path: root/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/tst_selftests.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/testlib/selftests/tst_selftests.cpp')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/tst_selftests.cpp b/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/tst_selftests.cpp
index 63e5721e7e..c5f847562e 100644
--- a/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/tst_selftests.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/testlib/selftests/tst_selftests.cpp
@@ -62,11 +62,22 @@ private slots:
void doRunSubTest(QString const& subdir, QStringList const& loggers, QStringList const& arguments, bool crashes);
+ bool compareOutput(const QString &logger, const QString &subdir,
+ const QByteArray &rawOutput, const QByteArrayList &actual,
+ const QByteArrayList &expected,
+ QString *errorMessage) const;
+ bool compareLine(const QString &logger, const QString &subdir, bool benchmark,
+ const QString &actualLine, const QString &expLine,
+ QString *errorMessage) const;
+ bool checkXml(const QString &logger, QByteArray rawOutput,
+ QString *errorMessage) const;
QString logName(const QString &logger) const;
QList<LoggerSet> allLoggerSets() const;
QTemporaryDir tempDir;
QRegularExpression durationRegExp;
+ QRegularExpression teamcityLocRegExp;
struct BenchmarkResult
@@ -81,46 +92,50 @@ struct BenchmarkResult
static BenchmarkResult parse(QString const&, QString*);
-namespace QTest
+static QString msgMismatch(const QString &actual, const QString &expected)
-template <>
-inline bool qCompare
- (BenchmarkResult const &r1, BenchmarkResult const &r2,
- const char* actual, const char* expected, const char* file, int line)
+ return QLatin1String("Mismatch:\n'") + actual + QLatin1String("'\n !=\n'")
+ + expected + QLatin1Char('\'');
+static bool compareBenchmarkResult(BenchmarkResult const &r1, BenchmarkResult const &r2,
+ QString *errorMessage)
// First make sure the iterations and unit match.
if (r1.iterations != r2.iterations || r1.unit != r2.unit) {
// Nope - compare whole string for best failure message
- return qCompare(r1.toString(), r2.toString(), actual, expected, file, line);
+ *errorMessage = msgMismatch(r1.toString(), r2.toString());
+ return false;
// Now check the value. Some variance is allowed, and how much depends on
// the measured unit.
qreal variance = 0.;
- if (r1.unit == "msecs" || r1.unit == "WalltimeMilliseconds") {
+ if (r1.unit == QLatin1String("msecs") || r1.unit == QLatin1String("WalltimeMilliseconds"))
variance = 0.1;
- }
- else if (r1.unit == "instruction reads") {
+ else if (r1.unit == QLatin1String("instruction reads"))
variance = 0.001;
- }
- else if (r1.unit == "CPU ticks" || r1.unit == "CPUTicks") {
+ else if (r1.unit == QLatin1String("CPU ticks") || r1.unit == QLatin1String("CPUTicks"))
variance = 0.001;
- }
if (variance == 0.) {
// No variance allowed - compare whole string
- return qCompare(r1.toString(), r2.toString(), actual, expected, file, line);
+ const QString r1S = r1.toString();
+ const QString r2S = r2.toString();
+ if (r1S != r2S) {
+ *errorMessage = msgMismatch(r1S, r2S);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
- if (qAbs(qreal( - qreal( <= qreal(*variance) {
- return compare_helper(true, 0, 0, 0, actual, expected, file, line);
+ if (qAbs(qreal( - qreal( > qreal( * variance) {
+ // Whoops, didn't match. Compare the whole string for the most useful failure message.
+ *errorMessage = msgMismatch(r1.toString(), r2.toString());
+ return false;
- // Whoops, didn't match. Compare the whole string for the most useful failure message.
- return qCompare(r1.toString(), r2.toString(), actual, expected, file, line);
+ return true;
// Split the passed block of text into an array of lines, replacing any
// filenames and line numbers with generic markers to avoid failing the test
@@ -227,26 +242,6 @@ static QByteArray runDiff(const QByteArrayList &expected, const QByteArrayList &
return result;
-// Print the difference preferably using 'diff', else just print lines
-static void printDifference(const QByteArrayList &expected, const QByteArrayList &actual)
- QDebug info = qInfo();
- info.noquote();
- info.nospace();
- const QByteArray diff = runDiff(expected, actual);
- if (diff.isEmpty()) {
- info << "<<<<<<\n";
- for (const QByteArray &line : actual)
- info << line << '\n';
- info << "======\n";
- for (const QByteArray &line : expected)
- info << line << '\n';
- info << ">>>>>>\n";
- } else {
- info << diff;
- }
// Each test is run with a set of one or more test output loggers.
