path: root/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/configure/configureapp.cpp')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 416 deletions
diff --git a/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp b/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp
index c611de6060..059d2b15e7 100644
--- a/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp
+++ b/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp
@@ -365,12 +365,8 @@ void Configure::parseCmdLine()
for (; i<configCmdLine.size(); ++i) {
bool continueElse[] = {false, false};
- if ( == "-help"
- || == "-h"
- || == "-?")
- dictionary[ "HELP" ] = "yes";
- else if ( == "-v" || == "-verbose") {
+ if ( == "-v" || == "-verbose") {
@@ -1317,112 +1313,10 @@ void Configure::parseCmdLine()
for (QStringList::Iterator it = disabledModules.begin(); it != disabledModules.end(); ++it)
- if ((dictionary[ "REDO" ] != "yes") && (dictionary[ "HELP" ] != "yes")
- && (dictionary[ "DONE" ] != "error"))
+ if ((dictionary["REDO"] != "yes") && (dictionary["DONE"] != "error"))
-// Output helper functions --------------------------------[ Start ]-
- Determines the length of a string token.
-static int tokenLength(const char *str)
- if (*str == 0)
- return 0;
- const char *nextToken = strpbrk(str, " _/\n\r");
- if (nextToken == str || !nextToken)
- return 1;
- return int(nextToken - str);
- Prints out a string which starts at position \a startingAt, and
- indents each wrapped line with \a wrapIndent characters.
- The wrap point is set to the console width, unless that width
- cannot be determined, or is too small.
-void Configure::desc(const char *description, int startingAt, int wrapIndent)
- int linePos = startingAt;
- bool firstLine = true;
- const char *nextToken = description;
- while (*nextToken) {
- int nextTokenLen = tokenLength(nextToken);
- if (*nextToken == '\n' // Wrap on newline, duh
- || (linePos + nextTokenLen > outputWidth)) // Wrap at outputWidth
- {
- printf("\n");
- linePos = 0;
- firstLine = false;
- if (*nextToken == '\n')
- ++nextToken;
- continue;
- }
- if (!firstLine && linePos < wrapIndent) { // Indent to wrapIndent
- printf("%*s", wrapIndent , "");
- linePos = wrapIndent;
- if (*nextToken == ' ') {
- ++nextToken;
- continue;
- }
- }
- printf("%.*s", nextTokenLen, nextToken);
- linePos += nextTokenLen;
- nextToken += nextTokenLen;
- }
- Prints out an option with its description wrapped at the
- description starting point. If \a skipIndent is true, the
- indentation to the option is not outputted (used by marked option
- version of desc()). Extra spaces between option and its
- description is filled with\a fillChar, if there's available
- space.
-void Configure::desc(const char *option, const char *description, bool skipIndent, char fillChar)
- if (!skipIndent)
- printf("%*s", optionIndent, "");
- int remaining = descIndent - optionIndent - int(strlen(option));
- int wrapIndent = descIndent + qMax(0, 1 - remaining);
- printf("%s", option);
- if (remaining > 2) {
- printf(" "); // Space in front
- for (int i = remaining; i > 2; --i)
- printf("%c", fillChar); // Fill, if available space
- }
- printf(" "); // Space between option and description
- desc(description, wrapIndent, wrapIndent);
- printf("\n");
- Same as above, except it also marks an option with an '*', if
- the option is default action.
-void Configure::desc(const char *mark_option, const char *mark, const char *option, const char *description, char fillChar)
- const QString markedAs = dictionary.value(mark_option);
- if (markedAs == "auto" && markedAs == mark) // both "auto", always => +
- printf(" + ");
- else if (markedAs == "auto") // setting marked as "auto" and option is default => +
- printf(" %c " , (defaultTo(mark_option) == QLatin1String(mark))? '+' : ' ');
- else if (QLatin1String(mark) == "auto" && markedAs != "no") // description marked as "auto" and option is available => +
- printf(" %c " , checkAvailability(mark_option) ? '+' : ' ');
- else // None are "auto", (markedAs == mark) => *
- printf(" %c " , markedAs == QLatin1String(mark) ? '*' : ' ');
- desc(option, description, true, fillChar);
Modifies the default configuration based on given -platform option.
Eg. switches to different default styles for Windows CE.
