From 77de5a329c98c3787725cb3c0a50d8f369b9479c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marc Mutz Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 22:37:13 +0200 Subject: Long live QColorConstants! QColorConstant is a C++11 version of Qt::GlobalColor, except that instead of Qt::red being an enum, QColorConstants::red is an actual QColor instance, a bit like in the Qt 3 days. In addition, the SVG names that QColor understands are also available, with the same values. Technically, when building a QColor from a color name, QColor ignores casing and whitespaces; we stick to the SVG/CSS official color names (which are lowercase), and prefix them with Svg to clarify where they come from. For instance, note how SVG's gray is not Qt::gray. [ChangeLog][QtGui][[QColor] Added QColorConstants, a namespace containing constexpr QColor instances. Change-Id: Ic9fab26a9a537fcc43cc230da28f4c6314a32438 Reviewed-by: Marc Mutz --- src/gui/doc/qtgui.qdocconf | 3 + src/gui/doc/src/includes/qt-colors.qdocinc | 86 ++++ src/gui/doc/src/includes/svg-colors.qdocinc | 594 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/gui/painting/qcolor.cpp | 81 +++- src/gui/painting/qcolor.h | 187 ++++++++ tests/auto/gui/painting/qcolor/tst_qcolor.cpp | 189 ++++++++ 6 files changed, 1124 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/gui/doc/src/includes/qt-colors.qdocinc create mode 100644 src/gui/doc/src/includes/svg-colors.qdocinc diff --git a/src/gui/doc/qtgui.qdocconf b/src/gui/doc/qtgui.qdocconf index 049b9ef179..76dd6d7ea1 100644 --- a/src/gui/doc/qtgui.qdocconf +++ b/src/gui/doc/qtgui.qdocconf @@ -67,3 +67,6 @@ navigation.cppclassespage = "Qt GUI C++ Classes" # Ignore warnings about undocumented enum values for the QGradient presets spurious += "Undocumented enum item '.*' in QGradient::Preset" + +# \svgcolor {#ffdead} +macro.svgcolor.HTML = "
" diff --git a/src/gui/doc/src/includes/qt-colors.qdocinc b/src/gui/doc/src/includes/qt-colors.qdocinc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c082323b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/gui/doc/src/includes/qt-colors.qdocinc @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +\table +\header + \li Name + \li Hex + \li Color +\row + \li Color0 + \li #000000 + \li \svgcolor {#000000} +\row + \li Color1 + \li #ffffff + \li \svgcolor {#ffffff} +\row + \li Black + \li #000000 + \li \svgcolor {#000000} +\row + \li White + \li #ffffff + \li \svgcolor {#ffffff} +\row + \li DarkGray + \li #808080 + \li \svgcolor {#808080} +\row + \li Gray + \li #a0a0a4 + \li \svgcolor {#a0a0a4} +\row + \li LightGray + \li #c0c0c0 + \li \svgcolor {#c0c0c0} +\row + \li Red + \li #ff0000 + \li \svgcolor {#ff0000} +\row + \li Green + \li #00ff00 + \li \svgcolor {#00ff00} +\row + \li Blue + \li #0000ff + \li \svgcolor {#0000ff} +\row + \li Cyan + \li #00ffff + \li \svgcolor {#00ffff} +\row + \li Magenta + \li #ff00ff + \li \svgcolor {#ff00ff} +\row + \li Yellow + \li #ffff00 + \li \svgcolor {#ffff00} +\row + \li DarkRed + \li #800000 + \li \svgcolor {#800000} +\row + \li DarkGreen + \li #008000 + \li \svgcolor {#008000} +\row + \li DarkBlue + \li #000080 + \li \svgcolor {#000080} +\row + \li DarkCyan + \li #008080 + \li \svgcolor {#008080} +\row + \li DarkMagenta + \li #800080 + \li \svgcolor {#800080} +\row + \li DarkYellow + \li #808000 + \li \svgcolor {#808000} +\row + \li Transparent + \li #00000000 + \li (transparent) +\endtable diff --git a/src/gui/doc/src/includes/svg-colors.qdocinc b/src/gui/doc/src/includes/svg-colors.qdocinc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e5fb56d5e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/gui/doc/src/includes/svg-colors.qdocinc @@ -0,0 +1,594 @@ +\table +\header + \li Name + \li Hex + \li Color +\row + \li aliceblue + \li #f0f8ff + \li \svgcolor {#f0f8ff} +\row + \li antiquewhite + \li #faebd7 + \li \svgcolor {#faebd7} +\row + \li aqua + \li #00ffff + \li \svgcolor {#00ffff} +\row + \li aquamarine + \li #7fffd4 + \li \svgcolor {#7fffd4} +\row + \li azure + \li #f0ffff + \li \svgcolor {#f0ffff} +\row + \li beige + \li #f5f5dc + \li \svgcolor {#f5f5dc} +\row + \li bisque + \li #ffe4c4 + \li \svgcolor {#ffe4c4} +\row + \li black + \li #000000 + \li \svgcolor {#000000} +\row + \li blanchedalmond + \li #ffebcd + \li \svgcolor {#ffebcd} +\row + \li blue + \li #0000ff + \li \svgcolor {#0000ff} +\row + \li blueviolet + \li #8a2be2 + \li \svgcolor {#8a2be2} +\row + \li brown + \li #a52a2a + \li \svgcolor {#a52a2a} +\row + \li burlywood + \li #deb887 + \li \svgcolor {#deb887} +\row + \li cadetblue + \li #5f9ea0 + \li \svgcolor {#5f9ea0} +\row + \li chartreuse + \li #7fff00 + \li \svgcolor {#7fff00} +\row + \li chocolate + \li #d2691e + \li \svgcolor {#d2691e} +\row + \li coral + \li #ff7f50 + \li \svgcolor {#ff7f50} +\row + \li cornflowerblue + \li #6495ed + \li \svgcolor {#6495ed} +\row + \li cornsilk + \li #fff8dc + \li \svgcolor {#fff8dc} +\row + \li crimson + \li #dc143c + \li \svgcolor {#dc143c} +\row + \li cyan + \li #00ffff + \li \svgcolor {#00ffff} +\row + \li darkblue + \li #00008b + \li \svgcolor {#00008b} +\row + \li darkcyan + \li #008b8b + \li \svgcolor {#008b8b} +\row + \li darkgoldenrod + \li #b8860b + \li \svgcolor {#b8860b} +\row + \li darkgray + \li #a9a9a9 + \li \svgcolor {#a9a9a9} +\row + \li darkgreen + \li #006400 + \li \svgcolor {#006400} +\row + \li darkgrey + \li #a9a9a9 + \li \svgcolor {#a9a9a9} +\row + \li darkkhaki + \li #bdb76b + \li \svgcolor {#bdb76b} +\row + \li darkmagenta + \li #8b008b + \li \svgcolor {#8b008b} +\row + \li darkolivegreen + \li #556b2f + \li \svgcolor {#556b2f} +\row + \li darkorange + \li #ff8c00 + \li \svgcolor {#ff8c00} +\row + \li darkorchid + \li #9932cc + \li \svgcolor {#9932cc} +\row + \li darkred + \li #8b0000 + \li \svgcolor {#8b0000} +\row + \li darksalmon + \li #e9967a + \li \svgcolor {#e9967a} +\row + \li darkseagreen + \li #8fbc8f + \li \svgcolor {#8fbc8f} +\row + \li darkslateblue + \li #483d8b + \li \svgcolor {#483d8b} +\row + \li darkslategray + \li #2f4f4f + \li \svgcolor {#2f4f4f} +\row + \li darkslategrey + \li #2f4f4f + \li \svgcolor {#2f4f4f} +\row + \li darkturquoise + \li #00ced1 + \li \svgcolor {#00ced1} +\row + \li darkviolet + \li #9400d3 + \li \svgcolor {#9400d3} +\row + \li deeppink + \li #ff1493 + \li \svgcolor {#ff1493} +\row + \li deepskyblue + \li #00bfff + \li \svgcolor {#00bfff} +\row + \li dimgray + \li #696969 + \li \svgcolor {#696969} +\row + \li dimgrey + \li #696969 + \li \svgcolor {#696969} +\row + \li dodgerblue + \li #1e90ff + \li \svgcolor {#1e90ff} +\row + \li firebrick + \li #b22222 + \li \svgcolor {#b22222} +\row + \li floralwhite + \li #fffaf0 + \li \svgcolor {#fffaf0} +\row + \li forestgreen + \li #228b22 + \li \svgcolor {#228b22} +\row + \li fuchsia + \li #ff00ff + \li \svgcolor {#ff00ff} +\row + \li gainsboro + \li #dcdcdc + \li \svgcolor {#dcdcdc} +\row + \li ghostwhite + \li #f8f8ff + \li \svgcolor {#f8f8ff} +\row + \li gold + \li #ffd700 + \li \svgcolor {#ffd700} +\row + \li goldenrod + \li #daa520 + \li \svgcolor {#daa520} +\row + \li gray + \li #808080 + \li \svgcolor {#808080} +\row + \li grey + \li #808080 + \li \svgcolor {#808080} +\row + \li green + \li #008000 + \li \svgcolor {#008000} +\row + \li greenyellow + \li #adff2f + \li \svgcolor {#adff2f} +\row + \li honeydew + \li #f0fff0 + \li \svgcolor {#f0fff0} +\row + \li hotpink + \li #ff69b4 + \li \svgcolor {#ff69b4} +\row + \li indianred + \li #cd5c5c + \li \svgcolor {#cd5c5c} +\row + \li indigo + \li #4b0082 + \li \svgcolor {#4b0082} +\row + \li ivory + \li #fffff0 + \li \svgcolor {#fffff0} +\row + \li khaki + \li #f0e68c + \li \svgcolor {#f0e68c} +\row + \li lavender + \li #e6e6fa + \li \svgcolor {#e6e6fa} +\row + \li lavenderblush + \li #fff0f5 + \li \svgcolor {#fff0f5} +\row + \li lawngreen + \li #7cfc00 + \li \svgcolor {#7cfc00} +\row + \li lemonchiffon + \li #fffacd + \li \svgcolor {#fffacd} +\row + \li lightblue + \li #add8e6 + \li \svgcolor {#add8e6} +\row + \li lightcoral + \li #f08080 + \li \svgcolor {#f08080} +\row + \li lightcyan + \li #e0ffff + \li \svgcolor {#e0ffff} +\row + \li lightgoldenrodyellow + \li #fafad2 + \li \svgcolor {#fafad2} +\row + \li lightgray + \li #d3d3d3 + \li \svgcolor {#d3d3d3} +\row + \li lightgreen + \li #90ee90 + \li \svgcolor {#90ee90} +\row + \li lightgrey + \li #d3d3d3 + \li \svgcolor {#d3d3d3} +\row + \li lightpink + \li #ffb6c1 + \li \svgcolor {#ffb6c1} +\row + \li lightsalmon + \li #ffa07a + \li \svgcolor {#ffa07a} +\row + \li lightseagreen + \li #20b2aa + \li \svgcolor {#20b2aa} +\row + \li lightskyblue + \li #87cefa + \li \svgcolor {#87cefa} +\row + \li lightslategray + \li #778899 + \li \svgcolor {#778899} +\row + \li lightslategrey + \li #778899 + \li \svgcolor {#778899} +\row + \li lightsteelblue + \li #b0c4de + \li \svgcolor {#b0c4de} +\row + \li lightyellow + \li #ffffe0 + \li \svgcolor {#ffffe0} +\row + \li lime + \li #00ff00 + \li \svgcolor {#00ff00} +\row + \li limegreen + \li #32cd32 + \li \svgcolor {#32cd32} +\row + \li linen + \li #faf0e6 + \li \svgcolor {#faf0e6} +\row + \li magenta + \li #ff00ff + \li \svgcolor {#ff00ff} +\row + \li maroon + \li #800000 + \li \svgcolor {#800000} +\row + \li mediumaquamarine + \li #66cdaa + \li \svgcolor {#66cdaa} +\row + \li mediumblue + \li #0000cd + \li \svgcolor {#0000cd} +\row + \li mediumorchid + \li #ba55d3 + \li \svgcolor {#ba55d3} +\row + \li mediumpurple + \li #9370db + \li \svgcolor {#9370db} +\row + \li mediumseagreen + \li #3cb371 + \li \svgcolor {#3cb371} +\row + \li mediumslateblue + \li #7b68ee + \li \svgcolor {#7b68ee} +\row + \li mediumspringgreen + \li #00fa9a + \li \svgcolor {#00fa9a} +\row + \li mediumturquoise + \li #48d1cc + \li \svgcolor {#48d1cc} +\row + \li mediumvioletred + \li #c71585 + \li \svgcolor {#c71585} +\row + \li midnightblue + \li #191970 + \li \svgcolor {#191970} +\row + \li mintcream + \li #f5fffa + \li \svgcolor {#f5fffa} +\row + \li mistyrose + \li #ffe4e1 + \li \svgcolor {#ffe4e1} +\row + \li moccasin + \li #ffe4b5 + \li \svgcolor {#ffe4b5} +\row + \li navajowhite + \li #ffdead + \li \svgcolor {#ffdead} +\row + \li navy + \li #000080 + \li \svgcolor {#000080} +\row + \li oldlace + \li #fdf5e6 + \li \svgcolor {#fdf5e6} +\row + \li olive + \li #808000 + \li \svgcolor {#808000} +\row + \li olivedrab + \li #6b8e23 + \li \svgcolor {#6b8e23} +\row + \li orange + \li #ffa500 + \li \svgcolor {#ffa500} +\row + \li orangered + \li #ff4500 + \li \svgcolor {#ff4500} +\row + \li orchid + \li #da70d6 + \li \svgcolor {#da70d6} +\row + \li palegoldenrod + \li #eee8aa + \li \svgcolor {#eee8aa} +\row + \li palegreen + \li #98fb98 + \li \svgcolor {#98fb98} +\row + \li paleturquoise + \li #afeeee + \li \svgcolor {#afeeee} +\row + \li palevioletred + \li #db7093 + \li \svgcolor {#db7093} +\row + \li papayawhip + \li #ffefd5 + \li \svgcolor {#ffefd5} +\row + \li peachpuff + \li #ffdab9 + \li \svgcolor {#ffdab9} +\row + \li peru + \li #cd853f + \li \svgcolor {#cd853f} +\row + \li pink + \li #ffc0cb + \li \svgcolor {#ffc0cb} +\row + \li plum + \li #dda0dd + \li \svgcolor {#dda0dd} +\row + \li powderblue + \li #b0e0e6 + \li \svgcolor {#b0e0e6} +\row + \li purple + \li #800080 + \li \svgcolor {#800080} +\row + \li red + \li #ff0000 + \li \svgcolor {#ff0000} +\row + \li rosybrown + \li #bc8f8f + \li \svgcolor {#bc8f8f} +\row + \li royalblue + \li #4169e1 + \li \svgcolor {#4169e1} +\row + \li saddlebrown + \li #8b4513 + \li \svgcolor {#8b4513} +\row + \li salmon + \li #fa8072 + \li \svgcolor {#fa8072} +\row + \li sandybrown + \li #f4a460 + \li \svgcolor {#f4a460} +\row + \li seagreen + \li #2e8b57 + \li \svgcolor {#2e8b57} +\row + \li seashell + \li #fff5ee + \li \svgcolor {#fff5ee} +\row + \li sienna + \li #a0522d + \li \svgcolor {#a0522d} +\row + \li silver + \li #c0c0c0 + \li \svgcolor {#c0c0c0} +\row + \li skyblue + \li #87ceeb + \li \svgcolor {#87ceeb} +\row + \li slateblue + \li #6a5acd + \li \svgcolor {#6a5acd} +\row + \li slategray + \li #708090 + \li \svgcolor {#708090} +\row + \li slategrey + \li #708090 + \li \svgcolor {#708090} +\row + \li snow + \li #fffafa + \li \svgcolor {#fffafa} +\row + \li springgreen + \li #00ff7f + \li \svgcolor {#00ff7f} +\row + \li steelblue + \li #4682b4 + \li \svgcolor {#4682b4} +\row + \li tan + \li #d2b48c + \li \svgcolor {#d2b48c} +\row + \li teal + \li #008080 + \li \svgcolor {#008080} +\row + \li thistle + \li #d8bfd8 + \li \svgcolor {#d8bfd8} +\row + \li tomato + \li #ff6347 + \li \svgcolor {#ff6347} +\row + \li turquoise + \li #40e0d0 + \li \svgcolor {#40e0d0} +\row + \li violet + \li #ee82ee + \li \svgcolor {#ee82ee} +\row + \li wheat + \li #f5deb3 + \li \svgcolor {#f5deb3} +\row + \li white + \li #ffffff + \li \svgcolor {#ffffff} +\row + \li whitesmoke + \li #f5f5f5 + \li \svgcolor {#f5f5f5} +\row + \li yellow + \li #ffff00 + \li \svgcolor {#ffff00} +\row + \li yellowgreen + \li #9acd32 + \li \svgcolor {#9acd32} +\endtable diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qcolor.cpp b/src/gui/painting/qcolor.cpp index 6cbc30e79a..8780cce223 100644 --- a/src/gui/painting/qcolor.cpp +++ b/src/gui/painting/qcolor.cpp @@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ static bool get_hex_rgb(const QChar *str, size_t len, QRgba64 *rgb) #endif #define rgb(r,g,b) (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b) +// keep this is in sync with QColorConstants static const struct RGBData { const char name[21]; uint value; @@ -475,25 +476,35 @@ static QStringList get_colornames() \section1 Predefined Colors - There are 20 predefined QColors described by the Qt::GlobalColor enum, - including black, white, primary and secondary colors, darker versions - of these colors and three shades of gray. QColor also recognizes a - variety of color names; the static colorNames() function returns a - QStringList color names that