path: root/tests/auto/corelib/itemmodels/qstringlistmodel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/corelib/itemmodels/qstringlistmodel')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/corelib/itemmodels/qstringlistmodel/tst_qstringlistmodel.cpp b/tests/auto/corelib/itemmodels/qstringlistmodel/tst_qstringlistmodel.cpp
index 1b40e77648..0b8686560c 100644
--- a/tests/auto/corelib/itemmodels/qstringlistmodel/tst_qstringlistmodel.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/corelib/itemmodels/qstringlistmodel/tst_qstringlistmodel.cpp
@@ -84,8 +84,116 @@ private slots:
void setData_emits_on_change_only();
void supportedDragDropActions();
+ void moveRows_data();
+ void moveRows();
+ void moveRowsInvalid_data();
+ void moveRowsInvalid();
+ void itemData();
+ void setItemData();
+void tst_QStringListModel::moveRowsInvalid_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QStringListModel*>("baseModel");
+ QTest::addColumn<QModelIndex>("startParent");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("startRow");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("count");
+ QTest::addColumn<QModelIndex>("destinationParent");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("destination");
+ QStringListModel* tempModel = new QStringListModel(QStringList{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}, this);
+ QTest::addRow("destination_equal_source") << tempModel << QModelIndex() << 0 << 1 << QModelIndex() << 1;
+ tempModel = new QStringListModel(QStringList{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}, this);
+ QTest::addRow("count_equal_0") << tempModel << QModelIndex() << 0 << 0 << QModelIndex() << 2;
+ tempModel = new QStringListModel(QStringList{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}, this);
+ QTest::addRow("move_child") << tempModel << tempModel->index(0, 0) << 0 << 1 << QModelIndex() << 2;
+ tempModel = new QStringListModel(QStringList{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}, this);
+ QTest::addRow("move_to_child") << tempModel << QModelIndex() << 0 << 1 << tempModel->index(0, 0) << 2;
+ tempModel = new QStringListModel(QStringList{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}, this);
+ QTest::addRow("negative_count") << tempModel << QModelIndex() << 0 << -1 << QModelIndex() << 2;
+ tempModel = new QStringListModel(QStringList{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}, this);
+ QTest::addRow("negative_source_row") << tempModel << QModelIndex() << -1 << 1 << QModelIndex() << 2;
+ tempModel = new QStringListModel(QStringList{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}, this);
+ QTest::addRow("negative_destination_row") << tempModel << QModelIndex() << 0 << 1 << QModelIndex() << -1;
+ tempModel = new QStringListModel(QStringList{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}, this);
+ QTest::addRow("source_row_equal_rowCount") << tempModel << QModelIndex() << tempModel->rowCount() << 1 << QModelIndex() << 1;
+ tempModel = new QStringListModel(QStringList{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}, this);
+ QTest::addRow("destination_row_greater_rowCount") << tempModel << QModelIndex() << 0 << 1 << QModelIndex() << tempModel->rowCount() + 1;
+ tempModel = new QStringListModel(QStringList{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}, this);
+ QTest::addRow("move_row_within_source_range") << tempModel << QModelIndex() << 0 << 3 << QModelIndex() << 2;
+ tempModel = new QStringListModel(QStringList{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}, this);
