# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # This function creates a CMake target for a generic console or GUI binary. # Please consider to use a more specific version target like the one created # by qt_add_test or qt_add_tool below. # One-value Arguments: # CORE_LIBRARY # The argument accepts 'Bootstrap' or 'None' values. If the argument value is set to # 'Bootstrap' the Qt::Bootstrap library is linked to the executable instead of Qt::Core. # The 'None' value points that core library is not necessary and avoids linking neither # Qt::Core or Qt::Bootstrap libraries. Otherwise the Qt::Core library will be publicly # linked to the executable target by default. function(qt_internal_add_executable name) qt_parse_all_arguments(arg "qt_internal_add_executable" "${__qt_internal_add_executable_optional_args}" "${__qt_internal_add_executable_single_args}" "${__qt_internal_add_executable_multi_args}" ${ARGN}) if ("x${arg_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}" STREQUAL "x") set(arg_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${QT_BUILD_DIR}/${INSTALL_BINDIR}") endif() get_filename_component(arg_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${arg_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${QT_BUILD_DIR}") if ("x${arg_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}" STREQUAL "x") set(arg_INSTALL_DIRECTORY "${INSTALL_BINDIR}") endif() _qt_internal_create_executable(${name}) if(ANDROID) _qt_internal_android_executable_finalizer(${name}) endif() if(arg_QT_APP AND QT_FEATURE_debug_and_release AND CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.19.0") set_property(TARGET "${name}" PROPERTY EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL "$>") endif() if (arg_VERSION) if(arg_VERSION MATCHES "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+") # nothing to do elseif(arg_VERSION MATCHES "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+") set(arg_VERSION "${arg_VERSION}.0") elseif(arg_VERSION MATCHES "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+") set(arg_VERSION "${arg_VERSION}.0.0") elseif (arg_VERSION MATCHES "[0-9]+") set(arg_VERSION "${arg_VERSION}.0.0.0") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid version format") endif() endif() if(arg_DELAY_TARGET_INFO) # Delay the setting of target info properties if requested. Needed for scope finalization # of Qt apps. set_target_properties("${name}" PROPERTIES QT_DELAYED_TARGET_VERSION "${arg_VERSION}" QT_DELAYED_TARGET_PRODUCT "${arg_TARGET_PRODUCT}" QT_DELAYED_TARGET_DESCRIPTION "${arg_TARGET_DESCRIPTION}" QT_DELAYED_TARGET_COMPANY "${arg_TARGET_COMPANY}" QT_DELAYED_TARGET_COPYRIGHT "${arg_TARGET_COPYRIGHT}" ) else() if("${arg_TARGET_DESCRIPTION}" STREQUAL "") set(arg_TARGET_DESCRIPTION "Qt ${name}") endif() qt_set_target_info_properties(${name} ${ARGN} TARGET_DESCRIPTION "${arg_TARGET_DESCRIPTION}" TARGET_VERSION "${arg_VERSION}") endif() if (WIN32 AND NOT arg_DELAY_RC) _qt_internal_generate_win32_rc_file(${name}) endif() qt_set_common_target_properties(${name}) qt_internal_add_repo_local_defines(${name}) if(ANDROID) # The above call to qt_set_common_target_properties() sets the symbol # visibility to hidden, but for Android, we need main() to not be hidden # because it has to be loadable at runtime using dlopen(). set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY C_VISIBILITY_PRESET default) set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET default) endif() qt_autogen_tools_initial_setup(${name}) qt_skip_warnings_are_errors_when_repo_unclean("${name}") set(extra_libraries "") if(arg_CORE_LIBRARY STREQUAL "Bootstrap") list(APPEND extra_libraries ${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::Bootstrap) elseif(NOT arg_CORE_LIBRARY STREQUAL "None") list(APPEND extra_libraries ${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::Core) endif() set(private_includes "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" ${arg_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES} ) if(arg_PUBLIC_LIBRARIES) message(WARNING "qt_internal_add_executable's PUBLIC_LIBRARIES option is deprecated, and