# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause function(_qt_internal_handle_ios_launch_screen target) # Check if user provided a launch screen path via a variable. set(launch_screen "") # Check if the project provided a launch screen path via a variable. # This variable is currently in Technical Preview. if(QT_IOS_LAUNCH_SCREEN) set(launch_screen "${QT_IOS_LAUNCH_SCREEN}") endif() # Check if the project provided a launch screen path via a target property, it takes precedence # over the variable. # This property is currently in Technical Preview. get_target_property(launch_screen_from_prop "${target}" QT_IOS_LAUNCH_SCREEN) if(launch_screen_from_prop) set(launch_screen "${launch_screen_from_prop}") endif() # If the project hasn't provided a launch screen file path, use a copy of the template # that qmake uses. # It needs to be a copy because configure_file can't handle all the escaped double quotes # present in the qmake template file. set(is_default_launch_screen FALSE) if(NOT launch_screen AND NOT QT_NO_SET_DEFAULT_IOS_LAUNCH_SCREEN) set(is_default_launch_screen TRUE) set(launch_screen "${__qt_internal_cmake_ios_support_files_path}/LaunchScreen.storyboard") endif() # Check that the launch screen exists. if(launch_screen) if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${launch_screen}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Provided launch screen value should be an absolute path: '${launch_screen}'") endif() if(NOT EXISTS "${launch_screen}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Provided launch screen file does not exist: '${launch_screen}'") endif() endif() if(launch_screen AND NOT QT_NO_ADD_IOS_LAUNCH_SCREEN_TO_BUNDLE) get_filename_component(launch_screen_name "${launch_screen}" NAME) # Make a copy of the default launch screen template for this target and replace the # label inside the template with the target name. if(is_default_launch_screen) # Configure our default template and place it in the build dir. set(launch_screen_in_path "${launch_screen}") string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${target}" target_identifier) set(launch_screen_out_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/.qt/launch_screen_storyboards/${target_identifier}") set(launch_screen_out_path "${launch_screen_out_dir}/${launch_screen_name}") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${launch_screen_out_dir}") # Replaces the value in the default template. set(QT_IOS_LAUNCH_SCREEN_TEXT "${target}") configure_file( "${launch_screen_in_path}" "${launch_screen_out_path}" @ONLY ) set(final_launch_screen_path "${launch_screen_out_path}") else() set(final_launch_screen_path "${launch_screen}") endif() # Add the launch screen storyboard file as a source file, otherwise CMake doesn't consider # it as a resource file and MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION processing will be skipped. target_sources("${target}" PRIVATE "${final_launch_screen_path}") # Ensure Xcode compiles the storyboard file and installs the compiled storyboard .nib files # into the app bundle. # We use target_sources and the MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION source file property for that # instead of the RESOURCE target property, becaues the latter could potentially end up # needlessly installing the source storyboard file. # # We can't rely on policy CMP0118 since user project controls it. set(scope_args) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.18") set(scope_args TARGET_DIRECTORY ${target}) endif() set_source_files_properties("${final_launch_screen_path}" ${scope_args} PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION Resources) # Save the launch screen name, so its value is added as an UILaunchStoryboardName entry # in the Qt generated Info.plist file. # Xcode expects an Info.plist storyboard entry without an extension. get_filename_component(launch_screen_base_name "${launch_screen}" NAME_WE) set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES _qt_ios_launch_screen_name "${launch_screen_name}" _qt_ios_launch_screen_base_name "${launch_screen_base_name}" _qt_ios_launch_screen_path "${final_launch_screen_path}") endif() endfunction() function(_qt_internal_find_ios_development_team_id out_var) get_property(team_id GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_internal_ios_development_team_id) get_property(team_id_computed GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_internal_ios_development_team_id_computed) if(team_id_computed) # Just in case if the value is non-empty but still booly FALSE. if(NOT team_id) set(team_id "") endif() set("${out_var}" "${team_id}" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_internal_ios_development_team_id_computed "TRUE") set(home_dir "$ENV{HOME}") set(xcode_preferences_path "${home_dir}/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dt.Xcode.plist") # Extract the first account name (email) from the user's Xcode preferences message(DEBUG "Trying to extract an Xcode development team id from '${xcode_preferences_path}'") execute_process(COMMAND "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy" -x -c "print IDEProvisioningTeams" "${xcode_preferences_path}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE teams_xml ERROR_VARIABLE plist_error) # Parsing state. set(is_free "") set(current_team_id "") set(parsing_is_free FALSE) set(parsing_team_id FALSE) set(first_team_id "") # Parse the xml output and return the first encountered non-free team id. If no non-free team id # is found, return the first encountered free team id. # If no team is found, return an empty string. # # Example input: # # # marty@planet.local # # # isFreeProvisioningTeam # # teamID # AAA # ... # # # isFreeProvisioningTeam # # teamID # BBB # ... # # # # if(teams_xml AND NOT plist_error) string(REPLACE "\n" ";" teams_xml_lines "${teams_xml}") foreach(xml_line ${teams_xml_lines}) string(STRIP "${xml_line}" xml_line) if(xml_line STREQUAL "") # Clean any previously found values when a new team dict is matched. set(is_free "") set(current_team_id "") elseif(xml_line STREQUAL "isFreeProvisioningTeam") set(parsing_is_free TRUE) elseif(parsing_is_free) set(parsing_is_free FALSE) if(xml_line MATCHES "true") set(is_free TRUE) else() set(is_free FALSE) endif() elseif(xml_line STREQUAL "teamID") set(parsing_team_id TRUE) elseif(parsing_team_id) set(parsing_team_id FALSE) if(xml_line MATCHES "([^<]+)") set(current_team_id "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") else() continue() endif() string(STRIP "${current_team_id}" current_team_id) # If this is the first team id we found so far, remember that, regardless if's free # or not. if(NOT first_team_id AND current_team_id) set(first_team_id "${current_team_id}") endif() # Break early if we found a non-free team id and use it, because we prefer # a non-free team for signing, just like qmake. if(NOT is_free AND current_team_id) set(first_team_id "${current_team_id}") break() endif() endif() endforeach() endif() if(NOT first_team_id) message(DEBUG "Failed to extract an Xcode development team id.") set("${out_var}" "" PARENT_SCOPE) else() message(DEBUG "Successfully extracted the first encountered Xcode development team id.") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_internal_ios_development_team_id "${first_team_id}") set("${out_var}" "${first_team_id}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(_qt_internal_get_ios_bundle_identifier_prefix out_var) get_property(prefix GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_internal_ios_bundle_identifier_prefix) get_property(prefix_computed GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_internal_ios_bundle_identifier_prefix_computed) if(prefix_computed) # Just in case if the value is non-empty but still booly FALSE. if(NOT prefix) set(prefix "") endif() set("${out_var}" "${prefix}" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_internal_ios_bundle_identifier_prefix_computed "TRUE") set(home_dir "$ENV{HOME}") set(xcode_preferences_path "${home_dir}/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dt.Xcode.plist") message(DEBUG "Trying to extract the default bundle identifier prefix from Xcode preferences.") execute_process(COMMAND "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy" -c "print IDETemplateOptions:bundleIdentifierPrefix" "${xcode_preferences_path}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE prefix ERROR_VARIABLE prefix_error) if(prefix AND NOT prefix_error) message(DEBUG "Successfully extracted the default bundle identifier prefix.") string(STRIP "${prefix}" prefix) else() message(DEBUG "Failed to extract the default bundle identifier prefix.") endif() if(prefix AND NOT prefix_error) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_internal_ios_bundle_identifier_prefix "${prefix}") set("${out_var}" "${prefix}" PARENT_SCOPE) else() set("${out_var}" "" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(_qt_internal_escape_rfc_1034_identifier value out_var) # According to https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1034#section-3.5 # we can only use letters, digits, dot (.) and hyphens (-). # Underscores are not allowed. string(REGEX REPLACE "[^A-Za-z0-9.]" "-" value "${value}") set("${out_var}" "${value}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_qt_internal_get_default_ios_bundle_identifier out_var) _qt_internal_get_ios_bundle_identifier_prefix(prefix) if(NOT prefix) set(prefix "com.yourcompany") # For a better out-of-the-box experience, try to create a unique prefix by appending # the sha1 of the team id, if one is found. _qt_internal_find_ios_development_team_id(team_id) if(team_id) string(SHA1 hash "${team_id}") string(SUBSTRING "${hash}" 0 8 infix) string(APPEND prefix ".