@@ -1493,314 +1387,6 @@ void Configure::applySpecSpecifics()
-// Output helper functions ---------------------------------[ Stop ]-
-bool Configure::displayHelp()
- if (dictionary[ "HELP" ] == "yes") {
- desc("Usage: configure [options]\n\n", 0, 7);
- desc("Installation options:\n\n");
- desc("These are optional, but you may specify install directories.\n\n", 0, 1);
- desc( "-prefix <dir>", "The deployment directory, as seen on the target device.\n"
- "(default %CD%)\n");
- desc( "-extprefix <dir>", "The installation directory, as seen on the host machine.\n"
- "(default SYSROOT/PREFIX)\n");
- desc( "-hostprefix [dir]", "The installation directory for build tools running on the\n"
- "host machine. If [dir] is not given, the current build\n"
- "directory will be used. (default EXTPREFIX)\n");
- desc("You may use these to change the layout of the install. Note that all directories\n"
- "except -sysconfdir should be located under -prefix/-hostprefix:\n\n");
- desc( "-bindir <dir>", "User executables will be installed to <dir>\n(default PREFIX/bin)");
- desc( "-libdir <dir>", "Libraries will be installed to <dir>\n(default PREFIX/lib)");
- desc( "-headerdir <dir>", "Headers will be installed to <dir>\n(default PREFIX/include)");
- desc( "-archdatadir <dir>", "Architecture-dependent data used by Qt will be installed to <dir>\n(default PREFIX)");
- desc( "-libexecdir <dir>", "Program executables will be installed to <dir>\n(default ARCHDATADIR/bin)");
- desc( "-plugindir <dir>", "Plugins will be installed to <dir>\n(default ARCHDATADIR/plugins)");
- desc( "-importdir <dir>", "Imports for QML1 will be installed to <dir>\n(default ARCHDATADIR/imports)");
- desc( "-qmldir <dir>", "Imports for QML2 will be installed to <dir>\n(default ARCHDATADIR/qml)");
- desc( "-datadir <dir>", "Data used by Qt programs will be installed to <dir>\n(default PREFIX)");
- desc( "-docdir <dir>", "Documentation will be installed to <dir>\n(default DATADIR/doc)");
- desc( "-translationdir <dir>", "Translations of Qt programs will be installed to <dir>\n(default DATADIR/translations)");
- desc( "-examplesdir <dir>", "Examples will be installed to <dir>\n(default PREFIX/examples)");
- desc( "-testsdir <dir>", "Tests will be installed to <dir>\n(default PREFIX/tests)\n");
- desc( "-hostbindir <dir>", "Host executables will be installed to <dir>\n(default HOSTPREFIX/bin)");
- desc( "-hostlibdir <dir>", "Host libraries will be installed to <dir>\n(default HOSTPREFIX/lib)");
- desc( "-hostdatadir <dir>", "Data used by qmake will be installed to <dir>\n(default HOSTPREFIX)");
- desc("\nConfigure options:\n\n");
- desc(" The defaults (*) are usually acceptable. A plus (+) denotes a default value"
- " that needs to be evaluated. If the evaluation succeeds, the feature is"
- " included. Here is a short explanation of each option:\n\n", 0, 1);
- desc("BUILD", "release","-release", "Compile and link Qt with debugging turned off.");
- desc("BUILD", "debug", "-debug", "Compile and link Qt with debugging turned on.");
- desc("BUILDALL", "yes", "-debug-and-release", "Compile and link two Qt libraries, with and without debugging turned on.\n");
- desc("FORCEDEBUGINFO", "yes","-force-debug-info", "Create symbol files for release builds.");
- desc("SEPARATE_DEBUG_INFO", "yes","-separate-debug-info", "Strip debug information into a separate file.\n");
- desc("BUILDDEV", "yes", "-developer-build", "Compile and link Qt with Qt developer options (including auto-tests exporting)\n");
- desc("RELEASE_TOOLS", "yes", "-optimized-tools", "Build optimized host tools even in debug build.");
- desc("RELEASE_TOOLS", "no", "-no-optimized-tools", "Do not build optimized host tools even in debug build.\n");
