path: root/tests/auto/gui/text/qtextmarkdownwriter/data
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/gui/text/qtextmarkdownwriter/data')
2 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/gui/text/qtextmarkdownwriter/data/ b/tests/auto/gui/text/qtextmarkdownwriter/data/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f429fcc21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/gui/text/qtextmarkdownwriter/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+In 1958, Mahatma Gandhi was quoted as follows:
+> The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need but not for every man's
+> greed.
+In [The CommonMark Specification]( John
+MacFarlane writes:
+> What distinguishes Markdown from many other lightweight markup syntaxes,
+> which are often easier to write, is its readability. As Gruber writes:
+> > The overriding design goal for Markdown's formatting syntax is to make it
+> > as readable as possible. The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should
+> > be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it's been marked up
+> > with tags or formatting instructions. (
+> > [](
+> The point can be illustrated by comparing a sample of AsciiDoc with an
+> equivalent sample of Markdown. Here is a sample of AsciiDoc from the AsciiDoc
+> manual:
+> 1. List item one.
+> +
+> List item one continued with a second paragraph followed by an
+> Indented block.
+> +
+> .................
+> $ ls *.sh
+> $ mv *.sh ~/tmp
+> .................
+> +
+> List item continued with a third paragraph.
+> 2. List item two continued with an open block.
+> ...
+The quotation includes an embedded quotation and a code quotation and ends with
+an ellipsis due to being incomplete.
diff --git a/tests/auto/gui/text/qtextmarkdownwriter/data/ b/tests/auto/gui/text/qtextmarkdownwriter/data/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c3f34e09d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/gui/text/qtextmarkdownwriter/data/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# QTextEdit
+The QTextEdit widget is an advanced editor that supports formatted rich text.
+It can be used to display HTML and other rich document formats. Internally,
+QTextEdit uses the QTextDocument class to describe both the high-level
+structure of each document and the low-level formatting of paragraphs.
+If you are viewing this document in the textedit example, you can edit this
+document to explore Qt's rich text editing features. We have included some
+comments in each of the following sections to encourage you to experiment.
+## Font and Paragraph Styles
+QTextEdit supports **bold**, *italic*, and ~~strikethrough~~ font styles, and can
+display multicolored text. Font families such as Times New Roman and `Courier`
+can also be used directly. *If you place the cursor in a region of styled text,
+the controls in the tool bars will change to reflect the current style.*
+Paragraphs can be formatted so that the text is left-aligned, right-aligned,
+centered, or fully justified.
+*Try changing the alignment of some text and resize the editor to see how the
+text layout changes.*
+## Lists
+Different kinds of lists can be included in rich text documents. Standard
+bullet lists can be nested, using different symbols for each level of the list:
+- Disc symbols are typically used for top-level list items.
+ * Circle symbols can be used to distinguish between items in lower-level
+ lists.
+ + Square symbols provide a reasonable alternative to discs and circles.
+Ordered lists can be created that can be used for tables of contents. Different
+characters can be used to enumerate items, and we can use both Roman and Arabic
+numerals in the same list structure:
+1. Introduction
+2. Qt Tools
+ 1) Qt Assistant
+ 2) Qt Designer
+ 1. Form Editor
+ 2. Component Architecture
+ 3) Qt Linguist
+The list will automatically be renumbered if you add or remove items. *Try
+adding new sections to the above list or removing existing item to see the
+numbers change.*
+## Images
+Inline images are treated like ordinary ranges of characters in the text
+editor, so they flow with the surrounding text. Images can also be selected in
+the same way as text, making it easy to cut, copy, and paste them.
+![image](images/logo32.png) *Try to select this image by clicking and dragging
+over it with the mouse, or use the text cursor to select it by holding down
+Shift and using the arrow keys. You can then cut or copy it, and paste it into
+different parts of this document.*
+## Tables
+QTextEdit can arrange and format tables, supporting features such as row and
+column spans, text formatting within cells, and size constraints for columns.
+| |Development Tools |Programming Techniques |Graphical User Interfaces|
+|9:00 - 11:00 |Introduction to Qt |||
+|11:00 - 13:00|Using qmake |Object-oriented Programming|Layouts in Qt |
+|13:00 - 15:00|Qt Designer Tutorial |Extreme Programming |Writing Custom Styles |
+|15:00 - 17:00|Qt Linguist and Internationalization|  |  |
+*Try adding text to the cells in the table and experiment with the alignment of
+the paragraphs.*
+## Hyperlinks
+QTextEdit is designed to support hyperlinks between documents, and this feature
+is used extensively in
+[Qt Assistant]( Hyperlinks are
+automatically created when an HTML file is imported into an editor. Since the
+rich text framework supports hyperlinks natively, they can also be created
+## Undo and Redo
+Full support for undo and redo operations is built into QTextEdit and the
+underlying rich text framework. Operations on a document can be packaged
+together to make editing a more comfortable experience for the user.
+*Try making changes to this document and press `Ctrl+Z` to undo them. You can
+always recover the original contents of the document.*