path: root/tests/auto/tools/uic/baseline/dialog.ui.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/tools/uic/baseline/dialog.ui.h')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/tools/uic/baseline/dialog.ui.h b/tests/auto/tools/uic/baseline/dialog.ui.h
index 88ca359e20..afcb9f2f8b 100644
--- a/tests/auto/tools/uic/baseline/dialog.ui.h
+++ b/tests/auto/tools/uic/baseline/dialog.ui.h
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ public:
void retranslateUi(QDialog *Dialog)
- Dialog->setWindowTitle(QApplication::translate("Dialog", "Dialog", Q_NULLPTR));
- loadFromFileButton->setText(QApplication::translate("Dialog", "Load Image From File...", Q_NULLPTR));
- label->setText(QApplication::translate("Dialog", "Launch two of these dialogs. In the first, press the top button and load an image from a file. In the second, press the bottom button and display the loaded image from shared memory.", Q_NULLPTR));
- loadFromSharedMemoryButton->setText(QApplication::translate("Dialog", "Display Image From Shared Memory", Q_NULLPTR));
+ Dialog->setWindowTitle(QApplication::translate("Dialog", "Dialog", nullptr));
+ loadFromFileButton->setText(QApplication::translate("Dialog", "Load Image From File...", nullptr));
+ label->setText(QApplication::translate("Dialog", "Launch two of these dialogs. In the first, press the top button and load an image from a file. In the second, press the bottom button and display the loaded image from shared memory.", nullptr));
+ loadFromSharedMemoryButton->setText(QApplication::translate("Dialog", "Display Image From Shared Memory", nullptr));
} // retranslateUi