- desc("OPENSOURCE", "opensource", "-opensource", "Compile and link the Open-Source Edition of Qt.");
- desc("COMMERCIAL", "commercial", "-commercial", "Compile and link the Commercial Edition of Qt.\n");
- desc( "-c++std <edition>", "Compile Qt with C++ standard edition (c++11, c++14, c++1z)\n"
- "Default: highest supported. This option is not supported for MSVC.\n");
- desc("USE_GOLD_LINKER", "yes", "-use-gold-linker", "Link using the GNU gold linker (gcc only).");
- desc("USE_GOLD_LINKER", "no", "-no-use-gold-linker", "Do not link using the GNU gold linker.\n");
- desc("ENABLE_NEW_DTAGS", "yes", "-enable-new-dtags", "Use new DTAGS for RPATH (Linux only).");
- desc("ENABLE_NEW_DTAGS", "no", "-disable-new-dtags", "Do not use new DTAGS for RPATH.\n");
- desc("SHARED", "yes", "-shared", "Create and use shared Qt libraries.");
- desc("SHARED", "no", "-static", "Create and use static Qt libraries.\n");
- desc("STATIC_RUNTIME", "no", "-static-runtime","Statically link the C/C++ runtime library.\n");
- desc("LTCG", "yes", "-ltcg", "Use Link Time Code Generation. (Release builds only)");
- desc("LTCG", "no", "-no-ltcg", "Do not use Link Time Code Generation.\n");
- desc( "-make <part>", "Add part to the list of parts to be built at make time");
- for (int i=0; i<defaultBuildParts.size(); ++i)
- desc( "", qPrintable(QString(" %1").arg(, false, ' ');
- desc( "-nomake <part>", "Exclude part from the list of parts to be built.\n");
- desc( "-skip <module>", "Exclude an entire module from the build.\n");
- desc( "-no-compile-examples", "Install only the sources of examples.\n");
- desc("WIDGETS", "no", "-no-widgets", "Disable Qt Widgets module.\n");
- desc("GUI", "no", "-no-gui", "Disable Qt GUI module.\n");
- desc("ACCESSIBILITY", "no", "-no-accessibility", "Disable accessibility support.\n");
- desc( "", "Disabling accessibility is not recommended, as it will break QStyle\n"
- "and may break other internal parts of Qt.\n"
- "With this switch you create a source incompatible version of Qt,\n"
- "which is unsupported.\n");
- desc("ACCESSIBILITY", "yes", "-accessibility", "Enable accessibility support.\n");
- desc( "-no-sql-<driver>", "Disable SQL <driver> entirely, by default none are turned on.");
- desc( "-qt-sql-<driver>", "Enable a SQL <driver> in the Qt Library.");
- desc( "-plugin-sql-<driver>", "Enable SQL <driver> as a plugin to be linked to at run time.\n"
- "Available values for <driver>:");
- desc("SQL_MYSQL", "auto", "", " mysql", ' ');
- desc("SQL_PSQL", "auto", "", " psql", ' ');
- desc("SQL_OCI", "auto", "", " oci", ' ');
- desc("SQL_ODBC", "auto", "", " odbc", ' ');
- desc("SQL_TDS", "auto", "", " tds", ' ');
- desc("SQL_DB2", "auto", "", " db2", ' ');
- desc("SQL_SQLITE", "auto", "", " sqlite", ' ');
- desc("SQL_SQLITE2", "auto", "", " sqlite2", ' ');
- desc("SQL_IBASE", "auto", "", " ibase", ' ');
- desc( "", "(drivers marked with a '+' have been detected as available on this system)\n", false, ' ');
- desc( "-system-sqlite", "Use sqlite from the operating system.\n");
- desc("OPENGL", "no","-no-opengl", "Do not support OpenGL.");
- desc("OPENGL", "no","-opengl <api>", "Enable OpenGL support with specified API version.\n"
- "Available values for <api>:");
- desc("", "no", "", " desktop - Enable support for Desktop OpenGL", ' ');
- desc("", "no", "", " dynamic - Enable support for dynamically loaded OpenGL (either desktop or ES)", ' ');
- desc("OPENGL_ES_2", "yes", "", " es2 - Enable support for OpenGL ES 2.0\n", ' ');
- desc( "-force-asserts", "Activate asserts in release mode.\n");
- desc( "-platform <spec>", "The operating system and compiler you are building on.\n(default %QMAKESPEC%)\n");
- desc( "-xplatform <spec>", "The operating system and compiler you are cross compiling to.\n");
