# Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Macros and functions for building Qt submodules # The macro sets all the necessary pre-conditions and setup consistent environment for building # the Qt repository. It has to be called right after the find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS BuildInternals) # call. Otherwise we cannot make sure that all the required policies will be applied to the Qt # components that are involved in build procedure. macro(qt_internal_project_setup) # Check for the minimum CMake version. qt_internal_require_suitable_cmake_version() qt_internal_upgrade_cmake_policies() qt_internal_promote_platform_targets_to_global() endmacro() macro(qt_build_internals_set_up_private_api) # TODO: this call needs to be removed once all repositories got the qtbase update qt_internal_project_setup() # Qt specific setup common for all modules: include(QtSetup) # Optionally include a repo specific Setup module. include(${PROJECT_NAME}Setup OPTIONAL) include(QtRepoSetup OPTIONAL) # Find Apple frameworks if needed. qt_find_apple_system_frameworks() # Decide whether tools will be built. qt_check_if_tools_will_be_built() endmacro() # add toplevel targets for each subdirectory, e.g. qtbase_src function(qt_build_internals_add_toplevel_targets qt_repo_targets_name) set(qt_repo_target_all "") get_directory_property(directories DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" SUBDIRECTORIES) foreach(directory IN LISTS directories) set(qt_repo_targets "") get_filename_component(qt_repo_target_basename ${directory} NAME) _qt_internal_collect_buildsystem_targets(qt_repo_targets "${directory}" EXCLUDE UTILITY) if (qt_repo_targets) set(qt_repo_target_name "${qt_repo_targets_name}_${qt_repo_target_basename}") message(DEBUG "${qt_repo_target_name} depends on ${qt_repo_targets}") add_custom_target("${qt_repo_target_name}" COMMENT "Building everything in ${qt_repo_targets_name}/${qt_repo_target_basename}") add_dependencies("${qt_repo_target_name}" ${qt_repo_targets}) list(APPEND qt_repo_target_all "${qt_repo_target_name}") # Create special dependency target for External Project examples excluding targets # marked as skipped. if(qt_repo_target_basename STREQUAL "src") set(qt_repo_target_name "${qt_repo_targets_name}_${qt_repo_target_basename}_for_examples") add_custom_target("${qt_repo_target_name}") set(unskipped_targets "") foreach(target IN LISTS qt_repo_targets) if(TARGET "${target}") qt_internal_is_target_skipped_for_examples("${target}" is_skipped) if(NOT is_skipped) list(APPEND unskipped_targets "${target}") endif() endif() endforeach() if(unskipped_targets) add_dependencies("${qt_repo_target_name}" ${unskipped_targets}) endif() endif() endif() endforeach() if (qt_repo_target_all) # Note qt_repo_targets_name is different from qt_repo_target_name that is used above. add_custom_target("${qt_repo_targets_name}" COMMENT "Building everything in ${qt_repo_targets_name}") add_dependencies("${qt_repo_targets_name}" ${qt_repo_target_all}) message(DEBUG "${qt_repo_targets_name} depends on ${qt_repo_target_all}") endif() endfunction() macro(qt_enable_cmake_languages) set(__qt_required_language_list C CXX) set(__qt_platform_required_language_list ) if(APPLE) list(APPEND __qt_platform_required_language_list OBJC OBJCXX) endif() foreach(__qt_lang ${__qt_required_language_list}) enable_language(${__qt_lang}) endforeach() foreach(__qt_lang ${__qt_platform_required_language_list}) enable_language(${__qt_lang}) endforeach() # The qtbase call is handled in qtbase/CMakeLists.txt. # This call is used for projects other than qtbase, including for other project's standalone # tests/examples. # Because the function uses QT_FEATURE_foo values, it's important that find_package(Qt6Core) is # called before this function. but that's usually the case for Qt repos. if(NOT PROJECT_NAME STREQUAL "QtBase") qt_internal_set_up_config_optimizations_like_in_qmake() endif() endmacro() # Minimum setup required to have any CMakeList.txt build as as a standalone # project after importing BuildInternals macro(qt_prepare_standalone_project) qt_set_up_build_internals_paths() qt_build_internals_set_up_private_api() qt_enable_cmake_languages() endmacro() # Define a repo target set, and store accompanying information. # # A repo target set is a subset of targets in a Qt module repository. To build a repo target set, # set QT_BUILD_SINGLE_REPO_TARGET_SET to the name of the repo target set. # # This function is to be called in the top-level project file of a repository, # before qt_internal_prepare_single_repo_target_set_build() # # This function stores information in variables of the parent scope. # # Positional Arguments: # name - The name of this repo target set. # # Named Arguments: # DEPENDS - List of Qt6 COMPONENTS that are build dependencies of this repo target set. function(qt_internal_define_repo_target_set name) set(oneValueArgs DEPENDS) set(prefix QT_REPO_TARGET_SET_) cmake_parse_arguments(${prefix}${name} "" ${oneValueArgs} "" ${ARGN}) foreach(arg IN LISTS oneValueArgs) set(${prefix}${name}_${arg} ${${prefix}${name}_${arg}} PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() set(QT_REPO_KNOWN_TARGET_SETS "${QT_REPO_KNOWN_TARGET_SETS};${name}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Setup a single repo target set build if QT_BUILD_SINGLE_REPO_TARGET_SET is