path: root/util
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util')
7 files changed, 480 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/util/cmake/ b/util/cmake/
index a490200bd4..9c157d955a 100755
--- a/util/cmake/
+++ b/util/cmake/
@@ -4666,7 +4666,7 @@ def create_top_level_cmake_conf():
conf_file_name = ".cmake.conf"
with open(conf_file_name, "x") as file:
- file.write('set(QT_REPO_MODULE_VERSION "6.4.0")\n')
+ file.write('set(QT_REPO_MODULE_VERSION "6.4.3")\n')
except FileExistsError:
diff --git a/util/gradientgen/gradientgen.cpp b/util/gradientgen/gradientgen.cpp
index 1ab4713644..a4c5531cc5 100644
--- a/util/gradientgen/gradientgen.cpp
+++ b/util/gradientgen/gradientgen.cpp
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ static void printGradientStops(Printer &p, const QJsonArray &presets)
result.reserve(result.size() + gradientStops.size() * (presetStopString.size() + 20));
result += "return Q_ARRAY_LITERAL(QGradientStop, ";
- for (const GradientStop &stop : qAsConst(gradientStops)) {
+ for (const GradientStop &stop : std::as_const(gradientStops)) {
// gradientgen.js does not output the alpha channel, so hardcode full alpha here
Q_ASSERT(qAlpha(stop.color) == 0);
diff --git a/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/ b/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5098cd405d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+This package contains sources for a webpage whose scripts run batched WASM tests - a single
+executable with a number of linked test classes.
+The webpage operates on an assumption that the test program, when run without arguments,
+prints out a list of test classes inside its module. Then, when run with the first argument
+equal to the name of one of the test classes, the test program will execute all tests within
+that single class.
+The scripts in the page will load the wasm file called 'test_batch.wasm' with its corresponding
+js script 'test_batch.js'.
+Public interface for querying the test execution status is accessible via the global object
+qtTestRunner.status - this contains the status of the test runner itself, of the enumeration type
+qtTestRunner.results - a map of test class name to test result. The result contains a test status
+(status, of the enumeration TestStatus), and in case of a terminal status, also the test's exit code
+(exitCode) and xml text output (textOutput), if available.
+qtTestRunner.onStatusChanged - an event for changes in state of the runner itself. The possible
+values are those of the enumeration RunnerStatus.
+qtTestRunner.onTestStatusChanged - an event for changes in state of a single tests class. The
+possible values are those of the enumeration TestStatus. When a terminal state is reached
+(Completed, Error, Crashed), the text results and exit code are filled in, if available, and
+will not change.
+Typical usage:
+Run all tests in a batch:
+ - load the webpage batchedtestrunner.html
+Run a single test in a batch:
+ - load the webpage batchedtestrunner.html?qtestname=tst_mytest
+Query for test execution state:
+ - qtTestRunner.onStatusChanged.addEventListener((runnerStatus) => (...)))
+ - qtTestRunner.onTestStatusChanged.addEventListener((testName, status) => (...))
+ - qtTestRunner.status === (...)
+ - qtTestRunner.results['tst_mytest'].status === (...)
+ - qtTestRunner.results['tst_mytest'].textOutput
diff --git a/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/batchedtestrunner.html b/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/batchedtestrunner.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..123c24890b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/batchedtestrunner.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only
+<!doctype html>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>WASM batched test runner</title>
+ <script type="module" defer="defer" src="batchedtestrunner.js"></script>
diff --git a/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/batchedtestrunner.js b/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/batchedtestrunner.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a7597b7b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/batchedtestrunner.js
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only
+import {
+ AbortedError,
+ ModuleLoader,
+ ResourceFetcher,
+ ResourceLocator,
+} from './qwasmjsruntime.js';
+import { parseQuery, EventSource } from './util.js';
+class ProgramError extends Error {
+ constructor(exitCode) {
+ super(`The program reported an exit code of ${exitCode}`)
+ }
+class RunnerStatus {
+ static Running = 'Running';
+ static Completed = 'Completed';
+ static Error = 'Error';
+class TestStatus {
+ static Pending = 'Pending';
+ static Running = 'Running';
+ static Completed = 'Completed';
+ static Error = 'Error';
+ static Crashed = 'Crashed';
+// Represents the public API of the runner.
