path: root/src/tools/qdoc/doc
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/qdoc/doc')
5 files changed, 256 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-cmdindex.qdoc b/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-cmdindex.qdoc
index 97d9151e40..a713b2738d 100644
--- a/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-cmdindex.qdoc
+++ b/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-cmdindex.qdoc
@@ -37,123 +37,123 @@
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#a-command} {\\a}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#abstract-command} {\\abstract}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#annotatedlist-command} {\\annotatedlist}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#b-command} {\\b} \span {class="newStuff"} {(new 5/3/2012)}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#b-command} {\\bold} \span {class="newStuff"} {(deprecated, use \\b)}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#brief-command} {\\brief}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#c-command} {\\c}
- \li \l {09-qdoc-commands-includingimages.html#caption-command} {\\caption}
- \li \l {05-qdoc-commands-documentstructure.html#chapter-command} {\\chapter}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#class-command} {\\class}
- \li \l {06-qdoc-commands-includecodeinline.html#code-command} {\\code}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#codeline-command} {\\codeline},
- \li \l {16-qdoc-commands-status.html#compat-command} {\\compat}
- \li \l {15-qdoc-commands-navigation.html#contentspage-command} {\\contentspage}
- \li \l {16-qdoc-commands-status.html#default-command} {\\default}
- \li \l {21-0-qdoc-creating-dita-maps.html#ditamap-command} {\\ditamap} \span {class="newStuff"} {(new 05/03/12)}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#div-command} {\\div}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#dots-command} {\\dots}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#e-command} {\\e} \span {class="newStuff"} {(new 5/3/2012)}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#else-command} {\\else}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#endif-command} {\\endif}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#enum-command} {\\enum}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#example-command} {\\example}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#externalpage-command} {\\externalpage}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#fn-command} {\\fn}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#footnote-command} {\\footnote}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#generatelist-command} {\\generatelist}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#group-command} {\\group}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#header-command} {\\header}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#headerfile-command} {\\headerfile}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#e-command} {\\i} \span {class="newStuff"} {(deprecated, use \\e)}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#if-command} {\\if}
- \li \l {09-qdoc-commands-includingimages.html#image-command} {\\image}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#include-command} {\\include}
- \li \l {15-qdoc-commands-navigation.html#indexpage-command} {\\indexpage}
- \li \l {19-qdoc-commands-grouping.html#ingroup-command} {\\ingroup}
- \li \l {18-qdoc-commands-relating.html#inherits-command}{\\inherits}
- \li \l {09-qdoc-commands-includingimages.html#inlineimage-command} {\\inlineimage}
- \li \l {19-qdoc-commands-grouping.html#inmodule-command} {\\inmodule}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#inqmlmodule-command} {\\inqmlmodule}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#instantiates-command} {\\instantiates} \span {class="newStuff"} {(new 27/7/2012)}
- \li \l {16-qdoc-commands-status.html#internal-command} {\\internal}
- \li \l {08-qdoc-commands-creatinglinks.html#keyword-command} {\\keyword}
