path: root/src/tools/qdoc/ditaxmlgenerator.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/qdoc/ditaxmlgenerator.cpp')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/qdoc/ditaxmlgenerator.cpp b/src/tools/qdoc/ditaxmlgenerator.cpp
index 1f986e35ff..0c88cbc529 100644
--- a/src/tools/qdoc/ditaxmlgenerator.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/qdoc/ditaxmlgenerator.cpp
@@ -70,9 +70,15 @@ QString DitaXmlGenerator::ditaTags[] =
+ "apiData",
+ "apiDef",
+ "apiDefItem",
+ "apiDetail",
+ "apiItemName",
+ "apiRef",
@@ -215,6 +221,34 @@ QString DitaXmlGenerator::ditaTags[] =
+ "qmlAttached",
+ "qmlDetail",
+ "qmlImportModule",
+ "qmlInheritedBy",
+ "qmlInherits",
+ "qmlInstantiates",
+ "qmlMethod",
+ "qmlMethodDef",
+ "qmlMethodDetail",
+ "qmlName",
+ "qmlProperty",
+ "qmlPropertyDef",
+ "qmlPropertyDetail",
+ "qmlPropertyGroup",
+ "qmlPropertyGroupDef",
+ "qmlPropertyGroupDetail",
+ "qmlQualifier",
+ "qmlSignal",
+ "qmlSignalDef",
+ "qmlSignalDetail",
+ "qmlSignalHandler",
+ "qmlSignalHandlerDef",
+ "qmlSignalHandlerDetail",
+ "qmlSignature",
+ "qmlSince",
+ "qmlType",
+ "qmlTypeDef",
+ "qmlTypeDetail",
@@ -335,18 +369,18 @@ DitaXmlGenerator::DitaTag DitaXmlGenerator::currentTag()
- Write the start tag \c{<apiDesc>}. if \a title is not
- empty, generate a GUID from it and write the GUID as the
- value of the \e{id} attribute.
+ Write the start \a tag. if \a title is not empty, generate
+ a GUID from it and write the GUID as the value of the \e{id}
+ attribute.
Then if \a outputclass is not empty, write it as the value
of the \a outputclass attribute.
Fiunally, set the section nesting level to 1 and return 1.
-int DitaXmlGenerator::enterApiDesc(const QString& outputclass, const QString& title)
+int DitaXmlGenerator::enterDesc(DitaTag tag, const QString& outputclass, const QString& title)
- writeStartTag(DT_apiDesc);
+ writeStartTag(tag);
if (!title.isEmpty()) {
//Are there cases where the spectitle is required?
@@ -646,6 +680,10 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateTree(Tree *tree)
+ QString fileBase = project.toLower().simplified().replace(" ", "-");
+ generateIndex(fileBase, projectUrl, projectDescription);
@@ -1797,7 +1835,7 @@ DitaXmlGenerator::generateClassLikeNode(InnerNode* inner, CodeMarker* marker)
writeEndTag(); // <cxxClassDefinition>
- enterApiDesc(QString(),title);
+ enterDesc(DT_apiDesc,QString(),title);
#if 0
// To be removed, if really not needed.
Text brief = nsn->doc().briefText(); // zzz
@@ -1933,7 +1971,7 @@ DitaXmlGenerator::generateClassLikeNode(InnerNode* inner, CodeMarker* marker)
writeEndTag(); // <cxxClassDefinition>
- enterApiDesc(QString(),title);
+ enterDesc(DT_apiDesc,QString(),title);
#if 0
// To be removed, if really not needed.
Text brief = cn->doc().briefText(); // zzz
@@ -2059,7 +2097,7 @@ DitaXmlGenerator::generateClassLikeNode(InnerNode* inner, CodeMarker* marker)
- enterApiDesc(QString(),title);
+ enterDesc(DT_apiDesc,QString(),title);
#if 0
// To be removed, if really not needed.
