## Set a default build type if none was specified # Set the QT_IS_BUILDING_QT variable so we can verify whether we are building # Qt from source set(QT_BUILDING_QT TRUE CACHE TYPE STRING "When this is present and set to true, it signals that we are building Qt from source.") # Pre-calculate the developer_build feature if it's set by the user via INPUT_developer_build if(NOT FEATURE_developer_build AND INPUT_developer_build AND NOT "${INPUT_developer_build}" STREQUAL "undefined") set(FEATURE_developer_build ON) endif() set(_default_build_type "Release") if(FEATURE_developer_build) set(_default_build_type "Debug") endif() # Reset content of extra build internal vars for each inclusion of QtSetup. unset(QT_EXTRA_BUILD_INTERNALS_VARS) # Save the global property in a variable to make it available to feature conditions. get_property(QT_GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG GLOBAL PROPERTY GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG) if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) message(STATUS "Setting build type to '${_default_build_type}' as none was specified.") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "${_default_build_type}" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build." FORCE) set_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "Debug" "Release" "MinSizeRel" "RelWithDebInfo") # Set the possible values for cmake-gui. elseif(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) message(STATUS "Building for multiple configurations: ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}.") message(STATUS "Main configuration is: ${QT_MULTI_CONFIG_FIRST_CONFIG}.") if(CMAKE_NINJA_MULTI_DEFAULT_BUILD_TYPE) message(STATUS "Default build configuration set to '${CMAKE_NINJA_MULTI_DEFAULT_BUILD_TYPE}'.") endif() endif() # Appends a 'debug postfix' to library targets (not executables) # e.g. lib/libQt6DBus_debug.5.12.0.dylib if(WIN32) if(MINGW) # On MinGW we don't have "d" suffix for debug libraries like on Linux, # unless we're building debug and release libraries in one go. if(QT_GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG) set(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "d") endif() else() set(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "d") endif() elseif(APPLE) set(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "_debug") set(CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_MULTI_CONFIG_POSTFIX_DEBUG "_debug") endif() ## Position independent code: set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) # Do not relink dependent libraries when no header has changed: set(CMAKE_LINK_DEPENDS_NO_SHARED ON) # Detect non-prefix builds: either when the qtbase install prefix is set to the binary dir # or when a developer build is explicitly enabled and no install prefix is specified. # This detection only happens when building qtbase, and later is propagated via the generated # QtBuildInternalsExtra.cmake file. if (PROJECT_NAME STREQUAL "QtBase" AND NOT QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_TESTS) if(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX_INITIALIZED_TO_DEFAULT AND FEATURE_developer_build) # Handle non-prefix builds by setting the CMake install prefix to point to qtbase's build # dir. # While building another repo (like qtsvg) the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH # should be set on the command line to point to the qtbase build dir. set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ${QtBase_BINARY_DIR} CACHE PATH "Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories." FORCE) endif() if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) set(__qt_prefix "${CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX}") else() set(__qt_prefix "") endif() if(__qt_prefix STREQUAL "") set(__qt_prefix "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") endif() if(__qt_prefix STREQUAL QtBase_BINARY_DIR) set(__qt_will_install_value OFF) else() set(__qt_will_install_value ON) endif() set(QT_WILL_INSTALL ${__qt_will_install_value} CACHE BOOL "Boolean indicating if doing a Qt prefix build (vs non-prefix build)." FORCE) unset(__qt_prefix) unset(__qt_will_install_value) endif() # Specify the QT_SOURCE_TREE only when building qtbase. Needed by some tests when the tests are # built as part of the project, and not standalone. For standalone tests, the value is set in # QtBuildInternalsExtra.cmake. if(PROJECT_NAME STREQUAL "QtBase") set(QT_SOURCE_TREE "${QtBase_SOURCE_DIR}" CACHE PATH "A path to the source tree of the previously configured QtBase project." FORCE) endif() if(FEATURE_developer_build) if(DEFINED QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS) set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS}) else() set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON) endif() set(_qt_build_tests_default