add_library(WrapDoubleConversion::WrapDoubleConversion INTERFACE IMPORTED) find_package(double-conversion) if (double-conversion_FOUND) include(FeatureSummary) set_package_properties(double-conversion PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(WrapDoubleConversion::WrapDoubleConversion INTERFACE double-conversion::double-conversion) set(WrapDoubleConversion_FOUND 1) return() endif() include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { _locale_t invalidLocale = NULL; double a = 3.14; const char *format = \"invalid format\"; _sscanf_l(argv[0], invalidLocale, format, &a, &argc); _snprintf_l(argv[0], 1, invalidLocale, format, a); }" HAVE__SPRINTF_L) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { locale_t invalidLocale = NULL; double a = 3.14; const char *format = \"invalid format\"; snprintf_l(argv[0], 1, invalidLocale, format, a); sscanf_l(argv[0], invalidLocale, format, &a, &argc); return 0; }" HAVE_SPRINTF_L) # In a static build, we need to find the package to bring the target into scope. find_package(QtDoubleConversion QUIET) if (HAVE__SPRINTF_L OR HAVE_SPRINTF_L) target_compile_definitions(WrapDoubleConversion::WrapDoubleConversion INTERFACE QT_NO_DOUBLECONVERSION) set(WrapDoubleConversion_FOUND 1) elseif(TARGET QtDoubleConversion) # If a Config package wasn't found, and the C++ library doesn't contain the necessary functions, # use the library bundled with Qt. target_link_libraries(WrapDoubleConversion::WrapDoubleConversion INTERFACE QtDoubleConversion) set(WrapDoubleConversion_FOUND 1) else() set(WrapDoubleConversion_FOUND 0) endif()