- \li \l {08-qdoc-commands-creatinglinks.html#l-command} {\\l}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#legalese-command} {\\legalese}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#li-command} {\\li} \span {class="newStuff"} {(new 5/3/2012)}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#list-command} {\\list}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#macro-command} {\\macro}
- \li \l {19-qdoc-commands-grouping.html#mainclass-command} {\\mainclass}
- \li \l {21-0-qdoc-creating-dita-maps.html#mapref-command} {\\mapref} \span {class="newStuff"} {(new 05/03/12)}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#meta-command} {\\meta}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#module-command} {\\module}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#namespace-command} {\\namespace}
- \li \l {15-qdoc-commands-navigation.html#nextpage-command} {\\nextpage}
- \li \l {06-qdoc-commands-includecodeinline.html#newcode-command} {\\newcode}
- \li \l {17-qdoc-commands-thread.html#nonreentrant-command} {\\nonreentrant}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#note-command} {\\note}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#li-command} {\\o} \span {class="newStuff"} {(deprecated, use \\li)}
+ \li \l {a-command} {\\a}
+ \li \l {abstract-command} {\\abstract}
+ \li \l {annotatedlist-command} {\\annotatedlist}
+ \li \l {b-command} {\\b} \span {class="newStuff"}
+ \li \l {b-command} {\\bold} \span {class="newStuff"} {(deprecated, use \\b)}
+ \li \l {brief-command} {\\brief}
+ \li \l {c-command} {\\c}
+ \li \l {caption-command} {\\caption}
+ \li \l {chapter-command} {\\chapter}
+ \li \l {class-command} {\\class}
+ \li \l {code-command} {\\code}
+ \li \l {codeline-command} {\\codeline},
+ \li \l {compat-command} {\\compat}
+ \li \l {contentspage-command} {\\contentspage}
+ \li \l {default-command} {\\default}
+ \li \l {ditamap-command} {\\ditamap} \span {class="newStuff"}
+ \li \l {div-command} {\\div}
+ \li \l {dots-command} {\\dots}
+ \li \l {e-command} {\\e} \span {class="newStuff"}
+ \li \l {else-command} {\\else}
+ \li \l {endif-command} {\\endif}
+ \li \l {enum-command} {\\enum}
+ \li \l {example-command} {\\example}
+ \li \l {externalpage-command} {\\externalpage}
+ \li \l {fn-command} {\\fn}
+ \li \l {footnote-command} {\\footnote}
+ \li \l {generatelist-command} {\\generatelist}
+ \li \l {group-command} {\\group}
+ \li \l {header-command} {\\header}
+ \li \l {headerfile-command} {\\headerfile}
+ \li \l {e-command} {\\i} \span {class="newStuff"} {(deprecated, use \\e)}
+ \li \l {if-command} {\\if}
+ \li \l {image-command} {\\image}
+ \li \l {include-command} {\\include}
+ \li \l {indexpage-command} {\\indexpage}
+ \li \l {ingroup-command} {\\ingroup}
+ \li \l {inherits-command}{\\inherits}
+ \li \l {inlineimage-command} {\\inlineimage}
+ \li \l {inmodule-command} {\\inmodule}
+ \li \l {inqmlmodule-command} {\\inqmlmodule}
+ \li \l {instantiates-command} {\\instantiates} \span {class="newStuff"} {(new 27/7/2012)}
+ \li \l {internal-command} {\\internal}
+ \li \l {keyword-command} {\\keyword}
+ \li \l {l-command} {\\l}
+ \li \l {legalese-command} {\\legalese}
+ \li \l {li-command} {\\li} \span {class="newStuff"}
+ \li \l {list-command} {\\list}
+ \li \l {macro-command} {\\macro}
+ \li \l {mainclass-command} {\\mainclass}
+ \li \l {mapref-command} {\\mapref} \span {class="newStuff"}
+ \li \l {meta-command} {\\meta}
+ \li \l {module-command} {\\module}
+ \li \l {namespace-command} {\\namespace}
+ \li \l {nextpage-command} {\\nextpage}
+ \li \l {newcode-command} {\\newcode}
+ \li \l {nonreentrant-command} {\\nonreentrant}
+ \li \l {note-command} {\\note}
+ \li \l {li-command} {\\o} \span {class="newStuff"} {(deprecated, use \\li)}
- \li \l {16-qdoc-commands-status.html#obsolete-command} {\\obsolete}
- \li \l {06-qdoc-commands-includecodeinline.html#oldcode-command} {\\oldcode}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#omit-command} {\\omit}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#omitvalue-command} {\\omitvalue}
- \li \l {18-qdoc-commands-relating.html#overload-command} {\\overload}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#page-command} {\\page}