${infix}") else() message(WARNING "No organization bundle identifier prefix could be retrieved from Xcode " "preferences. This can lead to code signing issues due to a non-unique bundle " "identifier. Please set up an organization prefix by creating a new project within " "Xcode, or consider providing a custom bundle identifier by specifying the " "XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER property." ) endif() endif() # Escape the prefix according to rfc 1034, it's important for code-signing. If an invalid # identifier is used, calling xcodebuild on the command line says that no provisioning profile # could be found, with no additional error message. If one opens the generated project with # Xcode and clicks on 'Try again' to get a new profile, it shows a semi-useful error message # that the identifier is invalid. _qt_internal_escape_rfc_1034_identifier("${prefix}" prefix) set(identifier "${prefix}.\${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}") set("${out_var}" "${identifier}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_qt_internal_set_placeholder_apple_bundle_version target) # If user hasn't provided neither a bundle version nor a bundle short version string for the # app, set a placeholder value for both which will add them to the generated Info.plist file. # This is required so that the app launches in the simulator (but apparently not for running # on-device). get_target_property(bundle_version "${target}" MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_VERSION) get_target_property(bundle_short_version "${target}" MACOSX_BUNDLE_SHORT_VERSION_STRING) if(NOT MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_VERSION AND NOT MACOSX_BUNDLE_SHORT_VERSION_STRING AND NOT bundle_version AND NOT bundle_short_version AND NOT QT_NO_SET_XCODE_BUNDLE_VERSION ) get_target_property(version "${target}" VERSION) if(NOT version) set(version "${PROJECT_VERSION}") if(NOT version) set(version "1.0.0") endif() endif() # Use x.y for short version and x.y.z for full version # Any versions longer than this will fail App Store # submission. string(REPLACE "." ";" version_list ${version}) list(LENGTH version_list version_list_length) list(GET version_list 0 version_major) set(bundle_short_version "${version_major}") if(version_list_length GREATER 1) list(GET version_list 1 version_minor) string(APPEND bundle_short_version ".${version_minor}") endif() set(bundle_version "${bundle_short_version}") if(version_list_length GREATER 2) list(GET version_list 2 version_patch) string(APPEND bundle_version ".${version_patch}") endif() if(NOT CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_MARKETING_VERSION AND NOT QT_NO_SET_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_MARKETING_VERSION AND NOT CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION AND NOT QT_NO_SET_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION AND CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "Xcode") get_target_property(marketing_version "${target}" XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_MARKETING_VERSION) get_target_property(current_project_version "${target}" XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) if(NOT marketing_version AND NOT current_project_version) set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION "${bundle_version}" XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_MARKETING_VERSION "${bundle_short_version}" ) set(bundle_version "$(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION)") set(bundle_short_version "$(MARKETING_VERSION)") endif() endif() set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_VERSION "${bundle_version}" MACOSX_BUNDLE_SHORT_VERSION_STRING "${bundle_short_version}" ) endif() endfunction() function(_qt_internal_set_xcode_development_team_id target) # If user hasn't provided a development team id, try to find the first one specified # in the Xcode preferences. if(NOT CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM AND NOT QT_NO_SET_XCODE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM_ID) get_target_property(existing_team_id "${target}" XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM) if(NOT existing_team_id) _qt_internal_find_ios_development_team_id(team_id) set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM "${team_id}") endif() endif() endfunction() function(_qt_internal_set_xcode_bundle_identifier target) # Skip all logic if