will be " "removed in a future Qt version. Use the LIBRARIES option instead.") endif() qt_internal_extend_target("${name}" SOURCES ${arg_SOURCES} INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${private_includes} DEFINES ${arg_DEFINES} LIBRARIES ${arg_LIBRARIES} ${arg_PUBLIC_LIBRARIES} Qt::PlatformCommonInternal ${extra_libraries} DBUS_ADAPTOR_SOURCES "${arg_DBUS_ADAPTOR_SOURCES}" DBUS_ADAPTOR_FLAGS "${arg_DBUS_ADAPTOR_FLAGS}" DBUS_INTERFACE_SOURCES "${arg_DBUS_INTERFACE_SOURCES}" DBUS_INTERFACE_FLAGS "${arg_DBUS_INTERFACE_FLAGS}" COMPILE_OPTIONS ${arg_COMPILE_OPTIONS} LINK_OPTIONS ${arg_LINK_OPTIONS} MOC_OPTIONS ${arg_MOC_OPTIONS} ENABLE_AUTOGEN_TOOLS ${arg_ENABLE_AUTOGEN_TOOLS} DISABLE_AUTOGEN_TOOLS ${arg_DISABLE_AUTOGEN_TOOLS} ) set_target_properties("${name}" PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${arg_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}" LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${arg_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}" WIN32_EXECUTABLE "${arg_GUI}" MACOSX_BUNDLE "${arg_GUI}" ) if(WASM) # WASM unconditionally sets DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=1 qt_internal_set_exceptions_flags("${name}" NO_EXCEPTIONS) else() qt_internal_set_exceptions_flags("${name}" ${arg_EXCEPTIONS}) endif() if(WASM) qt_internal_wasm_add_finalizers("${name}") endif() # Check if target needs to be excluded from all target. Also affects qt_install. # Set by qt_exclude_tool_directories_from_default_target. set(exclude_from_all FALSE) if(__qt_exclude_tool_directories) foreach(absolute_dir ${__qt_exclude_tool_directories}) string(FIND "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${absolute_dir}" dir_starting_pos) if(dir_starting_pos EQUAL 0) set(exclude_from_all TRUE) set_target_properties("${name}" PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL TRUE) break() endif() endforeach() endif() if(NOT arg_NO_INSTALL) set(additional_install_args "") if(exclude_from_all) list(APPEND additional_install_args EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL COMPONENT "ExcludedExecutables") endif() qt_get_cmake_configurations(cmake_configs) foreach(cmake_config ${cmake_configs}) qt_get_install_target_default_args( OUT_VAR install_targets_default_args CMAKE_CONFIG "${cmake_config}" ALL_CMAKE_CONFIGS "${cmake_configs}" RUNTIME "${arg_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}" LIBRARY "${arg_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}" BUNDLE "${arg_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}") # Make installation optional for targets that are not built by default in this config if(NOT exclude_from_all AND arg_QT_APP AND QT_FEATURE_debug_and_release AND NOT (cmake_config STREQUAL QT_MULTI_CONFIG_FIRST_CONFIG)) set(install_optional_arg "OPTIONAL") else() unset(install_optional_arg) endif() qt_install(TARGETS "${name}" ${additional_install_args} # Needs to be before the DESTINATIONS. ${install_optional_arg} CONFIGURATIONS ${cmake_config} ${install_targets_default_args}) endforeach() if(NOT exclude_from_all AND arg_QT_APP AND QT_FEATURE_debug_and_release) set(separate_debug_info_executable_arg "QT_EXECUTABLE") else() unset(separate_debug_info_executable_arg) endif() qt_enable_separate_debug_info(${name} "${arg_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}" ${separate_debug_info_executable_arg} ADDITIONAL_INSTALL_ARGS ${additional_install_args}) qt_internal_install_pdb_files(${name} "${arg_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}") endif() # If linking against Gui, make sure to also build the default QPA plugin. # This makes the experience of an initial Qt configuration to build and run one single # test / executable nicer. get_target_property(linked_libs "${name}" LINK_LIBRARIES) if("Qt::Gui" IN_LIST linked_libs AND TARGET qpa_default_plugins) add_dependencies("${name}" qpa_default_plugins) endif() # For static plugins, we need to explicitly link to plugins we want to be # loaded with the executable. User projects get that automatically, but # for tools built as part of Qt, we can't use that mechanism because it # would pollute