include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) include(QtSeparateDebugInfo) function(qt_configure_process_path name default docstring) # Values are computed once for qtbase, and then exported and reused for other projects. if(NOT PROJECT_NAME STREQUAL "QtBase") return() endif() # No value provided, set the default. if(NOT DEFINED "${name}") set("${name}" "${default}" CACHE STRING "${docstring}") else() get_filename_component(given_path_as_abs "${${name}}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") file(RELATIVE_PATH rel_path "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" "${given_path_as_abs}") # If absolute path given, check that it's inside the prefix (error out if not). # TODO: Figure out if we need to support paths that are outside the prefix. # # If relative path given, it's relative to the install prefix (rather than the binary dir, # which is what qmake does for some reason). # In both cases, store the value as a relative path. if("${rel_path}" STREQUAL "") # file(RELATIVE_PATH) returns an empty string if the given absolute paths are equal set(rel_path ".") elseif(rel_path MATCHES "^\.\./") # INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR is allowed to be outside the prefix. if(NOT name STREQUAL "INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR") message(FATAL_ERROR "Path component '${name}' is outside computed install prefix: ${rel_path} ") return() endif() set("${name}" "${${name}}" CACHE STRING "${docstring}" FORCE) else() set("${name}" "${rel_path}" CACHE STRING "${docstring}" FORCE) endif() endif() endfunction() # Install locations: qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_BINDIR "bin" "Executables [PREFIX/bin]") qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR "include" "Header files [PREFIX/include]") qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_LIBDIR "lib" "Libraries [PREFIX/lib]") qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_MKSPECSDIR "mkspecs" "Mkspecs files [PREFIX/mkspecs]") qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_ARCHDATADIR "." "Arch-dependent data [PREFIX]") qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_PLUGINSDIR "${INSTALL_ARCHDATADIR}/plugins" "Plugins [ARCHDATADIR/plugins]") if(NOT INSTALL_MKSPECSDIR MATCHES "(^|/)mkspecs") message(FATAL_ERROR "INSTALL_MKSPECSDIR must end with '/mkspecs'") endif() # Given CMAKE_CONFIG and ALL_CMAKE_CONFIGS, determines if a directory suffix needs to be appended # to each destination, and sets the computed install target destination arguments in OUT_VAR. # Defaults used for each of the destination types, and can be configured per destination type. function(qt_get_install_target_default_args) qt_parse_all_arguments(arg "qt_get_install_target_default_args" "" "OUT_VAR;CMAKE_CONFIG;RUNTIME;LIBRARY;ARCHIVE;INCLUDES;BUNDLE" "ALL_CMAKE_CONFIGS" ${ARGN}) if(NOT arg_CMAKE_CONFIG) message(FATAL_ERROR "No value given for CMAKE_CONFIG.") endif() if(NOT arg_ALL_CMAKE_CONFIGS) message(FATAL_ERROR "No value given for ALL_CMAKE_CONFIGS.") endif() list(LENGTH arg_ALL_CMAKE_CONFIGS all_configs_count) list(GET arg_ALL_CMAKE_CONFIGS 0 first_config) set(suffix "") if(all_configs_count GREATER 1 AND NOT arg_CMAKE_CONFIG STREQUAL first_config) set(suffix "/${arg_CMAKE_CONFIG}") endif() set(runtime "${INSTALL_BINDIR}") if(arg_RUNTIME) set(runtime "${arg_RUNTIME}") endif() set(library "${INSTALL_LIBDIR}") if(arg_LIBRARY) set(library "${arg_LIBRARY}") endif() set(archive "${INSTALL_LIBDIR}") if(arg_ARCHIVE) set(archive "${arg_ARCHIVE}") endif() set(includes "${INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}") if(arg_INCLUDES) set(includes "${arg_INCLUDES}") endif() set(bundle "${INSTALL_BINDIR}") if(arg_BUNDLE) set(bundle "${arg_BUNDLE}") endif() set(args RUNTIME DESTINATION "${runtime}${suffix}" LIBRARY DESTINATION "${library}${suffix}" ARCHIVE DESTINATION "${archive}${suffix}" COMPONENT Devel BUNDLE DESTINATION "${bundle}${suffix}" INCLUDES DESTINATION "${includes}${suffix}") set(${arg_OUT_VAR} "${args}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() if (WIN32) set(_default_libexec "${INSTALL_ARCHDATADIR}/bin") else() set(_default_libexec "${INSTALL_ARCHDATADIR}/libexec") endif() qt_configure_process_path( INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR "${_default_libexec}" "Helper programs [ARCHDATADIR/bin on Windows, ARCHDATADIR/libexec otherwise]") qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_QMLDIR "${INSTALL_ARCHDATADIR}/qml" "QML imports [ARCHDATADIR/qml]") qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_DATADIR "." "Arch-independent data [PREFIX]") qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_DOCDIR "${INSTALL_DATADIR}/doc" "Documentation [DATADIR/doc]") qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_TRANSLATIONSDIR "${INSTALL_DATADIR}/translations" "Translations [DATADIR/translations]") if(APPLE) set(QT_DEFAULT_SYS_CONF_DIR "/Library/Preferences/Qt") else() set(QT_DEFAULT_SYS_CONF_DIR "etc/xdg") endif() qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR "${QT_DEFAULT_SYS_CONF_DIR}" "Settings used by Qt programs [PREFIX/etc/xdg]/[/Library/Preferences/Qt]") qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_EXAMPLESDIR "examples" "Examples [PREFIX/examples]") qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_TESTSDIR "tests" "Tests [PREFIX/tests]") qt_configure_process_path(INSTALL_DESCRIPTIONSDIR "${INSTALL_DATADIR}/modules" "Module description files directory") if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING AND NOT "${CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX}" STREQUAL "") set(QT_STAGING_PREFIX "${CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX}") else() set(QT_STAGING_PREFIX "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") endif() if(PROJECT_NAME STREQUAL "QtBase") set(QT_COORD_TYPE double CACHE STRING "Type of qreal") endif() function(qt_internal_set_up_global_paths) # Compute the values of QT_BUILD_DIR, QT_INSTALL_DIR, QT_CONFIG_BUILD_DIR, QT_CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR # taking into account whether the current build is a prefix build or a non-prefix build, # and whether it is a superbuild or non-superbuild. # A third case is when another module or standalone tests are built against a super-built Qt. # The layout for the third case is the same as for non-superbuilds. # # These values should be prepended to file paths in commands or properties, # in order to correctly place generated Config files, generated Targets files, # excutables / libraries, when copying / installing files, etc. # # The build dir variables will always be absolute paths. # The QT_INSTALL_DIR variable will have a relative path in a prefix build, # which means that it can be empty, so use qt_join_path to prevent accidental absolute paths. if(QT_SUPERBUILD) # In this case, we always copy all the build products in qtbase/{bin,lib,...} if(QT_WILL_INSTALL) set(QT_BUILD_DIR "${QtBase_BINARY_DIR}") set(QT_INSTALL_DIR "") else() if("${CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX}" STREQUAL "") set(QT_BUILD_DIR "${QtBase_BINARY_DIR}") set(QT_INSTALL_DIR "${QtBase_BINARY_DIR}") else() set(QT_BUILD_DIR "${CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX}") set(QT_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX}") endif() endif() else() if(QT_WILL_INSTALL) # In the usual prefix build case, the build dir is the current module build dir, # and the install dir is the prefix, so we don't set it. set(QT_BUILD_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") set(QT_INSTALL_DIR "") else() # When doing a non-prefix build, both the build dir and install dir are the same, # pointing to the qtbase build dir. set(QT_BUILD_DIR "${QT_STAGING_PREFIX}") set(QT_INSTALL_DIR "${QT_BUILD_DIR}") endif() endif() set(__config_path_part "${INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake") set(QT_CONFIG_BUILD_DIR "${QT_BUILD_DIR}/${__config_path_part}") set(QT_CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR "${QT_INSTALL_DIR}") if(QT_CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR) string(APPEND QT_CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR "/") endif() string(APPEND QT_CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR ${__config_path_part}) set(QT_BUILD_DIR "${QT_BUILD_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(QT_INSTALL_DIR "${QT_INSTALL_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(QT_CONFIG_BUILD_DIR "${QT_CONFIG_BUILD_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(QT_CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR "${QT_CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() qt_internal_set_up_global_paths() qt_get_relocatable_install_prefix(QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_RELOCATABLE_INSTALL_PREFIX) set(QT_CMAKE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}") # Find the path to mkspecs/, depending on whether we are building as part of a standard qtbuild, # or a module against an already installed version of qt. if(NOT QT_MKSPECS_DIR) if("${QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_PATH}" STREQUAL "") get_filename_component(QT_MKSPECS_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../mkspecs" ABSOLUTE) else() # We can rely on QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_RELOCATABLE_INSTALL_PREFIX being set by # QtBuildInternalsExtra.cmake. get_filename_component( QT_MKSPECS_DIR "${QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_RELOCATABLE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${INSTALL_MKSPECSDIR}" ABSOLUTE) endif() set(QT_MKSPECS_DIR "${QT_MKSPECS_DIR}" CACHE INTERNAL "") endif() # the default RPATH to be used when installing, but only if it's not a system directory list(FIND CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${INSTALL_LIBDIR}" isSystemDir) if("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1") set(_default_install_rpath "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${INSTALL_LIBDIR}") endif("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1") # The default rpath settings for installed targets is empty. # The rpaths will instead be computed for each target separately using qt_apply_rpaths(). # Additional rpaths can be passed via QT_EXTRA_RPATHS. # By default this will include $ORIGIN / @loader_path, so the installation is relocatable. # Bottom line: No need to pass anything to CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH. set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "" CACHE STRING "RPATH for installed binaries") # add the automatically determined parts of the RPATH # which point to directories outside the build tree to the install RPATH # # TODO: Do we really want to use this option for official packages? Perhaps make it configurable # or remove it? This causes final installed binaries to contain an absolute path RPATH pointing # to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib, which on the CI would be something like # /Users/qt/work/install/lib. # It doesn't seem necessary to me, given that qt_apply_rpaths already applies $ORIGIN-style # relocatable paths, but maybe i'm missing something, because the original commit that added the # option mentions it's needed in some cross-compilation scenario for program binaries that # link against QtCore. set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) function(qt_setup_tool_path_command) if(NOT CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) return() endif() set(bindir "${QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_RELOCATABLE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${INSTALL_BINDIR}") file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${bindir}" bindir) list(APPEND command COMMAND) list(APPEND command set PATH=${bindir}$%PATH%) set(QT_TOOL_PATH_SETUP_COMMAND "${command}" CACHE INTERNAL "internal command prefix for tool invocations" FORCE) endfunction() qt_setup_tool_path_command() # Platform define path, etc. if(WIN32) set(QT_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_DEFINITIONS WIN32 _ENABLE_EXTENDED_ALIGNED_STORAGE) if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) list(APPEND QT_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_DEFINITIONS WIN64 _WIN64) endif() if(MSVC) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR STREQUAL "arm64") set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC win32-arm64-msvc) else() set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC win32-msvc) endif() elseif(CLANG AND MINGW) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC win32-clang-g++) elseif(MINGW) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC win32-g++) endif() if (MINGW) list(APPEND QT_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_DEFINITIONS _WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 MINGW_HAS_SECURE_API=1) endif() elseif(LINUX) if(GCC) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC linux-g++) elseif(CLANG) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC linux-clang) elseif(ICC) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC linux-icc-64) endif() elseif(ANDROID) if(GCC) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC android-g++) elseif(CLANG) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC android-clang) endif() elseif(IOS) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC macx-ios-clang) elseif(APPLE) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC macx-clang) elseif(EMSCRIPTEN) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC wasm-emscripten) elseif(QNX) # Certain POSIX defines are not set if we don't compile with -std=gnuXX set(QT_ENABLE_CXX_EXTENSIONS ON) list(APPEND QT_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_DEFINITIONS _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 _REENTRANT) set(compiler_aarch64le aarch64le) set(compiler_armle-v7 armv7le) set(compiler_x86-64 x86_64) set(compiler_x86 x86) foreach(arch aarch64le armle-v7 x86-64 x86) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_TARGET MATCHES "${compiler_${arch}}$") set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC qnx-${arch}-qcc) endif() endforeach() elseif(FREEBSD) if(CLANG) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC freebsd-clang) elseif(GCC) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC freebsd-g++) endif() elseif(NETBSD) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC netbsd-g++) elseif(OPENBSD) set(QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC openbsd-g++) endif() if(NOT QT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC) set(QT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC "${QT_DEFAULT_MKSPEC}" CACHE STRING "QMake target mkspec") endif() if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) set(QT_QMAKE_HOST_MKSPEC "${QT${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}_HOST_INFO_QMAKE_MKSPEC}") else() set(QT_QMAKE_HOST_MKSPEC "${QT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC}") endif() # Platform definition dir provided by user on command line. # Derive the absolute one relative to the current source dir. if(QT_PLATFORM_DEFINITION_DIR) set(QT_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_DEFINITION_DIR "${QT_PLATFORM_DEFINITION_DIR}") get_filename_component( QT_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_DEFINITION_DIR_ABSOLUTE "${QT_PLATFORM_DEFINITION_DIR}" ABSOLUTE) elseif(QT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC) # Used by consumers of prefix builds via INSTALL_INTERFACE (relative path). set(QT_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_DEFINITION_DIR "${INSTALL_MKSPECSDIR}/${QT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC}") # Used by qtbase itself and consumers of non-prefix builds via BUILD_INTERFACE (absolute path). set(QT_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_DEFINITION_DIR_ABSOLUTE "${QT_MKSPECS_DIR}/${QT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC}") endif() if(NOT DEFINED QT_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_DEFINITIONS) set(QT_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_DEFINITIONS "") endif() set(QT_PLATFORM_DEFINITIONS ${QT_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_DEFINITIONS} CACHE STRING "Qt platform specific pre-processor defines") set(QT_PLATFORM_DEFINITION_DIR "${QT_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_DEFINITION_DIR}" CACHE PATH "Path to directory that contains qplatformdefs.h") set(QT_PLATFORM_DEFINITION_DIR_ABSOLUTE "${QT_DEFAULT_PLATFORM_DEFINITION_DIR_ABSOLUTE}" CACHE INTERNAL "Path to directory that contains qplatformdefs.h") set(QT_NAMESPACE "" CACHE STRING "Qt Namespace") if(QT_NAMESPACE STREQUAL "") set(QT_HAS_NAMESPACE OFF) else() set(QT_HAS_NAMESPACE ON) endif() include(QtGlobalStateHelpers) # Reset global state: qt_internal_clear_qt_repo_known_modules() qt_internal_clear_qt_repo_known_plugin_types() qt_internal_set_qt_known_plugins("") set(QT_KNOWN_MODULES_WITH_TOOLS "" CACHE INTERNAL "Known Qt modules with tools" FORCE) # Reset syncqt cache variable, to make sure it gets recomputed on reconfiguration, otherwise # it might not get installed. unset(QT_SYNCQT CACHE) # For adjusting variables when running tests, we