# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause #.rst: # FindMySQL # --------- # # Try to locate the mysql client library. # If found, this will define the following variables: # # ``MySQL_FOUND`` # True if the mysql library is available # ``MySQL_INCLUDE_DIRS`` # The mysql include directories # ``MySQL_LIBRARIES`` # The mysql libraries for linking # # If ``MySQL_FOUND`` is TRUE, it will also define the following # imported target: # # ``MySQL::MySQL`` # The mysql client library find_package(PkgConfig QUIET) pkg_check_modules(PC_MySQL QUIET mysqlclient) find_path(MySQL_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES mysql.h HINTS ${PC_MySQL_INCLUDEDIR} PATH_SUFFIXES mysql mariadb) find_library(MySQL_LIBRARY NAMES libmysql mysql mysqlclient libmariadb mariadb HINTS ${PC_MySQL_LIBDIR}) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(MySQL DEFAULT_MSG MySQL_LIBRARY MySQL_INCLUDE_DIR) if(MySQL_FOUND) set(MySQL_INCLUDE_DIRS "${MySQL_INCLUDE_DIR}") set(MySQL_LIBRARIES "${MySQL_LIBRARY}") if(NOT TARGET MySQL::MySQL) add_library(MySQL::MySQL UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(MySQL::MySQL PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${MySQL_LIBRARIES}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${MySQL_INCLUDE_DIRS}") endif() endif() mark_as_advanced(MySQL_INCLUDE_DIR MySQL_LIBRARY) include(FeatureSummary) set_package_properties(MySQL PROPERTIES URL "https://www.mysql.com" DESCRIPTION "MySQL client library")