# We can't create the same interface imported target multiple times, CMake will complain if we do # that. This can happen if the find_package call is done in multiple different subdirectories. if(TARGET WrapVulkanHeaders::WrapVulkanHeaders) set(WrapVulkanHeaders_FOUND ON) return() endif() set(WrapVulkanHeaders_FOUND OFF) find_package(Vulkan ${WrapVulkanHeaders_FIND_VERSION} QUIET) # We are interested only in include headers. The libraries might be missing, so we can't check the # _FOUND variable. if(Vulkan_INCLUDE_DIR) set(WrapVulkanHeaders_FOUND ON) add_library(WrapVulkanHeaders::WrapVulkanHeaders INTERFACE IMPORTED) target_include_directories(WrapVulkanHeaders::WrapVulkanHeaders INTERFACE ${Vulkan_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(WrapVulkanHeaders DEFAULT_MSG Vulkan_INCLUDE_DIR)