defined. # # This macro must be called in the top-level project file of the repository after all repo target # sets have been defined. macro(qt_internal_prepare_single_repo_target_set_build) if(DEFINED QT_BUILD_SINGLE_REPO_TARGET_SET) if(NOT QT_BUILD_SINGLE_REPO_TARGET_SET IN_LIST QT_REPO_KNOWN_TARGET_SETS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Repo target set '${QT_BUILD_SINGLE_REPO_TARGET_SET}' is undefined.") endif() message(STATUS "Preparing single repo target set build of ${QT_BUILD_SINGLE_REPO_TARGET_SET}") if (NOT "${QT_REPO_TARGET_SET_${QT_BUILD_SINGLE_REPO_TARGET_SET}_DEPENDS}" STREQUAL "") find_package(${INSTALL_CMAKE_NAMESPACE} ${PROJECT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS ${QT_REPO_TARGET_SET_${QT_BUILD_SINGLE_REPO_TARGET_SET}_DEPENDS}) endif() endif() endmacro() # There are three necessary copies of this macro in # qtbase/cmake/QtBaseHelpers.cmake # qtbase/cmake/QtBaseTopLevelHelpers.cmake # qtbase/cmake/QtBuildRepoHelpers.cmake macro(qt_internal_setup_standalone_parts) # A generic marker for any kind of standalone builds, either tests or examples. if(NOT DEFINED QT_INTERNAL_BUILD_STANDALONE_PARTS AND (QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_TESTS OR QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_EXAMPLES)) set(QT_INTERNAL_BUILD_STANDALONE_PARTS TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "Whether standalone tests or examples are being built") endif() endmacro() macro(qt_build_repo_begin) qt_internal_setup_standalone_parts() set(QT_INTERNAL_REPO_POST_PROCESS_CALLED FALSE) list(APPEND CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT "${PROJECT_NAME}") qt_build_internals_set_up_private_api() # Prevent installation in non-prefix builds. # We need to associate targets with export names, and that is only possible to do with the # install(TARGETS) command. But in a non-prefix build, we don't want to install anything. # To make sure that developers don't accidentally run make install, add bail out code to # cmake_install.cmake. if(NOT QT_WILL_INSTALL) # In a top-level build, print a message only in qtbase, which is the first repository. if(NOT QT_SUPERBUILD OR (PROJECT_NAME STREQUAL "QtBase")) install(CODE [[message(FATAL_ERROR "Qt was configured as non-prefix build. " "Installation is not supported for this arrangement.")]]) endif() install(CODE [[return()]]) endif() qt_enable_cmake_languages() qt_internal_generate_binary_strip_wrapper() # Add global docs targets that will work both for per-repo builds, and super builds. if(NOT TARGET docs) add_custom_target(docs) add_custom_target(prepare_docs) add_custom_target(generate_docs) add_custom_target(html_docs) add_custom_target(qch_docs) add_custom_target(install_html_docs) add_custom_target(install_qch_docs) add_custom_target(install_docs) add_dependencies(html_docs generate_docs) add_dependencies(docs html_docs qch_docs) add_dependencies(install_docs install_html_docs install_qch_docs) endif() if(NOT TARGET sync_headers) add_custom_target(sync_headers) endif() # The special target that we use to sync 3rd-party headers before the gn run when building # qtwebengine in top-level builds. if(NOT TARGET thirdparty_sync_headers) add_custom_target(thirdparty_sync_headers) endif() # Add global qt_plugins, qpa_plugins and qpa_default_plugins convenience custom targets. # Internal executables will add a dependency on the qpa_default_plugins target, # so that building and running a test ensures it won't fail at runtime due to a missing qpa # plugin. if(NOT TARGET qt_plugins) add_custom_target(qt_plugins) add_custom_target(qpa_plugins) add_custom_target(qpa_default_plugins) endif() string(TOLOWER ${PROJECT_NAME} project_name_lower) # Target to build all plugins that are part of the current repo. set(qt_repo_plugins "qt_plugins_${project_name_lower}") if(NOT TARGET ${qt_repo_plugins}) add_custom_target(${qt_repo_plugins}) endif() # Target to build all plugins that are part of the current repo and the current repo's # dependencies plugins. Used for external project example dependencies. set(qt_repo_plugins_recursive "${qt_repo_plugins}_recursive") if(NOT TARGET ${qt_repo_plugins_recursive}) add_custom_target(${qt_repo_plugins_recursive}) add_dependencies(${qt_repo_plugins_recursive} "${qt_repo_plugins}") endif() qt_internal_read_repo_dependencies(qt_repo_deps "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}") if(qt_repo_deps) foreach(qt_repo_dep IN LISTS qt_repo_deps) if(TARGET qt_plugins_${qt_repo_dep}) message(DEBUG "${qt_repo_plugins_recursive} depends on qt_plugins_${qt_repo_dep}") add_dependencies(${qt_repo_plugins_recursive} "qt_plugins_${qt_repo_dep}") endif() endforeach() endif() set(qt_repo_targets_name ${project_name_lower}) set(qt_docs_target_name docs_${project_name_lower}) set(qt_docs_prepare_target_name prepare_docs_${project_name_lower}) set(qt_docs_generate_target_name generate_docs_${project_name_lower}) set(qt_docs_html_target_name html_docs_${project_name_lower}) set(qt_docs_qch_target_name qch_docs_${project_name_lower}) set(qt_docs_install_html_target_name install_html_docs_${project_name_lower}) set(qt_docs_install_qch_target_name install_qch_docs_${project_name_lower}) set(qt_docs_install_target_name