {
+ QJsonValue value;
+ if (boolOrString == "true")
+ value = true;
+ else if (boolOrString == "false")
+ value = false;
+ else
+ value = QString::fromUtf8(boolOrString); // function name to query at run-time
+ prop[QLatin1String(str)] = value;
+ };
+ jsonifyBoolOrString("designable", designable);
+ jsonifyBoolOrString("scriptable", scriptable);
+ jsonifyBoolOrString("stored", stored);
+ jsonifyBoolOrString("user", user);
+ prop[QLatin1String("constant")] = constant;
+ prop[QLatin1String("final")] = final;
+ if (revision > 0)
+ prop[QLatin1String("revision")] = revision;
+ return prop;
+QJsonObject EnumDef::toJson(const ClassDef &cdef) const
+ QJsonObject def;
+ def[QLatin1String("name")] = QString::fromUtf8(name);
+ if (!enumName.isEmpty())
+ def[QLatin1String("alias")] = QString::fromUtf8(enumName);
+ def[QLatin1String("isFlag")] = cdef.enumDeclarations.value(name);
+ def[QLatin1String("isClass")] = isEnumClass;
+ QJsonArray valueArr;
+ for (const QByteArray &value: values)
+ valueArr.append(QString::fromUtf8(value));
+ if (!valueArr.isEmpty())
+ def[QLatin1String("values")] = valueArr;
+ return def;