- \li \l {05-qdoc-commands-documentstructure.html#part-command} {\\part}
- \li \l {16-qdoc-commands-status.html#preliminary-command} {\\preliminary}
- \li \l {15-qdoc-commands-navigation.html#previouspage-command} {\\previouspage}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#printline-command} {\\printline}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#printto-command} {\\printto}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#printuntil-command} {\\printuntil}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#property-command} {\\property}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#qmlattachedproperty-command} {\\qmlattachedproperty}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#qmlattachedsignal-command} {\\qmlattachedsignal}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#qmlbasictype-command} {\\qmlbasictype}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#qmlclass-command} {\\qmlclass} \span {class="newStuff"} {(deprecated, use \\qmltype)}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#qmltype-command} {\\qmltype} \span {class="newStuff"} {(new 27/7/2012)}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#qmlmethod-command} {\\qmlmethod}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#qmlproperty-command} {\\qmlproperty}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#qmlsignal-command} {\\qmlsignal}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#qmlmodule-command} {\\qmlmodule}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#quotation-command} {\\quotation}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#quotefile-command} {\\quotefile}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#quotefromfile-command} {\\quotefromfile}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#raw-command} {\\raw} \span {class="newStuff"} {(avoid)}
- \li \l {17-qdoc-commands-thread.html#reentrant-command} {\\reentrant}
- \li \l {18-qdoc-commands-relating.html#reimp-command} {\\reimp}
- \li \l {18-qdoc-commands-relating.html#relates-command} {\\relates}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#row-command} {\\row}
- \li \l {08-qdoc-commands-creatinglinks.html#sa-command} {\\sa}
- \li \l {05-qdoc-commands-documentstructure.html#sectionOne-command} {\\section1}
- \li \l {05-qdoc-commands-documentstructure.html#sectionTwo-command} {\\section2}
- \li \l {05-qdoc-commands-documentstructure.html#sectionThree-command} {\\section3}
- \li \l {05-qdoc-commands-documentstructure.html#sectionFour-command} {\\section4}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#service-command} {\\service}
- \li \l {16-qdoc-commands-status.html#since-command} {\\since}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#skipline-command} {\\skipline}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#skipto-command} {\\skipto}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#skipuntil-command} {\\skipuntil}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#snippet-command} {\\snippet},
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#span-command} {\\span}
- \li \l {15-qdoc-commands-navigation.html#startpage-command} {\\startpage}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#sub-command} {\\sub}
- \li \l {20-qdoc-commands-namingthings.html#subtitle-command} {\\subtitle}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#sup-command} {\\sup}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#table-command} {\\table}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#tableofcontents-command} {\\tableofcontents}
- \li \l {08-qdoc-commands-creatinglinks.html#target-command} {\\target}
- \li \l {17-qdoc-commands-thread.html#threadsafe-command} {\\threadsafe}
- \li \l {20-qdoc-commands-namingthings.html#title-command} {\\title}
- \li \l {21-0-qdoc-creating-dita-maps.html#topicref-command} {\\topicref} \span {class="newStuff"} {(new 05/03/12)}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#tt-command} {\\tt}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#typedef-command} {\\typedef}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#uicontrol-command} {\\uicontrol} {(new 25/3/2012)}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#underline-command} {\\underline}