+class WebApi {
+ #results = new Map();
+ #status = RunnerStatus.Running;
+ #statusChangedEventPrivate;
+ #testStatusChangedEventPrivate;
+ onStatusChanged =
+ new EventSource((privateInterface) => this.#statusChangedEventPrivate = privateInterface);
+ onTestStatusChanged =
+ new EventSource((privateInterface) =>
+ this.#testStatusChangedEventPrivate = privateInterface);
+ // The callback receives the private interface of this object, meant not to be used by the
+ // end user on the web side.
+ constructor(receivePrivateInterface) {
+ receivePrivateInterface({
+ registerTest: testName => this.#registerTest(testName),
+ setTestStatus: (testName, status) => this.#setTestStatus(testName, status),
+ setTestResultData: (testName, testStatus, exitCode, textOutput) =>
+ this.#setTestResultData(testName, testStatus, exitCode, textOutput),
+ setTestRunnerStatus: status => this.#setTestRunnerStatus(status),
+ });
+ }
+ get results() { return this.#results; }
+ get status() { return this.#status; }
+ #registerTest(testName) { this.#results.set(testName, { status: TestStatus.Pending }); }
+ #setTestStatus(testName, status) {
+ const testData = this.#results.get(testName);
+ if (testData.status === status)
+ return;
+ this.#results.get(testName).status = status;
+ this.#testStatusChangedEventPrivate.fireEvent(testName, status);
+ }
+ #setTestResultData(testName, testStatus, exitCode, textOutput) {
+ const testData = this.#results.get(testName);
+ const statusChanged = testStatus !== testData.status;
+ testData.status = testStatus;
+ testData.exitCode = exitCode;
+ testData.textOutput = textOutput;
+ if (statusChanged)
+ this.#testStatusChangedEventPrivate.fireEvent(testName, testStatus);
+ }
+ #setTestRunnerStatus(status) {
+ if (status === this.#status)
+ return;
+ this.#status = status;
+ this.#statusChangedEventPrivate.fireEvent(status);
+ }
+class BatchedTestRunner {
+ static #TestBatchModuleName = 'test_batch';
+ #loader;
+ #privateWebApi;
+ constructor(loader, privateWebApi) {
+ this.#loader = loader;
+ this.#privateWebApi = privateWebApi;
+ }
+ async #doRun(testName) {
+ const module = await this.#loader.loadEmscriptenModule(
+ BatchedTestRunner.#TestBatchModuleName,
+ () => { }
+ );
+ const testsToExecute = testName ? [testName] : await this.#getTestClassNames(module);
+ testsToExecute.forEach(testClassName => this.#privateWebApi.registerTest(testClassName));
+ for (const testClassName of testsToExecute) {
+ let result = {};
+ this.#privateWebApi.setTestStatus(testClassName, TestStatus.Running);
+ try {
+ const LogToStdoutSpecialFilename = '-';
+ result = await module.exec({
+ args: [testClassName, '-o', `${LogToStdoutSpecialFilename},xml`],
+ });
+ if (result.exitCode < 0)
+ throw new ProgramError(result.exitCode);
+ result.status = TestStatus.Completed;
+ } catch (e) {
+ result.status = e instanceof ProgramError ? TestStatus.Error : TestStatus.Crashed;
+ result.stdout = e instanceof AbortedError ? e.stdout : result.stdout;
+ }
+ this.#privateWebApi.setTestResultData(
+ testClassName, result.status, result.exitCode, result.stdout);
+ }
+ }
+ async run(testName) {
+ try {
+ await this.#doRun(testName);
+ this.#privateWebApi.setTestRunnerStatus(RunnerStatus.Completed);
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.#privateWebApi.setTestRunnerStatus(RunnerStatus.Error);
+ }
+ }
