# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # copy_if_different works incorrect in Windows if file size if bigger than 2GB. # See https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/23052 and QTBUG-99491 for details. function(_qt_internal_copy_file_if_different_command out_var src_file dst_file) # The CMake version higher than 3.23 doesn't contain the issue if(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32 AND CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.23) set(${out_var} "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" "-DSRC_FILE_PATH=${src_file}" "-DDST_FILE_PATH=${dst_file}" -P "${_qt_6_config_cmake_dir}/QtCopyFileIfDifferent.cmake" PARENT_SCOPE ) else() set(${out_var} "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy_if_different "${src_file}" "${dst_file}" PARENT_SCOPE ) endif() endfunction() # The function checks if add_custom_command has the support of the DEPFILE argument. function(_qt_internal_check_depfile_support out_var) if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Ninja" OR CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.20 AND CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Makefiles" OR CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.21 AND (CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Xcode" OR CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio ([0-9]+)" AND CMAKE_MATCH_1 GREATER_EQUAL 12)) set(${out_var} TRUE) else() set(${out_var} FALSE) endif() set(${out_var} "${${out_var}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()