install_docs_${project_name_lower}) add_custom_target(${qt_docs_target_name}) add_custom_target(${qt_docs_prepare_target_name}) add_custom_target(${qt_docs_generate_target_name}) add_custom_target(${qt_docs_qch_target_name}) add_custom_target(${qt_docs_html_target_name}) add_custom_target(${qt_docs_install_html_target_name}) add_custom_target(${qt_docs_install_qch_target_name}) add_custom_target(${qt_docs_install_target_name}) add_dependencies(${qt_docs_generate_target_name} ${qt_docs_prepare_target_name}) add_dependencies(${qt_docs_html_target_name} ${qt_docs_generate_target_name}) add_dependencies(${qt_docs_target_name} ${qt_docs_html_target_name} ${qt_docs_qch_target_name}) add_dependencies(${qt_docs_install_target_name} ${qt_docs_install_html_target_name} ${qt_docs_install_qch_target_name}) # Make top-level prepare_docs target depend on the repository-level prepare_docs_ target. add_dependencies(prepare_docs ${qt_docs_prepare_target_name}) # Make top-level install_*_docs targets depend on the repository-level install_*_docs targets. add_dependencies(install_html_docs ${qt_docs_install_html_target_name}) add_dependencies(install_qch_docs ${qt_docs_install_qch_target_name}) # Add host_tools meta target, so that developrs can easily build only tools and their # dependencies when working in qtbase. if(NOT TARGET host_tools) add_custom_target(host_tools) add_custom_target(bootstrap_tools) endif() # Add benchmark meta target. It's collection of all benchmarks added/registered by # 'qt_internal_add_benchmark' helper. if(NOT TARGET benchmark) add_custom_target(benchmark) endif() if(QT_INTERNAL_SYNCED_MODULES) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_synced_modules ${QT_INTERNAL_SYNCED_MODULES}) endif() endmacro() # Runs delayed actions on some of the Qt targets. # Can be called either explicitly or as part of qt_build_repo_end(). macro(qt_build_repo_post_process) if(NOT QT_INTERNAL_REPO_POST_PROCESS_CALLED) set(QT_INTERNAL_REPO_POST_PROCESS_CALLED TRUE) if(NOT QT_INTERNAL_BUILD_STANDALONE_PARTS) include(QtPostProcess) endif() endif() endmacro() macro(qt_build_repo_end) if(NOT QT_INTERNAL_BUILD_STANDALONE_PARTS) qt_build_repo_post_process() # Install the repo-specific cmake find modules. qt_path_join(__qt_repo_install_dir ${QT_CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR} ${INSTALL_CMAKE_NAMESPACE}) qt_path_join(__qt_repo_build_dir ${QT_CONFIG_BUILD_DIR} ${INSTALL_CMAKE_NAMESPACE}) if(NOT PROJECT_NAME STREQUAL "QtBase") if(IS_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") qt_copy_or_install(DIRECTORY cmake/ DESTINATION "${__qt_repo_install_dir}" FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "Find*.cmake" ) if(QT_SUPERBUILD AND QT_WILL_INSTALL) file(COPY cmake/ DESTINATION "${__qt_repo_build_dir}" FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "Find*.cmake" ) endif() endif() endif() if(NOT QT_SUPERBUILD) qt_print_feature_summary() endif() endif() qt_build_internals_add_toplevel_targets(${qt_repo_targets_name}) qt_internal_show_extra_ide_sources() if(NOT QT_SUPERBUILD) qt_print_build_instructions() endif() get_property(synced_modules GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_synced_modules) if(synced_modules) set(QT_INTERNAL_SYNCED_MODULES ${synced_modules} CACHE INTERNAL "List of the synced modules. Prevents running syncqt.cpp after the first configuring.") endif() if(NOT QT_SUPERBUILD) qt_internal_save_previously_visited_packages() endif() if(QT_INTERNAL_FRESH_REQUESTED) set(QT_INTERNAL_FRESH_REQUESTED "FALSE" CACHE INTERNAL "") endif() if(NOT QT_SUPERBUILD) qt_internal_qt_configure_end() endif() list(POP_BACK CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT) endmacro() function(qt_internal_show_extra_ide_sources) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.20) set(ide_sources_default OFF) else() set(ide_sources_default ON) endif() option(QT_SHOW_EXTRA_IDE_SOURCES "Generate CMake targets exposing non-source files to IDEs" ${ide_sources_default}) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.20 AND QT_SHOW_EXTRA_IDE_SOURCES) message(WARNING "QT_SHOW_EXTRA_IDE_SOURCES requires cmake-3.20") return() endif() if(NOT QT_SHOW_EXTRA_IDE_SOURCES) return() endif() # coin set(coin_target_name ${qt_repo_targets_name}_coin_files) file(GLOB_RECURSE coin_files LIST_DIRECTORIES false FOLLOW_SYMLINKS coin/*) if(coin_files) source_group(TREE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/coin" FILES ${coin_files}) add_custom_target(${coin_target_name} SOURCES ${coin_files}) endif() # config.test set(config_tests_target_name ${qt_repo_targets_name}_config_tests) file(GLOB_RECURSE config_tests_file LIST_DIRECTORIES false FOLLOW_SYMLINKS config.tests/*) if(config_tests_file) source_group(TREE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.tests" FILES ${config_tests_file}) add_custom_target(${config_tests_target_name} SOURCES ${config_tests_file}) endif() # cmake set(cmake_target_name ${qt_repo_targets_name}_cmake_files) file(GLOB_RECURSE cmake_files LIST_DIRECTORIES false FOLLOW_SYMLINKS cmake/* configure.cmake qt_cmdline.cmake .cmake.conf *.cmake *.cmake.in) foreach(cmake_file IN LISTS cmake_files) if(NOT ((cmake_file IN_LIST coin_files) OR (file IN_LIST config_tests_files))) list(APPEND cmake_target_files ${cmake_file}) endif() endforeach() if(cmake_target_files) source_group(TREE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" FILES ${cmake_target_files}) add_custom_target(${cmake_target_name} SOURCES ${cmake_target_files}) endif() # licenses set(licenses_target_name ${qt_repo_targets_name}_licenses) file(GLOB licenses_files LIST_DIRECTORIES false LICENSES/*) if (EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/licenseRule.json") list(APPEND licenses_files "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/licenseRule.json") endif() if(licenses_files) source_group(TREE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" FILES ${licenses_files}) add_custom_target(${licenses_target_name} SOURCES ${licenses_files}) endif() # changelogs set(changelogs_target_name ${qt_repo_targets_name}_changelogs) file(GLOB change_logs_files LIST_DIRECTORIES false dist/*) if(change_logs_files) source_group(TREE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/dist" FILES ${change_logs_files}) add_custom_target(${changelogs_target_name} SOURCES ${change_logs_files}) endif() # extra files set(target_name ${qt_repo_targets_name}_extra_files) add_custom_target(${target_name}) set(recursive_glob_patterns ${QT_BUILD_EXTRA_IDE_FILE_RECURSIVE_PATTERNS} ) set(simple_glob_patterns .gitattributes .gitignore .tag config_help.txt ${QT_BUILD_EXTRA_IDE_FILE_PATTERNS} ) if(recursive_glob_patterns) file(GLOB_RECURSE files LIST_DIRECTORIES false FOLLOW_SYMLINKS ${recursive_glob_patterns}) if(files) source_group(TREE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" FILES ${files}) target_sources(${target_name} PRIVATE ${files}) endif() endif() file(GLOB files LIST_DIRECTORIES false ${simple_glob_patterns}) if(files) source_group(TREE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" FILES ${files}) target_sources(${target_name} PRIVATE ${files}) endif() endfunction() # Function called either at the end of per-repo configuration, or at the end of configuration of # a super build. # At the moment it is called before examples are configured in a per-repo build. We might want # to change that at some point if needed. function(qt_internal_qt_configure_end) # If Qt is configued via the configure script, remove the marker variable, so that any future # reconfigurations that are done by calling cmake directly don't trigger configure specific # logic. if(QT_INTERNAL_CALLED_FROM_CONFIGURE) unset(QT_INTERNAL_CALLED_FROM_CONFIGURE CACHE) endif() endfunction() macro(qt_build_repo) qt_build_repo_begin(${ARGN}) qt_build_repo_impl_find_package_tests() qt_build_repo_impl_src() qt_build_repo_impl_tools() qt_build_repo_post_process() qt_build_repo_impl_tests() qt_build_repo_end() qt_build_repo_impl_examples() endmacro() macro(qt_build_repo_impl_find_package_tests) # If testing is enabled, try to find the qtbase Test package. # Do this before adding src, because there might be test related conditions # in source. if(QT_BUILD_TESTS AND NOT QT_INTERNAL_BUILD_STANDALONE_PARTS) # When looking for the Test package, do it using the Qt6 package version, in case if # PROJECT_VERSION is following a different versioning scheme. if(Qt6_VERSION) set(_qt_build_repo_impl_find_package_tests_version "${Qt6_VERSION}") else() set(_qt_build_repo_impl_find_package_tests_version "${PROJECT_VERSION}") endif() find_package(Qt6 "${_qt_build_repo_impl_find_package_tests_version}" CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS Test) unset(_qt_build_repo_impl_find_package_tests_version) endif() endmacro() macro(qt_build_repo_impl_src) if(NOT QT_INTERNAL_BUILD_STANDALONE_PARTS) if (EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/CMakeLists.txt") add_subdirectory(src) endif() endif() if(QT_FEATURE_lttng AND NOT TARGET LTTng::UST) qt_find_package(LTTngUST PROVIDED_TARGETS LTTng::UST MODULE_NAME global QMAKE_LIB lttng-ust) endif() endmacro() macro(qt_build_repo_impl_tools) if(NOT QT_INTERNAL_BUILD_STANDALONE_PARTS) if (EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/CMakeLists.txt") add_subdirectory(tools) endif() endif() endmacro() macro(qt_build_repo_impl_tests) if((QT_BUILD_TESTS OR QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_TESTS) AND EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/CMakeLists.txt") if(QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_EXAMPLES) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't build both standalone tests and standalone examples at once.") endif() option(QT_BUILD_TESTS_PROJECT_${PROJECT_NAME} "Configure tests for project ${PROJECT_NAME}" TRUE) if (QT_BUILD_TESTS_PROJECT_${PROJECT_NAME}) add_subdirectory(tests) if(NOT QT_BUILD_TESTS_BY_DEFAULT) set_property(DIRECTORY tests PROPERTY EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL TRUE) endif() endif() endif() endmacro() macro(qt_build_repo_impl_examples) if((QT_BUILD_EXAMPLES OR QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_EXAMPLES) AND EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/CMakeLists.txt") if(QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_TESTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't build both standalone tests and standalone examples at once.") endif() message(STATUS "Configuring examples.") option(QT_BUILD_EXAMPLES_PROJECT_${PROJECT_NAME} "Configure examples for project ${PROJECT_NAME}" TRUE) if(QT_BUILD_EXAMPLES_PROJECT_${PROJECT_NAME}) # Set this before any examples subdirectories are added, to warn about examples that are # added via add_subdirectory() calls instead of qt_internal_add_example(). if(QT_FEATURE_developer_build