// This struct holds information about one such test.
struct LoggerSet
@@ -315,6 +310,14 @@ QList<LoggerSet> tst_Selftests::allLoggerSets() const
QStringList() << "teamcity",
QStringList() << "-teamcity" << "-o" << logName("teamcity")
+ << LoggerSet("old stdout tap",
+ QStringList() << "stdout tap",
+ QStringList() << "-tap"
+ )
+ << LoggerSet("old tap",
+ QStringList() << "tap",
+ QStringList() << "-tap" << "-o" << logName("tap")
+ )
// Test with new-style options for a single logger
<< LoggerSet("new stdout txt",
QStringList() << "stdout txt",
@@ -362,6 +365,14 @@ QList<LoggerSet> tst_Selftests::allLoggerSets() const
QStringList() << "teamcity",
QStringList() << "-o" << logName("teamcity")+",teamcity"
+ << LoggerSet("new stdout tap",
+ QStringList() << "stdout tap",
+ QStringList() << "-o" << "-,tap"
+ )
+ << LoggerSet("new tap",
+ QStringList() << "tap",
+ QStringList() << "-o" << logName("tap")+",tap"
+ )
// Test with two loggers (don't test all 32 combinations, just a sample)
<< LoggerSet("stdout txt + txt",
QStringList() << "stdout txt" << "txt",
@@ -385,13 +396,14 @@ QList<LoggerSet> tst_Selftests::allLoggerSets() const
// All loggers at the same time (except csv)
<< LoggerSet("all loggers",
- QStringList() << "txt" << "xml" << "lightxml" << "stdout txt" << "xunitxml",
+ QStringList() << "txt" << "xml" << "lightxml" << "stdout txt" << "xunitxml" << "tap",
QStringList() << "-o" << logName("txt")+",txt"
<< "-o" << logName("xml")+",xml"
<< "-o" << logName("lightxml")+",lightxml"
<< "-o" << "-,txt"
<< "-o" << logName("xunitxml")+",xunitxml"
<< "-o" << logName("teamcity")+",teamcity"
+ << "-o" << logName("tap")+",tap"
@@ -399,6 +411,7 @@ QList<LoggerSet> tst_Selftests::allLoggerSets() const
: tempDir(QDir::tempPath() + "/tst_selftests.XXXXXX")
, durationRegExp("<Duration msecs=\"[\\d\\.]+\"/>")
+ , teamcityLocRegExp("\\|\\[Loc: .*\\(\\d*\\)\\|\\]")
void tst_Selftests::initTestCase()
@@ -464,6 +477,7 @@ void tst_Selftests::runSubTest_data()
<< "findtestdata"
<< "float"
<< "globaldata"
+ << "keyboard"
<< "longstring"
<< "maxwarnings"
<< "multiexec"
@@ -480,6 +494,7 @@ void tst_Selftests::runSubTest_data()
<< "sleep"
<< "strcmp"
<< "subtest"
+ << "tuplediagnostics"
<< "verbose1"
<< "verbose2"
@@ -760,147 +775,203 @@ void tst_Selftests::doRunSubTest(QString const& subdir, QStringList const& logge
QList<QByteArray> res = splitLines(actualOutputs[n]);
- const QString expectedFileName = expectedFileNameFromTest(subdir, logger);
- QList<QByteArray> exp = expectedResult(expectedFileName);
+ QString errorMessage;
+ QString expectedFileName = expectedFileNameFromTest(subdir, logger);
+ QByteArrayList exp = expectedResult(expectedFileName);
+ if (!exp.isEmpty()) {
#ifdef Q_CC_MINGW
- // MinGW formats double numbers differently
- if (n == 0 && subdir == QStringLiteral("float")) {
- for (int i = 0; i < exp.size(); ++i) {
- exp[i].replace("e-07", "e-007");
- exp[i].replace("e+07", "e+007");
- }
- }
- // For the "crashes" test, there are multiple versions of the
- // expected output. Load the one with the same line count as
- // the actual output.
