# This function recursively walks transitive link libraries of the given target # and promotes those targets to be IMPORTED_GLOBAL if they are not. # # This is required for .prl file generation in top-level builds, to make sure that imported 3rd # party library targets in any repo are made global, so there are no scoping issues. # # Only works if called from qt_find_package(), because the promotion needs to happen in the same # directory scope where the imported target is first created. # # Uses __qt_internal_walk_libs. function(qt_find_package_promote_targets_to_global_scope target) __qt_internal_walk_libs("${target}" _discarded_out_var _discarded_out_var_2 "qt_find_package_targets_dict" "promote_global") endfunction() macro(qt_find_package) # Get the target names we expect to be provided by the package. set(find_package_options CONFIG NO_MODULE MODULE REQUIRED) set(options ${find_package_options} MARK_OPTIONAL) set(oneValueArgs MODULE_NAME QMAKE_LIB) set(multiValueArgs PROVIDED_TARGETS COMPONENTS OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS) cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) # If some Qt internal project calls qt_find_package(WrapFreeType), but WrapFreeType was already # found as part of a find_dependency() call from a ModuleDependencies.cmake file (or similar), # and the provided target is also found, that means this might have been an unnecessary # qt_find_package() call, because the dependency was already found via some other transitive # dependency. Return early, so that CMake doesn't fail wiht an error with trying to promote the # targets to be global. This behavior is not enabled by default, because there are cases # when a regular find_package() (non qt_) can find a package (Freetype -> PNG), and a subsequent # qt_find_package(PNG PROVIDED_TARGET PNG::PNG) still needs to succeed and register the provided # targets. To enable the debugging behavior, set QT_DEBUG_QT_FIND_PACKAGE to 1. set(_qt_find_package_skip_find_package FALSE) if(QT_DEBUG_QT_FIND_PACKAGE AND ${ARGV0}_FOUND AND arg_PROVIDED_TARGETS) set(_qt_find_package_skip_find_package TRUE) foreach(qt_find_package_target_name ${arg_PROVIDED_TARGETS}) if(NOT TARGET ${qt_find_package_target_name}) set(_qt_find_package_skip_find_package FALSE) endif() endforeach() if(_qt_find_package_skip_find_package) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "qt_find_package(${ARGV0}) called even though the package " "was already found. Consider removing the call.") endif() endif() # When configure.cmake is included only to record summary entries, there's no point in looking # for the packages. if(__QtFeature_only_record_summary_entries) set(_qt_find_package_skip_find_package TRUE) endif() # Get the version if specified. set(package_version "") if(${ARGC} GREATER_EQUAL 2) if(${ARGV1} MATCHES "^[0-9\.]+$") set(package_version "${ARGV1}") endif() endif() if(arg_COMPONENTS) # Re-append components to forward them. list(APPEND arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS "COMPONENTS;${arg_COMPONENTS}") endif() if(arg_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS) # Re-append optional components to forward them. list(APPEND arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS "OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS;${arg_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS}") endif() # Don't look for packages in PATH if requested to. if(QT_NO_USE_FIND_PACKAGE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH) set(_qt_find_package_use_system_env_backup "${CMAKE_FIND_USE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH}") set(CMAKE_FIND_USE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH "OFF") endif() if(NOT (arg_CONFIG OR arg_NO_MODULE OR arg_MODULE) AND NOT _qt_find_package_skip_find_package) # Try to find a config package first in quiet mode set(config_package_arg ${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) list(APPEND config_package_arg "CONFIG;QUIET") find_package(${config_package_arg}) # Double check that in config mode the targets become visible. Sometimes # only the module mode creates the targets. For example with vcpkg, the sqlite # package provides sqlite3-config.cmake, which offers multi-config targets but # in their own way. CMake has FindSQLite3.cmake and with the original # qt_find_package(SQLite3) call it is our intention to use the cmake package # in module mode. if (${ARGV0}_FOUND AND arg_PROVIDED_TARGETS) unset(any_target_found) foreach(expected_target ${arg_PROVIDED_TARGETS}) if (TARGET ${expected_target}) set(any_target_found TRUE) break() endif() endforeach() if(NOT any_target_found) unset(${ARGV0}_FOUND) endif() endif() endif() # Ensure the options are back in the original unparsed arguments foreach(opt IN LISTS find_package_options) if(arg_${opt}) list(APPEND arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS ${opt}) endif() endforeach() # TODO: Handle packages with components where a previous component is already found. # E.g. find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS BuildInternals) followed by # qt_find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Core) doesn't end up calling find_package(Qt6Core). if (NOT ${ARGV0}_FOUND AND NOT _qt_find_package_skip_find_package) # Unset the NOTFOUND ${package}_DIR var that might have been set by the previous # find_package call, to get rid of "not found" messagees in the feature summary # if the package is found by the next find_package call. if(DEFINED CACHE{${ARGV0}_DIR} AND NOT ${ARGV0}_DIR) unset(${ARGV0}_DIR CACHE) endif() # Call original function without our custom arguments. find_package(${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) endif() if(QT_NO_USE_FIND_PACKAGE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH) if("${_qt_find_package_use_system_env_backup}" STREQUAL "") unset(CMAKE_FIND_USE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH) else() set(CMAKE_FIND_USE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH "${_qt_find_package_use_system_env_backup}") endif() endif() if(${ARGV0}_FOUND AND arg_PROVIDED_TARGETS AND NOT _qt_find_package_skip_find_package) # If package was found, associate each target with its package name. This will be used # later when creating Config files for Qt libraries, to generate correct find_dependency() # calls. Also make the provided targets global, so that the properties can be read in # all scopes. foreach(qt_find_package_target_name ${arg_PROVIDED_TARGETS}) if(TARGET ${qt_find_package_target_name}) # Allow usage of aliased targets by setting properties on the actual target get_target_property(aliased_target ${qt_find_package_target_name} ALIASED_TARGET) if(aliased_target) set(qt_find_package_target_name ${aliased_target}) endif() set_target_properties(${qt_find_package_target_name} PROPERTIES INTERFACE_QT_PACKAGE_NAME ${ARGV0} INTERFACE_QT_PACKAGE_IS_OPTIONAL ${arg_MARK_OPTIONAL}) if(package_version) set_target_properties(${qt_find_package_target_name} PROPERTIES INTERFACE_QT_PACKAGE_VERSION ${ARGV1}) endif() if(arg_COMPONENTS) string(REPLACE ";" " " components_as_string "${arg_COMPONENTS}") set_property(TARGET ${qt_find_package_target_name} PROPERTY INTERFACE_QT_PACKAGE_COMPONENTS ${components_as_string}) endif() if(arg_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS) string(REPLACE ";" " " components_as_string "${arg_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS}") set_property(TARGET ${qt_find_package_target_name} PROPERTY INTERFACE_QT_PACKAGE_OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS ${components_as_string}) endif() get_property(is_global TARGET ${qt_find_package_target_name} PROPERTY IMPORTED_GLOBAL) qt_internal_should_not_promote_package_target_to_global( "${qt_find_package_target_name}" should_not_promote) if(NOT is_global AND NOT should_not_promote) __qt_internal_promote_target_to_global(${qt_find_package_target_name}) qt_find_package_promote_targets_to_global_scope( "${qt_find_package_target_name}") endif() endif() endforeach() if(arg_MODULE_NAME AND arg_QMAKE_LIB AND (NOT arg_QMAKE_LIB IN_LIST QT_QMAKE_LIBS_FOR_${arg_MODULE_NAME})) set(QT_QMAKE_LIBS_FOR_${arg_MODULE_NAME} ${QT_QMAKE_LIBS_FOR_${arg_MODULE_NAME}};${arg_QMAKE_LIB} CACHE INTERNAL "") set(QT_TARGETS_OF_QMAKE_LIB_${arg_QMAKE_LIB} ${arg_PROVIDED_TARGETS} CACHE INTERNAL "") foreach(provided_target ${arg_PROVIDED_TARGETS}) set(QT_QMAKE_LIB_OF_TARGET_${provided_target} ${arg_QMAKE_LIB} CACHE INTERNAL "") endforeach() endif() endif() endmacro() # Return qmake library name for the given target, e.g. return "vulkan" for "Vulkan::Vulkan". function(qt_internal_map_target_to_qmake_lib target out_var) set(${out_var} "${QT_QMAKE_LIB_OF_TARGET_${target}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # This function records a dependency between ${main_target_name} and ${dep_package_name}. # at the CMake package level. # E.g. The Tools package that provides the qtwaylandscanner target # needs to call find_package(WaylandScanner) (non-qt-package). # main_target_name = qtwaylandscanner # dep_package_name = WaylandScanner function(qt_record_extra_package_dependency main_target_name dep_package_name dep_package_version) if(NOT TARGET "${main_target_name}") qt_get_tool_target_name(main_target_name "${main_target_name}") endif() if (TARGET "${main_target_name}") get_target_property(extra_packages "${main_target_name}" QT_EXTRA_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES) if(NOT extra_packages) set(extra_packages "") endif() list(APPEND extra_packages "${dep_package_name}\;${dep_package_version}") set_target_properties("${main_target_name}" PROPERTIES QT_EXTRA_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES "${extra_packages}") endif() endfunction() # This function records a dependency between ${main_target_name} and ${dep_target_name} # at the CMake package level. # E.g. Qt6CoreConfig.cmake needs to find_package(Qt6EntryPointPrivate). # main_target_name = Core # dep_target_name = EntryPointPrivate # This is just a convenience function that deals with Qt targets and their associated packages # instead of raw package names. function(qt_record_extra_qt_package_dependency main_target_name dep_target_name dep_package_version) # EntryPointPrivate -> Qt6EntryPointPrivate. qt_internal_qtfy_target(qtfied_target_name "${dep_target_name}") qt_record_extra_package_dependency("${main_target_name}" "${qtfied_target_name_versioned}" "${dep_package_version}") endfunction() # This function records a 'QtFooTools' package dependency for the ${main_target_name} target # onto the ${dep_package_name} tools package. # E.g. The QtWaylandCompositor package needs to call find_package(QtWaylandScannerTools). # main_target_name = WaylandCompositor # dep_package_name = Qt6WaylandScannerTools function(qt_record_extra_main_tools_package_dependency main_target_name dep_package_name dep_package_version) if(NOT TARGET "${main_target_name}") qt_get_tool_target_name(main_target_name "${main_target_name}") endif() if (TARGET "${main_target_name}") get_target_property(extra_packages "${main_target_name}" QT_EXTRA_TOOLS_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES) if(NOT extra_packages) set(extra_packages "") endif() list(APPEND extra_packages "${dep_package_name}\;${dep_package_version}") set_target_properties("${main_target_name}" PROPERTIES QT_EXTRA_TOOLS_PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES "${extra_packages}") endif() endfunction() # This function records a 'QtFooTools' package dependency for the ${main_target_name} target # onto the ${dep_non_versioned_package_name} Tools package. # main_target_name = WaylandCompositor # dep_non_versioned_package_name = WaylandScannerTools # This is just a convenience function to avoid hardcoding the qtified version in the dep package # name. function(qt_record_extra_qt_main_tools_package_dependency main_target_name dep_non_versioned_package_name dep_package_version) # WaylandScannerTools -> Qt6WaylandScannerTools. qt_internal_qtfy_target(qtfied_package_name "${dep_non_versioned_package_name}") qt_record_extra_main_tools_package_dependency( "${main_target_name}" "${qtfied_package_name_versioned}" "${dep_package_version}") endfunction() # Record an extra 3rd party target as a dependency for ${main_target_name}. # # Adds a find_package(${dep_target_package_name}) in ${main_target_name}Dependencies.cmake. # # Needed to record a dependency on the package that provides WrapVulkanHeaders::WrapVulkanHeaders. # The package version, components, whether the package is optional, etc, are queried from the # ${dep_target} target properties. function(qt_record_extra_third_party_dependency main_target_name dep_target) if(NOT TARGET "${main_target_name}") qt_get_tool_target_name(main_target_name "${main_target_name}") endif() if(TARGET "${main_target_name}") get_target_property(extra_deps "${main_target_name}" _qt_extra_third_party_dep_targets) if(NOT extra_deps) set(extra_deps "") endif() list(APPEND extra_deps "${dep_target}") set_target_properties("${main_target_name}" PROPERTIES _qt_extra_third_party_dep_targets "${extra_deps}") endif() endfunction() # This function stores the list of Qt targets a library depend on, # along with their version info, for usage in ${target}Depends.cmake file function(qt_register_target_dependencies target public_libs private_libs) get_target_property(target_deps "${target}" _qt_target_deps) if(NOT target_deps) set(target_deps "") endif() # Only process private dependencies if target is a static library get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE) set(lib_list ${public_libs}) if (target_type STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY") list(APPEND lib_list ${private_libs}) endif() foreach(lib IN LISTS lib_list) if ("${lib}" MATCHES "^Qt::(.*)") set(lib "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") if (lib STREQUAL "Platform" OR lib STREQUAL "GlobalConfig" OR lib STREQUAL "GlobalConfigPrivate" OR lib STREQUAL "PlatformModuleInternal" OR lib STREQUAL "PlatformPluginInternal" OR lib STREQUAL "PlatformToolInternal") list(APPEND target_deps "Qt6\;${PROJECT_VERSION}") else() list(APPEND target_deps "${INSTALL_CMAKE_NAMESPACE}${lib}\;${PROJECT_VERSION}") endif() endif() endforeach() set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES _qt_target_deps "${target_deps}") endfunction() # Sets out_var to to TRUE if the target was marked to not be promoted to global scope. function(qt_internal_should_not_promote_package_target_to_global target out_var) get_property(should_not_promote TARGET "${target}" PROPERTY _qt_no_promote_global) set("${out_var}" "${should_not_promote}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()