requested. if(QT_NO_SET_XCODE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER) return() endif() # There are two fields to consider: the CFBundleIdentifier key (CFBI) to be written to # Info.plist # and the PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER (PBI) property to set in the Xcode project. # The following logic enables the best out-of-the-box experience combined with maximum # customization. # 1) If values for both fields are not provided, assign ${PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER} to CFBI # (which is expanded by xcodebuild at build time and will use the value of PBI) and # auto-compute a default PBI from Xcode's ${PRODUCT_NAME}. # 2) If CFBI is set and PBI isn't, use given CFBI and keep PBI empty. # 3) If PBI is set and CFBI isn't, assign ${PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER} to CFBI and use # the given PBI. # 4) If both are set, use both given values. # TLDR: # cfbi pbi -> result_cfbi result_pbi # unset unset computed computed # set unset given_val unset # unset set computed given_val # set set given_val given_val get_target_property(existing_cfbi "${target}" MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER) if(NOT MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER AND NOT existing_cfbi) set(is_cfbi_given FALSE) else() set(is_cfbi_given TRUE) endif() if(NOT is_cfbi_given) set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER "\${PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}") endif() get_target_property(existing_pbi "${target}" XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER) if(NOT CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER AND NOT existing_pbi) set(is_pbi_given FALSE) else() set(is_pbi_given TRUE) endif() if(NOT is_pbi_given AND NOT is_cfbi_given) _qt_internal_get_default_ios_bundle_identifier(bundle_id) set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER "${bundle_id}") endif() endfunction() function(_qt_internal_set_xcode_targeted_device_family target) if(NOT CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY AND NOT QT_NO_SET_XCODE_TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY) get_target_property(existing_device_family "${target}" XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY) if(NOT existing_device_family) set(device_family_iphone_and_ipad "1,2") set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY "${device_family_iphone_and_ipad}") endif() endif() endfunction() function(_qt_internal_set_xcode_code_sign_style target) if(NOT CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CODE_SIGN_STYLE AND NOT QT_NO_SET_XCODE_CODE_SIGN_STYLE) get_target_property(existing_code_style "${target}" XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CODE_SIGN_STYLE) if(NOT existing_code_style) set(existing_code_style "Automatic") set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CODE_SIGN_STYLE "${existing_code_style}") endif() endif() endfunction() # Workaround for https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/15183 function(_qt_internal_set_xcode_install_path target) if(NOT CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_INSTALL_PATH AND NOT QT_NO_SET_XCODE_INSTALL_PATH) get_target_property(existing_install_path "${target}" XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_INSTALL_PATH) if(NOT existing_install_path) set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_INSTALL_PATH "$(inherited)") endif() endif() endfunction() function(_qt_internal_set_xcode_bundle_display_name target) # We want the value of CFBundleDisplayName to be ${PRODUCT_NAME}, but we can't put that # into the Info.plist.in template file directly, because the implicit configure_file(Info.plist) # done by CMake is not using the @ONLY option, so CMake would treat the assignment as # variable expansion. Escaping using backslashes does not help. # Work around it by assigning the dollar char to a separate cache var, and expand it, so that # the final value in the file will be ${PRODUCT_NAME}, to be evaluated at build time by Xcode. set(QT_INTERNAL_DOLLAR_VAR "$" CACHE STRING "") endfunction() # Adds ${PRODUCT_NAME} to the Info.plist file, which is then evaluated by Xcode itself. function(_qt_internal_set_xcode_bundle_name target) if(QT_NO_SET_XCODE_BUNDLE_NAME) return() endif() get_target_property(existing_bundle_name "${target}" MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_NAME) if(NOT MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_NAME AND NOT existing_bundle_name) if(CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL Xcode) set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_NAME "\${PRODUCT_NAME}") else() set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_BUNDLE_NAME "${target}") endif() endif() endfunction() function(_qt_internal_set_xcode_bitcode_enablement target) if(CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLE_BITCODE OR QT_NO_SET_XCODE_ENABLE_BITCODE) return() endif() get_target_property(existing_bitcode_enablement "${target}" XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLE_BITCODE) if(NOT existing_bitcode_enablement MATCHES "-NOTFOUND") return() endif() # Disable bitcode to match Xcode 14's new default set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLE_BITCODE "NO") endfunction() function(_qt_internal_generate_ios_info_plist target) # If the project already specifies a custom file, we don't override it. get_target_property(existing_plist "${target}" MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST) if(existing_plist) return() endif() set(info_plist_in "${__qt_internal_cmake_ios_support_files_path}/Info.plist.app.in") string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${target}" target_identifier) set(info_plist_out_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/.qt/info_plist/${target_identifier}") set(info_plist_out "${info_plist_out_dir}/Info.plist") # Check if we need to specify a custom launch screen storyboard entry. get_target_property(launch_screen_base_name "${target}" _qt_ios_launch_screen_base_name) if(launch_screen_base_name) set(qt_ios_launch_screen_plist_entry "${launch_screen_base_name}") endif() # Call configure_file to substitute Qt-specific @FOO@ values, not ${FOO} values. # # The output file will be another template file to be fed to CMake via the # MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST property. CMake will then call configure_file on it to provide # content for regular entries like CFBundleName, etc. # # We require this extra configure_file call so we can create unique Info.plist files for each # target in a project, while also providing a way to add Qt specific entries that CMake # does not support out of the box (e.g. a launch screen name). configure_file( "${info_plist_in}" "${info_plist_out}" @ONLY ) set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST "${info_plist_out}") endfunction() function(_qt_internal_set_ios_simulator_arch target) if(CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHS OR QT_NO_SET_XCODE_ARCHS) return() endif() get_target_property(existing_archs "${target}" XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHS) if(NOT existing_archs MATCHES "-NOTFOUND") return() endif() if(NOT x86_64 IN_LIST QT_OSX_ARCHITECTURES) return() endif() if(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES AND NOT x86_64 IN_LIST CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES) return() endif() set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES "XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]" "x86_64") endfunction() function(_qt_internal_finalize_apple_app target) # Shared between macOS and iOS apps # Only set the various properties if targeting the Xcode generator, otherwise the various # Xcode tokens are embedded as-is instead of being dynamically evaluated. # This affects things like the version number or application name as reported by Qt API. if(CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "Xcode") _qt_internal_set_xcode_development_team_id("${target}") _qt_internal_set_xcode_bundle_identifier("${target}") _qt_internal_set_xcode_code_sign_style("${target}") _qt_internal_set_xcode_bundle_display_name("${target}") _qt_internal_set_xcode_install_path("${target}") endif() _qt_internal_set_xcode_bundle_name("${target}") _qt_internal_set_placeholder_apple_bundle_version("${target}") endfunction() function(_qt_internal_finalize_ios_app target) _qt_internal_finalize_apple_app("${target}") _qt_internal_set_xcode_targeted_device_family("${target}") _qt_internal_set_xcode_bitcode_enablement("${target}") _qt_internal_handle_ios_launch_screen("${target}") _qt_internal_generate_ios_info_plist("${target}") _qt_internal_set_ios_simulator_arch("${target}") endfunction() function(_qt_internal_finalize_macos_app target) get_target_property(is_bundle ${target} MACOSX_BUNDLE) if(NOT is_bundle) return() endif() _qt_internal_finalize_apple_app("${target}") # Make sure the install rpath has at least the minimum needed if the app # has any non-static frameworks. We can't rigorously know if the app will # have any, even with a static Qt, so always add this. If there are no # frameworks, it won't do any harm. get_property(install_rpath TARGET ${target} PROPERTY INSTALL_RPATH) list(APPEND install_rpath "@executable_path/../Frameworks") list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES install_rpath) set_property(TARGET ${target} PROPERTY INSTALL_RPATH "${install_rpath}") endfunction()