- if (exp.count() == 0) {
- QList<QList<QByteArray> > expArr;
- QList<QByteArray> tmp;
- int i = 1;
- do {
- tmp = expectedResult(expectedFileNameFromTest(subdir + QLatin1Char('_') + QString::number(i++), logger));
- if (tmp.count())
- expArr += tmp;
- } while (tmp.count());
- for (int j = 0; j < expArr.count(); ++j) {
- if (res.count() == {
- exp =;
- break;
+ // MinGW formats double numbers differently (last verified with 7.1)
+ if (n == 0 && subdir == QStringLiteral("float")) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < exp.size(); ++i) {
+ exp[i].replace("e-07", "e-007");
+ exp[i].replace("e+07", "e+007");
- if (expArr.count()) {
- QVERIFY2(exp.count(),
- qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("None of the expected output files for "
- "%1 format has matching line count.")
- .arg(;
+ if (!compareOutput(logger, subdir, actualOutputs[n], res, exp, &errorMessage)) {
+ errorMessage.prepend(QLatin1Char('"') + logger + QLatin1String("\", ")
+ + expectedFileName + QLatin1Char(' '));
+ errorMessage += QLatin1String("\nActual:\n") + QLatin1String(actualOutputs[n]);
+ const QByteArray diff = runDiff(exp, res);
+ if (!diff.isEmpty())
+ errorMessage += QLatin1String("\nDiff:\n") + QLatin1String(diff);
+ QFAIL(qPrintable(errorMessage));
} else {
- if (res.count() != exp.count()) {
- printDifference(exp, res);
- QVERIFY2(res.count() == exp.count(),
- qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("Mismatch in line count: %1 != %2 (%3, %4).")
- .arg(res.count()).arg(exp.count()).arg(, expectedFileName)));
+ // For the "crashes" and other tests, there are multiple versions of the
+ // expected output. Loop until a matching one is found.
+ bool ok = false;
+ for (int i = 1; !ok; ++i) {
+ expectedFileName = expectedFileNameFromTest(subdir + QLatin1Char('_') + QString::number(i), logger);
+ const QByteArrayList exp = expectedResult(expectedFileName);
+ if (exp.isEmpty())
+ break;
+ QString errorMessage2;
+ ok = compareOutput(logger, subdir, actualOutputs[n], res, exp, &errorMessage2);
+ if (!ok)
+ errorMessage += QLatin1Char('\n') + expectedFileName + QLatin1String(": ") + errorMessage2;
+ }
+ if (!ok) { // Use QDebug's quote mechanism to report potentially garbled output.
+ errorMessage.prepend(QLatin1String("Cannot find a matching file for ") + subdir);
+ errorMessage += QLatin1String("\nActual:\n");
+ QDebug(&errorMessage) << actualOutputs[n];
+ QFAIL(qPrintable(errorMessage));
+ }
- // By this point, we should have loaded a non-empty expected data file.
- QVERIFY2(exp.count(),
- qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("Expected test data for %1 format is empty or not found.")
- .arg(;
- // For xml output formats, verify that the log is valid XML.
- if (logFormat(logger) == "xunitxml" || logFormat(logger) == "xml" || logFormat(logger) == "lightxml") {
- QByteArray xml(actualOutputs[n]);
- // lightxml intentionally skips the root element, which technically makes it
- // not valid XML.
- // We'll add that ourselves for the purpose of validation.
- if (logFormat(logger) == "lightxml") {
- xml.prepend("<root>");
- xml.append("</root>");
- }
+static QString teamCityLocation() { return QStringLiteral("|[Loc: _FILE_(_LINE_)|]"); }
+static QString qtVersionPlaceHolder() { return QStringLiteral("@INSERT_QT_VERSION_HERE@"); }
- QXmlStreamReader reader(xml);
+bool tst_Selftests::compareOutput(const QString &logger, const QString &subdir,
+ const QByteArray &rawOutput, const QByteArrayList &actual,
+ const QByteArrayList &expected,
+ QString *errorMessage) const
- while (!reader.atEnd())
- reader.readNext();
+ if (actual.size() != expected.size()) {
+ *errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("Mismatch in line count: %1 != %2.")
+ .arg(actual.size()).arg(expected.size());
+ return false;
+ }
- QVERIFY2(!reader.error(), qPrintable(QString("line %1, col %2: %3")
- .arg(reader.lineNumber())
- .arg(reader.columnNumber())
- .arg(reader.errorString())
- ));
+ // For xml output formats, verify that the log is valid XML.
+ if (logger.endsWith(QLatin1String("xml")) && !checkXml(logger, rawOutput, errorMessage))
+ return false;
+ // Verify that the actual output is an acceptable match for the
+ // expected output.
