# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 # Add a finalizer function for the current CMake list file. # It will be processed just before leaving the current source directory scope. # # When using CMake 3.18 or lower: # You may add up to nine arguments that are passed to the finalizer. # A finalizer that is registered with qt_add_list_file_finalizer(foo bar baz) # will be called with nine arguments: foo(bar baz IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE...), # because CMake's handling of empty list elements is a cruel joke. # For CMake < 3.18 the function qt_watch_current_list_dir must know about the finalizer. # # When using CMake 3.19 or higher, no more IGNORE parameters are passed. Instead we # use cmake_language(DEFER CALL) and pass arguments as usual. # qt_watch_current_list_dir also doesn't need to know about the finalizer function(qt_add_list_file_finalizer func) set(use_cmake_defer_call TRUE) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.19.0") set(use_cmake_defer_call FALSE) endif() if(use_cmake_defer_call) cmake_language(EVAL CODE "cmake_language(DEFER CALL \"${func}\" ${ARGN}) ") else() set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY QT_LIST_FILE_FINALIZER_FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}") set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY QT_LIST_FILE_FINALIZER_FUNCS ${func}) foreach(i RANGE 1 9) set(arg "${ARGV${i}}") if(i GREATER_EQUAL ARGC OR "${arg}" STREQUAL "") set(arg "IGNORE") endif() set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY QT_LIST_FILE_FINALIZER_ARGV${i} "${arg}") endforeach() endif() endfunction() # Watcher function for the variable CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR. # This is the driver of the finalizer facility. function(qt_watch_current_list_dir variable access value current_list_file stack) if(NOT access STREQUAL "MODIFIED_ACCESS") # We are only interested in modifications of CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR. return() endif() list(GET stack -1 stack_top) if(stack_top STREQUAL current_list_file) # If the top of the stack equals the current list file then # we're entering a file. We're not interested in this case. return() endif() get_property(files GLOBAL PROPERTY QT_LIST_FILE_FINALIZER_FILES) if(NOT files) return() endif() get_property(funcs GLOBAL PROPERTY QT_LIST_FILE_FINALIZER_FUNCS) foreach(i RANGE 1 9) get_property(args${i} GLOBAL PROPERTY QT_LIST_FILE_FINALIZER_ARGV${i}) endforeach() list(LENGTH files n) set(i 0) while(i LESS n) list(GET files ${i} file) if(file STREQUAL stack_top) list(GET funcs ${i} func) foreach(k RANGE 1 9) list(GET args${k} ${i} a${k}) endforeach() # We've found a file we're looking for. Call the finalizer. if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.18.0") # Make finalizer known functions here: if(func STREQUAL "qt_finalize_module") qt_finalize_module(${a1} ${a2} ${a3} ${a4} ${a5} ${a6} ${a7} ${a8} ${a9}) elseif(func STREQUAL "qt_finalize_plugin") qt_finalize_plugin(${a1} ${a2} ${a3} ${a4} ${a5} ${a6} ${a7} ${a8} ${a9}) elseif(func STREQUAL "qt_internal_finalize_app") qt_internal_finalize_app(${a1} ${a2} ${a3} ${a4} ${a5} ${a6} ${a7} ${a8} ${a9}) elseif(func STREQUAL "qt_internal_export_additional_targets_file_finalizer") qt_internal_export_additional_targets_file_finalizer( ${a1} ${a2} ${a3} ${a4} ${a5} ${a6} ${a7} ${a8} ${a9}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "qt_watch_current_list_dir doesn't know about ${func}. Consider adding it.") endif() else() cmake_language(CALL ${func} ${a1} ${a2} ${a3} ${a4} ${a5} ${a6} ${a7} ${a8} ${a9}) endif() list(REMOVE_AT files ${i}) list(REMOVE_AT funcs ${i}) foreach(k RANGE 1 9) list(REMOVE_AT args${k} ${i}) endforeach() math(EXPR n "${n} - 1") else() math(EXPR i "${i} + 1") endif() endwhile() set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY QT_LIST_FILE_FINALIZER_FILES ${files}) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY QT_LIST_FILE_FINALIZER_FUNCS ${funcs}) foreach(i RANGE 1 9) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY QT_LIST_FILE_FINALIZER_ARGV${i} "${args${i}}") endforeach() endfunction()