path: root/tests/auto/gui/util/qdoublevalidator/tst_qdoublevalidator.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/gui/util/qdoublevalidator/tst_qdoublevalidator.cpp')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/gui/util/qdoublevalidator/tst_qdoublevalidator.cpp b/tests/auto/gui/util/qdoublevalidator/tst_qdoublevalidator.cpp
index d1684e9153..26fea94797 100644
--- a/tests/auto/gui/util/qdoublevalidator/tst_qdoublevalidator.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/gui/util/qdoublevalidator/tst_qdoublevalidator.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ private slots:
void validateIntEquiv_data();
void validateIntEquiv();
void notifySignals();
+ void fixup();
+ void fixup_data();
@@ -393,6 +395,224 @@ void tst_QDoubleValidator::notifySignals()
QCOMPARE(changedSpy.count(), 9);
+void tst_QDoubleValidator::fixup()
+ QFETCH(QString, localeName);
+ QFETCH(QDoubleValidator::Notation, notation);
+ QFETCH(int, decimals);
+ QFETCH(QString, input);
+ QFETCH(QString, output);
+ QDoubleValidator val;
+ val.setLocale(QLocale(localeName));
+ val.setNotation(notation);
+ val.setDecimals(decimals);
+ val.fixup(input);
+ QCOMPARE(input, output);
+void tst_QDoubleValidator::fixup_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("localeName");
+ QTest::addColumn<QDoubleValidator::Notation>("notation");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("decimals");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("input");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("output");
+ // C locale uses '.' as decimal point and ',' as grouping separator.
+ // C locale does not group digits by default.
+ QTest::newRow("C standard no digit grouping")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "12.345"
+ << "12.345";
+ QTest::newRow("C standard with digit grouping")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "-12,345.678"
+ << "-12345.678";
+ QTest::newRow("C standard with invalid digit grouping")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "1,234,5.678"
+ << "12345.678";
+ QTest::newRow("C standard with invalid number of decimals")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << 2 << "-12,34.678"
+ << "-1234.68";
+ QTest::newRow("C standard truncate decimals")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1
+ << "1.23456789012345678901234567890"
+ << "1.2345678901234567";
+ QTest::newRow("C standard skip trailing zeroes")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "1,234.5670000"
+ << "1234.567";
+ QTest::newRow("C standard zero value")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "0.0"
+ << "0";
+ QTest::newRow("C standard scientific value")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "1.23e-2"
+ << "1.23e-2";
+ QTest::newRow("C standard no fractional part")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "-1,234"
+ << "-1234";
+ QTest::newRow("C scientific no digit grouping")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "0.98765e2"
+ << "9.8765e+01";
+ QTest::newRow("C scientific with digit grouping")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-1,234.98765E-4"
+ << "-1.23498765E-01";
+ QTest::newRow("C scientific with invalid digit grouping")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "12,34.98765e2"
+ << "1.23498765e+05";
+ QTest::newRow("C scientific with invalid number of decimals")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << 2 << "-12,34.98765e2"
+ << "-1.23e+05";
+ QTest::newRow("C scientific truncate decimals")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1
+ << "1.23456789012345678901234567890E5"
+ << "1.2345678901234567E+05";
+ QTest::newRow("C scientific skip trailing zeroes")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "1,234.5670000e3"
+ << "1.234567e+06";
+ QTest::newRow("C scientific zero value")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "0.0"
+ << "0e+00";
+ QTest::newRow("C scientific standard value")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "12.345"
+ << "1.2345e+01";
+ QTest::newRow("C scientific no fractional part")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "1,234e2"
+ << "1.234e+05";
+ QTest::newRow("C scientific negative no fractional part")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-1,234e2"
+ << "-1.234e+05";
+ QTest::newRow("C scientific no fractional and exponent")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "1,234"
+ << "1.234e+03";
+ QTest::newRow("C scientific negative no fractional and exponent")
+ << "C" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-1,234"
+ << "-1.234e+03";
+ // en locale uses '.' as decimal point and ',' as grouping separator.
+ // en locale groups digits by default. 'E' is used in scientific notation.