- \li \l {13-qdoc-commands-topics.html#variable-command} {\\variable}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#value-command} {\\value}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#warning-command} {\\warning}
+ \li \l {obsolete-command} {\\obsolete}
+ \li \l {oldcode-command} {\\oldcode}
+ \li \l {omit-command} {\\omit}
+ \li \l {omitvalue-command} {\\omitvalue}
+ \li \l {overload-command} {\\overload}
+ \li \l {page-command} {\\page}
+ \li \l {part-command} {\\part}
+ \li \l {preliminary-command} {\\preliminary}
+ \li \l {previouspage-command} {\\previouspage}
+ \li \l {printline-command} {\\printline}
+ \li \l {printto-command} {\\printto}
+ \li \l {printuntil-command} {\\printuntil}
+ \li \l {property-command} {\\property}
+ \li \l {qmlattachedproperty-command} {\\qmlattachedproperty}
+ \li \l {qmlattachedsignal-command} {\\qmlattachedsignal}
+ \li \l {qmlbasictype-command} {\\qmlbasictype}
+ \li \l {qmlclass-command} {\\qmlclass} \span {class="newStuff"} {(deprecated, use \\qmltype)}
+ \li \l {qmltype-command} {\\qmltype} \span {class="newStuff"}
+ \li \l {qmlmethod-command} {\\qmlmethod}
+ \li \l {qmlproperty-command} {\\qmlproperty}
+ \li \l {qmlsignal-command} {\\qmlsignal}
+ \li \l {qmlmodule-command} {\\qmlmodule}
+ \li \l {quotation-command} {\\quotation}
+ \li \l {quotefile-command} {\\quotefile}
+ \li \l {quotefromfile-command} {\\quotefromfile}
+ \li \l {raw-command} {\\raw} \span {class="newStuff"} {(avoid)}
+ \li \l {reentrant-command} {\\reentrant}
+ \li \l {reimp-command} {\\reimp}
+ \li \l {relates-command} {\\relates}
+ \li \l {row-command} {\\row}
+ \li \l {sa-command} {\\sa}
+ \li \l {sectionOne-command} {\\section1}
+ \li \l {sectionTwo-command} {\\section2}
+ \li \l {sectionThree-command} {\\section3}
+ \li \l {sectionFour-command} {\\section4}
+ \li \l {service-command} {\\service}
+ \li \l {since-command} {\\since}
+ \li \l {skipline-command} {\\skipline}
+ \li \l {skipto-command} {\\skipto}
+ \li \l {skipuntil-command} {\\skipuntil}
+ \li \l {snippet-command} {\\snippet},
+ \li \l {span-command} {\\span}
+ \li \l {startpage-command} {\\startpage}
+ \li \l {sub-command} {\\sub}
+ \li \l {subtitle-command} {\\subtitle}
+ \li \l {sup-command} {\\sup}
+ \li \l {table-command} {\\table}
+ \li \l {tableofcontents-command} {\\tableofcontents}
+ \li \l {target-command} {\\target}
+ \li \l {threadsafe-command} {\\threadsafe}
+ \li \l {title-command} {\\title}
+ \li \l {topicref-command} {\\topicref} \span {class="newStuff"}
+ \li \l {tt-command} {\\tt}
+ \li \l {typedef-command} {\\typedef}
+ \li \l {uicontrol-command} {\\uicontrol}
+ \li \l {underline-command} {\\underline}
+ \li \l {variable-command} {\\variable}
+ \li \l {value-command} {\\value}
+ \li \l {warning-command} {\\warning}
diff --git a/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-contextcmds.qdoc b/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-contextcmds.qdoc
index 8faf4a7f0d..1f777ea441 100644
--- a/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-contextcmds.qdoc
+++ b/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-contextcmds.qdoc
@@ -46,28 +46,28 @@
below the \l {Topic Commands} {topic} command.
- \li \l {16-qdoc-commands-status.html#compat-command}{\\compat},
- \li \l {15-qdoc-commands-navigation.html#contentspage-command}{\\contentspage},
- \li \l {15-qdoc-commands-navigation.html#indexpage-command}{\\indexpage},
- \li \l {19-qdoc-commands-grouping.html#ingroup-command}{\\ingroup},
- \li \l {18-qdoc-commands-relating.html#inherits-command}{\\inherits},
- \li \l {19-qdoc-commands-grouping.html#inmodule-command}{\\inmodule},
- \li \l {16-qdoc-commands-status.html#internal-command}{\\internal},
- \li \l {19-qdoc-commands-grouping.html#mainclass-command}{\\mainclass},
- \li \l {15-qdoc-commands-navigation.html#nextpage-command}{\\nextpage},
- \li \l {17-qdoc-commands-thread.html#nonreentrant-command}{\\nonreentrant},
- \li \l {16-qdoc-commands-status.html#obsolete-command}{\\obsolete},
- \li \l {18-qdoc-commands-relating.html#overload-command}{\\overload},
