path: root/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qformlayout
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qformlayout')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qformlayout/tst_qformlayout.cpp b/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qformlayout/tst_qformlayout.cpp
index 4aa9f8ac2d..a7ac5fa479 100644
--- a/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qformlayout/tst_qformlayout.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qformlayout/tst_qformlayout.cpp
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ private slots:
void takeRow_QLayout();
void setWidget();
void setLayout();
+ void hideShowRow();
QLayoutItem *itemAt(int row, ItemRole role) const;
@@ -1123,6 +1124,135 @@ void tst_QFormLayout::setLayout()
+void tst_QFormLayout::hideShowRow()
+ QWidget topLevel;
+ QFormLayout layout;
+ const auto makeComplex = []{
+ QHBoxLayout *hboxField = new QHBoxLayout;
+ hboxField->addWidget(new QLineEdit("Left"));
+ hboxField->addWidget(new QLineEdit("Right"));
+ return hboxField;
+ };
+ layout.addRow("Label", new QLineEdit("one"));
+ layout.addRow("Label", new QLineEdit("two"));
+ layout.addRow("Label", new QLineEdit("three"));
+ layout.addRow("Label", makeComplex());
+ layout.addRow(new QLineEdit("five")); // spanning widget
+ layout.addRow(makeComplex()); // spanning layout
+ topLevel.setLayout(&layout);
+ QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&topLevel));
+ // returns the top-left position of the items in a row
+ const auto rowPosition = [&layout](int row) {
+ QRect rect;
+ if (QLayoutItem *spanningItem = layout.itemAt(row, QFormLayout::SpanningRole)) {
+ rect = spanningItem->geometry();
+ } else {
+ if (QLayoutItem *labelItem = layout.itemAt(row, QFormLayout::LabelRole)) {
+ rect = labelItem->geometry();
+ }
+ if (QLayoutItem *fieldItem = layout.itemAt(row, QFormLayout::FieldRole)) {
+ rect |= fieldItem->geometry();
+ }
+ }
+ return rect.topLeft();
+ };
+ // returns the first widget in a row, even if that row is taken by a layout
+ const auto rowInputWidget = [&layout](int row) -> QWidget* {
+ auto fieldItem = layout.itemAt(row, QFormLayout::FieldRole);
+ if (!fieldItem)
+ return nullptr;
+ QWidget *fieldWidget = fieldItem->widget();
+ // we happen to know our layout structure
+ if (!fieldWidget)
+ fieldWidget = fieldItem->layout()->itemAt(0)->widget();
+ return fieldWidget;
+ };
+ // record the reference positions for all rows
+ QList<QPoint> rowPositions(layout.rowCount());
+ for (int row = 0; row < layout.rowCount(); ++row)
+ rowPositions[row] = rowPosition(row);
+ // hide each row in turn, the next row should take the space of the hidden row
+ for (int row = 0; row < layout.rowCount(); ++ row) {
+ layout.setRowVisible(row, false);
+ QVERIFY(!layout.isRowVisible(row));
+ if (row < layout.rowCount() - 1)
+ QTRY_COMPARE(rowPosition(row + 1), rowPositions[row]);
+ layout.setRowVisible(row, true);
+ QVERIFY(layout.isRowVisible(row));
+ }
+ // Hiding only the label or only the field doesn't hide the row.
+ for (int row = 0; row < layout.rowCount() - 1; ++row) {
+ const auto labelItem = layout.itemAt(0, QFormLayout::LabelRole);
+ if (labelItem) {
+ labelItem->widget()->hide();
+ QVERIFY(layout.isRowVisible(row));
+ QCOMPARE(rowPosition(row), rowPositions[row]);
+ layout.itemAt(0, QFormLayout::LabelRole)->widget()->show();
+ }
+ const auto fieldItem = layout.itemAt(0, QFormLayout::FieldRole);
+ if (fieldItem) {
+ fieldItem->widget()->hide();
+ QVERIFY(layout.isRowVisible(row));
+ QCOMPARE(rowPosition(row), rowPositions[row]);
+ layout.itemAt(0, QFormLayout::FieldRole)->widget()->show();
+ }
+ }
+ // If we hide both label and field, then the row should be considered hidden and the
+ // following row should move up into the space of the hidden row. We can only test
+ // this if both label and field are widgets, or if there is a spanning widget.
+ for (int row = 0; row < layout.rowCount() - 1; ++row) {
+ QWidget *labelWidget = nullptr;
+ if (auto labelItem = layout.itemAt(row, QFormLayout::LabelRole))
+ labelWidget = labelItem->widget();
+ QWidget *fieldWidget = nullptr;
+ if (auto fieldItem = layout.itemAt(row, QFormLayout::FieldRole))
+ fieldWidget = fieldItem->widget();
+ if (!fieldWidget)
+ continue;
+ if (labelWidget)
+ labelWidget->hide();
+ fieldWidget->hide();
+ QVERIFY(!layout.isRowVisible(row));
+ QVERIFY(!layout.isRowVisible(fieldWidget));
+ if (labelWidget)
+ QVERIFY(!layout.isRowVisible(labelWidget));
+ QTRY_COMPARE(rowPosition(row + 1), rowPositions[row]);
+ if (labelWidget)
+ labelWidget->show();
+ fieldWidget->show();
+ }
+ // hiding a row where a widget has focus must move focus to a widget in the next row
+ for (int row = 0; row < layout.rowCount(); ++row) {
+ QWidget *inputWidget = rowInputWidget(row);
+ QVERIFY(inputWidget);
+ inputWidget->setFocus();
+ layout.setRowVisible(row, false);
+ QVERIFY(!inputWidget->hasFocus());
+ }
+ // Now hide all rows, hide the toplevel widget, and show the toplevel widget again.
+ // None of the widgets inside must be visible.
+ for (int row = 0; row < layout.rowCount(); ++row)
+ layout.setRowVisible(row, false);
+ topLevel.hide();
+ for (int row = 0; row < layout.rowCount(); ++row)
+ QVERIFY(rowInputWidget(row)->isHidden());
void tst_QFormLayout::itemAt()
QWidget topLevel;