# We can't create the same interface imported target multiple times, CMake will complain if we do # that. This can happen if the find_package call is done in multiple different subdirectories. if(TARGET WrapOpenGL::WrapOpenGL) set(WrapOpenGL_FOUND ON) return() endif() set(WrapOpenGL_FOUND OFF) find_package(OpenGL ${WrapOpenGL_FIND_VERSION}) if (OpenGL_FOUND) set(WrapOpenGL_FOUND ON) add_library(WrapOpenGL::WrapOpenGL INTERFACE IMPORTED) if(APPLE) # On Darwin platforms FindOpenGL sets IMPORTED_LOCATION to the absolute path of the library # within the framework. This ends up as an absolute path link flag, which we don't want, # because that makes our .prl files un-relocatable. # Extract the framework path instead, and use that in INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES, # which CMake ends up transforming into a reloctable -framework flag. # See https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/20871 for details. get_target_property(__opengl_fw_lib_path OpenGL::GL IMPORTED_LOCATION) if(__opengl_fw_lib_path) get_filename_component(__opengl_fw_path "${__opengl_fw_lib_path}" DIRECTORY) endif() if(NOT __opengl_fw_path) # Just a safety measure in case if no OpenGL::GL target exists. set(__opengl_fw_path "-framework" "OpenGL") endif() find_library(WrapOpenGL_AGL NAMES AGL) if(WrapOpenGL_AGL) set(__opengl_agl_fw_path "${WrapOpenGL_AGL}") endif() if(NOT __opengl_agl_fw_path) set(__opengl_agl_fw_path "-framework" "AGL") endif() target_link_libraries(WrapOpenGL::WrapOpenGL INTERFACE ${__opengl_fw_path}) target_link_libraries(WrapOpenGL::WrapOpenGL INTERFACE ${__opengl_agl_fw_path}) else() target_link_libraries(WrapOpenGL::WrapOpenGL INTERFACE OpenGL::GL) endif() endif() include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(WrapOpenGL DEFAULT_MSG WrapOpenGL_FOUND)