+ async #getTestClassNames(module) {
+ return (await module.exec()).stdout.trim().split(' ');
+ }
+(() => {
+ let privateWebApi;
+ window.qtTestRunner = new WebApi(privateApi => privateWebApi = privateApi);
+ const parsed = parseQuery(;
+ const testName = parsed['qtestname'];
+ if (typeof testName !== 'undefined' && (typeof testName !== 'string' || testName === '')) {
+ console.error('The testName parameter is incorrect');
+ return;
+ }
+ const resourceLocator = new ResourceLocator('');
+ const testRunner = new BatchedTestRunner(
+ new ModuleLoader(new ResourceFetcher(resourceLocator), resourceLocator),
+ privateWebApi
+ );
diff --git a/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/qwasmjsruntime.js b/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/qwasmjsruntime.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e167c87d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/qwasmjsruntime.js
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only
+// Exposes platform capabilities as static properties
+export class AbortedError extends Error {
+ constructor(stdout) {
+ super(`The program has been aborted`)
+ this.stdout = stdout;
+ }
+export class Platform {
+ static #webAssemblySupported = typeof WebAssembly !== 'undefined';
+ static #canCompileStreaming = WebAssembly.compileStreaming !== 'undefined';
+ static #webGLSupported = (() => {
+ // We expect that WebGL is supported if WebAssembly is; however
+ // the GPU may be blacklisted.
+ try {
+ const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ return !!(
+ window.WebGLRenderingContext &&
+ (canvas.getContext('webgl') || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl'))
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ })();
+ static #canLoadQt = Platform.#webAssemblySupported && Platform.#webGLSupported;
+ static get webAssemblySupported() {
+ return this.#webAssemblySupported;
+ }
+ static get canCompileStreaming() {
+ return this.#canCompileStreaming;
+ }
+ static get webGLSupported() {
+ return this.#webGLSupported;
+ }
+ static get canLoadQt() {
+ return this.#canLoadQt;
+ }
+// Locates a resource, based on its relative path
+export class ResourceLocator {
+ #rootPath;
+ constructor(rootPath) {
+ this.#rootPath = rootPath;
+ if (rootPath.length > 0 && !rootPath.endsWith('/')) rootPath += '/';
+ }
+ locate(relativePath) {
+ return this.#rootPath + relativePath;
+ }
+// Allows fetching of resources, such as text resources or wasm modules.
+export class ResourceFetcher {
+ #locator;
+ constructor(locator) {
+ this.#locator = locator;
+ }
+ async fetchText(filePath) {
+ return (await this.#fetchRawResource(filePath)).text();
+ }
+ async fetchCompileWasm(filePath, onFetched) {
+ const fetchResponse = await this.#fetchRawResource(filePath);
+ onFetched?.();
+ if (Platform.canCompileStreaming) {
+ try {
+ return await WebAssembly.compileStreaming(fetchResponse);
+ } catch {
+ // NOOP - fallback to sequential fetching below
+ }
+ }
+ return WebAssembly.compile(await fetchResponse.arrayBuffer());
+ }
+ async #fetchRawResource(filePath) {
+ const response = await fetch(this.#locator.locate(filePath));
+ if (!response.ok)
+ throw new Error(
+ `${response.status} ${response.statusText} ${response.url}`
+ );
+ return response;
+ }
+// Represents a WASM module, wrapping the instantiation and execution thereof.