- \li \l {16-qdoc-commands-status.html#preliminary-command}{\\preliminary},
- \li \l {15-qdoc-commands-navigation.html#previouspage-command}{\\previouspage},
- \li \l {17-qdoc-commands-thread.html#reentrant-command}{\\reentrant},
- \li \l {18-qdoc-commands-relating.html#reimp-command}{\\reimp},
- \li \l {18-qdoc-commands-relating.html#relates-command}{\\relates},
- \li \l {16-qdoc-commands-status.html#since-command}{\\since},
- \li \l {15-qdoc-commands-navigation.html#startpage-command}{\\startpage},
- \li \l {20-qdoc-commands-namingthings.html#subtitle-command}{\\subtitle}
- \li \l {17-qdoc-commands-thread.html#threadsafe-command}{\\threadsafe},
- \li \l {20-qdoc-commands-namingthings.html#title-command}{\\title}
+ \li \l {compat-command}{\\compat},
+ \li \l {contentspage-command}{\\contentspage},
+ \li \l {indexpage-command}{\\indexpage},
+ \li \l {ingroup-command}{\\ingroup},
+ \li \l {inherits-command}{\\inherits},
+ \li \l {inmodule-command}{\\inmodule},
+ \li \l {internal-command}{\\internal},
+ \li \l {mainclass-command}{\\mainclass},
+ \li \l {nextpage-command}{\\nextpage},
+ \li \l {nonreentrant-command}{\\nonreentrant},
+ \li \l {obsolete-command}{\\obsolete},
+ \li \l {overload-command}{\\overload},
+ \li \l {preliminary-command}{\\preliminary},
+ \li \l {previouspage-command}{\\previouspage},
+ \li \l {reentrant-command}{\\reentrant},
+ \li \l {reimp-command}{\\reimp},
+ \li \l {relates-command}{\\relates},
+ \li \l {since-command}{\\since},
+ \li \l {startpage-command}{\\startpage},
+ \li \l {subtitle-command}{\\subtitle}
+ \li \l {threadsafe-command}{\\threadsafe},
+ \li \l {title-command}{\\title}
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
\section1 \\default
The \\default command is for marking a QML property as the
- \l {}
+ \l {default-properties}
{default property}. The word \span {class="newStuff"} {default} is shown in red in
the documentation of the property.
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
See how QDoc renders this property on the reference page for the
- \l {} {State}
+ \l {changes-prop} {State}
\target obsolete-command
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
\li ...
\li Joining
- \l {}
+ \l {Joining-enum}
const \c (preliminary)
\li ...
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@
configuration variable. For that reason this reference will change
according to the current documentation project.
- See also \l {25-qdoc-configuration-derivedprojects.html#project}
+ See also \l {project}
{\c project}.
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@
- This function overloads \l {} {addAction()}
+ This function overloads \l {addAction} {addAction()}
This convenience function creates a new action with an
\e icon and some \e text. The function adds the newly
@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@
returns it.
See also
- \l {}
+ \l {addAction}
diff --git a/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-intro.qdoc b/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-intro.qdoc
index db34e2a46c..ad3779048a 100644
--- a/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-intro.qdoc
+++ b/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-intro.qdoc
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
From the QDoc comment above, QDoc generates the HTML page
- \l {}
+ \l {details}
{QObject Class Reference}.
This manual explains how to use the QDoc commands in QDoc comments
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
also specify \e {DITAXML} to get DITA XML output instead.
Next, QDoc uses the values of the
- \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#headerdirs-variable}
+ \l {headerdirs-variable}
{headerdirs} variable and/or the \l
{headers} variable to find and parse all the header files for your
diff --git a/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-markupcmds.qdoc b/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-markupcmds.qdoc
index b41c450748..ee0a7b41db 100644
--- a/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-markupcmds.qdoc
+++ b/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-markupcmds.qdoc
@@ -37,72 +37,72 @@
appearance and logical structure.