Text brief = fn->doc().briefText(); // zzz
@@ -2173,15 +2211,20 @@ DitaXmlGenerator::generateClassLikeNode(InnerNode* inner, CodeMarker* marker)
rawTitle = marker->plainName(inner);
fullTitle = marker->plainFullName(inner);
title = rawTitle + " Element";
- //QString fullTitle = fake->fullTitle();
- //QString htmlTitle = fullTitle;
+ Node::clearPropertyGroupCount();
generateHeader(inner, fullTitle);
generateBrief(inner, marker); // <shortdesc>
- writeStartTag(DT_cxxClassDetail);
- enterApiDesc(QString(),title);
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlTypeDetail);
+ generateQmlModuleDef(qcn);
+ generateQmlInherits(qcn,marker);
+ generateQmlInstantiates(qcn,marker);
+ generateQmlInheritedBy(qcn, marker);
+ generateQmlSince(qcn);
+ enterDesc(DT_apiDesc,QString(),title);
#if 0
// To be removed, if really not needed.
Text brief = qcn->doc().briefText(); // zzz
@@ -2191,10 +2234,6 @@ DitaXmlGenerator::generateClassLikeNode(InnerNode* inner, CodeMarker* marker)
writeEndTag(); // </p>
- generateQmlInstantiates(qcn, marker);
- generateQmlInherits(qcn, marker);
- generateQmlInheritedBy(qcn, marker);
- generateSince(qcn, marker);
generateBody(qcn, marker);
if (cn) {
@@ -2203,42 +2242,13 @@ DitaXmlGenerator::generateClassLikeNode(InnerNode* inner, CodeMarker* marker)
leaveSection(); // </apiDesc>
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlTypeDetail>
- QList<Section> summarySections;
- summarySections = marker->qmlSections(qcn,CodeMarker::Summary);
- if (!summarySections.isEmpty()) {
- enterSection("redundant",QString());
- s = summarySections.begin();
- while (s != summarySections.end()) {
- QString attr;
- if (!s->members.isEmpty()) {
- writeStartTag(DT_p);
- attr = cleanRef((*s).name).toLower() + " h2";
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass",attr);
- writeCharacters(protectEnc((*s).name));
- writeEndTag(); // </p>
- generateQmlSummary(*s,qcn,marker);
- //generateSection(s->members, inner, marker, CodeMarker::Summary);
- //generateSectionInheritedList(*s, inner, marker);
- }
- ++s;
- }
- leaveSection();
- }
- QList<Section> detailSections;
- detailSections = marker->qmlSections(qcn,CodeMarker::Detailed);
- if (!detailSections.isEmpty()) {
- enterSection("details",QString());
- s = detailSections.begin();
- while (s != detailSections.end()) {
+ QList<Section> members = marker->qmlSections(qcn,CodeMarker::Detailed);
+ if (!members.isEmpty()) {
+ s = members.begin();
+ while (s != members.end()) {
if (!s->members.isEmpty()) {
- QString attr;
- writeStartTag(DT_p);
- attr = cleanRef((*s).name).toLower() + " h2";
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass",attr);
- writeCharacters(protectEnc((*s).name));
- writeEndTag(); // </p>
NodeList::ConstIterator m = (*s).members.begin();
while (m != (*s).members.end()) {
generateDetailedQmlMember(*m, qcn, marker);
@@ -2247,14 +2257,11 @@ DitaXmlGenerator::generateClassLikeNode(InnerNode* inner, CodeMarker* marker)
- leaveSection();
- writeEndTag(); // </cxxClassDetail>
- writeEndTag(); // </cxxClass>
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiRef>
Write a list item for a \a link with the given \a text.
@@ -2429,7 +2436,7 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::writeRelatedLinks(const FakeNode* node, CodeMarker* marke
Returns "dita" for this subclass of class Generator.