need to know what # the correct variable is for separating entries in PATH-alike # variables. if(CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Windows") set(QT_PATH_SEPARATOR "\\;") else() set(QT_PATH_SEPARATOR ":") endif() # This is used to hold extra cmake code that should be put into QtBuildInternalsExtra.cmake file # at the QtPostProcess stage. set(QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_EXTRA_CMAKE_CODE "") # Save the value of the current first project source dir. # This will be /path/to/qtbase for qtbase both in a super-build and a non super-build. # This will be /path/to/qtbase/tests when building standalone tests. set(QT_TOP_LEVEL_SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") # Prevent warnings about object files without any symbols. This is a common # thing in Qt as we tend to build files unconditionally, and then use ifdefs # to compile out parts that are not relevant. if(CMAKE_HOST_APPLE AND APPLE) foreach(lang ASM C CXX) # We have to tell 'ar' to not run ranlib by itself, by passing the 'S' option set(CMAKE_${lang}_ARCHIVE_CREATE " qcS ") set(CMAKE_${lang}_ARCHIVE_APPEND " qS ") set(CMAKE_${lang}_ARCHIVE_FINISH " -no_warning_for_no_symbols ") endforeach() endif() # Functions and macros: # Needed for qt_internal_add_link_flags_no_undefined. include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) set(__default_private_args SOURCES LIBRARIES INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES DEFINES DBUS_ADAPTOR_BASENAME DBUS_ADAPTOR_FLAGS DBUS_ADAPTOR_SOURCES DBUS_INTERFACE_BASENAME DBUS_INTERFACE_FLAGS DBUS_INTERFACE_SOURCES FEATURE_DEPENDENCIES COMPILE_OPTIONS LINK_OPTIONS MOC_OPTIONS DISABLE_AUTOGEN_TOOLS ENABLE_AUTOGEN_TOOLS PLUGIN_TYPES ) set(__default_public_args PUBLIC_LIBRARIES PUBLIC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES PUBLIC_DEFINES PUBLIC_COMPILE_OPTIONS PUBLIC_LINK_OPTIONS ) set(__default_private_module_args PRIVATE_MODULE_INTERFACE ) set(__default_target_info_args TARGET_VERSION TARGET_PRODUCT TARGET_DESCRIPTION TARGET_COMPANY TARGET_COPYRIGHT ) # Collection of qt_add_plugin arguments so they can be shared across different # plugin type wrappers set(__qt_add_plugin_optional_args STATIC EXCEPTIONS ALLOW_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS ) set(__qt_add_plugin_single_args TYPE CLASS_NAME OUTPUT_DIRECTORY INSTALL_DIRECTORY ARCHIVE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY OUTPUT_NAME ${__default_target_info_args} ) set(__qt_add_plugin_multi_args ${__default_private_args} ${__default_public_args} DEFAULT_IF ) # Collection of arguments so they can be shared across qt_internal_add_executable # and qt_internal_add_test_helper. set(__qt_internal_add_executable_optional_args GUI BOOTSTRAP NO_INSTALL EXCEPTIONS DELAY_RC DELAY_TARGET_INFO QT_APP ) set(__qt_internal_add_executable_single_args OUTPUT_DIRECTORY INSTALL_DIRECTORY VERSION ${__default_target_info_args} ) set(__qt_internal_add_executable_multi_args EXE_FLAGS ${__default_private_args} ${__default_public_args} ) option(QT_CMAKE_DEBUG_EXTEND_TARGET "Debug extend_target calls in Qt's build system" OFF) include(Qt3rdPartyLibraryHelpers) include(QtAppHelpers) include(QtAutogenHelpers) include(QtCMakeHelpers) include(QtCompatibilityHelpers) include(QtDeferredDependenciesHelpers) include(QtDbusHelpers) include(QtDocsHelpers) include(QtExecutableHelpers) include(QtFindPackageHelpers) include(QtFlagHandlingHelpers) include(QtFrameworkHelpers) include(QtInstallHelpers) include(QtLalrHelpers) include(QtModuleHelpers) include(QtNoLinkTargetHelpers) include(QtPluginHelpers) include(QtPrecompiledHeadersHelpers) include(QtPriHelpers) include(QtPrlHelpers) include(QtQmakeHelpers) include(QtResourceHelpers) include(QtRpathHelpers) include(QtSanitizerHelpers) include(QtScopeFinalizerHelpers) include(QtSimdHelpers) include(QtSyncQtHelpers) include(QtTargetHelpers) include(QtTestHelpers) include(QtToolHelpers) include(QtHeadersClean) include(QtJavaHelpers) if(ANDROID) include(QtAndroidHelpers) endif() # This sets up the poor man's scope finalizer mechanism. # For newer CMake versions, we use cmake_language(DEFER CALL) instead. if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.19.0") variable_watch(CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR qt_watch_current_list_dir) endif()