# Qt for Google Native Client Getting started instructions: 0) Install the NaCL SDK, set NACL_SDK_ROOT: export NACL_SDK_ROOT=/path/to/nacl_sdk/pepper_42 Qt should build using any recent NaCl toolchain. 1) Building Qt 1.0) Select a stable or dev build Make sure all Qt modules are at the correct branch when building Qt: select one of the 'nacl' branches for qtbase and then check out the corresponding branch for other modules. The 5.4 build is a stable build and is recommended when staring out. You may also want to use the exact SDK version listed below. The "dev" build has a few more moving parts, where the 'dev' branch for other modules can get out of sync with the nacl-dev branch of qtbase. Use the known-good sha1 (listed below) as a starting point. 5.4: pepper_42 qtbase branch : nacl-5.4 (github) qtdeclarative: patch: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/114670/ dev: pepper_42 qtbase branch: nacl-dev (github), wip/nacl (codereview) qtdeclarative: known-good sha1: 834f9c76151857b8e8bc07341f592187fafa11dc patch: https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/114670/ 1.1) Configure Qt The Native Client SDK provides several toolchains. Qt provides a script for configuring to use one of them: qtbase/nacl-configure [32|64] The script expects a standard Qt module checkout. Example nacl-configure usage: /path/to/qt/qtbase/nacl-configure mac_x86_newlib release 64 Available toolchains include: mac_pnacl mac_x86_glibc [not supported] mac_x86_newlib mac_arm_newlib Linux systems have corresponding "linux_"-prefixed toolchains. Windows is not supported as a host platform. The glibc toolchain(s) and shared library builds are not currently supported. Which toolchain should I use? * pnacl is the "deployment" toolchain which produces .pexes which runs in most Chrome Chrome browser (Android and iOS Chrome are not supported) * x86_newlib is a good choice for development since it avoids the run-time pnacl to native code translation step, which gives faster build-debug cycles. x86_newlib use requires enabling Native Client in Chrome's about:flags settings. The arch-specific toolchains have 32/64-bit flavors, which must match the target Chrome installation. The pnacl toolchain is always 64-bit and is not restricted in this way. Release and debug builds: Debug binaries are large (~50MB for QtGui). This combined with static linking make debug builds impractical due to the increased build time. 1.2) Build Qt: make module-qtbase make module-qtdeclarative make module-qtquickcontrols This is the "supported" (tested) module set, and the make commands should complete without errors. Other modules may or may not work. 2) Building applications with Qt for NaCl: A sample known-good application can be found at: qtdeclarative/examples/nacl 2.1) Porting The application must be ported to use Q_GUI_MAIN instead of defining main(). See the example application. 2.1) Building Standard qmake + make. This will produce a .nexe or .nc file. 2.2) Deploying Application are deployed using nacldeployqt, which is found at /path/to/qt-nacl-build/qtbase/bin/nacldeployqt Launch application in chrome: nacldeployqt myapp.nexe --run (Due to a quirk in the current implementation, always run nacldeployqt with a complete path: ../../bin/nacldeployqt.) nacldeployqt performs the following steps: * Deploys Qt Quick Imports. Currenly deploys all imports installed into qbase/qml. May run qmlimportscanner in the future. * pnacl: Converts from llvm intermediate to pnacl stable bitcode. This is done automatically for all pnacl builds. * Creates a .nmf manifest file * Creates supporting html and javascript. Controllable with the "template" option: --template windowed --template fullscreen * Optionally starts a webserver and Chrome and loads the application ("--run") * Optionally starts GDB and attaches to Chrome ("--debug") When debugging chrome will start and wait for the debugger. Run "attach" on the gdb command line when both are ready: (gdb) attach localhost:4014 Run-time behavior notes: * pnacl translation delay: There is a ~10-30s delay the first time a pnacl executable is loaded. The loading screen is currently a blank white screen with no progress indicator. * qmldir loading: Qt Quick looks for qmldir files using the standard search pattern: first QtQuick.2.2/qmldir, then QtQuick.2/qmldir, then QtQuick/qmldir. This generates several 404 error messages on the Javascript and terminal console. This is normal. * Console output (qDebug() etc): nacldeployqt starts Chrome with the sandbox disabled, debug output will go to the terminal. The Qt/pepper platform plugin logs to the "qt.platform.pepper" logging category. * Environment variables: Variables can be set in the url query string (when using the nacldeploqt-generated html and javascrpt. Examples: http://localhost:8000/index.html?QT_LOGGING_RULES=qt.platform.pepper.*=true http://localhost:8000/index.html?QSG_VISUALIZE=overdraw