- desc( "", "See the README file for a list of supported operating systems and compilers.\n", false, ' ');
- desc( "-sysroot <dir>", "Sets <dir> as the target compiler's and qmake's sysroot and also sets pkg-config paths.");
- desc( "-no-gcc-sysroot", "When using -sysroot, it disables the passing of --sysroot to the compiler.\n");
- desc( "-qconfig <local>", "Use src/corelib/global/qconfig-<local>.h rather than the\n"
- "default 'full'.\n");
- desc("NIS", "no", "-no-nis", "Do not compile NIS support.");
- desc("NIS", "yes", "-nis", "Compile NIS support.\n");
- desc("QT_ICONV", "disable", "-no-iconv", "Do not enable support for iconv(3).");
- desc("QT_ICONV", "yes", "-iconv", "Enable support for iconv(3).");
- desc("QT_ICONV", "yes", "-sun-iconv", "Enable support for iconv(3) using sun-iconv.");
- desc("QT_ICONV", "yes", "-gnu-iconv", "Enable support for iconv(3) using gnu-libiconv.\n");
- desc("QT_EVDEV", "no", "-no-evdev", "Do not enable support for evdev.");
- desc("QT_EVDEV", "yes", "-evdev", "Enable support for evdev.");
- desc("QT_MTDEV", "no", "-no-mtdev", "Do not enable support for mtdev.");
- desc("QT_MTDEV", "yes", "-mtdev", "Enable support for mtdev.");
- desc("QT_INOTIFY", "yes", "-inotify", "Explicitly enable Qt inotify(7) support.");
- desc("QT_INOTIFY", "no", "-no-inotify", "Explicitly disable Qt inotify(7) support.\n");
- desc("QT_EVENTFD", "yes", "-eventfd", "Enable eventfd(7) support in the UNIX event loop.");
- desc("QT_EVENTFD", "no", "-no-eventfd", "Disable eventfd(7) support in the UNIX event loop.\n");
- desc("POSIX_IPC", "yes", "-posix-ipc", "Enable POSIX IPC.\n");
- desc("QT_GLIB", "yes", "-glib", "Compile Glib support.\n");
- desc("QT_INSTALL_SETTINGS", "auto", "-sysconfdir <dir>", "Settings used by Qt programs will be looked for in\n<dir>.\n");
- desc("SYSTEM_PROXIES", "yes", "-system-proxies", "Use system network proxies by default.");
- desc("SYSTEM_PROXIES", "no", "-no-system-proxies", "Do not use system network proxies by default.\n");
- desc("SCTP", "yes", "-sctp", "Compile SCTP support.");
- desc("SCTP", "no", "-no-sctp", "Do not compile SCTP network protocol support.\n");
- desc("WERROR", "yes", "-warnings-are-errors", "Make warnings be treated as errors.");
- desc("WERROR", "no", "-no-warnings-are-errors","Make warnings be treated normally.");
- desc( "-qtnamespace <name>", "Wraps all Qt library code in 'namespace name {...}'.");
- desc( "-qtlibinfix <infix>", "Renames all Qt* libs to Qt*<infix>.\n");
- desc( "-D <define>", "Add an explicit define to the preprocessor.");
- desc( "-I <includepath>", "Add an explicit include path.");
- desc( "-L <librarypath>", "Add an explicit library path.");
- desc("PCH", "no", "-no-pch", "Do not use precompiled header support.");
- desc("PCH", "yes", "-pch", "Use precopmiled header support.\n");
- desc( "-help, -h, -?", "Display this information.\n");
- // 3rd party stuff options go below here --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- desc("Third Party Libraries:\n\n");
- desc("SYSTEM_ZLIB", "no", "-qt-zlib", "Use the zlib bundled with Qt.");
- desc("SYSTEM_ZLIB", "yes", "-system-zlib", "Use zlib from the operating system.\nSee\n");
- desc("PCRE", "qt", "-qt-pcre", "Use the PCRE library bundled with Qt.");
- desc("PCRE", "system", "-system-pcre", "Use the PCRE library from the operating system.\nSee\n");
- desc("ICU", "yes", "-icu", "Use the ICU library.");
- desc("ICU", "no", "-no-icu", "Do not use the ICU library.\nSee\n");
- desc("GIF", "no", "-no-gif", "Do not compile GIF reading support.\n");
- desc("LIBPNG", "no", "-no-libpng", "Do not compile PNG support.");
- desc("LIBPNG", "qt", "-qt-libpng", "Use the libpng bundled with Qt.");
- desc("LIBPNG", "system","-system-libpng", "Use libpng from the operating system.\nSee\n");
