# Generate a qt_lib_XXX.pri file. # # This file is to be used in CMake script mode with the following variables set: # IN_FILES: path to the qt_lib_XXX.cmake files # OUT_FILE: path to the generated qt_lib_XXX.pri file # CONFIGS: the configurations Qt is being built with # LIBRARY_SUFFIXES: list of known library extensions, e.g. .so;.a on Linux # LIBRARY_PREFIXES: list of known library prefies, e.g. the "lib" in "libz" on on Linux # LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG: flag used to link a shared library to an executable, e.g. -l on UNIX # # QMAKE_LIBS_XXX values are split into QMAKE_LIBS_XXX_DEBUG and QMAKE_LIBS_XXX_RELEASE if # debug_and_release was detected. The CMake configuration "Debug" is considered for the _DEBUG # values. The first config that is not "Debug" is treated as _RELEASE. # # The library values are transformed from an absolute path into link flags # aka from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcups.so" to "-lcups". cmake_policy(SET CMP0057 NEW) # Create a qmake-style list from the passed arguments and store it in ${out_var}. function(qmake_list out_var) set(result "") # Surround values that contain spaces with double quotes. foreach(v ${ARGN}) if(v MATCHES " ") set(v "\"${v}\"") endif() list(APPEND result ${v}) endforeach() list(JOIN result " " result) set(${out_var} ${result} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Given "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcups.so" # Returns "cups" or an empty string if the file is not an absolute library path. # Aka it strips the "lib" prefix, the .so extension and the base path. function(qt_get_library_name_without_prefix_and_suffix out_var file_path) set(out_value "") if(IS_ABSOLUTE "${file_path}") get_filename_component(basename "${file_path}" NAME_WE) get_filename_component(ext "${file_path}" EXT) foreach(libsuffix ${LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) # Handle weird prefix extensions like in the case of # "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so" # it's ".0.so". if(ext MATCHES "^(\\.[0-9]+)*${libsuffix}(\\.[0-9]+)*") set(is_linkable_library TRUE) set(weird_numbered_extension "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") break() endif() endforeach() if(is_linkable_library) set(out_value "${basename}") if(LIBRARY_PREFIXES) foreach(libprefix ${LIBRARY_PREFIXES}) # Strip any library prefix like "lib" for a library that we will use with a link # flag. if(libprefix AND out_value MATCHES "^${libprefix}(.+)") set(out_value "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") break() endif() endforeach() endif() if(weird_numbered_extension) set(out_value "${out_value}${weird_numbered_extension}") endif() endif() endif() # Reverse the dependency order to be in sync with what qmake generated .pri files # have. list(REVERSE out_list) set(${out_var} "${out_value}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Given "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcups.so" # Returns "-lcups" or an empty string if the file is not an absolute library path. function(qt_get_library_with_link_flag out_var file_path) qt_get_library_name_without_prefix_and_suffix(lib_name "${file_path}") set(out_value "") if(lib_name) set(out_value "${lib_name}") if(LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG) string(PREPEND out_value "${LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG}") endif() endif() set(${out_var} "${out_value}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Given a list of potential library paths, returns a transformed list where absolute library paths # are replaced with library link flags. function(qt_transform_absolute_library_paths_to_link_flags out_var library_path_list) set(out_list "") foreach(library_path ${library_path_list}) qt_get_library_with_link_flag(lib_name_with_link_flag "${library_path}") if(lib_name_with_link_flag) list(APPEND out_list "${lib_name_with_link_flag}") else() list(APPEND out_list "${library_path}") endif() endforeach() set(${out_var} "${out_list}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() list(POP_FRONT IN_FILES in_pri_file) file(READ ${in_pri_file} content) string(APPEND content "\n") foreach(in_file ${IN_FILES}) include(${in_file}) endforeach() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES known_libs) set(is_debug_and_release FALSE) if("Debug" IN_LIST CONFIGS AND ("Release" IN_LIST CONFIGS OR "RelWithDebInfo" IN_LIST CONFIGS)) set(is_debug_and_release TRUE) set(release_configs ${CONFIGS}) list(REMOVE_ITEM release_configs "Debug") list(GET release_configs 0 release_cfg) string(TOUPPER "${release_cfg}" release_cfg) endif() foreach(lib ${known_libs}) set(configuration_independent_infixes LIBDIR INCDIR DEFINES) if(is_debug_and_release) set(value_debug ${QMAKE_LIBS_${lib}_DEBUG}) set(value_release ${QMAKE_LIBS_${lib}_${release_cfg}}) qt_transform_absolute_library_paths_to_link_flags(value_debug "${value_debug}") qt_transform_absolute_library_paths_to_link_flags(value_release "${value_release}") if(value_debug STREQUAL value_release) if(value_debug) qmake_list(value_debug ${value_debug}) string(APPEND content "QMAKE_LIBS_${lib} = ${value_debug}\n") endif() else() if(value_debug) qmake_list(value_debug ${value_debug}) string(APPEND content "QMAKE_LIBS_${lib}_DEBUG = ${value_debug}\n") endif() if(value_release) qmake_list(value_release ${value_release}) string(APPEND content "QMAKE_LIBS_${lib}_RELEASE = ${value_release}\n") endif() endif() else() list(APPEND configuration_independent_infixes LIBS) endif() # The remaining values are considered equal for all configurations. # Pick the first configuration and use its values. list(GET CONFIGS 0 cfg) string(TOUPPER ${cfg} cfg) foreach(infix ${configuration_independent_infixes}) set(value ${QMAKE_${infix}_${lib}_${cfg}}) if(infix STREQUAL "LIBS") qt_transform_absolute_library_paths_to_link_flags(value "${value}") endif() if(value) qmake_list(value ${value}) string(APPEND content "QMAKE_${infix}_${lib} = ${value}\n") endif() endforeach() endforeach() file(WRITE "${OUT_FILE}" "${content}")