+ const QString qtVersion = QLatin1String(QT_VERSION_STR);
+ bool benchmark = false;
+ for (int i = 0, size = actual.size(); i < size; ++i) {
+ const QByteArray &actualLineBA =;
+ // the __FILE__ __LINE__ output is compiler dependent, skip it
+ if (actualLineBA.startsWith(" Loc: [") && actualLineBA.endsWith(")]"))
+ continue;
+ if (actualLineBA.endsWith(" : failure location"))
+ continue;
+ if (actualLineBA.startsWith("Config: Using QtTest library") // Text build string
+ || actualLineBA.startsWith(" <QtBuild") // XML, Light XML build string
+ || (actualLineBA.startsWith(" <property value=") && actualLineBA.endsWith("name=\"QtBuild\"/>"))) { // XUNIT-XML build string
+ continue;
- // Verify that the actual output is an acceptable match for the
- // expected output.
- bool benchmark = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < res.count(); ++i) {
- QByteArray line =;
- // the __FILE__ __LINE__ output is compiler dependent, skip it
- if (line.startsWith(" Loc: [") && line.endsWith(")]"))
- continue;
- if (line.endsWith(" : failure location"))
- continue;
+ QString actualLine = QString::fromLatin1(actualLineBA);
+ QString expectedLine = QString::fromLatin1(;
+ expectedLine.replace(qtVersionPlaceHolder(), qtVersion);
- if (line.startsWith("Config: Using QtTest library") // Text build string
- || line.startsWith(" <QtBuild") // XML, Light XML build string
- || (line.startsWith(" <property value=") && line.endsWith("name=\"QtBuild\"/>"))) { // XUNIT-XML build string
- continue;
- }
+ // Special handling for ignoring _FILE_ and _LINE_ if logger is teamcity
+ if (logger.endsWith(QLatin1String("teamcity"))) {
+ actualLine.replace(teamcityLocRegExp, teamCityLocation());
+ expectedLine.replace(teamcityLocRegExp, teamCityLocation());
+ }
- QByteArray expLine =;
+ if (logger.endsWith(QLatin1String("tap"))) {
+ if (expectedLine.contains(QLatin1String("at:"))
+ || expectedLine.contains(QLatin1String("file:"))
+ || expectedLine.contains(QLatin1String("line:")))
+ actualLine = expectedLine;
+ }
- // Special handling for ignoring _FILE_ and _LINE_ if logger is teamcity
- if (logFormat(logger) == "teamcity") {
- QRegularExpression teamcityLocRegExp("\\|\\[Loc: .*\\(\\d*\\)\\|\\]");
- line = QString(line).replace(teamcityLocRegExp, "|[Loc: _FILE_(_LINE_)|]").toLatin1();
- expLine = QString(expLine).replace(teamcityLocRegExp, "|[Loc: _FILE_(_LINE_)|]").toLatin1();
- }
+ if (!compareLine(logger, subdir, benchmark, actualLine,
+ expectedLine, errorMessage)) {
+ errorMessage->prepend(QLatin1String("Line ") + QString::number(i + 1)
+ + QLatin1String(": "));
+ return false;
+ }
- const QString output(QString::fromLatin1(line));
- const QString expected(QString::fromLatin1(expLine).replace("@INSERT_QT_VERSION_HERE@", QT_VERSION_STR));
+ benchmark = actualLineBA.startsWith("RESULT : ");
+ }
+ return true;
- if (subdir == "assert" && output.contains("ASSERT: ") && expected.contains("ASSERT: ") && output != expected)
- // Q_ASSERT uses __FILE__, the exact contents of which are
- // undefined. If we something that looks like a Q_ASSERT and we
- // were expecting to see a Q_ASSERT, we'll skip the line.
- continue;
- else if (expected.startsWith(QLatin1String("FAIL! : tst_Exception::throwException() Caught unhandled exce")) && expected != output)
- // On some platforms we compile without RTTI, and as a result we never throw an exception.
- QCOMPARE(output.simplified(), QString::fromLatin1("tst_Exception::throwException()").simplified());
- else if (benchmark || line.startsWith("<BenchmarkResult") || (logFormat(logger) == "csv" && line.startsWith('"'))) {
- // Don't do a literal comparison for benchmark results, since
- // results have some natural variance.