AND NOT QT_NO_WARN_ABOUT_EXAMPLE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY_WARNING) set(QT_WARN_ABOUT_EXAMPLE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY TRUE) endif() add_subdirectory(examples) endif() endif() endmacro() macro(qt_set_up_standalone_tests_build) # Remove this macro once all usages of it have been removed. # Standalone tests are not handled via the main repo project and qt_build_tests. endmacro() function(qt_get_standalone_parts_config_files_path out_var) # TODO: Rename this to StandaloneParts in some future Qt version, if it confuses people too # much. Currently not renamed, not to break distro installation scripts that might exclude # the files. set(dir_name "StandaloneTests") set(path_suffix "${INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/${INSTALL_CMAKE_NAMESPACE}BuildInternals/${dir_name}") # Each repo's standalone parts might be configured with a unique CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX, # different from any previous one, and it might not coincide with where the BuildInternals # config file is. if(QT_WILL_INSTALL AND CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX) qt_path_join(path "${CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX}" "${path_suffix}") else() qt_path_join(path "${QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_RELOCATABLE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" "${path_suffix}") endif() set("${out_var}" "${path}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(qt_internal_get_standalone_parts_config_file_name out_var) # When doing a "single repo target set" build (like in qtscxqml) ensure we use a unique tests # config file for each repo target set. Using the PROJECT_NAME only is not enough because # the same file will be overridden with different content on each repo set install. set(tests_config_file_name "${PROJECT_NAME}") if(QT_BUILD_SINGLE_REPO_TARGET_SET) string(APPEND tests_config_file_name "RepoSet${QT_BUILD_SINGLE_REPO_TARGET_SET}") endif() # TODO: Rename this to StandalonePartsConfig.cmake in some future Qt version, if it confuses # people too much. Currently not renamed, not to break distro installation scripts that might # exclude # the files. string(APPEND tests_config_file_name "TestsConfig.cmake") set(${out_var} "${tests_config_file_name}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() macro(qt_internal_find_standalone_test_config_file) if(QT_INTERNAL_BUILD_STANDALONE_PARTS) # Of course we always need the test module as well. # When looking for the Test package, do it using the Qt6 package version, in case if # PROJECT_VERSION is following a different versioning scheme. if(Qt6_VERSION) set(_qt_build_tests_package_version "${Qt6_VERSION}") else() set(_qt_build_tests_package_version "${PROJECT_VERSION}") endif() find_package(Qt6 "${_qt_build_tests_package_version}" CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS Test) unset(_qt_build_tests_package_version) endif() endmacro() # Used by standalone tests and standalone non-ExternalProject examples to find all installed qt # packages. macro(qt_internal_find_standalone_parts_config_files) if(QT_INTERNAL_BUILD_STANDALONE_PARTS) # Find location of TestsConfig.cmake. These contain the modules that need to be # find_package'd when building tests or examples. qt_get_standalone_parts_config_files_path(_qt_build_parts_install_prefix) qt_internal_get_standalone_parts_config_file_name(_qt_parts_config_file_name) set(_qt_standalone_parts_config_file_path "${_qt_build_parts_install_prefix}/${_qt_parts_config_file_name}") include("${_qt_standalone_parts_config_file_path}" OPTIONAL RESULT_VARIABLE _qt_standalone_parts_included) if(NOT _qt_standalone_parts_included) message(DEBUG "Standalone parts config file not included because it does not exist: " "${_qt_standalone_parts_config_file_path}" ) else() message(DEBUG "Standalone parts config file included successfully: " "${_qt_standalone_parts_config_file_path}" ) endif() unset(_qt_standalone_parts_config_file_path) unset(_qt_standalone_parts_included) unset(_qt_parts_config_file_name) endif() endmacro() macro(qt_build_tests) # Tests are not unity-ready. set(CMAKE_UNITY_BUILD OFF) # Prepending to QT_BUILD_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH helps find components of Qt6, because those # find_package calls use NO_DEFAULT_PATH, and thus CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is ignored. list(PREPEND CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH "${QT_BUILD_DIR}") list(PREPEND QT_BUILD_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${QT_BUILD_DIR}/${INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake") qt_internal_find_standalone_parts_config_files() qt_internal_find_standalone_test_config_file() if(QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_TESTS) # Set language standards after finding Core, because that's when the relevant # feature variables are available, and the call in QtSetup is too early when building # standalone tests, because Core was not find_package()'d yet. qt_set_language_standards() # Set up fake standalone parts install prefix, so we don't pollute the Qt install # prefix with tests. qt_internal_set_up_fake_standalone_parts_install_prefix() else() if(ANDROID) # When building in-tree tests we need to specify the QT_ANDROID_ABIS list. Since