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#a-command} {\\a}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#abstract-command} {\\abstract}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#annotatedlist-command} {\\annotatedlist}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#b-command} {\\b} \span {class="newStuff"} {(new 5/3/2012)}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#b-command} {\\bold} {(deprecated, use \\b)}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#brief-command} {\\brief}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#c-command} {\\c}
- \li \l {09-qdoc-commands-includingimages.html#caption-command} {\\caption}
- \li \l {05-qdoc-commands-documentstructure.html#chapter-command} {\\chapter}
- \li \l {06-qdoc-commands-includecodeinline.html#code-command} {\\code}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#codeline-command} {\\codeline}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#div-command} {\\div}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#dots-command} {\\dots}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#e-command} {\\e} \span {class="newStuff"} {(new 5/3/2012)}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#else-command} {\\else}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#endif-command} {\\endif}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#footnote-command} {\\footnote}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#generatelist-command} {\\generatelist}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#header-command} {\\header}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#e-command} {\\i} \span {class="newStuff"} {(deprecated, use \\e)}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#if-command} {\\if}
- \li \l {09-qdoc-commands-includingimages.html#image-command} {\\image}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#include-command} {\\include}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#include-command} {\\input}
- \li \l {09-qdoc-commands-includingimages.html#inlineimage-command} {\\inlineimage}
- \li \l {08-qdoc-commands-creatinglinks.html#keyword-command} {\\keyword}
- \li \l {08-qdoc-commands-creatinglinks.html#l-command} {\\l}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#legalese-command} {\\legalese}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#li-command} {\\li} \span {class="newStuff"} {(new 5/3/2012)}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#list-command} {\\list}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#meta-command} {\\meta}
- \li \l {06-qdoc-commands-includecodeinline.html#newcode-command} {\\newcode}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#li-command} {\\o} \span {class="newStuff"} {(deprecated, use \\li)}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#note-command} {\\note}
- \li \l {06-qdoc-commands-includecodeinline.html#oldcode-command} {\\oldcode}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#omit-command} {\\omit}
- \li \l {05-qdoc-commands-documentstructure.html#part-command} {\\part}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#printline-command} {\\printline}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#printto-command} {\\printto}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#printuntil-command} {\\printuntil}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#quotation-command} {\\quotation}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#quotefile-command} {\\quotefile}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#quotefromfile-command} {\\quotefromfile}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#raw-command} {\\raw}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#row-command} {\\row}
- \li \l {08-qdoc-commands-creatinglinks.html#sa-command} {\\sa}
- \li \l {05-qdoc-commands-documentstructure.html#sectionOne-command} {\\section1}
- \li \l {05-qdoc-commands-documentstructure.html#sectionTwo-command} {\\section2}
- \li \l {05-qdoc-commands-documentstructure.html#sectionThree-command} {\\section3}
- \li \l {05-qdoc-commands-documentstructure.html#sectionFour-command} {\\section4}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#skipline-command} {\\skipline}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#skipto-command} {\\skipto}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#skipuntil-command} {\\skipuntil}
- \li \l {07-0-qdoc-commands-includingexternalcode.html#snippet-command} {\\snippet}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#span-command} {\\span}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#sub-command} {\\sub}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#sup-command} {\\sup}
- \li \l {10-qdoc-commands-tablesandlists.html#table-command} {\\table}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#tableofcontents-command} {\\tableofcontents}
