# Gets the qt plugin type of the given plugin into out_var_plugin_type. # Also sets out_var_has_plugin_type to TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the plugin type was found. function(__qt_internal_plugin_get_plugin_type plugin_target out_var_has_plugin_type out_var_plugin_type) set(has_plugin_type TRUE) set(plugin_target_versioned "${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::${plugin_target}") get_target_property(_plugin_type "${plugin_target_versioned}" QT_PLUGIN_TYPE) if(NOT _plugin_type) message("Warning: plugin ${plugin_target_versioned} has no plugin type set, skipping.") set(has_plugin_type FALSE) else() set(${out_var_plugin_type} "${_plugin_type}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() set(${out_var_has_plugin_type} "${has_plugin_type}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Gets the qt plugin class name of the given target into out_var. function(__qt_internal_plugin_has_class_name plugin_target out_var) set(plugin_target_versioned "${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::${plugin_target}") get_target_property(classname "${plugin_target_versioned}" QT_PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME) if(NOT classname) message("Warning: plugin ${plugin_target_versioned} has no class name, skipping.") endif() # If unset, it will be -NOTFOUND and still evaluate to false. set(${out_var} "${classname}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(__qt_internal_get_static_plugin_condition_genex plugin_target_unprefixed out_var) set(plugin_target "${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::${plugin_target_unprefixed}") set(plugin_target_versionless "Qt::${plugin_target_unprefixed}") get_target_property(_plugin_type "${plugin_target}" QT_PLUGIN_TYPE) set(_default_plugins_are_enabled "$>,0>>") set(_manual_plugins_genex "$>") set(_no_plugins_genex "$>") # Plugin genex marker for prl processing. set(_is_plugin_marker_genex "$") # The code in here uses the properties defined in qt_import_plugins (Qt6CoreMacros.cmake) set(_plugin_is_default "$") # INCLUDE set(_plugin_is_whitelisted "$") set(_plugin_versionless_is_whitelisted "$") # Note: qt_import_plugins sets the QT_PLUGINS_${_plugin_type} to "-" # when excluding it with EXCLUDE_BY_TYPE, # which ensures that no plug-in will be supported unless explicitly re-added afterwards. string(CONCAT _plugin_is_not_blacklisted "$" ">," "$" ">," # Excludes both plugins targeted by EXCLUDE_BY_TYPE and not included in # INCLUDE_BY_TYPE. "$>>" ">" ) # Support INCLUDE_BY_TYPE string(CONCAT _plugin_is_in_type_whitelist "$" ">" ">" ) string(CONCAT _plugin_versionless_is_in_type_whitelist "$" ">" ">" ) # No point in linking the plugin initialization source file into static libraries. The # initialization symbol will be discarded by the linker when the static lib is linked into an # executable or shared library, because nothing is referencing the global static symbol. set(type_genex "$") set(no_static_genex "$>") # Complete condition that defines whether a static plugin is linked string(CONCAT _plugin_condition "$" ">" ">>" ) set(${out_var} "${_plugin_condition}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Link plugin via usage requirements of associated Qt module. function(__qt_internal_add_static_plugin_linkage plugin_target qt_module_target) __qt_internal_get_static_plugin_condition_genex("${plugin_target}" plugin_condition) set(plugin_target "${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::${plugin_target}") # If this condition is true, we link against the plug-in set(plugin_genex "$<${plugin_condition}:${plugin_target}>") target_link_libraries(${qt_module_target} INTERFACE "${plugin_genex}") endfunction() # Generates C++ import macro source code for given plugin function(__qt_internal_get_plugin_import_macro plugin_target out_var) set(plugin_target_versioned "${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::${plugin_target}") get_target_property(class_name "${plugin_target_versioned}" QT_PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME) set(${out_var} "Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(${class_name})" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(__qt_internal_get_plugin_include_prelude out_var) set(${out_var} "#include \n" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Set up plugin initialization via usage requirements of associated Qt module. # # Adds the plugin init object library as an INTERFACE source of the plugin target. # This is similar to how it was done before, except instead of generating a C++ file and compiling # it as part of the user project, we just specify the pre-compiled object file as an INTERFACE # source so that user projects don't have to compile it. User project builds will thus be shorter. function(__qt_internal_add_static_plugin_import_macro plugin_target qt_module_target qt_module_unprefixed) __qt_internal_get_static_plugin_init_target_name("${plugin_target}" plugin_init_target) set(objs_genex "$") target_sources(${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::${plugin_target} INTERFACE "${objs_genex}") endfunction() # Get target name of object library which is used to initialize a qt plugin. function(__qt_internal_get_static_plugin_init_target_name plugin_target out_var) # Keep the target name short, so we don't hit long path issues on Windows. set(plugin_init_target "${plugin_target}_init") set(${out_var} "${plugin_init_target}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Create an object library that initializes a static qt plugin. # # The object library contains a single generated C++ file that calls Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(plugin_class). # The object library is exported as part of the Qt build and consumed by user applications # that link to qt plugins. # # The created target name is assigned to 'out_var_plugin_init_target'. function(__qt_internal_add_static_plugin_init_object_library plugin_target out_var_plugin_init_target) __qt_internal_get_plugin_import_macro(${plugin_target} import_macro) __qt_internal_get_plugin_include_prelude(include_prelude) set(import_content "${include_prelude}${import_macro}") string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${plugin_target}" plugin_target_identifier) set(generated_qt_plugin_file_name "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${plugin_target_identifier}_init.cpp") file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${generated_qt_plugin_file_name}" CONTENT "${import_content}" ) __qt_internal_get_static_plugin_init_target_name("${plugin_target}" plugin_init_target) add_library("${plugin_init_target}" OBJECT "${generated_qt_plugin_file_name}") target_link_libraries(${plugin_init_target} PRIVATE # Core provides the symbols needed by Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN. ${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::Core ) set(${out_var_plugin_init_target} "${plugin_init_target}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()