we # build Qt for the single ABI, build tests for this ABI only. set(QT_ANDROID_ABIS "${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI}") endif() endif() if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/auto/CMakeLists.txt") add_subdirectory(auto) endif() if(NOT QT_BUILD_MINIMAL_STATIC_TESTS AND NOT QT_BUILD_MINIMAL_ANDROID_MULTI_ABI_TESTS) if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/baseline/CMakeLists.txt") add_subdirectory(baseline) endif() if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/benchmarks/CMakeLists.txt" AND QT_BUILD_BENCHMARKS) add_subdirectory(benchmarks) endif() if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/manual/CMakeLists.txt" AND QT_BUILD_MANUAL_TESTS) add_subdirectory(manual) # Adding this logic to all tests impacts the configure time ~3sec in addition. We still # might want this in the future for other test types since currently we have a moderate # subset of tests that require manual initialization of autotools. _qt_internal_collect_buildsystem_targets(targets "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/manual" EXCLUDE UTILITY ALIAS) foreach(target ${targets}) qt_autogen_tools(${target} ENABLE_AUTOGEN_TOOLS "moc" "rcc") if(TARGET Qt::Widgets) qt_autogen_tools(${target} ENABLE_AUTOGEN_TOOLS "uic") endif() endforeach() endif() endif() set(CMAKE_UNITY_BUILD ${QT_UNITY_BUILD}) endmacro() function(qt_compute_relative_path_from_cmake_config_dir_to_prefix) # Compute the reverse relative path from the CMake config dir to the install prefix. # This is used in QtBuildInternalsExtras to create a relocatable relative install prefix path. # This path is used for finding syncqt and other things, regardless of initial install prefix # (e.g installed Qt was archived and unpacked to a different path on a different machine). # # This is meant to be called only once when configuring qtbase. # # Similar code exists in Qt6CoreConfigExtras.cmake.in and src/corelib/CMakeLists.txt which # might not be needed anymore. if(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX) set(__qt_prefix "${CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX}") else() set(__qt_prefix "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") endif() if(QT_WILL_INSTALL) get_filename_component(clean_config_prefix "${__qt_prefix}/${QT_CONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}" ABSOLUTE) else() get_filename_component(clean_config_prefix "${QT_CONFIG_BUILD_DIR}" ABSOLUTE) endif() file(RELATIVE_PATH qt_path_from_cmake_config_dir_to_prefix "${clean_config_prefix}" "${__qt_prefix}") set(qt_path_from_cmake_config_dir_to_prefix "${qt_path_from_cmake_config_dir_to_prefix}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(qt_get_relocatable_install_prefix out_var) # We need to compute it only once while building qtbase. Afterwards it's loaded from # QtBuildInternalsExtras.cmake. if(QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_RELOCATABLE_INSTALL_PREFIX) return() endif() # The QtBuildInternalsExtras value is dynamically computed, whereas the initial qtbase # configuration uses an absolute path. set(${out_var} "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(qt_internal_get_fake_standalone_install_prefix out_var) set(new_install_prefix "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/fake_prefix") set(${out_var} "${new_install_prefix}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(qt_internal_set_up_fake_standalone_parts_install_prefix) # Set a fake local (non-cache) CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. # Needed for standalone tests, we don't want to accidentally install a test into the Qt prefix. # Allow opt-out, if a user knows what they're doing. if(QT_NO_FAKE_STANDALONE_TESTS_INSTALL_PREFIX) return() endif() qt_internal_get_fake_standalone_install_prefix(new_install_prefix) # It's IMPORTANT that this is not a cache variable. Otherwise # qt_get_standalone_parts_config_files_path() will not work on re-configuration. message(STATUS "Setting local standalone test install prefix (non-cached) to '${new_install_prefix}'.") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${new_install_prefix}" PARENT_SCOPE) # We also need to clear the staging prefix if it's set, otherwise CMake will modify any computed # rpaths containing the staging prefix to point to the new fake prefix, which is not what we # want. This replacement is done in cmComputeLinkInformation::GetRPath(). # # By clearing the staging prefix for the standalone tests, any detected link time # rpaths will be embedded as-is, which will point to the place where Qt was installed (aka # the staging prefix). if(DEFINED CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX) message(STATUS "Clearing local standalone test staging prefix (non-cached).") set(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX "" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Meant to be called when configuring examples as part of the main build tree (unless standalone # examples are being built), as well as for CMake tests (tests that call CMake to try and build # CMake applications). macro(qt_internal_set_up_build_dir_package_paths) list(PREPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${QT_BUILD_DIR}/${INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake") # Make sure the CMake config files do not recreate the