- \li \l {08-qdoc-commands-creatinglinks.html#target-command} {\\target}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#tt-command} {\\tt}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#uicontrol-command} {\\uicontrol} {(new 25/3/2012)}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#underline-command} {\\underline}
- \li \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#raw-command} {\\unicode}
- \li \l {11-qdoc-commands-specialcontent.html#warning-command} {\\warning}
- \li \l {04-qdoc-commands-textmarkup.html#backslash-command} {\\\\}
+ \li \l {a-command} {\\a}
+ \li \l {abstract-command} {\\abstract}
+ \li \l {annotatedlist-command} {\\annotatedlist}
+ \li \l {b-command} {\\b} \span {class="newStuff"}
+ \li \l {b-command} {\\bold} {(deprecated, use \\b)}
+ \li \l {brief-command} {\\brief}
+ \li \l {c-command} {\\c}
+ \li \l {caption-command} {\\caption}
+ \li \l {chapter-command} {\\chapter}
+ \li \l {code-command} {\\code}
+ \li \l {codeline-command} {\\codeline}
+ \li \l {div-command} {\\div}
+ \li \l {dots-command} {\\dots}
+ \li \l {e-command} {\\e} \span {class="newStuff"}
+ \li \l {else-command} {\\else}
+ \li \l {endif-command} {\\endif}
+ \li \l {footnote-command} {\\footnote}
+ \li \l {generatelist-command} {\\generatelist}
+ \li \l {header-command} {\\header}
+ \li \l {e-command} {\\i} \span {class="newStuff"} {(deprecated, use \\e)}
+ \li \l {if-command} {\\if}
+ \li \l {image-command} {\\image}
+ \li \l {include-command} {\\include}
+ \li \l {include-command} {\\input}
+ \li \l {inlineimage-command} {\\inlineimage}
+ \li \l {keyword-command} {\\keyword}
+ \li \l {l-command} {\\l}
+ \li \l {legalese-command} {\\legalese}
+ \li \l {li-command} {\\li} \span {class="newStuff"}
+ \li \l {list-command} {\\list}
+ \li \l {meta-command} {\\meta}
+ \li \l {newcode-command} {\\newcode}
+ \li \l {li-command} {\\o} \span {class="newStuff"} {(deprecated, use \\li)}
+ \li \l {note-command} {\\note}
+ \li \l {oldcode-command} {\\oldcode}
+ \li \l {omit-command} {\\omit}
+ \li \l {part-command} {\\part}
+ \li \l {printline-command} {\\printline}
+ \li \l {printto-command} {\\printto}
+ \li \l {printuntil-command} {\\printuntil}
+ \li \l {quotation-command} {\\quotation}
+ \li \l {quotefile-command} {\\quotefile}
+ \li \l {quotefromfile-command} {\\quotefromfile}
+ \li \l {raw-command} {\\raw}
+ \li \l {row-command} {\\row}
+ \li \l {sa-command} {\\sa}
+ \li \l {sectionOne-command} {\\section1}
+ \li \l {sectionTwo-command} {\\section2}
+ \li \l {sectionThree-command} {\\section3}
+ \li \l {sectionFour-command} {\\section4}
+ \li \l {skipline-command} {\\skipline}
+ \li \l {skipto-command} {\\skipto}
+ \li \l {skipuntil-command} {\\skipuntil}
+ \li \l {snippet-command} {\\snippet}
+ \li \l {span-command} {\\span}
+ \li \l {sub-command} {\\sub}
+ \li \l {sup-command} {\\sup}
+ \li \l {table-command} {\\table}
+ \li \l {tableofcontents-command} {\\tableofcontents}
+ \li \l {target-command} {\\target}
+ \li \l {tt-command} {\\tt}
+ \li \l {uicontrol-command} {\\uicontrol} {(new 25/3/2012)}
+ \li \l {underline-command} {\\underline}
+ \li \l {raw-command} {\\unicode}
+ \li \l {warning-command} {\\warning}
+ \li \l {backslash-command} {\\\\}
@@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@
For the one-parameter version, the braces can often be omitted.
- The \\l command supports several kinds of links:
+ The \\l command supports several ways of linking:
@@ -1855,9 +1855,6 @@
\li \c {\l {Shared Classes}} - A keyword named in a \l
{keyword-command} {\\keyword} command.
- \li \c {\l network.html} - The file name used in a \l
- {page-command} {\\page} command.
\li \c {\l} - A URL.
@@ -1974,22 +1971,15 @@
The target name \e{capturing parentheses} can be linked from
- within the same document containing the target in two ways:
+ within the same document containing the target in the following way:
\li \c {\l {capturing parentheses}} (from within the same QDoc comment)
- \li \c {\l qregexp.html#capturing-parentheses} (from elsewhere in the same document)
\note The brackets in the link example are required because the
target name contains spaces.
- The target name can be linked to in the following way from other documents:
- \list
- \li \c {\l}
- \endlist
See also \l {l-command} {\\l}, \l {sa-command} {\\sa} and \l
{keyword-command} {\\keyword}.
@@ -2042,7 +2032,7 @@
When a string is surrounded by slashes, it is
- interpreted as a \l {QRegExp}{regular expression}.
+ interpreted as a \l {regular expression}.
If the keyword text contains spaces, the brackets are required.
@@ -2961,15 +2951,16 @@
\target brief class
- When the \\brief command is used to describe a class, the brief
- text should be a complete sentence and must start like this:
+ When the \\brief command is used to describe a class, we recommend
+ using a complete sentence like this:
The <classname> class is|provides|contains|specifies...
- \warning The brief statement is used as the first paragraph of the
- detailed description. Do not repeat the sentence.
+ \warning Do not repeat your detailed description with the same sentence as
+ the brief statement will be the first paragraph of the detailed
+ description.
