# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 # WARNING must keep in sync with wasm-emscripten/qmake.conf! function (qt_internal_setup_wasm_target_properties wasmTarget) target_link_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE "SHELL:-s ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=1" "SHELL:-s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=UTF16ToString,stringToUTF16" "SHELL:-s MAX_WEBGL_VERSION=2" "SHELL:-s FETCH=1" "SHELL:-s WASM_BIGINT=1") target_link_libraries("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE embind) # Enable MODULARIZE and set EXPORT_NAME, which makes it possible to # create application instances using a global constructor function, # e.g. let app_instance = await createQtAppInstance(). # (as opposed to MODULARIZE=0, where Emscripten creates a global app # instance object at Javascript eval time) target_link_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE "SHELL:-s MODULARIZE=1" "SHELL:-s EXPORT_NAME=createQtAppInstance") #simd if (QT_FEATURE_sse2) target_compile_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE -O2 -msimd128 -msse -msse2) endif() set(disable_exceptions_catching 1) if (QT_FEATURE_exceptions) set(disable_exceptions_catching 0) endif() target_link_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE "SHELL:-s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=${disable_exceptions_catching}") if (QT_FEATURE_thread) target_compile_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE "SHELL:-pthread") target_link_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE "SHELL:-pthread") else() target_link_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE "SHELL:-s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1") endif() # debug add_compile_options if ("QT_WASM_SOURCE_MAP=1" IN_LIST QT_QMAKE_DEVICE_OPTIONS) set(WASM_SOURCE_MAP_BASE "http://localhost:8000/") if(DEFINED QT_WASM_SOURCE_MAP_BASE) set(WASM_SOURCE_MAP_BASE "${QT_WASM_SOURCE_MAP_BASE}") endif() # Pass --source-map-base on the linker line. This informs the # browser where to find the source files when debugging. # -g4 to make source maps for debugging target_link_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE "-gsource-map" "--source-map-base" "${WASM_SOURCE_MAP_BASE}") endif() # a few good defaults to make console more verbose while debugging target_link_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE $<$: "SHELL:-s DEMANGLE_SUPPORT=1" "SHELL:-s GL_DEBUG=1" --profiling-funcs>) # target_link_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE "SHELL:-s LIBRARY_DEBUG=1") # print out library calls, verbose # target_link_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE "SHELL:-s SYSCALL_DEBUG=1") # print out sys calls, verbose # target_link_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE "SHELL:-s FS_LOG=1") # print out filesystem ops, verbose # target_link_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE "SHELL:-s SOCKET_DEBUG") # print out socket,network data transfer if ("QT_EMSCRIPTEN_ASYNCIFY=1" IN_LIST QT_QMAKE_DEVICE_OPTIONS) # Emscripten recommends building with optimizations when using asyncify # in order to reduce wasm file size, and may also generate broken wasm # (with "wasm validation error: too many locals" type errors) if optimizations # are omitted. Enable optimizations also for debug builds. set(QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_DEBUG "-Os" CACHE STRING INTERNAL FORCE) set(QT_FEATURE_optimize_debug ON CACHE BOOL INTERNAL FORCE) target_link_options("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE "SHELL:-s ASYNCIFY" "-Os" "-s" "ASYNCIFY_IMPORTS=[qt_asyncify_suspend_js, qt_asyncify_resume_js]") target_compile_definitions("${wasmTarget}" INTERFACE QT_HAVE_EMSCRIPTEN_ASYNCIFY) endif() endfunction()