# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 # This function wraps COMMAND with cmake script, that makes possible standalone run with external # arguments. # # Generated wrapper will be written to OUTPUT_FILE. # If WORKING_DIRECTORY is not set COMMAND will be executed in CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR. # Variables from ENVIRONMENT will be set before COMMAND execution. # PRE_RUN and POST_RUN arguments may contain extra cmake code that supposed to be executed before # and after COMMAND, respectively. Both arguments accept a list of cmake script language # constructions. Each item of the list will be concantinated into single string with '\n' separator. # COMMAND_ECHO option takes a value like it does for execute_process, and passes that value to # execute_process. function(_qt_internal_create_command_script) #This style of parsing keeps ';' in ENVIRONMENT variables cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "" "OUTPUT_FILE;WORKING_DIRECTORY;COMMAND_ECHO" "COMMAND;ENVIRONMENT;PRE_RUN;POST_RUN" ) if(NOT arg_COMMAND) message(FATAL_ERROR "qt_internal_create_command_script: COMMAND is not specified") endif() if(NOT arg_OUTPUT_FILE) message(FATAL_ERROR "qt_internal_create_command_script: Wrapper OUTPUT_FILE\ is not specified") endif() if(NOT arg_WORKING_DIRECTORY AND NOT QNX) set(arg_WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") endif() set(environment_extras) set(skipNext false) if(arg_ENVIRONMENT) list(LENGTH arg_ENVIRONMENT length) math(EXPR length "${length} - 1") foreach(envIdx RANGE ${length}) if(skipNext) set(skipNext FALSE) continue() endif() set(envVariable "") set(envValue "") list(GET arg_ENVIRONMENT ${envIdx} envVariable) math(EXPR envIdx "${envIdx} + 1") if (envIdx LESS_EQUAL ${length}) list(GET arg_ENVIRONMENT ${envIdx} envValue) endif() if(NOT "${envVariable}" STREQUAL "") set(environment_extras "${environment_extras}\nset(ENV{${envVariable}} \ \"${envValue}\")") endif() set(skipNext TRUE) endforeach() endif() #Escaping environment variables before expand them by file GENERATE string(REPLACE "\\" "\\\\" environment_extras "${environment_extras}") if(WIN32) # It's necessary to call actual test inside 'cmd.exe', because 'execute_process' uses # SW_HIDE to avoid showing a console window, it affects other GUI as well. # See https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/17690 for details. set(extra_runner "cmd /c") endif() if(arg_PRE_RUN) string(JOIN "\n" pre_run ${arg_PRE_RUN}) endif() if(arg_POST_RUN) string(JOIN "\n" post_run ${arg_POST_RUN}) endif() set(command_echo "") if(arg_COMMAND_ECHO) set(command_echo "COMMAND_ECHO ${arg_COMMAND_ECHO}") endif() file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${arg_OUTPUT_FILE}" CONTENT "#!${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P # Qt generated command wrapper ${environment_extras} ${pre_run} execute_process(COMMAND ${extra_runner} ${arg_COMMAND} WORKING_DIRECTORY \"${arg_WORKING_DIRECTORY}\" ${command_echo} RESULT_VARIABLE result ) ${post_run} if(NOT result EQUAL 0) string(JOIN \" \" full_command ${arg_COMMAND}) message(FATAL_ERROR \"\${full_command} execution failed with exit code \${result}.\") endif()" ) endfunction()