/ *!
diff --git a/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-qdocconf.qdoc b/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-qdocconf.qdoc
index 74f5ad0c7b..3adcf9b213 100644
--- a/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-qdocconf.qdoc
+++ b/src/tools/qdoc/doc/qdoc-manual-qdocconf.qdoc
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
Some configuration variables accept a list of strings as their
value, for example:
- \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#sourcedirs-variable}
+ \l {sourcedirs-variable}
{\c{sourcedirs}}, while others accept only a single string. Double
quotes around a value string are optional, but including them allows
you to use special characters like '=' and ' \" ' within the value
@@ -87,39 +87,39 @@
\section1 Variable List
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#alias-variable} {alias}
- \li \l {23-qdoc-configuration-cppvariables.html#Cpp.ignoredirectives-variable} {Cpp.ignoredirectives}
- \li \l {23-qdoc-configuration-cppvariables.html#Cpp.ignoretokens-variable} {Cpp.ignoretokens}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#defines-variable} {defines}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#edition-variable} {edition}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#exampledirs-variable} {exampledirs}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#examples-variable} {examples}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#examples.fileextensions-variable} {examples.fileextensions}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#excludedirs-variable} {excludedirs}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#excludefiles-variable} {excludefiles}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#extraimages-variable} {extraimages}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#falsehoods-variable} {falsehoods}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#headerdirs-variable} {headerdirs}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#headers-variable} {headers}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#headers.fileextensions-variable} {headers.fileextensions}
- \li \l {24-qdoc-configuration-htmlvariables.html#HTML.footer-variable} {HTML.footer}
- \li \l {24-qdoc-configuration-htmlvariables.html#HTML.postheader-variable} {HTML.postheader}
- \li \l {} {}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#imagedirs-variable} {imagedirs}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#images-variable} {images}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#images.fileextensions-variable} {images.fileextensions}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#language-variable} {language}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#macro-variable} {macro}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#manifestmeta-variable} {manifestmeta}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#outputdir-variable} {outputdir}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#outputformats-variable} {outputformats}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#sourcedirs-variable} {sourcedirs}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#sources-variable} {sources}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#sources.fileextensions-variable} {sources.fileextensions}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#spurious-variable} {spurious}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#tabsize-variable} {tabsize}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#version-variable} {version}
- \li \l {22-qdoc-configuration-generalvariables.html#versionsym-variable} {versionsym}
+ \li \l {alias-variable} {alias}
+ \li \l {Cpp.ignoredirectives-variable} {Cpp.ignoredirectives}
+ \li \l {Cpp.ignoretokens-variable} {Cpp.ignoretokens}
+ \li \l {defines-variable} {defines}
+ \li \l {edition-variable} {edition}
+ \li \l {exampledirs-variable} {exampledirs}
+ \li \l {examples-variable} {examples}
+ \li \l {examples.fileextensions-variable} {examples.fileextensions}
+ \li \l {excludedirs-variable} {excludedirs}
+ \li \l {excludefiles-variable} {excludefiles}
+ \li \l {extraimages-variable} {extraimages}
+ \li \l {falsehoods-variable} {falsehoods}
+ \li \l {headerdirs-variable} {headerdirs}
+ \li \l {headers-variable} {headers}
+ \li \l {headers.fileextensions-variable} {headers.fileextensions}
+ \li \l {HTML.footer-variable} {HTML.footer}
+ \li \l {HTML.postheader-variable} {HTML.postheader}
+ \li \l {} {}
+ \li \l {imagedirs-variable} {imagedirs}
+ \li \l {images-variable} {images}
+ \li \l {images.fileextensions-variable} {images.fileextensions}
+ \li \l {language-variable} {language}
+ \li \l {macro-variable} {macro}
+ \li \l {manifestmeta-variable} {manifestmeta}
+ \li \l {outputdir-variable} {outputdir}
+ \li \l {outputformats-variable} {outputformats}
+ \li \l {sourcedirs-variable} {sourcedirs}
+ \li \l {sources-variable} {sources}
+ \li \l {sources.fileextensions-variable} {sources.fileextensions}
+ \li \l {spurious-variable} {spurious}
+ \li \l {tabsize-variable} {tabsize}
+ \li \l {version-variable} {version}
+ \li \l {versionsym-variable} {versionsym}
\section1 Categories
@@ -1574,7 +1574,7 @@
dita.metadata.default.audience = programmer
- See the \l {12-0-qdoc-commands-miscellaneous.html#meta-command}
+ See the \l {meta-command}
{\\meta} command for more details on DITA metadata.