+ QTest::newRow("en standard no digit grouping")
+ << "en" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "-12.345"
+ << "-12.345";
+ QTest::newRow("en standard with digit grouping")
+ << "en" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "12,345.678"
+ << "12,345.678";
+ QTest::newRow("en standard with invalid digit grouping")
+ << "en" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "-1,234,5.678"
+ << "-12,345.678";
+ QTest::newRow("en standard with invalid number of decimals")
+ << "en" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << 2 << "12,34.678"
+ << "1,234.68";
+ QTest::newRow("en standard no fractional part")
+ << "en" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "-12,34"
+ << "-1,234";
+ QTest::newRow("en scientific no digit grouping")
+ << "en" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-0.98765e2"
+ << "-9.8765E+01";
+ QTest::newRow("en scientific with digit grouping")
+ << "en" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "1,234.98765E-4"
+ << "1.23498765E-01";
+ QTest::newRow("en scientific with invalid digit grouping")
+ << "en" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-12,34.98765e2"
+ << "-1.23498765E+05";
+ QTest::newRow("en scientific with invalid number of decimals")
+ << "en" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << 2 << "12,34.98765e2"
+ << "1.23E+05";
+ QTest::newRow("en scientific no fractional part")
+ << "en" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "12,34e2"
+ << "1.234E+05";
+ QTest::newRow("en scientific negative no fractional part")
+ << "en" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-12,34e2"
+ << "-1.234E+05";
+ QTest::newRow("en scientific no fractional and exponent")
+ << "en" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "1,234"
+ << "1.234E+03";
+ QTest::newRow("en scientific negative no fractional and exponent")
+ << "en" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-1,234"
+ << "-1.234E+03";
+ // de locale uses ',' as decimal point and '.' as grouping separator.
+ // de locale groups digits by default. 'E' is used in scientific notation.
+ QTest::newRow("de standard no digit grouping")
+ << "de" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "12,345"
+ << "12,345";
+ QTest::newRow("de standard with digit grouping")
+ << "de" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "-12.345,678"
+ << "-12.345,678";
+ QTest::newRow("de standard with invalid digit grouping")
+ << "de" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "1.234.5,678"
+ << "12.345,678";
+ QTest::newRow("de standard with invalid number of decimals")
+ << "de" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << 2 << "-12.34,678"
+ << "-1.234,68";
+ QTest::newRow("de standard no fractional part")
+ << "de" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "12.34" << "1.234";
+ QTest::newRow("de scientific no digit grouping")
+ << "de" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "0,98765e2"
+ << "9,8765E+01";
+ QTest::newRow("de scientific with digit grouping")
+ << "de" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-1.234,98765E-4"
+ << "-1,23498765E-01";
+ QTest::newRow("de scientific with invalid digit grouping")
+ << "de" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "12.34,98765e2"
+ << "1,23498765E+05";
+ QTest::newRow("de scientific with invalid number of decimals")
+ << "de" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << 2 << "-12.34,98765e2"
+ << "-1,23E+05";
+ QTest::newRow("de scientific no fractional part")
+ << "de" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "1.234e2"
+ << "1,234E+05";
+ QTest::newRow("de scientific negative no fractional part")
+ << "de" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-1.234e2"
+ << "-1,234E+05";
+ QTest::newRow("de scientific no fractional and exponent")
+ << "de" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "12.34"
+ << "1,234E+03";
+ QTest::newRow("de scientific negative no fractional and exponent")
+ << "de" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-12.34"
+ << "-1,234E+03";
+ // hi locale uses '.' as decimal point and ',' as grouping separator.
+ // The rightmost group is of three digits, all the others contain two
+ // digits.
+ QTest::newRow("hi standard no digit grouping")
+ << "hi" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "123456.78"
+ << "1,23,456.78";
+ QTest::newRow("hi standard with digit grouping")
+ << "hi" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "-12,345.678"
+ << "-12,345.678";
+ QTest::newRow("hi standard with invalid digit grouping")
+ << "hi" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "12,34,56.78"
+ << "1,23,456.78";
+ QTest::newRow("hi standard no fractional part")
+ << "hi" << QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation << -1 << "-12,345,6"
+ << "-1,23,456";
+ QTest::newRow("hi scientific no digit grouping")
+ << "hi" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-0.123e-2"
+ << "-1.23E-03";
+ QTest::newRow("hi scientific with digit grouping")
+ << "hi" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "12,345.678e-2"
+ << "1.2345678E+02";
+ QTest::newRow("hi scientific with invalid digit grouping")
+ << "hi" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-1,23,45.678e-2"
+ << "-1.2345678E+02";
+ QTest::newRow("hi scientific no fractional part")
+ << "hi" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "1,23,456e2"
+ << "1.23456E+07";
+ QTest::newRow("hi scientific negative no fractional part")
+ << "hi" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-1,23,456e2"
+ << "-1.23456E+07";
+ QTest::newRow("hi scientific no fractional and exponent")
+ << "hi" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "1,234,56"
+ << "1.23456E+05";
+ QTest::newRow("hi scientific negative no fractional and exponent")
+ << "hi" << QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation << -1 << "-1,234,56"
+ << "-1.23456E+05";
void tst_QDoubleValidator::validateIntEquiv_data()