- desc("LIBJPEG", "no", "-no-libjpeg", "Do not compile JPEG support.");
- desc("LIBJPEG", "qt", "-qt-libjpeg", "Use the libjpeg bundled with Qt.");
- desc("LIBJPEG", "system","-system-libjpeg", "Use libjpeg from the operating system.\nSee\n");
- desc("DOUBLECONVERSION", "no", "-no-doubleconversion", "Use sscanf_l and snprintf_l for (imprecise) double conversion.");
- desc("DOUBLECONVERSION", "qt", "-qt-doubleconversion", "Use the libdouble-conversion bundled with Qt.");
- desc("DOUBLECONVERSION", "system", "-system-doubleconversion", "Use the libdouble-conversion provided by the system.");
- desc("FREETYPE", "no", "-no-freetype", "Do not compile in Freetype2 support.");
- desc("FREETYPE", "yes", "-qt-freetype", "Use the libfreetype bundled with Qt.");
- desc("FREETYPE", "system","-system-freetype", "Use the libfreetype provided by the system.\n");
- desc("FONT_CONFIG", "yes", "-fontconfig", "Build with FontConfig support.");
- desc("FONT_CONFIG", "no", "-no-fontconfig", "Do not build with FontConfig support.\n");
- desc("HARFBUZZ", "no", "-no-harfbuzz", "Do not compile in HarfBuzz-NG support.");
- desc("HARFBUZZ", "qt", "-qt-harfbuzz", "Use HarfBuzz-NG bundled with Qt to do text shaping.\n"
- "It can still be disabled by setting\n"
- "the QT_HARFBUZZ environment variable to \"old\".");
- desc("HARFBUZZ", "system","-system-harfbuzz", "Use HarfBuzz-NG from the operating system\n"
- "to do text shaping. It can still be disabled\n"
- "by setting the QT_HARFBUZZ environment variable to \"old\".\n"
- "See\n");
- if (platform() == QNX) {
- desc("SLOG2", "yes", "-slog2", "Compile with slog2 support.");
- desc("SLOG2", "no", "-no-slog2", "Do not compile with slog2 support.");
- desc("QNX_IMF", "yes", "-imf", "Compile with imf support.");
- desc("QNX_IMF", "no", "-no-imf", "Do not compile with imf support.");
- desc("PPS", "yes", "-pps", "Compile with PPS support.");
- desc("PPS", "no", "-no-pps", "Do not compile with PPS support.");
- desc("LGMON", "yes", "-lgmon", "Compile with lgmon support.");
- desc("LGMON", "no", "-no-lgmon", "Do not compile with lgmon support.\n");
- }
- desc("ANGLE", "yes", "-angle", "Use the ANGLE implementation of OpenGL ES 2.0.");
- desc("ANGLE", "no", "-no-angle", "Do not use ANGLE.\nSee\n");
- // Qt\Windows only options go below here --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- desc("\nQt for Windows only:\n\n");
- desc("INCREDIBUILD_XGE", "no", "-no-incredibuild-xge", "Do not add IncrediBuild XGE distribution commands to custom build steps.");
- desc("INCREDIBUILD_XGE", "yes", "-incredibuild-xge", "Add IncrediBuild XGE distribution commands to custom build steps. This will distribute MOC and UIC steps, and other custom buildsteps which are added to the INCREDIBUILD_XGE variable.\n(The IncrediBuild distribution commands are only added to Visual Studio projects)\n");
- desc("PLUGIN_MANIFESTS", "no", "-no-plugin-manifests", "Do not embed manifests in plugins.");
- desc("PLUGIN_MANIFESTS", "yes", "-plugin-manifests", "Embed manifests in plugins.\n");
- desc( "-qreal [double|float]", "typedef qreal to the specified type. The default is double.\n"
- "Note that changing this flag affects binary compatibility.\n");
- desc("RTTI", "no", "-no-rtti", "Do not compile runtime type information.");
- desc("RTTI", "yes", "-rtti", "Compile runtime type information.");
- desc("STRIP", "no", "-no-strip", "Do not strip libraries and executables of debug info when installing.");
- desc("STRIP", "yes", "-strip", "Strip libraries and executables of debug info when installing.\n");
- desc("SSE2", "no", "-no-sse2", "Do not compile with use of SSE2 instructions.");
- desc("SSE2", "yes", "-sse2", "Compile with use of SSE2 instructions.");
