# Defines the public Qt::Platform target, which is used by both internal Qt builds as well as # public Qt consuming projects. function(qt_internal_setup_public_platform_target) ## QtPlatform Target: add_library(Platform INTERFACE) add_library(Qt::Platform ALIAS Platform) target_include_directories(Platform INTERFACE $ $ $ $ ) target_compile_definitions(Platform INTERFACE ${QT_PLATFORM_DEFINITIONS}) # When building on android we need to link against the logging library # in order to satisfy linker dependencies. Both of these libraries are part of # the NDK. if (ANDROID) target_link_libraries(Platform INTERFACE log) endif() qt_enable_msvc_cplusplus_define(Platform INTERFACE) # Propagate minimum C++ 17 via Platform to Qt consumers (apps), after the global features # are computed. qt_set_language_standards_interface_compile_features(Platform) # By default enable utf8 sources for both Qt and Qt consumers. Can be opted out. qt_enable_utf8_sources(Platform) endfunction()