# Create a CMake toolchain file for convenient configuration of both internal Qt builds # as well as CMake application projects. # Expects various global variables to be set. function(qt_internal_create_toolchain_file) if(NOT "${QT_HOST_PATH}" STREQUAL "") # TODO: Figure out how to make these relocatable. get_filename_component(__qt_host_path_absolute "${QT_HOST_PATH}" ABSOLUTE) set(init_qt_host_path " set(__qt_initial_qt_host_path \"${__qt_host_path_absolute}\") if(NOT DEFINED QT_HOST_PATH AND EXISTS \"\${__qt_initial_qt_host_path}\") set(QT_HOST_PATH \"\${__qt_initial_qt_host_path}\" CACHE PATH \"\" FORCE) endif()") get_filename_component(__qt_host_path_cmake_dir_absolute "${Qt${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}HostInfo_DIR}/.." ABSOLUTE) set(init_qt_host_path_cmake_dir " set(__qt_initial_qt_host_path_cmake_dir \"${__qt_host_path_cmake_dir_absolute}\") if(NOT DEFINED QT_HOST_PATH_CMAKE_DIR AND EXISTS \"\${__qt_initial_qt_host_path_cmake_dir}\") set(QT_HOST_PATH_CMAKE_DIR \"\${__qt_initial_qt_host_path_cmake_dir}\" CACHE PATH \"\" FORCE) endif()") set(init_qt_host_path_checks " if(\"\${QT_HOST_PATH}\" STREQUAL \"\" OR NOT EXISTS \"\${QT_HOST_PATH}\") message(FATAL_ERROR \"To use a cross-compiled Qt, please specify a path to a host Qt installation by setting the QT_HOST_PATH cache variable.\") endif() if(\"\${QT_HOST_PATH_CMAKE_DIR}\" STREQUAL \"\" OR NOT EXISTS \"\${QT_HOST_PATH_CMAKE_DIR}\") message(FATAL_ERROR \"To use a cross-compiled Qt, please specify a path to a host Qt installation CMake directory by setting the QT_HOST_PATH_CMAKE_DIR cache variable.\") endif()") endif() if(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE}" __qt_chainload_toolchain_file) set(init_original_toolchain_file "set(__qt_chainload_toolchain_file \"${__qt_chainload_toolchain_file}\")") endif() if(VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) list(APPEND init_vcpkg "set(VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE \"${VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE}\")") endif() if(VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET) list(APPEND init_vcpkg "set(VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET \"${VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET}\" CACHE STRING \"\")") endif() # By default we don't want to allow mixing compilers for building different repositories, so we # embed the initially chosen compilers into the toolchain. # This is because on Windows compilers aren't easily mixed. # We want to avoid that qtbase is built using cl.exe for example, and then for another repo # gcc is picked up from %PATH%. # The same goes when using a custom compiler on other platforms, such as ICC. # # There are a few exceptions though. # # When crosscompiling using Boot2Qt, the environment setup shell script sets up the CXX env var, # which is used by CMake to determine the initial compiler that should be used. # Unfortunately, the CXX env var contains not only the compiler name, but also a few required # arch-specific compiler flags. This means that when building qtsvg, if the Qt created toolchain # file sets the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER variable, the CXX env var is ignored and thus the extra # arch specific compiler flags are not picked up anymore, leading to a configuration failure. # # To avoid this issue, disable automatic embedding of the compilers into the qt toolchain when # cross compiling. This is merely a heuristic, becacuse we don't have enough data to decide # when to do it or not. # For example on Linux one might want to allow mixing of clang and gcc (maybe). # # To allow such use cases when the default is wrong, one can provide a flag to explicitly opt-in # or opt-out of the compiler embedding into the Qt toolchain. # # Passing -DQT_EMBED_TOOLCHAIN_COMPILER=ON will force embedding of the compilers. # Passing -DQT_EMBED_TOOLCHAIN_COMPILER=OFF will disable embedding of the compilers. set(__qt_embed_toolchain_compilers TRUE) if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) set(__qt_embed_toolchain_compilers FALSE) endif() if(DEFINED QT_EMBED_TOOLCHAIN_COMPILER) if(QT_EMBED_TOOLCHAIN_COMPILER) set(__qt_embed_toolchain_compilers TRUE) else() set(__qt_embed_toolchain_compilers FALSE) endif() endif() if(__qt_embed_toolchain_compilers) list(APPEND init_platform " set(__qt_initial_c_compiler \"${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}\") set(__qt_initial_cxx_compiler \"${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}\") if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_C_COMPILER AND EXISTS \"\${__qt_initial_c_compiler}\") set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER \"\${__qt_initial_c_compiler}\" CACHE STRING \"\") endif() if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER AND EXISTS \"\${__qt_initial_cxx_compiler}\") set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER \"\${__qt_initial_cxx_compiler}\" CACHE STRING \"\") endif()") endif() unset(init_additional_used_variables) if(APPLE) # For simulator_and_device build, we should not explicitly set the sysroot. list(LENGTH CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES _qt_osx_architectures_count) if(CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT AND NOT _qt_osx_architectures_count GREATER 1 AND UIKIT) list(APPEND init_platform " set(__qt_initial_cmake_osx_sysroot \"${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}\") if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT AND EXISTS \"\${__qt_initial_cmake_osx_sysroot}\") set(CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT \"\${__qt_initial_cmake_osx_sysroot}\" CACHE PATH \"\") endif()") endif() if(CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET) list(APPEND init_platform "set(CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET \"${CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}\" CACHE STRING \"\")") endif() if(UIKIT OR (MACOS AND QT_IS_MACOS_UNIVERSAL)) set(_qt_osx_architectures_escaped "${CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES}") string(REPLACE ";" "LITERAL_SEMICOLON" _qt_osx_architectures_escaped "${_qt_osx_architectures_escaped}") list(APPEND init_platform "set(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES \"${_qt_osx_architectures_escaped}\" CACHE STRING \"\")") endif() if(UIKIT) list(APPEND init_platform "set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME \"${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}\" CACHE STRING \"\")") list(APPEND init_platform "if(CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL \"Xcode\" AND NOT QT_NO_XCODE_EMIT_EPN)") list(APPEND init_platform " set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY XCODE_EMIT_EFFECTIVE_PLATFORM_NAME OFF)") list(APPEND init_platform "endif()") endif() elseif(ANDROID) foreach(var ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL ANDROID_STL ANDROID_ABI ANDROID_SDK_ROOT ANDROID_NDK_ROOT) list(APPEND init_additional_used_variables "list(APPEND __qt_toolchain_used_variables ${var})") endforeach() list(APPEND init_platform "set(ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL \"${ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL}\" CACHE STRING \"\")") list(APPEND init_platform "set(ANDROID_STL \"${ANDROID_STL}\" CACHE STRING \"\")") list(APPEND init_platform "set(ANDROID_ABI \"${ANDROID_ABI}\" CACHE STRING \"\")") list(APPEND init_platform "if (NOT DEFINED ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)") file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}" __qt_android_sdk_root) list(APPEND init_platform " set(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT \"${__qt_android_sdk_root}\" CACHE STRING \"\")") list(APPEND init_platform "endif()") list(APPEND init_platform "if(NOT \"$\{ANDROID_NDK_ROOT\}\" STREQUAL \"\")") list(APPEND init_platform " set(__qt_toolchain_file_candidate \"$\{ANDROID_NDK_ROOT\}/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake\")") list(APPEND init_platform " if(EXISTS \"$\{__qt_toolchain_file_candidate\}\")") list(APPEND init_platform " message(STATUS \"Android toolchain file within NDK detected: $\{__qt_toolchain_file_candidate\}\")") list(APPEND init_platform " set(__qt_chainload_toolchain_file \"$\{__qt_toolchain_file_candidate\}\")") list(APPEND init_platform " else()") list(APPEND init_platform " message(FATAL_ERROR \"Cannot find the toolchain file '$\{__qt_toolchain_file_candidate\}'. \"") list(APPEND init_platform " \"Please specify the toolchain file with -DQT_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=.\")") list(APPEND init_platform " endif()") list(APPEND init_platform "endif()") endif() string(REPLACE ";" "\n" init_additional_used_variables "${init_additional_used_variables}") string(REPLACE ";" "\n" init_vcpkg "${init_vcpkg}") string(REPLACE ";" "\n" init_platform "${init_platform}") string(REPLACE "LITERAL_SEMICOLON" ";" init_platform "${init_platform}") qt_compute_relative_path_from_cmake_config_dir_to_prefix() configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/qt.toolchain.cmake.in" "${__GlobalConfig_build_dir}/qt.toolchain.cmake" @ONLY) qt_install(FILES "${__GlobalConfig_build_dir}/qt.toolchain.cmake" DESTINATION "${__GlobalConfig_install_dir}" COMPONENT Devel) endfunction()