+export class CompiledModule {
+ #createQtAppInstanceFn;
+ #js;
+ #wasm;
+ #resourceLocator;
+ constructor(createQtAppInstanceFn, js, wasm, resourceLocator) {
+ this.#createQtAppInstanceFn = createQtAppInstanceFn;
+ this.#js = js;
+ this.#wasm = wasm;
+ this.#resourceLocator = resourceLocator;
+ }
+ static make(js, wasm, resourceLocator
+ ) {
+ const exports = {};
+ eval(js);
+ if (!exports.createQtAppInstance) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'createQtAppInstance has not been exported by the main script'
+ );
+ }
+ return new CompiledModule(
+ exports.createQtAppInstance, js, wasm, resourceLocator
+ );
+ }
+ async exec(parameters) {
+ return await new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
+ let instance = undefined;
+ let result = undefined;
+ const continuation = () => {
+ if (!(instance && result))
+ return;
+ resolve({
+ stdout: result.stdout,
+ exitCode: result.exitCode,
+ instance,
+ });
+ };
+ instance = await this.#createQtAppInstanceFn((() => {
+ const params = this.#makeDefaultExecParams({
+ onInstantiationError: (error) => { reject(error); },
+ });
+ params.arguments = parameters?.args;
+ let data = '';
+ params.print = (out) => {
+ if (parameters?.printStdout === true)
+ console.log(out);
+ data += `${out}\n`;
+ };
+ params.printErr = () => { };
+ params.onAbort = () => reject(new AbortedError(data));
+ params.quit = (code, exception) => {
+ if (exception && !== 'ExitStatus')
+ reject(exception);
+ result = { stdout: data, exitCode: code };
+ continuation();
+ };
+ return params;
+ })());
+ continuation();
+ });
+ }
+ #makeDefaultExecParams(params) {
+ const instanceParams = {};
+ instanceParams.instantiateWasm = async (imports, onDone) => {
+ try {
+ onDone(await WebAssembly.instantiate(this.#wasm, imports));
+ } catch (e) {
+ params?.onInstantiationError?.(e);
+ }
+ };
+ instanceParams.locateFile = (filename) =>
+ this.#resourceLocator.locate(filename);
+ instanceParams.monitorRunDependencies = (name) => { };
+ instanceParams.print = (text) => true && console.log(text);
+ instanceParams.printErr = (text) => true && console.warn(text);
+ instanceParams.preRun = [
+ (instance) => {
+ const env = {};
+ instance.ENV = env;
+ },
+ ];
+ instanceParams.mainScriptUrlOrBlob = new Blob([this.#js], {
+ type: 'text/javascript',
+ });
+ return instanceParams;
+ }
+// Streamlines loading of WASM modules.
+export class ModuleLoader {
+ #fetcher;
+ #resourceLocator;
+ constructor(
+ fetcher,
+ resourceLocator
+ ) {
+ this.#fetcher = fetcher;
+ this.#resourceLocator = resourceLocator;
+ }
+ // Loads an emscripten module named |moduleName| from the main resource path. Provides
+ // progress of 'downloading' and 'compiling' to the caller using the |onProgress| callback.
+ async loadEmscriptenModule(
+ moduleName, onProgress
+ ) {
+ if (!Platform.webAssemblySupported)
+ throw new Error('Web assembly not supported');
+ if (!Platform.webGLSupported)
+ throw new Error('WebGL is not supported');
+ onProgress('downloading');
+ const jsLoadPromise = this.#fetcher.fetchText(`${moduleName}.js`);
+ const wasmLoadPromise = this.#fetcher.fetchCompileWasm(
+ `${moduleName}.wasm`,
+ () => {
+ onProgress('compiling');
+ }
+ );
+ const [js, wasm] = await Promise.all([jsLoadPromise, wasmLoadPromise]);
+ return CompiledModule.make(js, wasm, this.#resourceLocator);
+ }
diff --git a/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/util.js b/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/util.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07a0e73e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/wasm/batchedtestrunner/util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only
+export function parseQuery() {
+ const trimmed =;
+ return new Map(
+ trimmed.length === 0 ?
+ [] :
+ trimmed.split('&').map(paramNameAndValue => {
+ const [name, value] = paramNameAndValue.split('=');
+ return [decodeURIComponent(name), value ? decodeURIComponent(value) : ''];
+ }));
+export class EventSource {
+ #listeners = [];
+ constructor(receivePrivateInterface) {
+ receivePrivateInterface({
+ fireEvent: (arg0, arg1) => this.#fireEvent(arg0, arg1)
+ });
+ }
+ addEventListener(listener) {
+ this.#listeners.push(listener);
+ }
+ #fireEvent(arg0, arg1) {
+ this.#listeners.forEach(listener => listener(arg0, arg1));
+ }