already-existing targets. if(NOT QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_EXAMPLES) set(QT_NO_CREATE_TARGETS TRUE) endif() endmacro() function(qt_internal_static_link_order_test) # The CMake versions greater than 3.21 take care about the resource object files order in a # linker line, it's expected that all object files are located at the beginning of the linker # line. # No need to run the test. if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.21) __qt_internal_check_link_order_matters(link_order_matters) if(link_order_matters) set(summary_message "no") else() set(summary_message "yes") endif() else() set(summary_message "yes") endif() qt_configure_add_summary_entry(TYPE "message" ARGS "Linker can resolve circular dependencies" MESSAGE "${summary_message}" ) endfunction() function(qt_internal_check_cmp0099_available) # Don't care about CMP0099 in CMake versions greater than or equal to 3.21 if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.21) return() endif() __qt_internal_check_cmp0099_available(result) if(result) set(summary_message "yes") else() set(summary_message "no") endif() qt_configure_add_summary_entry(TYPE "message" ARGS "CMake policy CMP0099 is supported" MESSAGE "${summary_message}" ) endfunction() function(qt_internal_run_common_config_tests) qt_configure_add_summary_section(NAME "Common build options") qt_internal_static_link_order_test() qt_internal_check_cmp0099_available() qt_configure_end_summary_section() endfunction() # It is used in QtWebEngine to replace the REALPATH with ABSOLUTE path, which is # useful for building Qt in Homebrew. function(qt_internal_get_filename_path_mode out_var) set(mode REALPATH) if(APPLE AND QT_ALLOW_SYMLINK_IN_PATHS) set(mode ABSOLUTE) endif() set(${out_var} ${mode} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() macro(qt_internal_setup_platform_support_variables) # Define some constants to check for certain platforms, etc. # Needs to be loaded before qt_repo_build() to handle require() clauses before even starting a # repo build. include(QtPlatformSupport) endmacro() function(qt_build_internals_set_up_system_prefixes) if(APPLE AND NOT FEATURE_pkg_config) # Remove /usr/local and other paths like that which CMake considers as system prefixes on # darwin platforms. CMake considers them as system prefixes, but in qmake / Qt land we only # consider the SDK path as a system prefix. # 3rd party libraries in these locations should not be picked up when building Qt, # unless opted-in via the pkg-config feature, which in turn will disable this behavior. # # Note that we can't remove /usr as a system prefix path, because many programs won't be # found then (e.g. perl). set(QT_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH_BACKUP "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(QT_CMAKE_SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_PATH_BACKUP "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_PATH}" PARENT_SCOPE) list(REMOVE_ITEM CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH "/usr/local" # Homebrew "/opt/homebrew" # Apple Silicon Homebrew "/usr/X11R6" "/usr/pkg" "/opt" "/sw" # Fink "/opt/local" # MacPorts ) if(_CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR) list(REMOVE_ITEM CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH "${_CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR}") endif() list(REMOVE_ITEM CMAKE_SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_PATH "~/Library/Frameworks") set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_PATH "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_PATH}" PARENT_SCOPE) # Also tell qt_find_package() not to use PATH when looking for packages. # We can't simply set CMAKE_FIND_USE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH to OFF because that will break # find_program(), and for instance ccache won't be found. # That's why we set a different variable which is used by qt_find_package. set(QT_NO_USE_FIND_PACKAGE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH "ON" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(qt_build_internals_disable_pkg_config_if_needed) # pkg-config should not be used by default on Darwin and Windows platforms (and QNX), as defined # in the qtbase/configure.json. Unfortunately by the time the feature is evaluated there are # already a few find_package() calls that try to use the FindPkgConfig module. # Thus, we have to duplicate the condition logic here and disable pkg-config for those platforms # by default. # We also need to check if the pkg-config executable exists, to mirror the condition test in # configure.json. We do that by trying to find the executable ourselves, and not delegating to # the FindPkgConfig module because that has more unwanted side-effects. # # Note that on macOS, if the pkg-config feature is enabled by the user explicitly, we will also # tell CMake to consider paths like /usr/local (Homebrew) as system paths when looking for # packages. # We have to do that because disabling these paths but keeping pkg-config # enabled won't enable finding all system libraries via pkg-config alone, many libraries can # only be found via FooConfig.cmake files which means /usr/local should be in the system prefix # path. set(pkg_config_enabled ON) qt_build_internals_find_pkg_config_executable() if(APPLE OR WIN32 OR QNX OR