@echo off setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ENABLEEXTENSIONS set script_dir_path=%~dp0 set script_dir_path=%script_dir_path:~0,-1% if "%1" == "" ( call :print_usage exit /b 1 ) set module_root=%1 shift if not exist "%module_root%\CMakeLists.txt" ( echo Error: %module_root% is not a valid Qt module source directory. >&2 call :print_usage exit /b 1 ) if exist "config.opt" del "config.opt" echo. > "config.opt" set first_iteration=indeed for %%a in (%*) do ( if defined first_iteration ( :: Drop the first argument, which is the module root. set first_iteration= ) else ( echo %%a >> "config.opt" ) ) set cmake_script_path=%script_dir_path%\@__relative_path_to_processconfigureargs_script@ call "%script_dir_path%"\qt-cmake-private.bat -DOPTFILE=config.opt -DMODULE_ROOT="%module_root%" ^ -DCMAKE_COMMAND="%script_dir_path%\qt-cmake-private.bat" ^ -P "%cmake_script_path%" goto :eof :print_usage echo Usage: qt-configure-module ^ [options] goto :eof