- desc("SSE3", "no", "-no-sse3", "Do not compile with use of SSE3 instructions.");
- desc("SSE3", "yes", "-sse3", "Compile with use of SSE3 instructions.");
- desc("SSSE3", "no", "-no-ssse3", "Do not compile with use of SSSE3 instructions.");
- desc("SSSE3", "yes", "-ssse3", "Compile with use of SSSE3 instructions.");
- desc("SSE4_1", "no", "-no-sse4.1", "Do not compile with use of SSE4.1 instructions.");
- desc("SSE4_1", "yes", "-sse4.1", "Compile with use of SSE4.1 instructions.");
- desc("SSE4_2", "no", "-no-sse4.2", "Do not compile with use of SSE4.2 instructions.");
- desc("SSE4_2", "yes", "-sse4.2", "Compile with use of SSE4.2 instructions.");
- desc("AVX", "no", "-no-avx", "Do not compile with use of AVX instructions.");
- desc("AVX", "yes", "-avx", "Compile with use of AVX instructions.");
- desc("AVX2", "no", "-no-avx2", "Do not compile with use of AVX2 instructions.");
- desc("AVX2", "yes", "-avx2", "Compile with use of AVX2 instructions.\n");
- desc("AVX512", "no", "-no-avx512", "Do not compile with use of AVX512 instructions.");
- desc("AVX512", "yes", "-avx512", "Compile with use of AVX512 instructions.\n");
- desc("SSL", "no", "-no-ssl", "Do not compile support for SSL.");
- desc("SSL", "yes", "-ssl", "Enable run-time SSL support.");
- desc("OPENSSL", "no", "-no-openssl", "Do not compile support for OpenSSL.");
- desc("OPENSSL", "yes", "-openssl", "Enable run-time OpenSSL support.");
- desc("OPENSSL", "linked","-openssl-linked", "Enable linked OpenSSL support.\n");
- desc("LIBPROXY", "no", "-no-libproxy", "Do not compile in libproxy support.");
- desc("LIBPROXY", "yes", "-libproxy", "Compile in libproxy support (for cross compilation targets).\n");
- desc("DBUS", "no", "-no-dbus", "Do not compile in D-Bus support.");
- desc("DBUS", "linked", "-dbus-linked", "Compile in D-Bus support and link to libdbus-1.\n");
- desc("DBUS", "runtime", "-dbus-runtime", "Compile in D-Bus support and load libdbus-1\ndynamically.");
- desc("WMF_BACKEND", "no","-no-wmf-backend", "Do not compile in the windows media foundation backend\ninto Qt Multimedia.");
- desc("WMF_BACKEND", "yes","-wmf-backend", "Compile in the windows media foundation backend into Qt Multimedia.\n");
- desc("QML_DEBUG", "no", "-no-qml-debug", "Do not build the in-process QML debugging support.");
- desc("QML_DEBUG", "yes", "-qml-debug", "Build the in-process QML debugging support.\n");
- desc("DIRECTWRITE", "no", "-no-directwrite", "Do not build support for DirectWrite font rendering.");
- desc("DIRECTWRITE", "yes", "-directwrite", "Build support for DirectWrite font rendering.\n");
- desc("DIRECT2D", "no", "-no-direct2d", "Do not build the Direct2D platform plugin.");
- desc("DIRECT2D", "yes", "-direct2d", "Build the Direct2D platform plugin (experimental,\n"
- "requires Direct2D availability on target systems,\n"
- "e.g. Windows 7 with Platform Update, Windows 8, etc.)\n");
- desc( "-no-style-<style>", "Disable <style> entirely.");
- desc( "-qt-style-<style>", "Enable <style> in the Qt Library.\nAvailable styles: ");
- desc("STYLE_WINDOWS", "yes", "", " windows", ' ');
- desc("STYLE_WINDOWSXP", "auto", "", " windowsxp", ' ');
- desc("STYLE_WINDOWSVISTA", "auto", "", " windowsvista", ' ');
- desc("STYLE_FUSION", "yes", "", " fusion", ' ');
- desc("MSVC_MP", "no", "-no-mp", "Do not use multiple processors for compiling with MSVC");
- desc("MSVC_MP", "yes", "-mp", "Use multiple processors for compiling with MSVC (-MP).\n");
- desc( "-redo", "Run configure with the same parameters as last time.\n");
- desc( "-v, -verbose", "Run configure tests with verbose output.\n");
- return true;
- }
- return false;
// Locate a file and return its containing directory.
QString Configure::locateFile(const QString &fileName) const