ANDROID OR WASM OR (NOT PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)) set(pkg_config_enabled OFF) endif() # If user explicitly specified a value for the feature, honor it, even if it might break # the build. if(DEFINED FEATURE_pkg_config) if(FEATURE_pkg_config) set(pkg_config_enabled ON) else() set(pkg_config_enabled OFF) endif() endif() set(FEATURE_pkg_config "${pkg_config_enabled}" CACHE STRING "Using pkg-config") if(NOT pkg_config_enabled) qt_build_internals_disable_pkg_config() else() unset(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE CACHE) endif() endfunction() # This is a copy of the first few lines in FindPkgConfig.cmake. function(qt_build_internals_find_pkg_config_executable) # find pkg-config, use PKG_CONFIG if set if((NOT PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) AND (NOT "$ENV{PKG_CONFIG}" STREQUAL "")) set(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE "$ENV{PKG_CONFIG}" CACHE FILEPATH "pkg-config executable") endif() find_program(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE NAMES pkg-config DOC "pkg-config executable") mark_as_advanced(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) endfunction() function(qt_build_internals_disable_pkg_config) # Disable pkg-config by setting an empty executable path. There's no documented way to # mark the package as not found, but we can force all pkg_check_modules calls to do nothing # by setting the variable to an empty value. set(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE "" CACHE STRING "Disabled pkg-config usage." FORCE) endfunction() macro(qt_build_internals_find_pkg_config) # Find package config once before any system prefix modifications. find_package(PkgConfig QUIET) endmacro() macro(qt_internal_setup_pkg_config_and_system_prefixes) if(NOT QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_SKIP_PKG_CONFIG_ADJUSTMENT) qt_build_internals_disable_pkg_config_if_needed() endif() if(NOT QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_SKIP_FIND_PKG_CONFIG) qt_build_internals_find_pkg_config() endif() if(NOT QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_SKIP_SYSTEM_PREFIX_ADJUSTMENT) qt_build_internals_set_up_system_prefixes() endif() endmacro() macro(qt_internal_setup_standalone_test_when_called_as_a_find_package_component) if ("STANDALONE_TEST" IN_LIST Qt6BuildInternals_FIND_COMPONENTS) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/QtStandaloneTestTemplateProject/Main.cmake) if (NOT PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR) get_property(_qt_major_version TARGET ${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::Core PROPERTY INTERFACE_QT_MAJOR_VERSION) set(PROJECT_VERSION ${Qt${_qt_major_version}Core_VERSION}) string(REPLACE "." ";" _qt_core_version_list ${PROJECT_VERSION}) list(GET _qt_core_version_list 0 PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR) list(GET _qt_core_version_list 1 PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR) list(GET _qt_core_version_list 2 PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH) endif() endif() endmacro() macro(qt_internal_setup_build_internals) qt_internal_set_qt_repo_dependencies() qt_internal_setup_platform_support_variables() qt_internal_setup_pkg_config_and_system_prefixes() qt_internal_setup_standalone_test_when_called_as_a_find_package_component() endmacro() # Recursively reads the dependencies section from dependencies.yaml in ${repo_dir} and returns the # list of dependencies, including transitive ones, in out_var. # # The returned dependencies are topologically sorted. # # Example output for qtdeclarative: # qtbase;qtimageformats;qtlanguageserver;qtshadertools;qtsvg # function(qt_internal_read_repo_dependencies out_var repo_dir) set(seen ${ARGN}) set(dependencies "") set(in_dependencies_section FALSE) set(dependencies_file "${repo_dir}/dependencies.yaml") if(EXISTS "${dependencies_file}") file(STRINGS "${dependencies_file}" lines) foreach(line IN LISTS lines) if(line MATCHES "^([^ ]+):") if(CMAKE_MATCH_1 STREQUAL "dependencies") set(in_dependencies_section TRUE) else() set(in_dependencies_section FALSE) endif() elseif(in_dependencies_section AND line MATCHES "^ (.+):$") set(dependency "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") set(dependency_repo_dir "${repo_dir}/${dependency}") string(REGEX MATCH "[^/]+$" dependency "${dependency}") if(NOT dependency IN_LIST seen) qt_internal_read_repo_dependencies(subdeps "${dependency_repo_dir}" ${seen} ${dependency}) if(dependency MATCHES "^tqtc-(.+)") set(dependency "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") endif() list(APPEND dependencies ${subdeps} ${dependency}) endif() endif() endforeach() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES dependencies) endif() set(${out_var} "${dependencies}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() macro(qt_internal_set_qt_repo_dependencies) # The top-level check needs to happen because it's possible # to configure a top-level build with a few repos and then configure another repo # using qt-configure-module in a separate build dir, where QT_SUPERBUILD will not # be set anymore. if(DEFINED QT_REPO_MODULE_VERSION AND NOT DEFINED QT_REPO_DEPENDENCIES AND NOT QT_SUPERBUILD) qt_internal_read_repo_dependencies(QT_REPO_DEPENDENCIES "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}") endif() endmacro()