-QString DitaXmlGenerator::fileExtension(const Node * /* node */) const
+QString DitaXmlGenerator::fileExtension() const
return "dita";
@@ -2487,14 +2494,14 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateHeader(const Node* node,
outputclass = "headerfile";
else if (node->subType() == Node::QmlClass) {
- mainTag = DT_cxxClass;
+ mainTag = DT_qmlType;
nameTag = DT_apiName;
- dtd = "dtd/cxxClass.dtd";
- version = "0.7.0";
+ dtd = "dtd/qmlType.dtd";
+ version = "0.1.0";
doctype = "<!DOCTYPE " + ditaTags[mainTag] +
- " PUBLIC \"-//NOKIA//DTD DITA C++ API Class Reference Type v" +
- version + "//EN\" \"" + dtd + "\">";
- outputclass = "QML-class";
+ "//EN\" \"" + dtd + "\">";
+ outputclass = "QML-type";
else {
mainTag = DT_topic;
@@ -4426,6 +4433,50 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlSummary(const Section& section,
+ Writes the QML property \a qpn to the current DITA XML file.
+ Assumes that the correct start tag has already been written,
+ but nothing has been written inside that tag. This function
+ begins by writing the GUID id attribute for the property.
+ */
+void DitaXmlGenerator::startQmlProperty(QmlPropertyNode* qpn,
+ const InnerNode* relative,
+ CodeMarker* marker)
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlProperty);
+ writeGuidAttribute((Node*)qpn);
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiName);
+ writeCharacters(qpn->name());
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiName>
+ generateBrief(qpn, marker); // <shortdesc>
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlPropertyDetail);
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlPropertyDef);
+ if (!qpn->isReadOnlySet())
+ qpn->setReadOnly(!qpn->isWritable(tree_));
+ if (qpn->isReadOnly()) {
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlQualifier);
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("name","read-only");
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("value","read-only");
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlQualifier>
+ }
+ if (qpn->isDefault()) {
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlQualifier);
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("name","default");
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("value","default");
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlQualifier>
+ }
+ if (qpn->isAttached()) {
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlAttached);
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("name","attached");
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("value","yes");
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlAttached>
+ }
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiData);
+ generateQmlItem(qpn, relative, marker, false);
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiData>
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlPropertyDef>
Outputs the DITA detailed documentation for a section
on a QML element reference page.
@@ -4435,71 +4486,57 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateDetailedQmlMember(Node* node,
QString marked;
QmlPropertyNode* qpn = 0;
if (node->subType() == Node::QmlPropertyGroup) {
const QmlPropGroupNode* qpgn = static_cast<const QmlPropGroupNode*>(node);
NodeList::ConstIterator p = qpgn->childNodes().begin();
- writeStartTag(DT_ul);
- while (p != qpgn->childNodes().end()) {
- if ((*p)->type() == Node::QmlProperty) {
- qpn = static_cast<QmlPropertyNode*>(*p);
- writeStartTag(DT_li);
- writeGuidAttribute((Node*)qpn);
- QString attr;
- if (!qpn->isReadOnlySet())
- qpn->setReadOnly(!qpn->isWritable(tree_));
- if (qpn->isReadOnly())
- attr = "read-only";
- if (qpn->isDefault()) {
- if (!attr.isEmpty())
- attr += QLatin1Char(' ');
- attr += "default";
+ if (qpgn->childNodes().size() == 1) {
+ qpn = static_cast<QmlPropertyNode*>(*p);
+ startQmlProperty(qpn,relative,marker);
+ writeQmlDesc(node, marker);
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlPropertyDetail>
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlProperty>
+ }
+ else {
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlPropertyGroup);
+ QString id = "id-qml-propertygroup-" + node->name();
+ id.replace('.','-');
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("id",id);
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiName);
+ //writeCharacters("...");
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiName>
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlPropertyGroupDetail);
+ writeQmlDesc(node, marker);
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlPropertyGroupDetail>
+ while (p != qpgn->childNodes().end()) {
+ if ((*p)->type() == Node::QmlProperty) {
+ qpn = static_cast<QmlPropertyNode*>(*p);
+ startQmlProperty(qpn,relative,marker);
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlPropertyDetail>
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlProperty>
- if (!attr.isEmpty())
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass",attr);
- generateQmlItem(qpn, relative, marker, false);
- writeEndTag(); // </li>
+ ++p;
- ++p;
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlPropertyGroup
- writeEndTag(); // </ul>
else if (node->type() == Node::QmlProperty) {
qpn = static_cast<QmlPropertyNode*>(node);
- /*
- If the QML property node has a single subproperty,
- override, replace qpn with that override node and
- proceed as normal.