the targets we export as part of an install and lead to # circular dependencies. The logic here is a simpler equivalent of the # more dynamic logic in QtPlugins.cmake.in, but restricted to only # adding plugins that are provided by the same module as the module # libraries the executable links to. set(libs ${arg_LIBRARIES} ${arg_PUBLIC_LIBRARIES} ${extra_libraries} Qt::PlatformCommonInternal ) set(deduped_libs "") foreach(lib IN LISTS libs) if(NOT TARGET "${lib}") continue() endif() # Normalize module by stripping any leading "Qt::", because properties are set on the # versioned target (either Gui when building the module, or Qt6::Gui when it's # imported). if(lib MATCHES "Qt::([-_A-Za-z0-9]+)") set(new_lib "${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") if(TARGET "${new_lib}") set(lib "${new_lib}") endif() endif() # Unalias the target. get_target_property(aliased_target ${lib} ALIASED_TARGET) if(aliased_target) set(lib ${aliased_target}) endif() list(APPEND deduped_libs "${lib}") endforeach() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES deduped_libs) foreach(lib IN LISTS deduped_libs) string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${name}_plugin_imports_${lib}" out_file) string(APPEND out_file .cpp) # Initialize plugins that are built in the same repository as the Qt module 'lib'. set(class_names_regular "$>") # Initialize plugins that are built in the current Qt repository, but are associated # with a Qt module from a different repository (qtsvg's QSvgPlugin associated with # qtbase's QtGui). string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${PROJECT_NAME}" current_project_name) set(prop_prefix "_qt_repo_${current_project_name}") set(class_names_current_project "$>") # Only add separator if first list is not empty, so we don't trigger the file generation # when all lists are empty. set(class_names_separator "$<$>:;>" ) set(class_names "${class_names_regular}${class_names_separator}${class_names_current_project}") set(out_file_path "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${out_file}") file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${out_file_path}" CONTENT "// This file is auto-generated. Do not edit. #include Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN($) " CONDITION "$>" ) # CMake versions earlier than 3.18.0 can't find the generated file for some reason, # failing at generation phase. # Explicitly marking the file as GENERATED fixes the issue. set_source_files_properties("${out_file_path}" PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) target_sources(${name} PRIVATE "$<$>:${out_file_path}>" ) target_link_libraries(${name} PRIVATE "$" "$") endforeach() endfunction() # This function compiles the target at configure time the very first time and creates the custom # ${target}_build that re-runs compilation at build time if necessary. The resulting executable is # imported under the provided target name. This function should only be used to compile tiny # executables with system dependencies only. # One-value Arguments: # CMAKELISTS_TEMPLATE # The CMakeLists.txt templated that is used to configure the project # for an executable. By default the predefined template from the Qt installation is used. # INSTALL_DIRECTORY # installation directory of the executable. Ignored if NO_INSTALL is set. # OUTPUT_NAME # the output name of an executable # CONFIG # the name of configuration that tool needs to be build with. # Multi-value Arguments: # PACKAGES # list of system packages are required to successfully build the project. # INCLUDES # list of include directories are required to successfully build the project. # DEFINES # list of definitions are required to successfully build the project. # COMPILE_OPTIONS # list of compiler options are required to successfully build the project. # LINK_OPTIONS # list of linker options are required to successfully build the project. # SOURCES # list of project sources. # CMAKE_FLAGS # specify flags of the form -DVAR:TYPE=VALUE to be passed to the cmake command-line used to # drive the test build. # Options: # WIN32 # reflects the corresponding