ON) set(__build_benchmarks ON) # Tests are not built by default with qmake for iOS and friends, and thus the overall build # tends to fail. Disable them by default when targeting uikit. if(UIKIT OR ANDROID) set(_qt_build_tests_default OFF) endif() # Disable benchmarks for single configuration generators which do not build # with release configuration. if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Debug) set(__build_benchmarks OFF) endif() else() set(_qt_build_tests_default OFF) set(__build_benchmarks OFF) endif() # Build Benchmarks option(QT_BUILD_BENCHMARKS "Build Qt Benchmarks" ${__build_benchmarks}) if(QT_BUILD_BENCHMARKS) set(_qt_build_tests_default ON) endif() ## Set up testing option(QT_BUILD_TESTS "Build the testing tree." ${_qt_build_tests_default}) unset(_qt_build_tests_default) option(QT_BUILD_TESTS_BY_DEFAULT "Should tests be built as part of the default 'all' target." ON) if(QT_BUILD_STANDALONE_TESTS) # BuildInternals might have set it to OFF on initial configuration. So force it to ON when # building standalone tests. set(QT_BUILD_TESTS ON CACHE BOOL "Build the testing tree." FORCE) # Also force the tests to be built as part of the default build target. set(QT_BUILD_TESTS_BY_DEFAULT ON CACHE BOOL "Should tests be built as part of the default 'all' target." FORCE) endif() set(BUILD_TESTING ${QT_BUILD_TESTS} CACHE INTERNAL "") # When cross-building, we don't build tools by default. Sometimes this also covers Qt apps as well. # Like in qttools/assistant/assistant.pro, load(qt_app), which is guarded by a qtNomakeTools() call. set(_qt_build_tools_by_default_default ON) if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING AND NOT QT_BUILD_TOOLS_WHEN_CROSSCOMPILING) set(_qt_build_tools_by_default_default OFF) endif() option(QT_BUILD_TOOLS_BY_DEFAULT "Should tools be built as part of the default 'all' target." "${_qt_build_tools_by_default_default}") unset(_qt_build_tools_by_default_default) include(CTest) enable_testing() option(QT_BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build Qt examples" OFF) option(QT_BUILD_EXAMPLES_BY_DEFAULT "Should examples be built as part of the default 'all' target." ON) option(QT_BUILD_MANUAL_TESTS "Build Qt manual tests" OFF) option(QT_BUILD_MINIMAL_STATIC_TESTS "Build minimal subset of tests for static Qt builds" OFF) ## Find host tools (if non native): set(QT_HOST_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Installed Qt host directory path, used for cross compiling.") if (CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${QT_HOST_PATH}") message(FATAL_ERROR "You need to set QT_HOST_PATH to cross compile Qt.") endif() endif() if(NOT "${QT_HOST_PATH}" STREQUAL "") find_package(${INSTALL_CMAKE_NAMESPACE}HostInfo CONFIG REQUIRED PATHS "${QT_HOST_PATH}" "${QT_HOST_PATH_CMAKE_DIR}" NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH NO_DEFAULT_PATH) endif() ## Android platform settings if(ANDROID) include(QtPlatformAndroid) endif() ## qt_add_module and co.: include(QtBuild) ## Qt Feature support: include(QtBuildInformation) include(QtFeature) ## Compiler optimization flags: include(QtCompilerOptimization) ## Compiler flags: include(QtCompilerFlags) ## Set up non-prefix build: qt_set_up_nonprefix_build() qt_set_language_standards() option(QT_USE_CCACHE "Enable the use of ccache") if(QT_USE_CCACHE) find_program(CCACHE_PROGRAM ccache) if(CCACHE_PROGRAM) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "${CCACHE_PROGRAM}") set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "${CCACHE_PROGRAM}") set(CMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "${CCACHE_PROGRAM}") set(CMAKE_OBJCXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "${CCACHE_PROGRAM}") else() message(WARNING "Ccache use was requested, but the program was not found.") endif() endif() # We need to clean up QT_FEATURE_*, but only once per configuration cycle get_property(qt_feature_clean GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_feature_clean) if(NOT qt_feature_clean) message(STATUS "Check for feature set changes") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_feature_clean TRUE) foreach(feature ${QT_KNOWN_FEATURES}) if(DEFINED "FEATURE_${feature}" AND NOT "${QT_FEATURE_${feature}}" STREQUAL "${FEATURE_${feature}}") message(" '${feature}' is changed from ${QT_FEATURE_${feature}} \ to ${FEATURE_${feature}}") set(dirty_build TRUE) endif() unset("QT_FEATURE_${feature}" CACHE) endforeach() set(QT_KNOWN_FEATURES "" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) if(dirty_build) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_dirty_build TRUE) message(WARNING "Re-configuring in existing build folder. \ Some features will be re-evaluated automatically.") endif() endif()