# Set warnings. All compilers except MSVC support -Wall -Wextra # Allow opting out by setting a QT_COMPILE_WARNINGS_OFF property on targets. This would be the # equivalent of qmake's CONFIG += warn_off. set(_qt_compiler_warning_flags_on "") set(_qt_compiler_warning_flags_off "") if (MSVC) list(APPEND _qt_compiler_warning_flags_on /W3) list(APPEND _qt_compiler_warning_flags_off -W0) else() if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GHS") # There is no -Wextra flag for GHS compiler. list(APPEND _qt_compiler_warning_flags_on -Wall) else() list(APPEND _qt_compiler_warning_flags_on -Wall -Wextra) endif() list(APPEND _qt_compiler_warning_flags_off -w) endif() set(_qt_compiler_warning_flags_condition "$>") set(_qt_compiler_warning_flags_genex "$") # Need to replace semicolons so that the list is not wrongly expanded in the add_compile_options # call. string(REPLACE ";" "$" _qt_compiler_warning_flags_genex "${_qt_compiler_warning_flags_genex}") add_compile_options(${_qt_compiler_warning_flags_genex})