+ QTest::addRow("destination_row_before_0") << tempModel << QModelIndex() << 1 << 1 << QModelIndex() << 0;
+void tst_QStringListModel::moveRowsInvalid()
+ QFETCH(QStringListModel* const, baseModel);
+ QFETCH(const QModelIndex, startParent);
+ QFETCH(const int, startRow);
+ QFETCH(const int, count);
+ QFETCH(const QModelIndex, destinationParent);
+ QFETCH(const int, destination);
+ QSignalSpy rowMovedSpy(baseModel, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsMoved);
+ QSignalSpy rowAboutMovedSpy(baseModel, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsAboutToBeMoved);
+ QVERIFY(rowMovedSpy.isValid());
+ QVERIFY(rowAboutMovedSpy.isValid());
+ QVERIFY(!baseModel->moveRows(startParent, startRow, count, destinationParent, destination));
+ QCOMPARE(rowMovedSpy.size(), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(rowAboutMovedSpy.size(), 0);
+ delete baseModel;
+void tst_QStringListModel::moveRows_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("startRow");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("count");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("destination");
+ QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("expected");
+ QTest::newRow("1_Item_from_top_to_middle") << 0 << 1 << 3 << QStringList{"B", "C", "A", "D", "E", "F"};
+ QTest::newRow("1_Item_from_top_to_bottom") << 0 << 1 << 6 << QStringList{"B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "A"};
+ QTest::newRow("1_Item_from_middle_to_top") << 2 << 1 << 1 << QStringList{"C", "A", "B", "D", "E", "F"};
+ QTest::newRow("1_Item_from_bottom_to_middle") << 5 << 1 << 3 << QStringList{"A", "B", "F", "C", "D", "E"};
+ QTest::newRow("1_Item_from_bottom to_top") << 5 << 1 << 1 << QStringList{"F", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E"};
+ QTest::newRow("1_Item_from_middle_to_bottom") << 2 << 1 << 6 << QStringList{"A", "B", "D", "E", "F", "C"};
+ QTest::newRow("1_Item_from_middle_to_middle_before") << 2 << 1 << 1 << QStringList{"C", "A", "B", "D", "E", "F"};
+ QTest::newRow("1_Item_from_middle_to_middle_after") << 2 << 1 << 4 << QStringList{"A", "B", "D", "C", "E", "F"};
+ QTest::newRow("2_Items_from_top_to_middle") << 0 << 2 << 3 << QStringList{"C", "A", "B", "D", "E", "F"};
+ QTest::newRow("2_Items_from_top_to_bottom") << 0 << 2 << 6 << QStringList{"C", "D", "E", "F", "A", "B"};
+ QTest::newRow("2_Items_from_middle_to_top") << 2 << 2 << 1 << QStringList{"C", "D", "A", "B", "E", "F"};
+ QTest::newRow("2_Items_from_bottom_to_middle") << 4 << 2 << 3 << QStringList{"A", "B", "E", "F", "C", "D"};
+ QTest::newRow("2_Items_from_bottom_to_top") << 4 << 2 << 1 << QStringList{"E", "F", "A", "B", "C", "D"};
+ QTest::newRow("2_Items_from_middle_to_bottom") << 2 << 2 << 6 << QStringList{"A", "B", "E", "F", "C", "D"};
+ QTest::newRow("2_Items_from_middle_to_middle_before") << 3 << 2 << 2 << QStringList{"A", "D", "E", "B", "C", "F"};
+ QTest::newRow("2_Items_from_middle_to_middle_after") << 1 << 2 << 5 << QStringList{"A", "D", "E", "B", "C", "F"};
+void tst_QStringListModel::moveRows()
+ QFETCH(const int, startRow);
+ QFETCH(const int, count);
+ QFETCH(const int, destination);
+ QFETCH(const QStringList, expected);
+ QStringListModel baseModel(QStringList{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"});
+ QSignalSpy rowMovedSpy(&baseModel, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsMoved);
+ QSignalSpy rowAboutMovedSpy(&baseModel, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsAboutToBeMoved);