QColor knows about. + There are 20 predefined QColor objects in the \c{QColorConstants} + namespace, including black, white, primary and secondary colors, + darker versions of these colors, and three shades of gray. + Furthermore, the \c{QColorConstants::Svg} namespace defines QColor + objects for the standard \l{}{SVG color keyword names}. \image qt-colors.png Qt Colors - Additionally, the Qt::color0, Qt::color1 and Qt::transparent colors - are used for special purposes. + The \c{QColorConstants::Color0}, \c{QColorConstants::Color1} and + \c{QColorConstants::Transparent} colors are used for special + purposes. - Qt::color0 (zero pixel value) and Qt::color1 (non-zero pixel value) - are special colors for drawing in QBitmaps. Painting with Qt::color0 - sets the bitmap bits to 0 (transparent; i.e., background), and painting - with Qt::color1 sets the bits to 1 (opaque; i.e., foreground). + \c{QColorConstants::Color0} (zero pixel value) and + \c{QColorConstants::Color1} (non-zero pixel value) are special + colors for drawing in QBitmaps. Painting with + \c{QColorConstants::Color0} sets the bitmap bits to 0 (transparent; + i.e., background), and painting with c{QColorConstants::Color1} + sets the bits to 1 (opaque; i.e., foreground). - Qt::transparent is used to indicate a transparent pixel. When painting - with this value, a pixel value will be used that is appropriate for the - underlying pixel format in use. + \c{QColorConstants::Transparent} is used to indicate a transparent + pixel. When painting with this value, a pixel value will be used + that is appropriate for the underlying pixel format in use. + + For historical reasons, the 20 predefined colors are also available + in the Qt::GlobalColor enumeration. + + Finally, QColor recognizes a variety of color names (as strings); + the static colorNames() function returns a QStringList color names + that QColor knows about. \section1 The Extended RGB Color Model @@ -586,7 +597,7 @@ static QStringList get_colornames() alpha-channel to feature \l {QColor#Alpha-Blended Drawing}{alpha-blended drawing}. - \sa QPalette, QBrush + \sa QPalette, QBrush, QColorConstants */ #define QCOLOR_INT_RANGE_CHECK(fn, var) \ @@ -886,7 +897,8 @@ QString QColor::name(NameFormat format) const \li #AARRGGBB (Since 5.2) \li #RRRGGGBBB \li #RRRRGGGGBBBB - \li A name from the list of colors defined in the list of \l{}{SVG color keyword names} + \li A name from the list of colors defined in the list of + \l{}{SVG color keyword names} provided by the World Wide Web Consortium; for example, "steelblue" or "gainsboro". These color names work on all platforms. Note that these color names are \e not the same as defined by the Qt::GlobalColor enums, e.g. "green" and Qt::green does not @@ -3249,4 +3261,41 @@ const uint qt_inv_premul_factor[256] = { \sa QColor::rgb(), QColor::rgba() */ +/*! + \namespace QColorConstants + \inmodule QtGui + + \brief The QColorConstants namespace contains QColor predefined constants. + + These constants are usable everywhere a QColor object is expected: + + \code + painter.setBrush(QColorConstants::Svg::lightblue); + \endcode + + Their usage is much cheaper than e.g. passing a string to QColor's constructor, + as they don't require any parsing of the string, and always result in a valid + QColor object: + + \badcode + object.setColor(QColor("lightblue")); // expensive + \endcode + + \section1 Qt Colors + + The following colors are defined in the \c{QColorConstants} namespace: + + \include qt-colors.qdocinc + + \section1 SVG Colors + + The following table lists the available + \l {}{SVG colors}. + They are available in the \c{QColorConstants::Svg} inner namespace. + + \include svg-colors.qdocinc + + \sa QColor, Qt::GlobalColor +*/ + QT_END_NAMESPACE diff --git a/src/gui/painting/qcolor.h b/src/gui/painting/qcolor.h index 723b9fce73..f0d7dd23ad 100644 --- a/src/gui/painting/qcolor.h +++ b/src/gui/painting/qcolor.h @@ -309,6 +309,12 @@ private: friend Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QColor &); friend Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QColor &); #endif + +#ifdef Q_COMPILER_UNIFORM_INIT +public: // can't give friendship to a namespace, so it needs to be public + Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR explicit QColor(Spec spec, ushort a1, ushort a2, ushort a3, ushort a4, ushort a5=0) noexcept + : cspec(spec), ct(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {} +#endif // Q_COMPILER_UNIFORM_INIT }; Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO(QColor, QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) ? Q_MOVABLE_TYPE : Q_RELOCATABLE_TYPE); @@ -326,6 +332,187 @@ inline QColor::QColor(const QString& aname) inline bool QColor::isValid() const noexcept { return cspec != Invalid; } +// define these namespaces even if the contents are ifdef'd out +namespace QColorConstants +{ +namespace Svg {} + +#if defined(Q_COMPILER_CONSTEXPR) & defined(Q_COMPILER_UNIFORM_INIT) + // Qt::GlobalColor names + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor Color0 {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor Color1 {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor Black {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor White {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor DarkGray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor Gray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101, 0xa4 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor LightGray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor Red {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor Green {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor Blue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor Cyan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor Magenta {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor Yellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor DarkRed {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor DarkGreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor DarkBlue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor DarkCyan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor DarkMagenta {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor DarkYellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor Transparent {QColor::Rgb, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + + // SVG names supported by QColor (see qcolor.cpp). +namespace Svg { + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor aliceblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xf8 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor antiquewhite {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xeb * 0x101, 0xd7 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor aqua {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor aquamarine {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7f * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd4 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor azure {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor beige {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor bisque {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe4 * 0x101, 0xc4 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor black {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor blanchedalmond {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xeb * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor blue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor blueviolet {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8a * 0x101, 0x2b * 0x101, 0xe2 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor brown {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa5 * 0x101, 0x2a * 0x101, 0x2a * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor burlywood {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xde * 0x101, 0xb8 * 0x101, 0x87 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor cadetblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x5f * 0x101, 0x9e * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor chartreuse {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7f * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor chocolate {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd2 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x1e * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor coral {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7f * 0x101, 0x50 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor cornflowerblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x64 * 0x101, 0x95 * 0x101, 0xed * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor cornsilk {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf8 * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor crimson {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101, 0x14 * 0x101, 0x3c * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor cyan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkcyan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkgoldenrod {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb8 * 0x101, 0x86 * 0x101, 0x0b * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkgray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x64 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkgrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101, 0xa9 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkkhaki {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xbd * 0x101, 0xb7 * 0x101, 0x6b * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkmagenta {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkolivegreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x55 * 0x101, 0x6b * 0x101, 0x2f * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkorange {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8c * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkorchid {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x99 * 0x101, 0x32 * 0x101, 0xcc * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkred {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darksalmon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe9 * 0x101, 0x96 * 0x101, 0x7a * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkseagreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8f * 0x101, 0xbc * 0x101, 0x8f * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkslateblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x48 * 0x101, 0x3d * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkslategray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x2f * 0x101, 0x4f * 0x101, 0x4f * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkslategrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x2f * 0x101, 0x4f * 0x101, 0x4f * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkturquoise {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xce * 0x101, 0xd1 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor darkviolet {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x94 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor deeppink {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x14 * 0x101, 0x93 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor deepskyblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xbf * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor dimgray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor dimgrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor dodgerblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x1e * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor firebrick {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb2 * 0x101, 0x22 * 0x101, 0x22 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor floralwhite {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor forestgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x22 * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x22 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor fuchsia {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor gainsboro {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101, 0xdc * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor ghostwhite {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf8 * 0x101, 0xf8 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor gold {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd7 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor goldenrod {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xda * 0x101, 0xa5 * 0x101, 0x20 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor gray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor green {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor greenyellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xad * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x2f * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor grey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor honeydew {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor hotpink {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0xb4 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor indianred {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0x5c * 0x101, 0x5c * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor indigo {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x4b * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x82 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor ivory {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor khaki {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101, 0x8c * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lavender {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lavenderblush {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lawngreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7c * 0x101, 0xfc * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lemonchiffon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xad * 0x101, 0xd8 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightcoral {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightcyan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe0 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightgoldenrodyellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xd2 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightgray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightgrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightpink {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb6 * 0x101, 0xc1 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightsalmon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101, 0x7a * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightseagreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x20 * 0x101, 0xb2 * 0x101, 0xaa * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightskyblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x87 * 0x101, 0xce * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightslategray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x77 * 0x101, 0x88 * 0x101, 0x99 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightslategrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x77 * 0x101, 0x88 * 0x101, 0x99 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightsteelblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb0 * 0x101, 0xc4 * 0x101, 0xde * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lightyellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe0 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor lime {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor limegreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x32 * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0x32 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor linen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xf0 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor magenta {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor maroon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor mediumaquamarine {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x66 * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0xaa * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor mediumblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor mediumorchid {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xba * 0x101, 0x55 * 0x101, 0xd3 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor mediumpurple {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x93 * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0xdb * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor mediumseagreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x3c * 0x101, 0xb3 * 0x101, 0x71 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor mediumslateblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7b * 0x101, 0x68 * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor mediumspringgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0x9a * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor mediumturquoise {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x48 * 0x101, 0xd1 * 0x101, 0xcc * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor mediumvioletred {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xc7 * 0x101, 0x15 * 0x101, 0x85 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor midnightblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x19 * 0x101, 0x19 * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor mintcream {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor mistyrose {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe4 * 0x101, 0xe1 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor moccasin {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xe4 * 0x101, 0xb5 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor navajowhite {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xde * 0x101, 0xad * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor navy {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor oldlace {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfd * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor olive {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor olivedrab {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x6b * 0x101, 0x8e * 0x101, 0x23 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor orange {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa5 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor orangered {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x45 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor orchid {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xda * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0xd6 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor palegoldenrod {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101, 0xe8 * 0x101, 0xaa * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor palegreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x98 * 0x101, 0xfb * 0x101, 0x98 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor paleturquoise {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xaf * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor palevioletred {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xdb * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0x93 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor papayawhip {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xef * 0x101, 0xd5 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor peachpuff {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xda * 0x101, 0xb9 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor peru {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0x85 * 0x101, 0x3f * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor pink {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101, 0xcb * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor plum {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xdd * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101, 0xdd * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor powderblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xb0 * 0x101, 0xe0 * 0x101, 0xe6 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor purple {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor red {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor rosybrown {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xbc * 0x101, 0x8f * 0x101, 0x8f * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor royalblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x41 * 0x101, 0x69 * 0x101, 0xe1 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor saddlebrown {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x45 * 0x101, 0x13 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor salmon {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x72 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor sandybrown {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf4 * 0x101, 0xa4 * 0x101, 0x60 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor seagreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x2e * 0x101, 0x8b * 0x101, 0x57 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor seashell {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor sienna {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xa0 * 0x101, 0x52 * 0x101, 0x2d * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor silver {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101, 0xc0 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor skyblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x87 * 0x101, 0xce * 0x101, 0xeb * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor slateblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x6a * 0x101, 0x5a * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor slategray {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor slategrey {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x70 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x90 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor snow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101, 0xfa * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor springgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x7f * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor steelblue {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x46 * 0x101, 0x82 * 0x101, 0xb4 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor tan {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd2 * 0x101, 0xb4 * 0x101, 0x8c * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor teal {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101, 0x80 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor thistle {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xd8 * 0x101, 0xbf * 0x101, 0xd8 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor tomato {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x63 * 0x101, 0x47 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor turquoise {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x40 * 0x101, 0xe0 * 0x101, 0xd0 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor violet {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101, 0x82 * 0x101, 0xee * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor wheat {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xde * 0x101, 0xb3 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor white {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor whitesmoke {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101, 0xf5 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor yellow {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0xff * 0x101, 0x00 * 0x101}; + constexpr Q_DECL_UNUSED QColor yellowgreen {QColor::Rgb, 0xff * 0x101, 0x9a * 0x101, 0xcd * 0x101, 0x32 * 0x101}; +} // namespace Svg +#endif // Q_COMPILER_CONSTEXPR && Q_COMPILER_UNIFORM_INIT +} // namespace QColorLiterals + QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // QCOLOR_H diff --git a/tests/auto/gui/painting/qcolor/tst_qcolor.cpp b/tests/auto/gui/painting/qcolor/tst_qcolor.cpp index 90a216e14a..6c66519dce 100644 --- a/tests/auto/gui/painting/qcolor/tst_qcolor.cpp +++ b/tests/auto/gui/painting/qcolor/tst_qcolor.cpp @@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ private slots: void globalColors_data(); void globalColors(); +#if defined(Q_COMPILER_CONSTEXPR) & defined(Q_COMPILER_UNIFORM_INIT) + void colorConstants_data(); + void colorConstants(); +#endif void setRed(); void setGreen(); @@ -368,6 +372,191 @@ void tst_QColor::globalColors() QCOMPARE(color.rgba(), argb); } +#if defined(Q_COMPILER_CONSTEXPR) & defined(Q_COMPILER_UNIFORM_INIT) +void tst_QColor::colorConstants_data() +{ + QTest::addColumn("color"); + QTest::addColumn("argb"); + + QTest::newRow("invalid") << QColor() << 0xff000000; + QTest::newRow("global color color0") << QColorConstants::Color0 << 0xff000000u; + QTest::newRow("global color color1") << QColorConstants::Color1 << 0xffffffffu; + QTest::newRow("global color black") << QColorConstants::Black << 0xff000000u; + QTest::newRow("global color white") << QColorConstants::White << 0xffffffffu; + QTest::newRow("global color darkGray") << QColorConstants::DarkGray << 0xff808080u; + QTest::newRow("global color gray") << QColorConstants::Gray << 0xffa0a0a4u; + QTest::newRow("global color lightGray") << QColorConstants::LightGray << 0xffc0c0c0u; + QTest::newRow("global color red") << QColorConstants::Red << 0xffff0000u; + QTest::newRow("global color green") << QColorConstants::Green << 0xff00ff00u; + QTest::newRow("global color blue") << QColorConstants::Blue << 0xff0000ffu; + QTest::newRow("global color cyan") << QColorConstants::Cyan << 0xff00ffffu; + QTest::newRow("global color magenta") << QColorConstants::Magenta << 0xffff00ffu; + QTest::newRow("global color yellow") << QColorConstants::Yellow << 0xffffff00u; + QTest::newRow("global color darkRed") << QColorConstants::DarkRed << 0xff800000u; + QTest::newRow("global color darkGreen") << QColorConstants::DarkGreen << 0xff008000u; + QTest::newRow("global color darkBlue") << QColorConstants::DarkBlue << 0xff000080u; + QTest::newRow("global color darkCyan") << QColorConstants::DarkCyan << 0xff008080u; + QTest::newRow("global color darkMagenta") << QColorConstants::DarkMagenta << 0xff800080u; + QTest::newRow("global color darkYellow") << QColorConstants::DarkYellow << 0xff808000u; + QTest::newRow("global color transparent") << QColorConstants::Transparent << 0x00000000u; + + QTest::newRow("SVG aliceblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::aliceblue << 0xfff0f8ffu; + QTest::newRow("SVG antiquewhite") << QColorConstants::Svg::antiquewhite << 0xfffaebd7u; + QTest::newRow("SVG aqua") << QColorConstants::Svg::aqua << 0xff00ffffu; + QTest::newRow("SVG aquamarine") << QColorConstants::Svg::aquamarine << 0xff7fffd4u; + QTest::newRow("SVG azure") << QColorConstants::Svg::azure << 0xfff0ffffu; + QTest::newRow("SVG beige") << QColorConstants::Svg::beige << 0xfff5f5dcu; + QTest::newRow("SVG bisque") << QColorConstants::Svg::bisque << 0xffffe4c4u; + QTest::newRow("SVG black") << QColorConstants::Svg::black << 0xff000000u; + QTest::newRow("SVG blanchedalmond") << QColorConstants::Svg::blanchedalmond << 0xffffebcdu; + QTest::newRow("SVG blue") << QColorConstants::Svg::blue << 0xff0000ffu; + QTest::newRow("SVG