add_executable argument. # MACOSX_BUNDLE # reflects the corresponding add_executable argument. # NO_INSTALL # avoids installing the tool. function(qt_internal_add_configure_time_executable target) set(one_value_args CMAKELISTS_TEMPLATE INSTALL_DIRECTORY OUTPUT_NAME CONFIG ) set(multi_value_args PACKAGES INCLUDES DEFINES COMPILE_OPTIONS LINK_OPTIONS SOURCES CMAKE_FLAGS ) set(option_args WIN32 MACOSX_BUNDLE NO_INSTALL) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 arg "${option_args}" "${one_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}") set(target_binary_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/configure_time_bins") if(arg_CONFIG) set(CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_CONFIGURATION "${arg_CONFIG}") endif() get_cmake_property(is_multi_config GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG) if(is_multi_config AND CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_CONFIGURATION) set(configuration_path "${CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_CONFIGURATION}/") set(config_build_arg "--config" "${CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_CONFIGURATION}") endif() set(configure_time_target "${target}") if(arg_OUTPUT_NAME) set(configure_time_target "${arg_OUTPUT_NAME}") endif() set(target_binary "${configure_time_target}${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}") set(target_binary_path "${target_binary_dir}/${configuration_path}${target_binary}") get_filename_component(target_binary_path "${target_binary_path}" ABSOLUTE) if(NOT DEFINED arg_SOURCES) message(FATAL_ERROR "No SOURCES given to target: ${target}") endif() set(sources "${arg_SOURCES}") # Timestamp file is required because CMake ignores 'add_custom_command' if we use only the # binary file as the OUTPUT. set(timestamp_file "${target_binary_path}_timestamp") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${target_binary_path}" "${timestamp_file}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build "${target_binary_dir}" ${config_build_arg} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch "${timestamp_file}" DEPENDS ${sources} COMMENT "Compiling ${target}" VERBATIM ) add_custom_target(${target}_build ALL DEPENDS "${target_binary_path}" "${timestamp_file}" ) if(NOT EXISTS "${target_binary_path}") foreach(arg IN LISTS multi_value_args) string(TOLOWER "${arg}" template_arg_name) set(${template_arg_name} "") if(DEFINED arg_${arg}) set(${template_arg_name} "${arg_${arg}}") endif() endforeach() foreach(arg IN LISTS option_args) string(TOLOWER "${arg}" template_arg_name) set(${template_arg_name} "") if(arg_${arg}) set(${template_arg_name} "${arg}") endif() endforeach() file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${target_binary_dir}") set(template "${QT_CMAKE_DIR}/QtConfigureTimeExecutableCMakeLists.txt.in") if(DEFINED arg_CMAKELISTS_TEMPLATE) set(template "${arg_CMAKELISTS_TEMPLATE}") endif() set(cmake_flags_arg) if(arg_CMAKE_FLAGS) set(cmake_flags_arg CMAKE_FLAGS "${arg_CMAKE_FLAGS}") endif() configure_file("${template}" "${target_binary_dir}/CMakeLists.txt" @ONLY) try_compile(result "${target_binary_dir}" "${target_binary_dir}" ${target} ${cmake_flags_arg} OUTPUT_VARIABLE try_compile_output ) if(NOT result) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to build ${target}: ${try_compile_output}") endif() endif() add_executable(${target} IMPORTED GLOBAL) add_executable(${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::${target} ALIAS ${target}) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES _qt_internal_configure_time_target TRUE IMPORTED_LOCATION "${target_binary_path}") if(NOT arg_NO_INSTALL) set(install_dir "${INSTALL_BINDIR}") if(arg_INSTALL_DIRECTORY) set(install_dir "${arg_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}") endif() set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES _qt_internal_configure_time_target_install_location "${install_dir}/${target_binary}" ) qt_path_join(target_install_dir ${QT_INSTALL_DIR} ${install_dir}) qt_copy_or_install(PROGRAMS "${target_binary_path}" DESTINATION "${target_install_dir}") endif() endfunction()