- */
- if (qpn->qmlPropNodes().size() == 1) {
+ if (qpn->qmlPropNodes().isEmpty()) {
+ startQmlProperty(qpn,relative,marker);
+ writeQmlDesc(node, marker);
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlPropertyDetail>
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlProperty>
+ }
+ else if (qpn->qmlPropNodes().size() == 1) {
Node* n = qpn->qmlPropNodes().at(0);
- if (n->type() == Node::QmlProperty)
+ if (n->type() == Node::QmlProperty) {
qpn = static_cast<QmlPropertyNode*>(n);
- }
- /*
- Now qpn either has no overrides, or it has more
- than 1. If it has none, proceed to output as nortmal.
- */
- if (qpn->qmlPropNodes().isEmpty()) {
- writeStartTag(DT_ul);
- writeStartTag(DT_li);
- writeGuidAttribute((Node*)qpn);
- QString attr;
- if (!qpn->isReadOnlySet()) {
- if (qpn->declarativeCppNode())
- qpn->setReadOnly(!qpn->isWritable(tree_));
- }
- if (qpn->isReadOnly())
- attr = "read-only";
- if (qpn->isDefault()) {
- if (!attr.isEmpty())
- attr += QLatin1Char(' ');
- attr += "default";
- }
- if (!attr.isEmpty())
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass",attr);
- generateQmlItem(qpn, relative, marker, false);
- writeEndTag(); // </li>
- writeEndTag(); // </ul>
+ startQmlProperty(qpn,relative,marker);
+ writeQmlDesc(node, marker);
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlPropertyDetail>
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlProperty>
+ }
else {
@@ -4507,68 +4544,99 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateDetailedQmlMember(Node* node,
Process the whole list as we would for a QML property
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlPropertyGroup);
+ QString id = "id-qml-propertygroup-" + node->name();
+ id.replace('.','-');
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("id",id);
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiName);
+ //writeCharacters("...");
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiName>
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlPropertyGroupDetail);
+ writeQmlDesc(node, marker);
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlPropertyGroupDetail>
NodeList::ConstIterator p = qpn->qmlPropNodes().begin();
- writeStartTag(DT_ul);
while (p != qpn->qmlPropNodes().end()) {
if ((*p)->type() == Node::QmlProperty) {
QmlPropertyNode* q = static_cast<QmlPropertyNode*>(*p);
- writeStartTag(DT_li);
- writeGuidAttribute((Node*)q);
- QString attr;
- if (!qpn->isReadOnlySet())
- qpn->setReadOnly(!qpn->isWritable(tree_));
- if (qpn->isReadOnly())
- attr = "read-only";
- if (qpn->isDefault()) {
- if (!attr.isEmpty())
- attr += QLatin1Char(' ');
- attr += "default";
- }
- if (!attr.isEmpty())
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass",attr);
- generateQmlItem(q, relative, marker, false);
- writeEndTag(); // </li>
+ startQmlProperty(q,relative,marker);
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlPropertyDetail>
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlProperty>
- writeEndTag(); // </ul>
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlPropertyGroup
- else if (node->type() == Node::QmlSignal) {
- Node* n = const_cast<Node*>(node);
- writeStartTag(DT_ul);
- writeStartTag(DT_li);
- writeGuidAttribute(n);
- marked = getMarkedUpSynopsis(n, relative, marker, CodeMarker::Detailed);
- writeText(marked, marker, relative);
- writeEndTag(); // </li>
- writeEndTag(); // </ul>
- }
- else if (node->type() == Node::QmlSignalHandler) {
- Node* n = const_cast<Node*>(node);
- writeStartTag(DT_ul);
- writeStartTag(DT_li);
- writeGuidAttribute(n);
- marked = getMarkedUpSynopsis(n, relative, marker, CodeMarker::Detailed);
- writeText(marked, marker, relative);
- writeEndTag(); // </li>
- writeEndTag(); // </ul>
- }
- else if (node->type() == Node::QmlMethod) {
- Node* n = const_cast<Node*>(node);
- writeStartTag(DT_ul);
- writeStartTag(DT_li);
- writeGuidAttribute(n);
- marked = getMarkedUpSynopsis(n, relative, marker, CodeMarker::Detailed);
- writeText(marked, marker, relative);
- writeEndTag(); // </li>
- writeEndTag(); // </ul>
- }
+ else if (node->type() == Node::QmlSignal)
+ writeQmlRef(DT_qmlSignal,node,relative,marker);
+ else if (node->type() == Node::QmlSignalHandler)
+ writeQmlRef(DT_qmlSignalHandler,node,relative,marker);
+ else if (node->type() == Node::QmlMethod)
+ writeQmlRef(DT_qmlMethod,node,relative,marker);
+ Outputs the DITA detailed documentation for a section
+ on a QML element reference page.