blueviolet") << QColorConstants::Svg::blueviolet << 0xff8a2be2u; + QTest::newRow("SVG brown") << QColorConstants::Svg::brown << 0xffa52a2au; + QTest::newRow("SVG burlywood") << QColorConstants::Svg::burlywood << 0xffdeb887u; + QTest::newRow("SVG cadetblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::cadetblue << 0xff5f9ea0u; + QTest::newRow("SVG chartreuse") << QColorConstants::Svg::chartreuse << 0xff7fff00u; + QTest::newRow("SVG chocolate") << QColorConstants::Svg::chocolate << 0xffd2691eu; + QTest::newRow("SVG coral") << QColorConstants::Svg::coral << 0xffff7f50u; + QTest::newRow("SVG cornflowerblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::cornflowerblue << 0xff6495edu; + QTest::newRow("SVG cornsilk") << QColorConstants::Svg::cornsilk << 0xfffff8dcu; + QTest::newRow("SVG crimson") << QColorConstants::Svg::crimson << 0xffdc143cu; + QTest::newRow("SVG cyan") << QColorConstants::Svg::cyan << 0xff00ffffu; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkblue << 0xff00008bu; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkcyan") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkcyan << 0xff008b8bu; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkgoldenrod") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkgoldenrod << 0xffb8860bu; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkgray") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkgray << 0xffa9a9a9u; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkgreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkgreen << 0xff006400u; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkgrey") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkgrey << 0xffa9a9a9u; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkkhaki") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkkhaki << 0xffbdb76bu; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkmagenta") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkmagenta << 0xff8b008bu; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkolivegreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkolivegreen << 0xff556b2fu; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkorange") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkorange << 0xffff8c00u; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkorchid") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkorchid << 0xff9932ccu; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkred") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkred << 0xff8b0000u; + QTest::newRow("SVG darksalmon") << QColorConstants::Svg::darksalmon << 0xffe9967au; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkseagreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkseagreen << 0xff8fbc8fu; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkslateblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkslateblue << 0xff483d8bu; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkslategray") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkslategray << 0xff2f4f4fu; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkslategrey") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkslategrey << 0xff2f4f4fu; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkturquoise") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkturquoise << 0xff00ced1u; + QTest::newRow("SVG darkviolet") << QColorConstants::Svg::darkviolet << 0xff9400d3u; + QTest::newRow("SVG deeppink") << QColorConstants::Svg::deeppink << 0xffff1493u; + QTest::newRow("SVG deepskyblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::deepskyblue << 0xff00bfffu; + QTest::newRow("SVG dimgray") << QColorConstants::Svg::dimgray << 0xff696969u; + QTest::newRow("SVG dimgrey") << QColorConstants::Svg::dimgrey << 0xff696969u; + QTest::newRow("SVG dodgerblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::dodgerblue << 0xff1e90ffu; + QTest::newRow("SVG firebrick") << QColorConstants::Svg::firebrick << 0xffb22222u; + QTest::newRow("SVG floralwhite") << QColorConstants::Svg::floralwhite << 0xfffffaf0u; + QTest::newRow("SVG forestgreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::forestgreen << 0xff228b22u; + QTest::newRow("SVG fuchsia") << QColorConstants::Svg::fuchsia << 0xffff00ffu; + QTest::newRow("SVG gainsboro") << QColorConstants::Svg::gainsboro << 0xffdcdcdcu; + QTest::newRow("SVG ghostwhite") << QColorConstants::Svg::ghostwhite << 0xfff8f8ffu; + QTest::newRow("SVG gold") << QColorConstants::Svg::gold << 0xffffd700u; + QTest::newRow("SVG goldenrod") << QColorConstants::Svg::goldenrod << 0xffdaa520u; + QTest::newRow("SVG gray") << QColorConstants::Svg::gray << 0xff808080u; + QTest::newRow("SVG green") << QColorConstants::Svg::green << 0xff008000u; + QTest::newRow("SVG greenyellow") << QColorConstants::Svg::greenyellow << 0xffadff2fu; + QTest::newRow("SVG grey") << QColorConstants::Svg::grey << 0xff808080u; + QTest::newRow("SVG honeydew") << QColorConstants::Svg::honeydew << 0xfff0fff0u; + QTest::newRow("SVG hotpink") << QColorConstants::Svg::hotpink << 0xffff69b4u; + QTest::newRow("SVG indianred") << QColorConstants::Svg::indianred << 0xffcd5c5cu; + QTest::newRow("SVG indigo") << QColorConstants::Svg::indigo << 0xff4b0082u; + QTest::newRow("SVG ivory") << QColorConstants::Svg::ivory << 0xfffffff0u; + QTest::newRow("SVG khaki") << QColorConstants::Svg::khaki << 0xfff0e68cu; + QTest::newRow("SVG lavender") << QColorConstants::Svg::lavender << 0xffe6e6fau; + QTest::newRow("SVG lavenderblush") << QColorConstants::Svg::lavenderblush << 0xfffff0f5u; + QTest::newRow("SVG lawngreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::lawngreen << 0xff7cfc00u; + QTest::newRow("SVG lemonchiffon") << QColorConstants::Svg::lemonchiffon << 0xfffffacdu; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightblue << 0xffadd8e6u; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightcoral") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightcoral << 0xfff08080u; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightcyan") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightcyan << 0xffe0ffffu; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightgoldenrodyellow") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightgoldenrodyellow << 0xfffafad2u; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightgray") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightgray << 0xffd3d3d3u; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightgreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightgreen << 0xff90ee90u; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightgrey") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightgrey << 0xffd3d3d3u; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightpink") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightpink << 0xffffb6c1u; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightsalmon") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightsalmon << 0xffffa07au; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightseagreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightseagreen << 0xff20b2aau; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightskyblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightskyblue << 0xff87cefau; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightslategray") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightslategray << 0xff778899u; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightslategrey") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightslategrey << 0xff778899u; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightsteelblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightsteelblue << 0xffb0c4deu; + QTest::newRow("SVG lightyellow") << QColorConstants::Svg::lightyellow << 0xffffffe0u; + QTest::newRow("SVG lime") << QColorConstants::Svg::lime << 0xff00ff00u; + QTest::newRow("SVG limegreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::limegreen << 0xff32cd32u; + QTest::newRow("SVG linen") << QColorConstants::Svg::linen << 0xfffaf0e6u; + QTest::newRow("SVG magenta") << QColorConstants::Svg::magenta << 0xffff00ffu; + QTest::newRow("SVG maroon") << QColorConstants::Svg::maroon << 0xff800000u; + QTest::newRow("SVG mediumaquamarine") << QColorConstants::Svg::mediumaquamarine << 0xff66cdaau; + QTest::newRow("SVG mediumblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::mediumblue << 0xff0000cdu; + QTest::newRow("SVG mediumorchid") << QColorConstants::Svg::mediumorchid << 0xffba55d3u; + QTest::newRow("SVG mediumpurple") << QColorConstants::Svg::mediumpurple << 0xff9370dbu; + QTest::newRow("SVG mediumseagreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::mediumseagreen << 0xff3cb371u; + QTest::newRow("SVG mediumslateblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::mediumslateblue << 0xff7b68eeu; + QTest::newRow("SVG mediumspringgreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::mediumspringgreen << 0xff00fa9au; + QTest::newRow("SVG mediumturquoise") << QColorConstants::Svg::mediumturquoise << 0xff48d1ccu; + QTest::newRow("SVG mediumvioletred") << QColorConstants::Svg::mediumvioletred << 0xffc71585u; + QTest::newRow("SVG midnightblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::midnightblue << 0xff191970u; + QTest::newRow("SVG mintcream") << QColorConstants::Svg::mintcream << 0xfff5fffau; + QTest::newRow("SVG mistyrose") << QColorConstants::Svg::mistyrose << 0xffffe4e1u; + QTest::newRow("SVG moccasin") << QColorConstants::Svg::moccasin << 0xffffe4b5u; + QTest::newRow("SVG navajowhite") << QColorConstants::Svg::navajowhite << 0xffffdeadu; + QTest::newRow("SVG navy") << QColorConstants::Svg::navy << 0xff000080u; + QTest::newRow("SVG oldlace") << QColorConstants::Svg::oldlace << 0xfffdf5e6u; + QTest::newRow("SVG olive") << QColorConstants::Svg::olive << 0xff808000u; + QTest::newRow("SVG olivedrab") << QColorConstants::Svg::olivedrab << 0xff6b8e23u; + QTest::newRow("SVG orange") << QColorConstants::Svg::orange << 0xffffa500u; + QTest::newRow("SVG orangered") << QColorConstants::Svg::orangered << 0xffff4500u; + QTest::newRow("SVG orchid") << QColorConstants::Svg::orchid << 0xffda70d6u; + QTest::newRow("SVG palegoldenrod") << QColorConstants::Svg::palegoldenrod << 0xffeee8aau; + QTest::newRow("SVG palegreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::palegreen << 0xff98fb98u; + QTest::newRow("SVG paleturquoise") << QColorConstants::Svg::paleturquoise << 0xffafeeeeu; + QTest::newRow("SVG palevioletred") << QColorConstants::Svg::palevioletred << 0xffdb7093u; + QTest::newRow("SVG papayawhip") << QColorConstants::Svg::papayawhip << 0xffffefd5u; + QTest::newRow("SVG peachpuff") << QColorConstants::Svg::peachpuff << 0xffffdab9u; + QTest::newRow("SVG peru") << QColorConstants::Svg::peru << 0xffcd853fu; + QTest::newRow("SVG pink") << QColorConstants::Svg::pink << 0xffffc0cbu; + QTest::newRow("SVG plum") << QColorConstants::Svg::plum << 0xffdda0ddu; + QTest::newRow("SVG powderblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::powderblue << 0xffb0e0e6u; + QTest::newRow("SVG purple") << QColorConstants::Svg::purple << 0xff800080u; + QTest::newRow("SVG red") << QColorConstants::Svg::red << 0xffff0000u; + QTest::newRow("SVG rosybrown") << QColorConstants::Svg::rosybrown << 0xffbc8f8fu; + QTest::newRow("SVG royalblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::royalblue << 0xff4169e1u; + QTest::newRow("SVG saddlebrown") << QColorConstants::Svg::saddlebrown << 0xff8b4513u; + QTest::newRow("SVG salmon") << QColorConstants::Svg::salmon << 0xfffa8072u; + QTest::newRow("SVG sandybrown") << QColorConstants::Svg::sandybrown << 0xfff4a460u; + QTest::newRow("SVG seagreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::seagreen << 0xff2e8b57u; + QTest::newRow("SVG seashell") << QColorConstants::Svg::seashell << 0xfffff5eeu; + QTest::newRow("SVG sienna") << QColorConstants::Svg::sienna << 0xffa0522du; + QTest::newRow("SVG silver") << QColorConstants::Svg::silver << 0xffc0c0c0u; + QTest::newRow("SVG skyblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::skyblue << 0xff87ceebu; + QTest::newRow("SVG slateblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::slateblue << 0xff6a5acdu; + QTest::newRow("SVG slategray") << QColorConstants::Svg::slategray << 0xff708090u; + QTest::newRow("SVG slategrey") << QColorConstants::Svg::slategrey << 0xff708090u; + QTest::newRow("SVG snow") << QColorConstants::Svg::snow << 0xfffffafau; + QTest::newRow("SVG springgreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::springgreen << 0xff00ff7fu; + QTest::newRow("SVG steelblue") << QColorConstants::Svg::steelblue << 0xff4682b4u; + QTest::newRow("SVG tan") << QColorConstants::Svg::tan << 0xffd2b48cu; + QTest::newRow("SVG teal") << QColorConstants::Svg::teal << 0xff008080u; + QTest::newRow("SVG thistle") << QColorConstants::Svg::thistle << 0xffd8bfd8u; + QTest::newRow("SVG tomato") << QColorConstants::Svg::tomato << 0xffff6347u; + QTest::newRow("SVG turquoise") << QColorConstants::Svg::turquoise << 0xff40e0d0u; + QTest::newRow("SVG violet") << QColorConstants::Svg::violet << 0xffee82eeu; + QTest::newRow("SVG wheat") << QColorConstants::Svg::wheat << 0xfff5deb3u; + QTest::newRow("SVG white") << QColorConstants::Svg::white << 0xffffffffu; + QTest::newRow("SVG whitesmoke") << QColorConstants::Svg::whitesmoke << 0xfff5f5f5u; + QTest::newRow("SVG yellow") << QColorConstants::Svg::yellow << 0xffffff00u; + QTest::newRow("SVG yellowgreen") << QColorConstants::Svg::yellowgreen << 0xff9acd32u; +} + +void tst_QColor::colorConstants() +{ + QFETCH(QColor, color); + QFETCH(QRgb, argb); + QCOMPARE(color.rgba(), argb); +} +#endif // defined(Q_COMPILER_CONSTEXPR) & defined(Q_COMPILER_UNIFORM_INIT) + /* CSS color names = SVG 1.0 color names + transparent (rgba(0,0,0,0)) */ -- cgit v1.2.3