path: root/mkspecs/common/winrt_winphone/qplatformdefs.h
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* WinRT: Introduced qfunctions_winrtOliver Wolff2013-09-261-0/+141
Using the same approach as, wince qfunctions_winrt is introduced to replace functions not available on Windows Runtime by their successor functions/ equivalents. Additionally this functionality is used for implementing a fake environment because WinRT does not support getting/setting of environment variables. The approach here is also the same that is used for wince. Change-Id: Ifc3b6b796ab8e8ea41456f4c929f9c3f65f24a0e Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <> Reviewed-by: Andrew Knight <> Reviewed-by: Joerg Bornemann <>