- QString error;
- BenchmarkResult actualResult = BenchmarkResult::parse(output, &error);
- QVERIFY2(error.isEmpty(), qPrintable(QString("Actual line didn't parse as benchmark result: %1\nLine: %2").arg(error).arg(output)));
- BenchmarkResult expectedResult = BenchmarkResult::parse(expected, &error);
- QVERIFY2(error.isEmpty(), qPrintable(QString("Expected line didn't parse as benchmark result: %1\nLine: %2").arg(error).arg(expected)));
- QCOMPARE(actualResult, expectedResult);
- } else if (line.startsWith(" <Duration msecs=") || line.startsWith("<Duration msecs=")) {
- QRegularExpressionMatch match = durationRegExp.match(line);
- QVERIFY2(match.hasMatch(), qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("Invalid Duration tag at line %1 (%2): '%3'")
- .arg(i).arg(, output)));
- } else if (line.startsWith("Totals:")) {
- const int lastCommaPos = line.lastIndexOf(',');
- if (lastCommaPos > 0)
- line.truncate(lastCommaPos); // Plain text logger: strip time (", 2323dms").
- } else {
- QVERIFY2(output == expected,
- qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("Mismatch at line %1 (%2, %3):\n'%4'\n !=\n'%5'")
- .arg(i + 1).arg(, expectedFileName, output, expected)));
- }
+bool tst_Selftests::compareLine(const QString &logger, const QString &subdir,
+ bool benchmark,
+ const QString &actualLine, const QString &expectedLine,
+ QString *errorMessage) const
+ if (subdir == QLatin1String("assert") && actualLine.contains(QLatin1String("ASSERT: "))
+ && expectedLine.contains(QLatin1String("ASSERT: ")) && actualLine != expectedLine) {
+ // Q_ASSERT uses __FILE__, the exact contents of which are
+ // undefined. If have we something that looks like a Q_ASSERT and we
+ // were expecting to see a Q_ASSERT, we'll skip the line.
+ return true;
+ }
- benchmark = line.startsWith("RESULT : ");
+ if (expectedLine.startsWith(QLatin1String("FAIL! : tst_Exception::throwException() Caught unhandled exce"))
+ && actualLine != expectedLine) {
+ // On some platforms we compile without RTTI, and as a result we never throw an exception
+ if (actualLine.simplified() != QLatin1String("tst_Exception::throwException()")) {
+ *errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("'%1' != 'tst_Exception::throwException()'").arg(actualLine);
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (benchmark || actualLine.startsWith(QLatin1String("<BenchmarkResult"))
+ || (logger == QLatin1String("csv") && actualLine.startsWith(QLatin1Char('"')))) {
+ // Don't do a literal comparison for benchmark results, since
+ // results have some natural variance.
+ QString error;
+ BenchmarkResult actualResult = BenchmarkResult::parse(actualLine, &error);
+ if (!error.isEmpty()) {
+ *errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("Actual line didn't parse as benchmark result: %1\nLine: %2").arg(error, actualLine);
+ return false;
+ }
+ BenchmarkResult expectedResult = BenchmarkResult::parse(expectedLine, &error);
+ if (!error.isEmpty()) {
+ *errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("Expected line didn't parse as benchmark result: %1\nLine: %2").arg(error, expectedLine);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return compareBenchmarkResult(actualResult, expectedResult, errorMessage);
+ }
+ if (actualLine.startsWith(QLatin1String(" <Duration msecs="))
+ || actualLine.startsWith(QLatin1String("<Duration msecs="))) {
+ QRegularExpressionMatch match = durationRegExp.match(actualLine);
+ if (match.hasMatch())
+ return true;
+ *errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("Invalid Duration tag: '%1'").arg(actualLine);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (actualLine.startsWith(QLatin1String("Totals:")) && expectedLine.startsWith(QLatin1String("Totals:")))
+ return true;
+ if (actualLine == expectedLine)
+ return true;
+ *errorMessage = msgMismatch(actualLine, expectedLine);
+ return false;
+bool tst_Selftests::checkXml(const QString &logger, QByteArray xml,
+ QString *errorMessage) const
+ // lightxml intentionally skips the root element, which technically makes it
+ // not valid XML.
+ // We'll add that ourselves for the purpose of validation.
+ if (logger.endsWith(QLatin1String("lightxml"))) {
+ xml.prepend("<root>");
+ xml.append("</root>");
+ }
+ QXmlStreamReader reader(xml);
+ while (!reader.atEnd())
+ reader.readNext();
+ if (reader.hasError()) {
+ const int lineNumber = int(reader.lineNumber());
+ const QByteArray line = xml.split('\n').value(lineNumber - 1);
+ *errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("line %1, col %2 '%3': %4")
+ .arg(lineNumber).arg(reader.columnNumber())
+ .arg(QString::fromLatin1(line), reader.errorString());
+ return false;
+ return true;
#endif // QT_CONFIG(process)