+ QVERIFY(baseModel.moveRows(QModelIndex(), startRow, count, QModelIndex(), destination));
+ QCOMPARE(baseModel.stringList(), expected);
+ QCOMPARE(rowMovedSpy.size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(rowAboutMovedSpy.size(), 1);
+ for (const QList<QVariant> &signalArgs : {rowMovedSpy.first(), rowAboutMovedSpy.first()}){
+ QVERIFY(!<QModelIndex>().isValid());
+ QCOMPARE(, startRow);
+ QCOMPARE(, startRow + count - 1);
+ QVERIFY(!<QModelIndex>().isValid());
+ QCOMPARE(, destination);
+ }
void tst_QStringListModel::rowsAboutToBeRemoved_rowsRemoved_data()
@@ -248,6 +356,74 @@ void tst_QStringListModel::setData_emits_both_roles()
+void tst_QStringListModel::itemData()
+ QStringListModel testModel{ QStringList {
+ QStringLiteral("One"),
+ QStringLiteral("Two"),
+ QStringLiteral("Three"),
+ QStringLiteral("Four"),
+ QStringLiteral("Five")
+ }};
+ QMap<int, QVariant> compareMap;
+ QCOMPARE(testModel.itemData(QModelIndex()), compareMap);
+ compareMap.insert(Qt::DisplayRole, QStringLiteral("Two"));
+ compareMap.insert(Qt::EditRole, QStringLiteral("Two"));
+ QCOMPARE(testModel.itemData(testModel.index(1, 0)), compareMap);
+void tst_QStringListModel::setItemData()
+ QStringListModel testModel{ QStringList {
+ QStringLiteral("One"),
+ QStringLiteral("Two"),
+ QStringLiteral("Three"),
+ QStringLiteral("Four"),
+ QStringLiteral("Five")
+ }};
+ QSignalSpy dataChangedSpy(&testModel, &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged);
+ QModelIndex changeIndex = testModel.index(1, 0);
+ const QVector<int> changeRoles{Qt::DisplayRole, Qt::EditRole};
+ const QString changedString("Changed");
+ QMap<int, QVariant> newItemData{std::make_pair<int>(Qt::DisplayRole, changedString)};
+ // invalid index does nothing and returns false
+ QVERIFY(!testModel.setItemData(QModelIndex(), newItemData));
+ // valid data is set, return value is true and dataChanged is emitted once
+ QVERIFY(testModel.setItemData(changeIndex, newItemData));
+ QCOMPARE(, changedString);
+ QCOMPARE(, changedString);
+ QCOMPARE(dataChangedSpy.size(), 1);
+ QVariantList dataChangedArguments = dataChangedSpy.takeFirst();
+ QCOMPARE(<QModelIndex>(), changeIndex);
+ QCOMPARE(<QModelIndex>(), changeIndex);
+ QCOMPARE(<QVector<int> >(), changeRoles);
+ // Unsupported roles do nothing return false
+ newItemData.clear();
+ newItemData.insert(Qt::UserRole, changedString);
+ QVERIFY(!testModel.setItemData(changeIndex, newItemData));
+ QCOMPARE(dataChangedSpy.size(), 0);
+ // If some but not all the roles are supported it returns false and does nothing
+ newItemData.insert(Qt::EditRole, changedString);
+ changeIndex = testModel.index(2, 0);
+ QVERIFY(!testModel.setItemData(changeIndex, newItemData));
+ QCOMPARE(, QStringLiteral("Three"));
+ QCOMPARE(, QStringLiteral("Three"));
+ QCOMPARE(dataChangedSpy.size(), 0);
+ // Qt::EditRole and Qt::DisplayRole are both set, Qt::EditRole takes precedence
+ newItemData.clear();
+ newItemData.insert(Qt::EditRole, changedString);
+ newItemData.insert(Qt::DisplayRole, QStringLiteral("Ignored"));
+ changeIndex = testModel.index(3, 0);
+ QVERIFY(testModel.setItemData(changeIndex, newItemData));
+ QCOMPARE(, changedString);
+ QCOMPARE(, changedString);
+ QCOMPARE(dataChangedSpy.size(), 1);
+ dataChangedArguments = dataChangedSpy.takeFirst();
+ QCOMPARE(<QModelIndex>(), changeIndex);
+ QCOMPARE(<QModelIndex>(), changeIndex);
+ QCOMPARE(<QVector<int> >(), changeRoles);
void tst_QStringListModel::setData_emits_on_change_only()
QStringListModel model(QStringList{QStringLiteral("one"), QStringLiteral("two")});