# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # The function returns location of the imported 'tool', returns an empty string if tool is not # imported. function(__qt_internal_get_tool_imported_location out_var tool) unset(${out_var}) if("${tool}" MATCHES "^Qt[0-9]?::.+$") # The tool target has namespace already set(target ${tool}) else() set(target ${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::${tool}) endif() if(NOT TARGET ${target}) message(FATAL_ERROR "${target} is not a target.") endif() get_target_property(is_imported ${target} IMPORTED) if(NOT is_imported) set(${out_var} "" PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() get_target_property(configs ${target} IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS) list(TRANSFORM configs PREPEND _) # Well-known configuration types list(APPEND configs _RELWITHDEBINFO _RELEASE _MINSIZEREL _DEBUG ) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES configs) # Look for the default empty configuration type at the first place. list(PREPEND configs "") foreach(config ${configs}) get_target_property(${out_var} ${target} "IMPORTED_LOCATION${config}") if(${out_var}) break() endif() endforeach() set(${out_var} "${${out_var}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_qt_internal_generate_tool_command_wrapper) get_property(is_called GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_internal_generate_tool_command_wrapper_called) if(NOT CMAKE_HOST_WIN32 OR is_called) return() endif() set(prefixes "") # In a prefix build, the just-built tools should pick up libraries from the current repo build # dir. if(QT_BUILD_DIR) list(APPEND prefixes "${QT_BUILD_DIR}") endif() # Pick up libraries from the main location where Qt was installed during a Qt build. if(QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_RELOCATABLE_INSTALL_PREFIX) list(APPEND prefixes "${QT_BUILD_INTERNALS_RELOCATABLE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") endif() # Needed for ExternalProjects examples, where the Qt build dir is passed via this variable # to the example project. if(QT_ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES_PREFIX_PATH) __qt_internal_prefix_paths_to_roots(additional_roots "${QT_ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES_PREFIX_PATH}") list(APPEND prefixes ${QT_ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES_PREFIX_PATH}) endif() # Fallback to wherever Qt6 package is. if(QT6_INSTALL_PREFIX) list(APPEND prefixes "${QT6_INSTALL_PREFIX}") endif() # When building qtbase, QT6_INSTALL_BINS is not set yet. if(INSTALL_BINDIR) set(bin_suffix "${INSTALL_BINDIR}") else() set(bin_suffix "${QT6_INSTALL_BINS}") endif() set(path_dirs "") foreach(prefix IN LISTS prefixes) set(bin_dir "${prefix}/${bin_suffix}") if(EXISTS "${bin_dir}") file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${bin_dir}" path_dir) list(APPEND path_dirs "${path_dir}") endif() endforeach() set(tool_command_wrapper_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.qt/bin") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${tool_command_wrapper_dir}") set(tool_command_wrapper_path "${tool_command_wrapper_dir}/qt_setup_tool_path.bat") file(WRITE "${tool_command_wrapper_path}" "@echo off set PATH=${path_dirs};%PATH% %*") set(QT_TOOL_COMMAND_WRAPPER_PATH "${tool_command_wrapper_path}" CACHE INTERNAL "Path to the wrapper of the tool commands") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_internal_generate_tool_command_wrapper_called TRUE) endfunction() # Wraps a tool command with a script that contains the necessary environment for the tool to run # correctly. # _qt_internal_wrap_tool_command(var [args...]) # Arguments: # APPEND Selects the 'append' mode for the out_variable argument. # SET Selects the 'set' mode for the out_variable argument. # # FIXME: Replace all usages of _qt_internal_wrap_tool_command # with _qt_internal_get_wrap_tool_script_path and remove the former. # The former always adds the COMMAND keyword, which does not allow the caller to wrap the # commands in a generator expression. See _qt_internal_target_enable_qmllint for an example. function(_qt_internal_wrap_tool_command out_variable action) set(append FALSE) if(action STREQUAL "APPEND") set(append TRUE) elseif(NOT action STREQUAL "SET") message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid action specified ${action}. Supported actions: SET, APPEND") endif() # Ensure the script wrapper exists. _qt_internal_generate_tool_command_wrapper() set(cmd COMMAND ${QT_TOOL_COMMAND_WRAPPER_PATH} ${ARGN}) if(append) list(APPEND ${out_variable} ${cmd}) else() set(${out_variable} ${cmd}) endif() set(${out_variable} "${${out_variable}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Gets the path to tool wrapper shell script. function(_qt_internal_get_tool_wrapper_script_path out_variable) # Ensure the script wrapper exists. _qt_internal_generate_tool_command_wrapper() set(${out_variable} "${QT_TOOL_COMMAND_WRAPPER_PATH}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()