+ */
+void DitaXmlGenerator::writeQmlRef(DitaTag tag,
+ Node* node,
+ const InnerNode* relative,
+ CodeMarker* marker)
+ writeStartTag(tag);
+ Node* n = const_cast<Node*>(node);
+ writeGuidAttribute(n);
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiName);
+ writeCharacters(n->name());
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiName>
+ writeStartTag((DitaTag)((int)tag+2));
+ writeStartTag((DitaTag)((int)tag+1));
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiData);
+ QString marked = getMarkedUpSynopsis(n, relative, marker, CodeMarker::Detailed);
+ writeText(marked, marker, relative);
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiData>
+ if (node->isAttached()) {
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlAttached);
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("name","attached");
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("value","yes");
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlAttached>
+ }
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlXxxDef>
+ writeQmlDesc(node, marker);
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlXxxDetail>
+ writeEndTag(); // tag
+ Writes the <apiDesc> tag and its contents for the \a node.
+ The \a marker is used for markeing up the text body.
+ */
+void DitaXmlGenerator::writeQmlDesc(Node* node, CodeMarker* marker)
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiDesc);
generateStatus(node, marker);
generateBody(node, marker);
generateThreadSafeness(node, marker);
generateSince(node, marker);
generateAlsoList(node, marker);
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiDesc>
+ This generates a <qmlTypeDef> in which the
+ QML module name and version number are specified.
+ */
+void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlModuleDef(QmlClassNode* qcn)
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlImportModule);
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiItemName);
+ writeCharacters(qcn->qmlModuleName());
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiItemName>
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiData);
+ writeCharacters(qcn->qmlModuleVersion());
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiData>
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlImportModule>
@@ -4581,17 +4649,42 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlInherits(const QmlClassNode* qcn, CodeMarker*
const FakeNode* base = qcn->qmlBase();
if (base) {
- writeStartTag(DT_p);
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","inherits");
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlInherits);
+ //writeStartTag(DT_qmlTypeDef);
+ //xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","inherits");
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiData);
Text text;
- text << "[Inherits ";
text << Atom(Atom::LinkNode,CodeMarker::stringForNode(base));
text << Atom(Atom::FormattingLeft, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK);
text << Atom(Atom::String, base->name());
text << Atom(Atom::FormattingRight, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK);
- text << "]";
generateText(text, qcn, marker);
- writeEndTag(); // </p>
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiData>
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlInherits>
+ }
+ Output the "Inherit by" list for the QML element,
+ if it is inherited by any other elements.
