# Handle files that need special SIMD-related flags. # This creates an object library and makes target link # to it (privately). function(qt_add_simd_part target) qt_parse_all_arguments(arg "qt_add_simd_part" "" "" "NAME;SIMD;${__default_private_args};COMPILE_FLAGS" ${ARGN}) if ("x${arg_SIMD}" STREQUAL x) message(FATAL_ERROR "qt_add_simd_part needs a SIMD type to be set.") endif() set(condition "QT_FEATURE_${arg_SIMD}") string(TOUPPER "QT_CFLAGS_${arg_SIMD}" simd_flags_var_name) set(simd_flags_expanded "") # As per mkspecs/features/simd.prf, the arch_haswell SIMD compiler is enabled when # qmake's CONFIG contains "avx2", which maps to CMake's QT_FEATURE_avx2. # The list of dependencies 'avx2 bmi bmi2 f16c fma lzcnt popcnt' only influences whether # the 'arch_haswell' SIMD flags need to be added explicitly to the compiler invocation. # If the compiler adds them implicitly, they must be present in qmake's QT_CPU_FEATURES as # detected by the architecture test, and thus they are present in TEST_subarch_result. if("${arg_SIMD}" STREQUAL arch_haswell) set(condition "QT_FEATURE_avx2") # Use avx2 flags as per simd.prf, if there are no specific arch_haswell flags specified in # QtCompilerOptimization.cmake. if("${simd_flags_var_name}" STREQUAL "") set(simd_flags_var_name "QT_CFLAGS_AVX2") endif() # The avx512 profiles dependencies DO influence if the SIMD compiler will be executed, # so each of the profile dependencies have to be in qmake's CONFIG for the compiler to be # enabled, which means the CMake features have to evaluate to true. # Also the profile flags to be used are a combination of arch_haswell, avx512f and each of the # dependencies. elseif("${arg_SIMD}" STREQUAL avx512common) set(condition "QT_FEATURE_avx512cd") list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_ARCH_HASWELL}") list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512F}") list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512CD}") list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES simd_flags_expanded) elseif("${arg_SIMD}" STREQUAL avx512core) set(condition "QT_FEATURE_avx512cd AND QT_FEATURE_avx512bw AND QT_FEATURE_avx512dq AND QT_FEATURE_avx512vl") list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_ARCH_HASWELL}") list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512F}") list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512CD}") list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512BW}") list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512DQ}") list(APPEND simd_flags_expanded "${QT_CFLAGS_AVX512VL}") list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES simd_flags_expanded) endif() set(name "${arg_NAME}") if("x${name}" STREQUAL x) set(name "${target}_simd_${arg_SIMD}") endif() qt_evaluate_config_expression(result ${condition}) if(${result}) if(QT_CMAKE_DEBUG_EXTEND_TARGET) message("qt_add_simd_part(${target} SIMD ${arg_SIMD} ...): Evaluated") endif() if(NOT simd_flags_expanded) set(simd_flags_expanded "${${simd_flags_var_name}}") endif() foreach(source IN LISTS arg_SOURCES) set_property(SOURCE "${source}" APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS ${simd_flags_expanded} ${arg_COMPILE_FLAGS} ) endforeach() set_source_files_properties(${arg_SOURCES} PROPERTIES SKIP_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS TRUE) target_sources(${target} PRIVATE ${arg_SOURCES}) else() if(QT_CMAKE_DEBUG_EXTEND_TARGET) message("qt_add_simd_part(${target} SIMD ${arg_SIMD} ...): Skipped") endif() endif() endfunction()