# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # helper to set up a qdbusxml2cpp rule function(qt_create_qdbusxml2cpp_command target infile) qt_parse_all_arguments(arg "qt_create_qdbusxml2cpp_command" "ADAPTOR;INTERFACE" "BASENAME" "FLAGS" ${ARGN}) if((arg_ADAPTOR AND arg_INTERFACE) OR (NOT arg_ADAPTOR AND NOT arg_INTERFACE)) message(FATAL_ERROR "qt_create_dbusxml2cpp_command needs either ADAPTOR or INTERFACE.") endif() set(option "-a") set(type "adaptor") if (arg_INTERFACE) set(option "-p") set(type "interface") endif() if ("${arg_BASENAME}" STREQUAL "") get_filename_component(file_dir "${infile}" DIRECTORY) get_filename_component(file_name "${infile}" NAME_WLE) get_filename_component(file_ext "${infile}" LAST_EXT) if("${file_ext}" STREQUAL ".xml") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "DBUS ${type} input file is not xml.") endif() # use last part of io.qt.something.xml! get_filename_component(file_ext "${file_name}" LAST_EXT) if("x${file_ext}" STREQUAL "x") else() string(SUBSTRING "${file_ext}" 1 -1 file_name) # cut of leading '.' endif() string(TOLOWER "${file_name}" file_name) set(file_name "${file_name}_${type}") else() set(file_name ${arg_BASENAME}) endif() # Use absolute file path for the source file and set the current working directory to the # current binary directory, because setting an absolute path for the header:source combo option # does not work. Splitting on ":" breaks inside the dbus tool when running on Windows # due to ":" being contained in the drive path (e.g C:\foo.h:C:\foo.cpp). get_filename_component(absolute_in_file_path "${infile}" ABSOLUTE) set(header_file "${file_name}.h") set(source_file "${file_name}.cpp") set(header_file_full "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${file_name}.h") set(source_file_full "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${file_name}.cpp") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${header_file_full}" "${source_file_full}" COMMAND ${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::qdbusxml2cpp ${arg_FLAGS} "${option}" "${header_file}:${source_file}" "${absolute_in_file_path}" DEPENDS "${absolute_in_file_path}" ${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::qdbusxml2cpp WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" VERBATIM) target_sources("${target}" PRIVATE "${header_file_full}" "${source_file_full}" ) endfunction()