+ */
+void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlInheritedBy(const QmlClassNode* qcn, CodeMarker* marker)
+ if (qcn) {
+ NodeList subs;
+ QmlClassNode::subclasses(qcn->name(),subs);
+ if (!subs.isEmpty()) {
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlInheritedBy);
+ //writeStartTag(DT_qmlTypeDef);
+ //xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","inherited-by");
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiData);
+ Text text;
+ appendSortedQmlNames(text,qcn,subs,marker);
+ text << Atom::ParaRight;
+ generateText(text, qcn, marker);
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiData>
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlIneritedBy>
+ }
@@ -4606,22 +4699,39 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlInstantiates(QmlClassNode* qcn, CodeMarker* ma
ClassNode* cn = qcn->classNode();
if (cn && (cn->status() != Node::Internal)) {
- writeStartTag(DT_p);
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","instantiates");
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlInstantiates);
+ //writeStartTag(DT_qmlTypeDef);
+ //xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","instantiates");
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiData);
Text text;
- text << "[";
- text << Atom(Atom::LinkNode,CodeMarker::stringForNode(qcn));
- text << Atom(Atom::FormattingLeft, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK);
- text << Atom(Atom::String, qcn->name());
- text << Atom(Atom::FormattingRight, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK);
- text << " instantiates the C++ class ";
text << Atom(Atom::LinkNode,CodeMarker::stringForNode(cn));
text << Atom(Atom::FormattingLeft, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK);
text << Atom(Atom::String, cn->name());
text << Atom(Atom::FormattingRight, ATOM_FORMATTING_LINK);
- text << "]";
generateText(text, qcn, marker);
- writeEndTag(); // </p>
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiData>
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlInstantiates>
+ }
+ Generate a <qmlXxxDef> for the "since" version string, if there is one.
+ */
+void DitaXmlGenerator::generateQmlSince(const Node* node)
+ if (!node->since().isEmpty()) {
+ writeStartTag(DT_qmlSince);
+ //writeStartTag(DT_qmlTypeDef);
+ //xmlWriter().writeAttribute("outputclass","since");
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiItemName);
+ QStringList pieces = node->since().split(QLatin1Char(' '));
+ writeCharacters(pieces[0]);
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiItemName>
+ writeStartTag(DT_apiData);
+ if (pieces.size() > 1)
+ writeCharacters(pieces[1]);
+ writeEndTag(); // </apiData>
+ writeEndTag(); // </qmlSince>
@@ -5589,7 +5699,7 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::writeApiDesc(const Node* node,
if (!node->doc().isEmpty()) {
inDetailedDescription = true;
- enterApiDesc(QString(),title);
+ enterDesc(DT_apiDesc,QString(),title);
generateBody(node, marker);
generateAlsoList(node, marker);
@@ -5690,7 +5800,7 @@ DitaXmlGenerator::generateInnerNode(InnerNode* node)
- Returns true if \a format is "XML" or "HTML" .
+ Returns true if \a format is "DITAXML" or "HTML" .
bool DitaXmlGenerator::canHandleFormat(const QString& format)
@@ -6048,23 +6158,32 @@ void DitaXmlGenerator::writeTopicrefs(NodeMultiMap* nmm, const QString& navtitle
switch (i.value()->type()) {
- case Node::Class: {
- const NamespaceNode* nn = static_cast<const NamespaceNode*>(i.value());
- const NodeList& c = nn->childNodes();
- for (int j=0; j<c.size(); ++j) {
- if (c[j]->isInternal() || c[j]->access() == Node::Private || c[j]->doc().isEmpty())
- continue;
- if (c[j]->type() == Node::Class) {
+ case Node::Class:
+ case Node::Namespace: {
+ const NamespaceNode* nn = static_cast<const NamespaceNode*>(i.value());
+ const NodeList& c = nn->childNodes();
+ QMap<QString, const Node*> tempMap;
+ for (int j=0; j<c.size(); ++j) {
+ if (c[j]->isInternal() || c[j]->access() == Node::Private || c[j]->doc().isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ if (c[j]->type() == Node::Class) {
+ tempMap.insert(c[j]->name(), c[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ QMap<QString, const Node*>::iterator classIterator = tempMap.begin();
+ while (classIterator != tempMap.end()) {
+ const Node* currentNode = static_cast<const Node*>(classIterator.value());
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("navtitle",c[j]->name());
- xmlWriter().writeAttribute("href",fileName(c[j]));
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("navtitle",currentNode->name());
+ xmlWriter().writeAttribute("href",fileName(currentNode));
writeEndTag(); // </topicref>
+ ++classIterator;
+ break;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
+ default:
+ break;
writeEndTag(); // </topicref>