# # Self contained Platform Settings for Android # # Note: This file is used both by the internal and public builds. # # # Public variables: # QT_ANDROID_JAR # Location of the adroid sdk jar for java code # QT_ANDROID_APIVERSION # Android API version # QT_ANDROID_SDK_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION # Detected Android sdk build tools version # QT_ANDROID_NDK_STDLIB_PATH # Detected path to the c++ stl lib shared library # # Public functions: # # qt_android_generate_deployment_settings() # Generate the deployment settings json file for a cmake target. # if (NOT DEFINED ANDROID_SDK_ROOT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Please provide the location of the Android SDK directory via -DANDROID_SDK_ROOT=") endif() if (NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find ANDROID_SDK_ROOT or path is not a directory: ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}") endif() # Minimum recommend android SDK api version set(QT_ANDROID_API_VERSION "android-21") # Locate android.jar set(QT_ANDROID_JAR "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platforms/${QT_ANDROID_API_VERSION}/android.jar") if(NOT EXISTS "${QT_ANDROID_JAR}") # Locate the highest available platform file(GLOB android_platforms LIST_DIRECTORIES true RELATIVE "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platforms" "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platforms/*") # If list is not empty if(android_platforms) list(SORT android_platforms) list(REVERSE android_platforms) list(GET android_platforms 0 android_platform_latest) set(QT_ANDROID_API_VERSION ${android_platform_latest}) set(QT_ANDROID_JAR "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platforms/${QT_ANDROID_API_VERSION}/android.jar") endif() endif() if(NOT EXISTS "${QT_ANDROID_JAR}") message(FATAL_ERROR "No suitable Android SDK platform found. Minimum version is ${QT_ANDROID_API_VERSION}") endif() message(STATUS "Using Android SDK API ${QT_ANDROID_API_VERSION} from ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/platforms") # Locate Java include(UseJava) # Find JDK 8.0 find_package(Java 1.8 COMPONENTS Development REQUIRED) # Locate newest android sdk build tools if (NOT QT_ANDROID_SDK_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION) file(GLOB android_build_tools LIST_DIRECTORIES true RELATIVE "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/build-tools" "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/build-tools/*") if (NOT android_build_tools) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not locate Android SDK build tools under \"${ANDROID_SDK}/build-tools\"") endif() list(SORT android_build_tools) list(REVERSE android_build_tools) list(GET android_build_tools 0 android_build_tools_latest) set(qt_QT_ANDROID_SDK_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION ${android_build_tools_latest}) endif() # Ensure we are using the shared version of libc++ if(NOT ANDROID_STL STREQUAL c++_shared) message(FATAL_ERROR "The Qt libraries on Android only supports the shared library configuration of stl. Please use -DANDROID_STL=\"c++_shared\" as configuration argument.") endif() # Location of stdlibc++ set(QT_ANDROID_NDK_STDLIB_PATH "${ANDROID_NDK}/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/${ANDROID_ABI}/libc++_shared.so") # Target properties required for android deploy tool define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES BRIEF_DOCS "Specify additional plugins that need to be deployed with the current android application" FULL_DOCS "By default, androiddeployqt will detect the dependencies of your application. But since run-time usage of plugins cannot be detected, there could be false positives, as your application will depend on any plugins that are potential dependencies. If you want to minimize the size of your APK, it's possible to override the automatic detection using the ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES variable. This should contain a list of all Qt files which need to be included, with paths relative to the Qt install root. Note that only the Qt files specified here will be included. Failing to include the correct files can result in crashes. It's also important to make sure the files are listed in the correct loading order. This variable provides a way to override the automatic detection entirely, so if a library is listed before its dependencies, it will fail to load on some devices." ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS BRIEF_DOCS "A list of external libraries that will be copied into your application's library folder and loaded on start-up." FULL_DOCS "A list of external libraries that will be copied into your application's library folder and loaded on start-up. This can be used, for instance, to enable OpenSSL in your application. Simply set the paths to the required libssl.so and libcrypto.so libraries here and OpenSSL should be enabled automatically." ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_EXTRA_PLUGINS BRIEF_DOCS "This variable can be used to specify different resources that your project has to bundle but cannot be delivered through the assets system, such as qml plugins." FULL_DOCS "This variable can be used to specify different resources that your project has to bundle but cannot be delivered through the assets system, such as qml plugins. When using this variable, androiddeployqt will make sure everything is packaged and deployed properly." ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR BRIEF_DOCS "This variable can be used to specify a directory where additions and modifications can be made to the default Android package template." FULL_DOCS "This variable can be used to specify a directory where additions and modifications can be made to the default Android package template. The androiddeployqt tool will copy the application template from Qt into the build directory, and then it will copy the contents of the ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR on top of this, overwriting any existing files. The update step where parts of the source files are modified automatically to reflect your other settings is then run on the resulting merged package. If you, for instance, want to make a custom AndroidManifest.xml for your application, then place this directly into the folder specified in this variable. You can also add custom Java files in ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR/src." ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY QT_ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_SETTINGS_FILE BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " " ) # Generate deployment tool json function(qt_android_generate_deployment_settings target) # Information extracted from mkspecs/features/android/android_deployment_settings.prf if (NOT TARGET ${target}) message(SEND_ERROR "${target} is not a cmake target") return() endif() get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE) if (NOT "${target_type}" STREQUAL "MODULE_LIBRARY") message(SEND_ERROR "QT_ANDROID_GENERATE_DEPLOYMENT_SETTINGS only works on Module targets") return() endif() get_target_property(target_source_dir ${target} SOURCE_DIR) get_target_property(target_binary_dir ${target} BINARY_DIR) get_target_property(target_output_name ${target} OUTPUT_NAME) if (NOT target_output_name) set(target_output_name ${target}) endif() set(deploy_file "${target_binary_dir}/android-lib${target_output_name}.so-deployment-settings.json") file(WRITE ${deploy_file} "{\n") # content begin file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"description\": \"This file is generated by cmake to be read by androiddeployqt and should not be modified by hand.\",\n") # Host Qt Android install path if (NOT QT_BUILDING_QT) set(file_check "${Qt6_DIR}/plugins/platforms/android/libqtforandroid.so") if (NOT EXISTS ${file_check}) message(SEND_ERROR "Detected Qt installation does not contain libqtforandroid.so. This is most likely due to the installation not being a build of Qt for Android. Please update your settings.") return() endif() set(qt_android_install_dir ${Qt6_Dir}) else() # Building from source, use the same install prefix set(qt_android_install_dir ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) endif() file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${qt_android_install_dir}" qt_android_install_dir_native) file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"qt\": \"${qt_android_install_dir_native}\",\n") # Android SDK path file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}" android_sdk_root_native) file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"sdk\": \"${android_sdk_root_native}\",\n") # Android SDK Build Tools Revision file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"sdkBuildToolsRevision\": \"${QT_ANDROID_SDK_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION}\",\n") # Android NDK file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${ANDROID_NDK}" android_ndk_root_native) file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"ndk\": \"${android_ndk_root_native}\",\n") # Setup LLVM toolchain file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"toolchain-prefix\": \"llvm\",\n") file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"tool-prefix\": \"llvm\",\n") file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"useLLVM\": true,\n") # NDK Toolchain Version file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"toolchain-version\": \"${CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION}\",\n") # NDK Host file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"ndk-host\": \"${ANDROID_NDK_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME}\",\n") # Architecture file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"target-architecture\": \"${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI}\",\n") # deployment dependencies get_target_property(android_deployment_dependencies ${target} QT_ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES) if (android_deployment_dependencies) list(JOIN android_deployment_dependencies "," android_deployment_dependencies) file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"deployment-dependencies\": \"${android_deployment_dependencies}\",\n") endif() # Extra plugins get_target_property(android_extra_plugins ${target} QT_ANDROID_EXTRA_PLUGINS) if (android_extra_plugins) list(JOIN android_extra_plugins "," android_extra_plugins) file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"android-extra-plugins\": \"${android_extra_plugins}\",\n") endif() # Extra libs get_target_property(android_extra_libs ${target} QT_ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS) if (android_extra_libs) list(JOIN android_extra_libs "," android_extra_libs) file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"android-extra-libs\": \"${android_extra_libs}\",\n") endif() # package source dir get_target_property(android_package_source_dir ${target} QT_ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR) if (android_package_source_dir) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${android_package_source_dir}" android_package_source_dir_native) file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"android-package-source-directory\": \"${android_package_source_dir_native}\",\n") endif() #TODO: ANDROID_VERSION_NAME, doesn't seem to be used? #TODO: ANDROID_VERSION_CODE, doesn't seem to be used? #TODO: QML import path, could be a property? Example below: #get_target_property(qml_import_path ${target} QT_QML_IMPORT_PATH) #if (qml_import_path) # file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${qml_import_path}" qml_import_path_native) # file(APPEND ${deploy_file} # " \"qml-import-path\": \"${qml_import_path_native}\",\n") #endif() #TODO: QML root path, could be a property? Example below: #get_target_property(qml_root_path ${target} QT_QML_ROOT_PATH) #if(NOT qml_root_path) # set(qml_root_path "${target_source_dir}") #endif() #file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${qml_root_path}" qml_root_path_native) #file(APPEND ${deploy_file} # " \"qml-root-path\": \"${qml_root_path_native}\",\n") # App binary file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${target_binary_dir}/lib${target_output_name}.so" target_binary_dir_native) file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"application-binary\": \"${target_binary_dir_native}\",\n") # Lats item in json file file(APPEND ${deploy_file} " \"stdcpp-path\": \"${QT_ANDROID_NDK_STDLIB_PATH}\"\n") # content end file(APPEND ${deploy_file} "}\n") set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES QT_ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_SETTINGS_FILE ${deploy_file} ) endfunction()